Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

#Christian Straight Talk - (#11 Courage) To Overcome

Reverend Ben Cooper / Simon Pinchbeck Season 11 Episode 6

Reverend Ben Cooper & Simon Pinchbeck, #Christian Straight Talk about the next episode in the series of Courage - The Courage to Overcome.

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Reverend Ben Cooper:

Hello and welcome thank you for joining us today here at #Christian straight talk straight out the barrel of truth you are joining Simon pinchbeck and myself Reverend Ben Cooper and we thank you so much for all through lockdown for the podcast the downloads that you've been doing on Spotify, I Heart Radio and all the others you are listening to us here at #Christian straight talk with the courage to overcome today. God bless you wherever you may be in Jesus name. Amen. Simon.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, its great to be back again. And quite beginning some truth No my expense.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Truth. Yeah, interesting word.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Were in a world where we don't know the truth of the time do we don't know. This can be one thing one day another thing another day but you know the truth for the Word of God is in the Bible. And we that's what we're coming. Coming to you for you # Christian straight talk straight down our the truth with the Bible tucked firmly under our armpits. Yeah, today is the courage to, to overcome

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and overcome. Now there's a big word overcome as the Bible tells us very clearly that we are overcomers because of the by the power of the word of their testimony in the book of Revelation, and by the power of the blood of Jesus, wow, we are overcomers you know,

Simon Pinchbeck:

we are overcomers but too many people find that difficult to achieve pandemic so you know, you might be sitting out there and many things in life you have to overcome. So there's going to be problems, there may be situations they may be recurring fears. Many people have certain stumbling blocks in their life where they go up come time and time again, they just can't get through it. And I heard it mentioned some time ago on a like the, the adage that it's like a paper wall in front of us. The wall is made up of but to look at is like a brick wall. So it's got painting bricks on it. And it written on that wall is all the stuff that is maybe procrastination. Yeah, everything. Everything is on that wall that's stopping you from being the man or woman that God made you to be stopping you from overcoming this stuff. And time and time again, you go up to it and just can't do it. I just can't can't do it can't get over that. I can't get over that hurdle. I can't get through that. But we're here today to tell you that. You know, when you are with Christ, when you are moving with the Lord, then you can move through that paper wall and as you move through it, it will just dis integrate. And these are not just words coming out of our mouths. No. They're words coming out of the Word of God. So Jesus himself said this, Ben in John, in the book of John, verse in Scripture, verse 16, verse 33, he said, he said this man, he said, These things I have spoken to you that in me you have may or may have peace. So in me in Christ, you have peace in the world, you will have tribulation in the world, you will have Trump Yeah. But he says this Benny said, Be of good cheer, be of good courage, because I have overcome the world.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Our men are men he is. He is the King of kings and he is the Lord of lords on one John, one John chapter five. Verse four says, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. We are born again. We are spirit filled. We did not choose him, he chose us. He has saved us he has set us free. So what Simon has brought to the mics this afternoon, and all this morning, wherever you may be listening to this, the courage to overcome you are already an overcomer. He says very clearly in the Word of God, Greater is He that is in me than He that it in the world.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, that's seen one jumps open at once. Or four. Yeah, we've done

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it. We've done it. We've done it. We've already done it before we've even seen what lies ahead of us because he has already made away the steps of a good person are ordained by the Lord. So our pathway our light pathway is already carved out. There may be some decisions that may be wrong decisions, but he will catch us if he was about to fall. And I love this text that I've got in front of me here one Corinthians, one Corinthians chapter 10, verse 13, No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to man and God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. Wow. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can can endure it. You know what we can overcome temptation you can overcome addiction. You can overcome the temptations of sex drugs and rock and roll pornography you we can do this, because he will give us a way out he will not allow anything that is more greater than we can bear. He does take us to the wire, and I will change the word wire he will take us to the brink as he did with the Levitical priesthood. In the book of Joshua, go and stand. You know, sometimes we need to stand in certain situations for us to really see the power of God because He will deliver you, you are more than a conqueror through him. You know the book of Romans, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me you can overcome you will overcome. In the Book of Revelations, it says they will overcome us because by the word of their testimony,

Simon Pinchbeck:

Romans tells us clearly that Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil by God good then it so and you was in one Corinthians and one Corinthians 1557 tells us but thanks to be the God who gives us the victory card gives us the victory for our Lord Jesus Christ. So when if you're in that situation if you're a born again, believer and you're in that situation you think I just can't get over this. You know, this is in front of me. Maybe it's you've got paperwork or around you just as just things just getting on top of you.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I've got Jerrick codes in front of me. I've got glass in front of me. I've got river Jordans in front of me I've got Pharaoh in front of me a summons saying we've got all this stuff in front of us but we are over commerce. Welcome to Goliath. He fell. What until the the walls of Jericho they fell what happened to the seas, they parted. When you walk with God, no matter how you feel within your feelings. God is a winemaker,

Simon Pinchbeck:

this and this is such an encouraging talk today, man because it's all about encouragement. It's all about encouraging a menu. Yeah, not to use Christ as a as a genie in a bottle, but to be to print to be part of your life. And when you're living in crisis, it says in Galatians, it's not either live but Christ who lives in me. When he's in you, yeah, and you're in him, then you are more than a conqueror. godness grand you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you, but you are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you

Reverend Ben Cooper:

already. So before existence began, the Scripture makes it very, very clearly said before the creation of the world, I found you and I know you. And another place in the New Testament. He says, I knew you before time existed, I see your physical being. Man, if I really grabbed the text of creation. Creation is a very important part of a believers understanding of what we've got. Because when I get creation, it is a foundation for everything else. So he created you before the existence of the world. He loved you before the existence of the world, the redemption plan was already in place. So my issues of my life now are nothing to the God that said, let there be light. He's your God. He's in full charge and silent, was quote in from Philippians chapter four verse 13. I can do all things through Christ. It is always through Christ, isn't it? Simon? Yeah,

Simon Pinchbeck:

no, we can't do anything on your own. I can't do anything I can do to your own flesh. You can you'll mess up in your own place. You won't mind you you can't I can't do it can I can't beat the flesh in our own flesh. I know you can. So what happens is when people on haven't got Christ, their lives, where do they go to? They go to all sorts of motivational speakers, international speakers who tell you you know, you can do this, you can do that. Blah, blah. They got a psychiatrist and have a thing called, you know, because I've got this phobia. I've got this anxiety. I've got this struggle. Yeah. Oh, come and spend x amount of 1000 pounds with me and we'll get over it. But with with Christ is clearly if yes, if he's living within you, you can do all things through Christ Salovey sort of thing he's been you know, there is God as a will for your life. God has a plan for your life. And as you quite rightly said before, before you was even born God knew.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Exactly. So amazing. That's powerful. Yeah, that that that is an insurance policy on its own.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And we're in this will blow your mind, Ben. So before we was even in existence, God knew that this time on this day we'll be speaking about this subject, and there'll be people out there that will be that he will be speaking to now we don't know who they are, we can't see their face. Never meet them. But but maybe right now, right this moment in time, a word from the Lord. A dipping into the Scripture we've we've thrown out a load of scriptures, they're like machine gun bullets. Exactly. And maybe it's just going to start to make some more think and maybe change their lives and maybe get them the courage to get through that paper war with Christ.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

If you've got the courage, we are encouraging you today, as Joshua was told three times, you know, be of good courage, you know, be strong and courageous. You know, that's a great, great book to read, if if you are feeling down if you are feeling worried, God will move in your life as he done for Joshua, as he done for and as you see all the way through the 66 books in the Word of God, you know, God will guide you through. I've got a bit of a long stretch of a reading I feel this is important to read this this is Romans chapter eight, verse 31, through 39, what shall we stay in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave him up for us all? How will he not also along with him graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those who God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the ones condemned no Christ Jesus who died more than that, who has raised to life it is him there is at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. First 35 This is beautiful. What shall we say? Or what shall we say in response to this the love of Christ shall travel hardship persecution, famine? nakedness, dangerous sword, as it is written for your sake, we face death all day long, and we are considered a sheep to be slaughtered. First 37 No, in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us, For I am convinced neither death nor life, nor angels, nor demons, neither present or the future, not any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else, in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. That's enormous, isn't it?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Just, just for a minute, just thinking about that, you know, really, if you've got a god there, where nothing's gonna separate you from his love. You think he's gonna let you stumble and fall and he wants you to succeed? He wants you to be the very, very best that he can make you so that you can do the will of the Father. Amen. Not about you. It's about it's about being used by God. Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

he, he's already shaped us, isn't he? Yeah, he knows our character. So already before time, we are more than conquerors through him who loves us, for Christ, we have already made it not because of we, but because of him, everything is about him. You are a conqueror on the other side of the mic. You are a child of the living God, you are a son or a daughter, whoever you may be, you may be an atheist, just just clicked into this on Spotify or Buzzsprout, wherever on this podcast, I think what are what are we talking about? We just want to let you know that God loves you. And you are an overcomer.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I want to say to anyone out there because we just been talking about it. While we were getting grabbing a cup of coffee that things like word said over here when he was younger. They can have a real big, definitely impact. Yeah. And if you're sitting there this morning, now I want to speak to you if you're sitting here this morning thinking God don't even how does God know me? How does he know me? And, and I'm not worth anything to God. I'm not worth anything to anybody. If you're sitting there thinking that this morning. One line in the Bible really hammers it home and tells you how much he loved you because it says John three six things. God so loved the world. He so loved the world man gave his only Son Jesus Christ. Anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. So that's how much you mean to the God. That is enormous, mighty, loving, powerful god,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that's a showstopper on its own. Yeah, you have to reach 16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only begotten Son that whosoever shall believe that is that is so simple to me. All I got to do is believe. I haven't got a jump up and down of assignment. I haven't got a run around for leaders and pastors. I just just got a belief just

Simon Pinchbeck:

got to believe you don't even have to say a prayer to be honest with you.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Now you right you're right, the Scripture is right. It's just believe when Christ called the fisherman at the shoreline, what did he save? Say to them? Sorry, just believe,

Simon Pinchbeck:

have the courage to believe, believe and all that beautiful texts that Ben said about being more than a conqueror, all that stuff is there for you. So please don't ever think you that you're not worthy, you're not useful. God can't see doesn't see me there. He says, Let me tell you, he sees you, wherever you are. He sees you. He knows you. And he loves you. Because yeah, you know, he wouldn't have given his only Son to this earth to be absolutely killed on then rise again. Yeah, if he didn't think he did that for you, wherever you are, wherever you're listening, Jesus did that for you.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

This is too big for comprehension, isn't it? This is too big for for. I often believe that. When we're educated in such a way we our education can be a stumbling block to that what we're talking about, just believe, because just believe in is a place of surrender. Surrender is a place of not going in, in understanding, it's going in faith, The just shall live by faith. But to get to that position, I've got to leave all my knowledge, you've got to leave everything at the foot of the cross, and step into a place where a human being cannot survive, because it's in a supernatural place. Because God reveals and comes to us. So surrender is a very, very interesting place. Because when I surrender, I am completely trusting in the God that I've never seen before. I've I got the courage of I got a courage to realize that my life is in his hands, I've got the courage to let him have everything. I've got the courage to overcome my fears, I've got the courage to leave it at the cross because I'm an overcomer. Whatever the world says about me, when I talk about me, this brings everybody into this knowing all things we are Romans 837, we are you are an overcomer and you are a conqueror, through Him who loved us, you've made it,

Simon Pinchbeck:

those that last few words, sail down, does through Him who loves us, you're not gonna You're not a conqueror in your own strength, you're not a concrete in your own body. You're not a conqueror, because you are part of this club or that club. You're a conqueror through Jesus Christ. And, and we, you know, Jesus, he came, he had the most enormous impact that any man have ever had. Wow, on the face of the earth. Yeah, he died for my sin for your sin. But he rose again, to save us. Amen. And he led us to, if you follow Him, it will lead you to the Father.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Simon, do you find this mind blowing? We're talking a bit about salvation as well. So he died for my sins, my historical my sins now in the present and what lies ahead. So free nows. were driven in a class the most I'll put them in these boxes, because it's the way that I work. One now was for my history, one now is for my present, and one now is for my future. Yeah, we are, we are saved whatever way we look at this, we cannot save ourselves, can we salvation is a gift it is given. So when we bring all this stuff together, when we look at this massive overlay of salvation, and what what it actually brings to the app, you got the courage to say to yourself, I'm a conqueror. I've made it I can overcome because he loves me. And it is he that he's given me life, my sins are not going to send me to hell. My sins are not going to hold me back because they've been covered by the free nouns of Calvary. You are chosen. Do you realize that you're chosen? Do you realize that you may be dipping in and out of faith or Christianity, it's not that your mind is deciding to choose because no mind can choose a holy God the Holy God, as decided before the very beginning of time existent, existing sorry that you was going to be a son and a daughter of the living God because He loves you and he chose you. So automatically, you are a conqueror because he has saved you. But now I've got to get my mind in this position of realizing that I've got the courage to step out in faith to overcome because when I step out in faith, I'm stepping out in courage and I, I'm stepping out I'm gonna overcome. Now you got to be careful that avenue because you could easily use it As a motivational drive, you're great you are you can overcome everything.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, that's putting yourself in the center. Yes. And that's not what any of this means. That's not what the Bible means the Bible means is putting Jesus at the center. Yeah, and every single page, Jesus is there. So we're putting Jesus at the center. So we can't overcome these things by ourselves. But we can be a more than a conqueror, and we can do all things through Christ. Who strengthens is by by putting Jesus at the center. Really, you know, otherwise, we have a choice to make, don't we? Because otherwise we go, you know, we stay in the flesh.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Do you think that's why we've got a lot of burnout, why people are burnt out because everything that we're told is that you can do it. And we go in the flesh. And we live by the flesh, and we live by adrenaline, we live by materialism, we are driven by all this stuff in social circuit circumstances in life, we are driven by the world and a lot of stuff is done in the flesh. We get exhausted. You think that's why we got a lot of burnt out in leaders and in church and in business, because we've gone in our own strength and not in history.

Simon Pinchbeck:

They're totally you if you're going in your own strength. There's only a limit to what you can do, you know, but to go in with the strength of Christ, amen. It doesn't matter what qualifications you've got, it doesn't matter how many motivational videos you watch, it doesn't matter how much money you have paid to a psychiatrist. But if you go into strength for Christ thing, we can do all things because we can do all things. Crisis, giving us that strength. Our man, we keep our hands to the player, we keep looking forward and keep moving forward praise. We're in our own track. Yes, Lord, we're in our own work in our own on our own road. And Christ is, is opening the doors for us. Amen. But it's having the courage to look at the world and say, That's not for me. I'm gonna follow Jesus.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I'm for the Lord. I'm following God. So straight away again, to realize that I've I got the courage to overcome, to have the courage to overcome, I gotta have the courage also to surrender. Because when I surrender, I automatically kickstart this, this presence of the Lord, this is very difficult to put in, in a in a language that I'm feeling in my spirit, but thanks be to God that he will be able to get me to articulate this. So when I say I'm an overcomer, I'm not saying it in the flesh. I'm saying it because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. And through him, I can in my physical overcome, every trial, every temptation, everything because he is my strength and my rock, and we give the praise and glory, sir, Lord, don't we? And you said St. Very important. He takes the glory.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So we can take the encouragement and my words, you know, when you've overcome something, you're going to be encouraged because even a small step is massive, isn't it? So? But God gets the glory.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, because the scripture says gets the glory, I will not share my glory with no one. He does not share His glory with no human being no preacher, no teacher, no denomination and no one.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And as soon as you say my friends, look what I've done,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

on back to the starting blocks through truffle, rubble in trouble, so that that comes back again very quickly to the Garden of Gethsemane that comes back again to the prophet that said, I went down to the potter's house and there I saw play in the Masters hands. Lord, my prayer today is keep me on the potter's wheel shaped me, molded me into the earth and vessel that you want me to be. Because being in the Masters hands is a beautiful place to be here shaping. He is the Crafter. He is the master at work. He is your God and He is shaping you He knows your character. He knows my character. He knows Simon's character. And he knows he knows what he's doing to us. But I think that in church at this moment, within the UK, there are a lot down measures happening just before the week before Christmas. I I see that there's a lot of fear still in churches. And I pray that wherever you may be if your churches and your church leaders are deciding to lock the doors. I do believe this is a moment for you to get into the Word of God. We've got to be in the Word of God because you are an overcomer. We can overcome. This is a plague. This is scripture. We are in times and we're going to have the encourage the encouragement to encourage one another you know It's very important that you realize that you are an overcomer not because of you but because of him.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Ben, you're exactly right. And we have an enemy out there and what do you call things doesn't want you to overcome things so we have an enemy that's competently whispering Do you think you can do that? Enough to show you can do that? Who do you think you are? You're not gonna do that? Well, this Jesus ain't gonna help you. You know that we have an enemy who's coming out as all the time haven't we? Every level from every level unless unless we truly have embraced Christ as our Lord and Savior, then we're not going to know that the power in these in these words, you know, if we, if you seen how they and you you know you ever made a decision for Christ and look what he says in Galatians five it says, Now the works to the flesh or evidence so what am I got? The Oba company says the works of the flesh are evident. It says, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, core revelries, and the like. Which I tell you beforehand, just so just so I told you in the past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Now, those things I've just read out. You know, the apostle Paul wrote them when he wrote them, but they they couldn't be as fresh today, as when he wrote them.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It says fresh, isn't it? Yeah, it says fresh. So all them 1000s of years ago. Yeah. The Scripture says, His Word is alive. His word is sharper than a double edged sword. His word is always changing from glory to glory, His Word. When I say changing, I don't mean a way that His word is changing. But what I mean is word is changing. His word is actually changing us. His word is the same. Yesterday, today, and forever more, but we change from glory to glory, from faith to faith. So through God's word, is always re reshaping me, it is always challenging me, it is always encouraging me Have I got the courage and the faith to realize no matter what, I am an overcomer.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And have you got the courage to ask the Holy Spirit? What do I need to overcome? To make my life out there? And when we ask the Holy Spirit, he one of these things might pop up here idolatry. What are you putting before God? What

Reverend Ben Cooper:

what are you putting? Well,

Simon Pinchbeck:

you put it before the Lord, you know, lewdness what? You know, you are you is your language Correct? Yeah. jealousies, outbursts of wrath. Do you Oh, you're an angry person. I don't know.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

We can all we can all see something because

Simon Pinchbeck:

within us Yeah. And I'll go back to the time that you know, I said to my wife, I'm not an arrogant man anymore. Look, she gave me was shot I got a long way to cut your work in progress. But he goes on to saying Galatians 522 see when you're born again spirit foot believe the fruits of the Spirit is love joy, peace, long suffering kindness. Patience is long suffering kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. So Wow. So we we've got all this we've been given all this so when you make a decision to accept Jesus Christ in your life, you turn away from all the wrong stuff you repent of that stuff, you confess it and repent to it. When you've got this stuff TJ in your in your in your life? Yes, Lord, you don't have to be condemned because the enemy is gonna keep coming at you and go did you just think now what did you say? Bah bah, bah. You don't have to because there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus which it says in Romans eight on so so we can embrace the app Jesus and we can do all things through Christ come on. Yes strengthens us so we can reach that paper wall and if there's something on that wall that we keep banging, keep Come on. We can't get through. We can't get through. Jesus, get through it. Come on with me and they'll go before you. We don't run in front of him without walk beside him. We walk one step behind him and he was going to go through that disintegrate it. We're going to burst through every bench and we

Reverend Ben Cooper:

certainly our timings are critical on a massive Yeah, so it's so there's so much in this, isn't it? Firstly, I understand what Simon has said in Romans chapter eight, verse one, there is now no condemnation, so we're not condemned. We're not condemned because one sacrifice once and for all by the blood of the Lamb. You are not condemned by Christ. The world will tell you all types of things about you. But Christ is telling you that's my son, and that's my daughter. They are my children. We are here because of his goodwill and his good purpose and His good pleasure. You have you have the power now be careful what I'm saying, when I say you have the power only because he is living within you, you have the power to overcome, because he has already overcome because of the cross of Calvary. So, wherever you are today, you are more than a conqueror through him, we can do this. We Can you are you are a chapter on this you got to be so careful because it can be taken out of We Are

Simon Pinchbeck:

you're on a really thin

Reverend Ben Cooper:

so we want to get right. Yes, we can do all things you know and we are conquerors and we can make it and we will make it because he has already gone before us not because of we are bigger than ourselves and we are making ourselves little gods it is we made that clear here and we I think I'm going to reference this scripture a wretched man am I you know, but I die to self Yeah. And that has to be every moment every moment because when I die to self it now is everything again to the cross now to the cross now to the cross

Simon Pinchbeck:

relation to 20 subsea. Danny,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I mean, scar me I don't live but Christ who lives in me isn't that isn't that lovely? When you I've been

Simon Pinchbeck:

crucified with Christ. It's not either live but Christ lives in me in the light I now live in the flesh. I live by faith in Him by faith. That who alone who loves me, you know so? So that's the key to it. And if we keep remembering, yeah, Lord, I'm not worthy to receive you. Not my will. But your will be done. If we couldn't remembering those words, then. On the track, won't we

Reverend Ben Cooper:

keep me in the garden Sommerset curious on the track, keep us focused, keep us in. Keep us just just resting in Him. He is the King of Glory, he is your God. He is Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi. He is everything and because he is our everything. For I am convinced in verse 38 of Romans chapter eight. For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels, nor demons, neither the president nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God. That is in Christ Jesus, our Lord, we are more than conquerors because of his love. You are an overcomer because of the blood of the Lamb, your name it is stamped in the Lamb's book of life. You are not saved because of how great you are. I'm not saved because of our great I may think I am I am saved because he chose us. Yeah. So he's chose us with Congress or Congress. Yeah, we're conquest we only through him that answers, everything is through him. You know,

Simon Pinchbeck:

he says, Look, it says in Galatians, six. He says, For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when, when he's nothing, he sees himself. Yeah. But each one examine his own work. And then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load. So

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it easy to pick yourself up. It's easy to make yourself a king when actually I'm just a servant. I'm a slave to righteousness. That's what I've when I come to understand. I'm a slave to rubbish quite a heart when you think about that using the word slavery in the time in which we live in 2021. against human exploitation and all the razzmatazz, we'll go through that which is right, but actually, I have been bought with a price and that price was the blood of Christ. So I do not belong to me, I do not belong to my family, I do not belong to my wife, I did not belong to my children, I do not belong to the world, I do not belong to the government. I am a child of the living God. You have been bolt, you have been bolt, you know, there was a ransom there was a there was a ransom for your life. There was a switch and there was a there was a deal. There was a deal done before the very beginning of time. And it doesn't, it doesn't matter how you feel about yourself. It doesn't matter how many times we beat ourselves up and we we live a life of trying to reach the bar that the world puts is impossible. You are a conqueror in the kingdom of God you are loved unconditionally. Can we encourage you this morning to to rise up? You know, the Scripture says all rise on wings as of eagles, you know, rise up above the cloud line of life rise up into the sunset, you are chosen. No matter how you feel about yourself. And you are an overcomer you

Simon Pinchbeck:

are overcome you can overcome through Christ and we must remember this bend that man was never made to be worshipped. He was never made to be worshipped and that's why we see so many people crash and burn. That's why we see so many people, you know, dive after the precipice of life into into drugs and addictions and alcohol and goodness. I was what, Ben because right now we are in a celebrity culture that really wants to glorify anything that puts your name in lights on any part of social media or any part any platform. But we man was never made to be worshipped. And and it's very, very interesting, isn't it as soon as you, you see people that have said they're more famous than God, there's how many? Oh, it's a dangerous place to be because, you know, they've all crashed

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and burned. They've all crashed and burned. Yeah. One Corinthians, chapter six, verse 24, you have been bought over price, therefore glorify God, in your body. And in your spirit, which are, God? Yeah, you've been bold. And like someone said, the amount of celebrities that said that they're bigger than Jesus, they're more powerful than Jesus. Even Pharaoh, look what Pharaoh said, Moses and Aaron in the Old Testament, where Moses and Aaron said, Look, we're gonna go for a festival. We want free days where we can leave this place. We want to go and worship, we want to go and praise, we want to have a sacrifice three days. Can we go into the wilderness? Pharaoh, he said, Who is your God? And Pharaoh found out who God was

Simon Pinchbeck:

this and been with the enemy. There's no free lunches. There's no enemy. There's always a price to pay. Yeah. And there's people out there who've chosen the enemy rather than Yeah, rather than choosing Jesus. Yeah. And yeah, there's a little bit of success for a short time a minute. But a little many people want something from the one suffering from an evil call. Because it always comes calling

Reverend Ben Cooper:

because the flesh loves the the lights, the Vegas,

Simon Pinchbeck:

I've given you this. Now. I want this

Reverend Ben Cooper:

from you. You've made it. You've made it. Look at Yeah, look, look what you've built. Look what you look what you've done. This is all you this is what you're great. You are You're wonderful. Yuma, thank you, Pastor, what a lovely sermon, your lovely pastor, thank you so much for yourself. Oh, Lord, what are what a dangerous area to tread in? There isn't isn't as

Simon Pinchbeck:

soon as you believe your own press cones. You're a legend in your own lunchtime, you're

Reverend Ben Cooper:

in trouble my press cap or DMA?

Simon Pinchbeck:

I mean, I go back to that fight that great man, Charles Spurgeon, when he walked off the stage, and he and a man came up to me said Mr. Spurgeon use you spoke great today. He said, I know I did. Because the devils just told me so. We got to be very careful. Yes. We have to be very careful, then. Because we have to check our motivation. What is the purpose? Why am I doing this? Yeah, and I haven't overcome this. You know, I've overcome this maybe fear of flying it might be yes, I haven't overcome this, through myself. Have a commit with Jesus. Jesus is the one that gets the glory. And I love it when when the sportsman and we see it more in bikes. And you, they, you know, wherever it is, if it's a smaller sportsman, they shut them down. But when you're the world champion in a world, you know, what you say about that? I, first of all want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And you can hear the media like, Jesus, it's really interesting. I think, I think we need as leaders, I think we need to be really careful when we say things like, I have built this church, this is my ministry, this is me this is, you know, we've got to be really

Simon Pinchbeck:

careful, we do see that. We do see, and we hear it all the time. I saw a post the other day from a guy, you know, I love this guy. But he said, This is my ministry and who really is not

Reverend Ben Cooper:

your instruments aren't your instruments. It's God's place God's work,

Simon Pinchbeck:

and he will use your closure down. Yeah, as he sees fit. And if he sees it may not be instantly but if he sees your heart is not wanting towards him, how can you use your acne, acne use you, you know, long term? And then we've spoke before? Yeah, you know, because you'll get so fun and there'll be maybe a little bit of blessing there for you. But if you give your whole heart to the Lord and and come before Him and not my will, but Your will be done, Father, as we've said so many times. God is sitting there and he's gone. What what? He gets my attention to start to use him let's have a look at him closely. Let's see if he's on the right keeps on the right track, but we're going to use him and when you've been used by a lot the joy the Lord is your strength and, and you know, bend down Yeah. And I know what when we're out, doing the Lord's will you When you stand in

Reverend Ben Cooper:

wow, wow Summit, as you know, nothing else matters

Simon Pinchbeck:

have gone out and all.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

You've been obedient, you've delivered. Yeah, you've listened. And you've you've and it's them one to ones. It's not the platform performance is the one to one that no one ever sees the quiet stuff.

Simon Pinchbeck:

That's the stuff that gets you prepared for for the others for the other stuff. Yeah. And I've gone out when there's turmoil going on all around you. There's stuff coming in, there's messages coming out. Yeah, it's all

Reverend Ben Cooper:

fire, you're in trouble in trouble, you're in trouble. But

Simon Pinchbeck:

I got a choice do I do I step out? Or maybe not? Because

Reverend Ben Cooper:

do I preach the message of faith when actually my life doesn't reflect that in the physical? The home doesn't reflect that the there is this called the families disjointed. The church is going through a crisis. There are things happening in the world, people are losing jobs, and to go out and to speak faith and to speak encouragement, even when your own life doesn't look quite godly and right. Because it can't look godly, right.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, here's the thing, Ben, you hit the nail on the head. I was, I was standing outside a prison hide down, which is a mainspring. I was going to speak on a Sunday morning, a few years ago and only had a good week, you know, I things weren't particularly great. And I just said the Lord, Lord. I ain't right today. You know, I'm not right for you to use me a day. You know, if there's a door you should can shut you know, because I'm not done feel worthy a day. And he came back and I just sensed him saying, When have you ever been worthy? When are you ever going to be whether you ever going to be When are you ever going to be perfect? But I'm going to use your day and the and step out in faith and just open your mouth and let the Holy Spirit just, yeah, just speak

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I know the feeling. I know that I've Oh, I'm in I'm in that position more than ever before. I've got I've made a mistake. Lord, I've said something. I've done something I've looked at saying I've been in something of trauma and something I've argued have been backed by in I've done this. I've done that. I've done everything. Got a got a got a step in this. Or I'll go I don't feel worthy i but then we never He never gonna be that is the power of repentance. And that's what what is his love so much by this God of Israel, our hearts, and that being truthful. And that's when you can do all things through Christ. Because when I confess, yeah, confession, yeah, is break through. But then not break down. But

Simon Pinchbeck:

the other side of that when you have delivered a sermon or a talk that half the time you don't even know what you're saying, because the law just down only screws just downloading it. Yeah. And you step off the stage and you go, yeah, no.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Just go back. Go back. Don't Yeah, this is the power of repentance, isn't it? This is the power that that that we come to the cross daily, we come to the cross Well, my life every second. You know, I feel like I'm just always bowed at the cross. But I feel safe just bow at the cross and say, Lord, I can't do this. I'm tired. I I haven't got the answers. I don't know what why people are looking to me and I, I don't know, I can you help? What a posture to be it's

Simon Pinchbeck:

that's the key in it. And I'll remember, again, I mean, prisons for me speaking and are always a challenge. Because yeah, obviously, being a police officer for a long time, you just don't know,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you don't know, whose eyes are

Simon Pinchbeck:

closed, you know, but I was up in Newcastle is a big prison there. And I was speaking to the vulnerable prisoners, these other sex offenders or men that about to be separated, and there was about 60 of them and, and I looked out and you know, you can get judgmental? Yeah. Because yeah, you know, these you don't know what, what they've done. And I just put me any man's and I said, Lord, I said, Am I gonna speak to these? And as I looked up, and this is no, this is a trip as I looked up, it was about 60 elements. I saw 60 faces of little boys. Wow, God saying to me, these are my sons and I love them. Wow. Goodness. And that got me through there. And I was able to speak to the other speak. Yeah, but it just shows you it just shows you that. You know, you can't do stuff in your own strength. I can't you need the strength. Yes. Yeah. Of the Spirit of the Lord and Jesus and the Lord lucky Novia because they'll all come together to get you some advice, you know?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. This is big stuff, isn't it? So the, the courage to overcome, it's, it's for every one of us to realize that we are overcome as already an all I've got to do is just just keep walking, I just got to keep walking because when I walk by faith, the steps of a good person are ordained by the Lord. So every foothold with that is before me. He's already trodden. He's already made that foot place, he has already made that that area, you know, have we got the courage? Have we got the courage to coach you know what? I can do this because he's already done it, the courage to go, Yes, Lord,

Simon Pinchbeck:

the courage to listen to your Lord and Savior, rather than listen to the enemies trying to throw at you. And through him and with him. And because of him, you can go through that paper or you can overcome that stuff. You don't have to be what the world says you are. That's right. You don't have to be what your parents have said, you are what your sports teacher said you are. And we're going to go into this deeper these words in in another podcast, but right now, you don't have to be that person. Right? You can be that more than a conqueror through him that loves you.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And that is scripture speaking. That's not Simon. Now, Simon is the voice piece, I'm a voice piece, you are a voice piece he you can not because of your education, not because of anything in your life that you've done. But because of what he has done at the Cross Simon, we've reached the finish line on this. Oh, that's

Simon Pinchbeck:

lovely. That was a lovely, I really, I'm really encouraged with that. And I know that that's hit, hit hard on some people out there. It has its hit harder, make it harder me and then shown us that we're more than a conqueror and we can overcome. But in another podcast, we're going to talk about the courage to encourage and, and that is going to be an extension of what we just spoke about today. But if you're out there today, and we're moving into the new year, we pray that your your take that courage to to overcome fears stuff, nonsense. Confess it, get rid of it, move through it. Smash that paper wall down with Jesus.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Amen. We've reached it. Have a wonderful Christmas, wherever you may be, and a happy new year to all of our brothers and sisters to all the atheists. May God bless you and strengthen you to all the agnostics God is with every one of us. Have a wonderful time wherever you are on planet Earth. You've been listening to Simon pinchbeck myself, Reverend Ben Cooper here at #Christian straight talk straight out the barrel of truth. We'll catch you soon. In Jesus name, Amen.

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