Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

#Christian Straight Talk - (#13 Courage) to handle the consequence of sin

Reverend Ben Cooper / Simon Pinchbeck Season 11 Episode 14

Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck talk about the next episode in the series of Courage and this week it's to handle the consequence of sin.

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Reverend Ben Cooper:

There is power in the name of Jesus Simon is talking about hope. And wherever you are today, we just want to emphasize this before we get into the text that we're in, we are going into the book of Colossians, or going to the book of Romans and Simon has bought something really powerful to the table this morning. Really powerful, there is hope. There is hope there is power in the name of Jesus. So wherever you are today, we just want to say thank you, for what you are and who you are. Just fill this in my spirit. I just got emphasize this this morning, what Simon has said, what he's brought here at this moment, you know, wherever you are today, get, get yourself in the Word of God. come on simon, let's go a little bit deeper. You know, this is making me a little bit itchy. You know, the title of this message is courage to handle the consequence of sin. You know, it's all Lord.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, we got a very interesting scripture, Ben, we can turn so would you say, The Book of Colossians, which chapter three verses 23 to 25? Yes. And he says, Ben, it says, And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men. So that's a great start to that. So whatever we're doing, we're doing it for the Lord, and not for men. So we're putting our backs into it. Oh, we weren't right. Yeah. And then he goes on to say, knowing that from the Lord, you will receive the reward of the inheritance for your for you serve the Lord Christ. So there's a reward promised us here. So there's hope in that isn't that there's hope in that. So there's he's already said, Paul's already said, there's hope because there's a warning that But he goes on to say this, and this is, and should be a warning shot across the bow of any Bible believing Christian it says, but he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done. And there is no partiality.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I feel like being quiet. This is I've heard,

Simon Pinchbeck:

done wrong. And we know from Jesus's teaching that, you know, even calling a prepper a fall, you're in danger to every word,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

every word, every decision that we decide, and whatever way we take that whatever way we go, there is a consequence. There is a there is an action that has been produced by this the power of the tongue. So whatever way we go, there is a consequence to our physical life. Because the way we act,

Simon Pinchbeck:

yeah, and there's no partiality in it. There's no There's no matter if you're

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you're the you're the greatest preacher on everything, you are, you are the daddy of the church. The Lord does Scripture applies whether you are whoever you are, wherever you

Simon Pinchbeck:

he's got no favorites has he?

Reverend Ben Cooper:


Simon Pinchbeck:

but he looks at the heart and He loves you if if your heart is for him, so, so that but there's no partiality, because, in a way you mentioned, you mentioned David there. So yeah, he's one guy that suffered consequences to his sin,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

even though he was king, even though he was the daddy of Israel, even though he was protected and looked after all the way through he fought bear and lion. He had a chance then they but when he looked on from the top of his rooftop, and he see that lady, that lady in a hot tub, Oh, hello.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So, God,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So, look where he was in his life King, anointed, blessed, chosen, but his eyes and his flesh decided Candy's on the other side of the roof.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, and he is, for one time in his life, he didn't see the consequences of what was going to happen. Because obviously, you know, is the deal with me. He lusted and committed adultery, and then he got the husband kill killed. So he is a murderer as well.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So so so this is the king, isn't it? For the everyone that's listening.

Simon Pinchbeck:

This is the case is David the law says after

Reverend Ben Cooper:

a man after my own heart, He is king. He was anointed, a shepherd boy, a leader, a fighter, a warrior. He was victorious. So it doesn't matter who we are, who we are in Christ, there comes a point when we could do and make an action that would have a consequence to others lives, my life, your life, everybody else's life around us just purely by acting in the flesh.

Simon Pinchbeck:

That's a real important point you've made there because you can imagine a bucket of water. Yeah. And you plunge your fist into that bucket of water. Yeah. It's going to have the initial reaction of the fist enter in the water, but then you've got the ripples that go out and continue to go out. So this so you're right, so it's sad.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It's sad. Is that a bigger an effect that I can see A huge and it ripples out, folks weeks for years for months, for generations. So you can, let's talk about the church for a minute, let's talk about religion. It's the same thing, if any of that is the same, isn't it? It's my favorite subject. So when a denomination stops preaching, it has a ripple effect. So there's a consequence to a denomination not preaching the gospel, because that consequence, will go out generation further down the line. And suddenly you find we find ourselves in a crisis in in that denomination, because the actions of a leader has been chosen by the flesh, we will go this way. And the ripple effect starts from the office and it rolls out, rolls out to the leaders, and it rolls out down to the congregation. And then before you know it, there is a mass consequence to come in away from God's word

Simon Pinchbeck:

its use is absolutely huge. And the thing was, I was in a men's group a couple of weeks ago, and they put on the screen. I won't mention the guy's name. But they put on a screen, a video of this guy who had an amazing church. And when he first started out, his message was really on point. And he was doing it in hell hell, summer

Reverend Ben Cooper:

is held some held held some oil, so I'm not sure

Simon Pinchbeck:

but he was preaching. He was supposed to be a preacher up. But it turned into a seven standard motivational talk. There was hardly any mention looks like, yeah, totally. And I just sat there amazed. And I felt nothing. It was it was it was complete. These words were like, his words just didn't Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

just very businesslike, very educated, very, very planned. And they call it master class, if you follow that person. And you see what that is. And you look at that. It's all about the motivational reach. It's about motivating yourself, it's about self charging yourself. So that's

Simon Pinchbeck:

what it ends up. That's where it ends. So if you're not preaching the gospel, the gospel ends up preaching, you're putting yourself in the middle of stuff, you're not preaching from the word God. So there

Reverend Ben Cooper:

is a consequence huge. So that, then that that ripple effect goes out to others, because the others look at that person and think, wow, see one degree of error. So that's why we got no sound doctrine. I know there is you know what I'm saying. But when you look at when, when the church comes away from clear cut word of God, we have a ripple effect of everything folding out, going out, going out, going out, going out, right out for generations, that we find ourselves in trouble, because there is a consequence. So whether I'm in the world, there is a consequence to my action, whether I'm in the church, there's a consequence to my action, whatever I do, there is a there there is a physical consequence. Very

Simon Pinchbeck:

interesting. Very interesting. So what you're actually saying is that the church, you walk in there, and you hear a talk, that's not us, not not from the gospel, or whatever. But that that as a root, it started somewhere, just got it somewhere. And it's been allowed to continue. Yeah. And the thing is, it's a sin against the Holy Gold Coast. Yeah. When you think that, you know, it's deliberate. Turning away from God isn't a sin is a deliberate turn away from God. So,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

so the Scripture says, Without faith, it's impossible to please Him. So when when faith comes out of the preaching, when faith comes out of the conversation, before you know it, that that suddenly over a concert over a few weeks becomes a big consequence. Because suddenly you find that is irrelevant. So you're not pleasing God. So you're not pleasing God. So suddenly, that that has a big turn that has a big effect.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So how many scriptures tellers? Don't please man, please gone the scriptures clearly. As Don said,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

don't take away

Simon Pinchbeck:

don't step over God's word to get to men's work. And don't Please, man over over God, you know, so, we, if you're out there, listen to this, you you probably know about forgiveness, and, and you'll probably even know about repentance. So it's not something that gets preached too much. But what you might not realize is that God will forgive, thank God, God accept your repentance. But he doesn't remove the consequences to your actions or the consequences to sit down. And the thing is, I know many men who have had, shall we say, for one of the better word a checkered past and then they come to a lord I expect things ought to be hunky dory Rosie in the garden. But how can it be after you've spent 40 odd years

Reverend Ben Cooper:

living on the other side?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Because the other side is consequences because you know, you've got family, you've got sons, daughters, you've got ex wives, you've got stuff coming at you. Yeah, you're, you're you might have changed, but they probably won't. And there's consequences coming at you left, right in the center.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It's like Judas Iscariot. He was interested in the cash. But once he took the cash, he realized that there was a consequence to his action. And the action that we find that that he found himself in was, was he took his life, his life, his

Simon Pinchbeck:

life. Yeah. Well, you know, what? So

Reverend Ben Cooper:

there's this ripple effects of everything.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And what's been in the Bible? What's the biggest ripple effect of the consequences to sin? What is that? What is the biggest one really, you want? Oh, it's not the biggest it's, it's

Reverend Ben Cooper:

a death? Well, it's eternity, it's like, but I find this is really fascinating. Really, over the last number of months we're talking here is this is linked in the salvation what we're talking about, obviously, but there is a consequence and and to God has called you wherever, wherever you are, across the world, God has called you God has spoken to you. Even though we can be saved. And even though we are saved my vocabulary, always, the next reaction from a speech or a conversation is an action. So my entire actions only come around through what my mouth says. So your mouth in the book of James, your tongue, you can clearly see in in the book of James is a very powerful the smallest muscle in the body, but the most

Simon Pinchbeck:

destructive, most destructive, yeah. And I know speech

Reverend Ben Cooper:

is critical, isn't it? Because what we speak, is what we can become. The Bible tells

Simon Pinchbeck:

us exactly the Bible tells us out of our flow of the heart, the mouth speaks. So whatever's going on here, yeah, if you don't if you're not okay, it was going to eventually come out your mouth. Yeah. So you have to be careful. Yeah. You know, in, in what you think and what your home is looking at. But the, you know, we don't have to look too far at the beginning of the Bible to find consequences to sin because the first sin that was

Reverend Ben Cooper:

not tapped. Okay, God, we will not, don't worry, we won't,

Simon Pinchbeck:

we won't have to look too far. Because he's right there. Because

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it wasn't me. It was her. And I love the way you end it back to God. You gave it to her. You gave me to her. Sorry.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Do you think Ben let me ask you a scratch? Do you think that every day of his life and the Bible tells us he lived for 900 odd years? Every day of his life, he didn't regret that. Because the the the consequences of that are where we are now. Cheers, mate.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Thanks for that. He couldn't even resist flipping out oh, goodness, gracious, he had everything around him. Isn't that interesting, though, because what did they react to? They heard God. God was spoken. And he was speaking sorry, he gave a clear message, a very clear message. But they reacted to what the lesser voice? Why do I react to the lesser voice? Why do I react? What is that? About that? What has Lucifer Why is why is the flesh? Why does he he he almost attracts us to sin, doesn't it?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, again, Ben, if you look at it, I guess it could be that you are looking after yourself and putting yourself because the temptation was if you eat this, you'll be covered it he'll become

Reverend Ben Cooper:

like God, Oh, I got this opportunity. I wonder where it got not around. Let me just have a little quick bite. Quick, Quick, grab, grab a quick, quick, God's not looking good, not around.

Simon Pinchbeck:

If you stand on a scripture, you can become your own God. You can go Wow.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And you know a guy that was talking about other people in that area. That's what they're trying to portray. They make themselves they take up this different mantra they they become this different vessel. You've got to be so careful not to come out of God's word. Not that God would leave us because he says I will never leave you nor forsake you that that would net that would never ever be. But it's the protocol. Isn't it coming out of the Father's house? Yeah. Coming away from the father coming. Coming out coming completely away from him thinking

Simon Pinchbeck:

you can do stuff on your own. Yeah. Without the guidance of Yeah, yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

yeah, it's it's a dangerous place to be. So from day one, God gave clear instruction. And he said, Do not take from that center place. Do not touch the tree of life. Do not touch that. Okay, I've heard from God, God has told me, I've got everything else around me. But what is the attraction of having something that you can't have?

Simon Pinchbeck:

That you want to even more, don't you? It is

Reverend Ben Cooper:

like God, why did you tell me that God? If he didn't mention it, maybe I would never touched it. But the human being is always wanting something that you shouldn't have. Where does that come from? What is it? You know, it's really powerful, isn't it?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Is is, is powerful. And you're right, but it's that it's that desire. Because then we step out of the trust that God downwind because you don't trust in the Lord. Yeah, with all our heart, and lean not

Reverend Ben Cooper:

on your own understanding. God will make a way so wherever you are, forget the back noise because as the builders, you'd have to forgive us for the bit of rumbling that goes on, but God is moving. But what we got to be very careful of what we need to be very careful of is silence brought something really interesting to this conversation is the Garden of Eden. From day one, humanity has been tempted by the lesser voice to react to the lesser voice, rather than to the voice, the voice gave clear instruction. The voice has given us the Word of God, we have clear instruction, but we are more Can I can I say this, we are more attracted to what we shouldn't do, to what we should do. The greatest writer on Earth, Paul said, a wretched man of mine, why do I do the things I shouldn't do? And why can't I do the things I should be doing? So it's a wrestle for all of us, isn't it? Oh, there is a consequence.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And the thing is not at times that we just snatch it things don't me because right now we're in a, we're in a SABIC now society. So we'll just snatch it something without thinking of the consequences of our actions. And, you know, we'll want to come on to that in just a second. Because just to identify, there are a couple more people in the Bible, who mentioned David. And you mentioned Saul, and Saul was one guy that he couldn't wait. He had he there was a consequence of the consequence of his impatience. Because he was told to wait seven days before he attacked the army. And then he was told to sacrifice on an old. Yes. And he was but he was told to wait till Samuel arrived. And he didn't do it.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

They didn't. So when you think about that, Simon, Israel rate what they wanted, because God said, basically, you really want this man to be your you want him? Okay, I will set him for you. But the scripture says God didn't anoint Him, He placed him. So when you have been given a leader that you want, because he looks good, he sounds good. Doesn't mean to say that the outcome so what we see here is a nation reaping the consequence of we want him

Simon Pinchbeck:

yeah, really, because God didn't want to give them a king Teddy, because I knew exactly where

Reverend Ben Cooper:

exactly where it's going. So all the way from the garden, all the way through to Revelations, we will find very clear consequence to people humanity speaking and asking for something that God doesn't want you to but then comes in the power of free will, isn't it? This is this is quite a heavy pressed

Simon Pinchbeck:

free press. Yeah, but it's a vital press for your life as a Christian and so you look at the life I saw the consequences of his disobedience which is sin. Yeah. Was that he ended up he ended up going to see a fortune teller he didn't even you didn't put him all his prayer to the Lord's gone out a window. He was a wreck man at the end of it. You know, he was and so you've got so you got a Peter in the in the New Testament who lied and he because he said, I will never I'll never leave you. I'll never leave Oh, fight for

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you. I'll go to death for you next few hours. And a

Simon Pinchbeck:

consequence of that was the separation and the consequence of that were you know when Jesus when he saw Jesus again and Jesus said to him three times he said to him, you feed nourish eat blue. And the consequences of that really, really struck home didn't you know, but you know, even throughout the nation of Israel, when when they went David are gone and whatever. When the king Yeah, followed godly. Yeah, Lord and godly was praying to God and embrace God, then the nation of Israel, the consequences were great because they want all the battles. Yeah. But when a king went the other way and started sinning against God, the consequences were

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the other way. As the same with Joshua, isn't it? Joshua would give it was given clear instruction, he relayed the instruction down to everybody. And he said, when we go into the cities do not touch, do not touch A, B, C, and D. But you had a couple of couple of guys in there that was snatching things away, tempted, tempted, so they was taking things they shouldn't take. But isn't that interesting, that what they was doing had a consequence on Joshua, even though Joshua didn't know it was going on, because they started to see that they wasn't being as victorious. Yeah. So even Joshua was standing firm to what he was told the consequence of others that was in that regiment that was in that area that was going into the cities, they was winning. They was winning, they was winning, but the to the two odd ones that said, Come on, let's take some gold for ourselves with Barrett, let's put in a sack. So that was a ripple effect, to the man of God, even though he was and he said, Why are we losing so many people? What's going on? Because there was sin in the camp. So sin is very dangerous.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So that must be put out a caution to you if you're out there. Because who are you associated with? Who are in who is in your camp? If you like who is in your inner circle? Are they? What are you Kinto? Yeah, what are you what Yeah, exactly. What are you joined to? What are you Yeah, because you can have the ripple effect of their sin come over, you can be

Reverend Ben Cooper:

at your door and affecting. So we have a clear young man called Joshua that was cold that was chosen was powerful in God that was really standing on what he was given. He did not move away from the instruction. So we see this where do we see this? We see this in denominations. So what happens is when someone doesn't listen to clear instruction and goes and does what they want to do behind closed doors, it will affect the entire camp

Simon Pinchbeck:

so it's interesting when you get churches that you know we're doing we seem to be doing everything right but we don't seem to be something's not

Reverend Ben Cooper:

right something's not right. Something's it's right. But it's not right. Where so there's, there's one degrees such a small area isn't of era such, but the consequence of them to men fill in that sack bag up where plunder and hiding it away and burying it had a consequence on the leader. And from the leader, it affected men lost their lives, that's the same as salvation. So when the gospel isn't preached, there is a consequence. It's quite a deep press, isn't it?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, you can only say you are going deep when it

Reverend Ben Cooper:

isn't given. There's a loss of life. So

Simon Pinchbeck:

here we are in, we were in a ZICO. Now, we were the watchman, where the where he says, you know, if the watchman sees the enemy come in, and tells people, then we're all good, and they don't respond, then the blood is not on his hands. However, however, if he doesn't say anything, and the blood is on his answer, there's consequences for you. Even if you're not the one that's sinned, yeah.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So there's a, there's a consequence. So what that what we are basically saying is, is that we have a responsibility as an individual, not to lean and to give any weight to the leader, but to give weight to God. So we have to make sure as brothers and sisters that we are in a Scripture, we test and look at everything that what the Bible says test every spirit. So everything you hear coming out from this, we expect you because it's your responsibility as well as us as believers to look at the Scripture does description line up with what God is what they say, and does it line up? Because if we are in error, the error won't just be on us. It will be filtered out. So I asked the question, Where are the old school preachers? The Leonard Raver, Neil's those the, you know, the Dr. Mike Lloyd Jones, the ones that would deliver the word straight in we need sound clean doctrine, don't we? Because with a denomination that comes away, there is a consequence to eternity.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Wow, where there is Yeah, yeah. Yeah, where are the old school preachers and teachers there they're few and far between. But if if we bring it down to a maybe a more personal level. So there's stuff out there that you may be tempted to do. Yeah, I may be tempted to do it without thinking of the consequences of your actions.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

What could that be gambling, adultery, pornography, thieving, lie in all, in all a whole bag all the time

Simon Pinchbeck:

I've demonstrated. So every, every every commandment, and others are consequences.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Would it be wrong for me to say that? That temptation is, is upon everybody? It's on

Simon Pinchbeck:

everybody. You know, I was speaking to a guy and a guy I know who's, you know, straight up guy, Christian man, you know, strong guy tempted by a lady in his office, you know, she was giving him a little bit of an ego boost. And he wanted to tell me about it. I said, Well, you know, how you respond? And he said, Well, I'm just kind of going along with a flirtation, I said, Well, what's the consequence gonna be? Think further down the line? I say, because I know your missus. And if you get found out of everyone takes your take your pants down royally. And so you'll end up living not in your nice house. You'll end up living in a one bedroom. Yeah. And then trust you've got children, it's all gone

Reverend Ben Cooper:

complex. The same with gambling, isn't it? The same with gambling. So if I'm tempted to gamble, there is a consequence. Now we look at this because credit card, I've got no money. But you know what, I got credit card with five grand. There's a consequence of being in debt. The consequence of I'll have one drink, the wondering goes to to the one bowl, there's a consequence. So it affects our lifestyle. The hardest thing, honestly, the hardest thing that any believer will will do is just keep in the Word of God because we are all at a position where we're all exposed to go and live the dream. How often did that does the world say you're living your best life now? Simon, God, if this is my best life, the dream The best is before you

Simon Pinchbeck:

tell you, there's certain so called preachers out there that will tell you you live in you eat out to live your best life now, you know, but there's certain things I think are easier to look at the consequences than than others. So you know, yeah, there's an opportunity there for me to Nick that bit of stuff. Yeah, but Crockett, a consequence of that could be you know, in May, I ended up getting nikto. Okay. So, let me all the consequences of me wanting that car right now. What the? Let me let me pray about it first, and let's see what our Lord says. So you've

Reverend Ben Cooper:

picked up a very simple thing, haven't you? Right, okay. Shall we move house?

Simon Pinchbeck:

That's another one. Shall we move? Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

we need another bedroom. It's only a little bit more tiny, a little bit more on a mortgage. We could do this. We could try it you know what it's like, and suddenly we do that move. We don't we've done that move. And then suddenly the jobs lost.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And what will happen is they'll ask the mortgage consultant their last their next door neighbor last their family. Yeah, roll go. Yeah, go for it. Go for it. They fail to ask God did I

Reverend Ben Cooper:

fail to ask God for there's a consequence that every word that we speak, yes, a word is given. The action is followed. Whatever way we live our lives like jumping lights, isn't it in the car, I've paid the price. Trust me. I'm up to the diddly diddly diddly 12. Because there's a consequence. As a consequence of me going, I'm going to make that light. I'm going to make that light. I'll do it no one's looking. So there's a consequence that every action there's a

Simon Pinchbeck:

consequence to every single action and some actions are easy to ask God about and others so you know, especially temptations of the flesh, lust, lust of the eyes. It's so real. It can be a real push God into

Reverend Ben Cooper:

everything is sexualized around us. Everything that is sold to us is sold to us through sex and through lust and through the flesh one in the car wanting this sofa or wanting the TV wanting is sold isn't it the devil is very clever in the way he uses media.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And you know little girl starts smiling at you and you know paying you a bit of attention or a good looking guy comes across and gives you a few compliments but you know is you know I'm saying to the people at

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the conversation is very important, isn't it? Because conversation is is around us all day long.

Simon Pinchbeck:

There's a thin line between staying current. And going over, you know, and what

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I love about this is that we're not You can't lose your salvation, it's not about me. Because if salvation could be lost, I would have never got it to start with. So salvation is given. And we see this very clearly that you are saved, you are washed, I am washed in the blood, we are children of the living God. But as my mouth starts to speak, in my mouth starts to bring, we live our lives by what we speak. So am I speaking God's word? Or am I speaking the world? Am I is my body doing the action of what the world is doing? Or is my body doing the action of what God's Word is saying? It's a thin line.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So very, very thin line. And we're talking about only last night I was with a group of guys, and they the sexual thing is around us, as you quite rightly said, all the time. And it's very, would be, it's very easy to she wants to she wants to know me, she wants to know she wants one phone number she wants to ring ring me up and use. You will look at the short term gain there in the candy shop rather than the long term pain that you caused. Yeah, because the guilt which will come on you see that, you know, I've experienced it where not as a Christian, but as whether whether or the enemy wrap something up so attractive, that all you want is, is to advocate. But once you've got it,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it's like drink isn't alcohol, you're going to all the stores, and it's everywhere, and it's made to look normal, is everything is made to look normal gambling, isn't it lottery, you know, even bigger, everything is made to look like it's okay. It's normal, don't do this. So that so there is a consequences. And especially if someone's got a tendency to that have come from a drink issue or come from an issue of pornography have come from an issue of sins of the flesh is that it's around us all. Get away from and

Simon Pinchbeck:

we've all got even materialism, we we've got aspects in our lives that we need to battle and some are stronger than others. And some,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

some of them fleshly desires will never go until God calls us home.

Simon Pinchbeck:

No, they won't. They'll stay with us, you know,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

learning to live, learning to live with Jesus

Simon Pinchbeck:

is slow to live with Jesus, and I'm bringing it to the Lord and recognizing what the consequences are.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I've got a character flaw. I've got I've got I've got this root within me. You know, really interesting about that. That great writer that said Three times I pleaded with the Lord to remove this from me. And God said My grace is sufficient for you. So there are issues in life, there are things around us that God will not remove, that they will be held in us on on and on us. So that we won. The reason that is is that we keep getting closer to him.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, we returned to him. Yeah, we are turning to him. Yeah, that's, that's 100%. Right. Because if we thought we could do it on our own. Yeah, we would go off on donate you've got now Thomas No, no man that and, you know, I've seen Christian guys come through pride through each big thing.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Is it pride?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Obviously, I've seen him suffer the ultimate almost consequence where they've where they've done something, because the terabytes arrogant, arrogant move, and I've seen them either go to court and serve a suspended sentence or in one case, I've seen them actually have to go to prison because of his of his own use.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Tried. Yeah.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Wow. And so before we any major decision, any major stuff any attraction, we've always said it on this platform. Yeah. Don't go to your spiritual director. Don't go to bishop to you, Mike Warner, who's going to pat you on the back say go on sand. Before you before you ramp up the old insurance on you know, on your on your house and stuff like that might turn to the Lord.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Where do you want me to be God, and there's only one place we can go to this. Now we go to Gideon. Gideon. I'm not quite sure. Did I hear right? I'm going to love fleece. Lord. Did you really say that? I'm not quite sure did so there's nothing wrong in taking timeout on going before I decided to make that quick fix decision. Lord, do you want me to move? Do you want us to go over here. Do you want us to do this? Should I? Lord help me because there's something before me? That is tempting. Yeah. God help me, Lord, help me. So lay in a fleece out in every area of life. Lord, I'm not quite sure if I heard from you today correctly. Good, deep. Is that me? Or is that you? Gideon was bowed. You're calling me a warrior? Hang on a minute, you're on the list. You want me to do that? Are you? Are you are you sure? Can. Can we do this from you? Is this from you? If this is from you, I want a, b, c and d. And that's not putting God to a test. That is a true relationship. Because Gideon was just a man. But he was doubting what he was hearing. Not he was doubting God, but he was doubting his own interpretation of is that God? And then you jump back to the garden? Is it the lesser voice? Or is it the voice? Well, that's

Simon Pinchbeck:

very interesting that you should bring that up with Gideon, because that could lead into some government. I've just a note I've written down here and the note is fear. Is fear a sin? Yeah. And lots of people say, Oh, no. How can fear be a sin? But fear is a sin. Fear is a sin. Yeah. Because what's the sentiment fear, the fear is unbelief,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and belief. And I enter that arena a lot. I enter that arena fear i into that a lie of anxious moments, I have doubts. I have fears. I have worries. So my thought,

Simon Pinchbeck:

especially when you're in the casino, especially when I'm

Reverend Ben Cooper:

jumping the lights to go the hole in the wall is not mine. And it's a consequence, the gambling addiction to the way we

Simon Pinchbeck:

laugh, and we joke, but it's

Reverend Ben Cooper:

true, likely true. True, true life. So

Simon Pinchbeck:

his unbelief and unbelief is,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

but the church talk about this. All right, some believe that hate unbelief? And have I got the boldness to say that sometimes I enter into that I have gotten the boldness, because God sees my unbelief. Not because I doubt him is because my flesh is doing and is acting just the same as Eve and Adam did. Are you sure God said? So? It's the it's the I'm not quite. I'm not quite sure. I'm not quite sure. Lord, help me, please. fear and anxiety are so powerful.

Simon Pinchbeck:

We touched on the huge, absolutely huge, and we've done the next book with coming out which #

Reverend Ben Cooper:

to get rich quick.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Loving you, you've wrote the book on how to lose money and influence here. Make friends. Yeah, but so we've got a book coming out on fear. I've only we have seven aspects of fear. And that's coming out very soon. That's going to be great. We'll tell you more about that when it's on the shelves. But one thing what I was thinking of when we were talking about this and we sort of talked about it a little bit earlier is is deferred consequences. So what I mean by that is when you walk into the house, your children many look at you they know what mood you're in. Yeah, if you walk in and you're angry and snappy, and you you know, sort of pick on them a little bit, that's going to have different consequences in their life because either then okay, they'll go out. And they'll Yeah, and I've seen it so many times we've we've we've guys they have a router misses they storm out the house, someone cuts them out fish for the window at a car wash, they're in trouble, you know, so this this deferred comp consequences to sin like anger and all the other stuff, which can be passed on not the ripple effect through your children's because your treat your children believe you me will know what mood you are when you walk through the house.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Even the way you text even the way you'd speak on the phone. You know, without even without even being in their presence. Yes.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, you know, so that they'll know that and so will your wife your wife, will know that and all your your husband, your your your anywhere or anyone.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Depending what religion your in, so what we're saying Simon is every second of our life, every moment that we are breathing, every conversation there is a consequence for what we say because what we say is is is executed by an action.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, you can either build up or pull down so we

Reverend Ben Cooper:

are never going to escape this hallway. So whatever we say whatever we speak, whatever. However we are, there is a fear reaction to the power of speech.

Simon Pinchbeck:

We can and, you know, you we can what like say is we can complain and remain Yeah, praise and be raised. So whatever. Yeah, whatever situation we're in, Paul says doesn't need we've just read it out it says, And whatever you do, do it heartily as the Lord. Lots of men know in that the Lord will reward you. Yeah, but if you do wrong, yeah is also reward. Yeah. So Yeah. So. So you're right, every minute of the day every we say things without thinking, guess. Think things before we speak, you know that the wisest man in the room is the guy that says nothing, isn't he generally,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the Scripture says, Be still and know that I'm God. So being still will. So as as I'm still before the Father. So there might be temptation all around me, there might be fear bubbling up, there might be situations, there might be a possibility to change job and career. So that temptation over there, but actually, there's a consequence, if I go that route, because that might not be where God wants me to be. Set. every area of life takes Godly wisdom, Godly counsel, careful how I react, for my words, because the words I speak will affect others around them. So there's another consequence to how I am in the workplace at home through the pulpit. So this is a challenging message.

Simon Pinchbeck:

It is a challenging mission. It should be a challenge. But we want

Reverend Ben Cooper:

to challenge I want to be challenged by the word.

Simon Pinchbeck:

If it makes you think almost crawl

Reverend Ben Cooper:

under the table is good.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah. If it makes you think of it made sure and easy if it but if it makes you think about what are the consequences of me doing that? Right. And I'll run to the Lord. Yeah, let me run the Lord, you know, and they will show you let me call out to the Lord, and He will show me which way to go. And one of the ways that we know is that we lose peace vents. So we cover and it's easy to the original thing here. We're talking about hope and peace. So once you if you lose your peace about something ain't right,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it ain't right. It's all it's all going. It's all over the place. So there's a consequence, and

Simon Pinchbeck:

very quickly, yeah, we can lose peace in in the way we live. So you and I remember being early Trinity Brompton, you know, praising the Lord coming out in tears, you know, and choked up jumping in because by the time I got to iPart corner, it was all out the window. It

Reverend Ben Cooper:

was speaking another language.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, the peace of God. Don't you know, and it can go very quickly, can it? Yeah. And you'll feel it. The more you get closer to the Lord, the more Felisa bump in the chest and yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that's good. Because what that is, is the Holy Spirit the counselor, is, is is bringing us to a place of Hang on. That's wrong. Hang on a moment. So it's like God turning this dial, isn't it? This this holy cow and your innermost being? You can't live like that. No more. Ben. You can't say that. You can't you can't. You can't. You can't. But Lord, but I've done it before. But no, so God is the one he knows, before we even said, he knows before you even acted, he knows the next sin I'm gonna do. And goodness knows what that may be. But he knows all that stuff. But it was now to across a Calvary, whatever way I look at it, I'm saved and washed in the blood of Jesus, I'm heaven bound. But just as all the characters in the Bible, I have to be very careful about my area of life are working the people around me, the culture, social media, everything you've got to because there is a consequence to who I follow on social media. There's a consequence to to who and where I work there. So every area of life or what you watch on TV watch on the TV, why don't watch Yeah,

Simon Pinchbeck:

everything everything. I mean, just a quick example was this morning coming over here they'd been a fire on a car the other side of the bridge to Darfur there and it took me over an hour to get you know, yeah, and for us I could get angry and upset because you know, I was gonna get here I've got to get anxious but I thought what what sort of person would I be when I arrived and I'd be just welled up angry frustrated, just got a knock it back and give us a load or get me through this. Yeah, get me through this, you know, this time and what what was it 20 minutes late. So at the end of the day, which wasn't, you know, a big deal. It meant that I couldn't go to ask Yeah, don't be shopping. But what I'm saying it's been, we had another choice to go I could have got angry could have got wound up Come here, you know, my the complete ash of what we're doing but I think we, again as you said we the Lord has put through us a real powerful message and it's challenging

Reverend Ben Cooper:

because oh my goodness, I can't even like life

Simon Pinchbeck:

and here's the deal so if you're not, if you haven't embraced if you're out there and you have not embraced Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then for you really the sadly the consequences of that is total separation of the from the Lord isn't it you know, and so I would ask you to, to consider this message and consider if you're out there because embracing the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and just turn away from anything wrong in your life and, and turn into to God really and and we'd ask you then to walk with him and the consequences of that decision would be that you live an everlasting life in the presence of the Lord.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So there's so much to get in so much discussion there's so much to talk about there's so much to think about, you know, you know God God is with you got it with us and you know, we just been open and we're being honest and we're just laying it out across the mics or wherever you are today. Thank you so much for listening to us here at#Christian straight talk straight out of the barrel of truth you'll find it on Amazon music and you will find us on other platforms but please if you've got anything that you need to talk about, please just talk about it. Because there's nothing to be fearful of you know, God is with you. God is with us. And God loves us and there's what we can never forget God loves us doesn't matter what our circumstances what's going on. But you know, just give you give yourself to correct keep walking with Him. We thank you so much been Simon Pinchbeck myself Reverend Ben Cooper and the title of today's chat ramble talk about across discussion across the mic is Have you got the courage to handle the consequence of sin?

Simon Pinchbeck:

God bless and God bless the builders Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

yeah, yeah, before we go any further, we're so sorry. All that noise in that crash in that bank? God bless your brothers.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I want another tea break or a few more quid.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. God bless

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