Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

Steve - Shadows of the Beast- (#575-Elim)

Reverend Ben Cooper / Steve Season 3 Episode 19

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Reverend Ben Cooper talks with his friend Steve about the Shadows of the Beast.

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Reverend Ben Cooper:

Hello, and welcome to our podcast here Elim church in Swanley. You're joining myself, Reverend Ben Cooper, and my good friend, Steve. And we are looking at shadows of the beast, you know, we are living in really powerful times really encouraging times. And also, we could say quite dark times if we allow the fear and the worry to get out of us. But there's always hope. The Word of God is telling us very clearly what to look out for. And we've got Steve as the software and as I said, as we just just have a chat over a cup of coffee and just perusing through, can you peruse through the book of Revelation, chapter 13, as we just have a look. But Steve is a really interesting guy. I know he probably duck under the table when I say this, but he's a really interesting guy to listen to. He's got so much knowledge, he listens, he reads he studied. So I talked when Steve speaks, I listen inaccurately from someone else. Like it's all cribs from someone else. That someone else's Jesus. But no, it's great to have Steve with us. And we welcome you so much. So please share anything we do here and Elim church. But it's lovely that when you can just I don't know about you guys listening, when you find someone that you can just really bat around conversations together with and just chew the flour. So they say and that's what I love about Steven, he's, he's taught me a lot already. And I've only been gathering together when for quite about at least a year now. And we are not the two years easy in it. So I love listening to Steve. So without any further though, you know, is my good friend, Steve.


Right? We're talking, we're going to use our guiding scriptures from Revelation 13. And pick it up verse 14, through to 18. When he deceives, those who dwell on the earth by those signs, which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast, who was wounded by the sword and lift, he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads. And that no one might buy or sell, except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or a number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast. Four is the number of a man he's number is 666.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Wow, there we go. That's the book of Revelation. You know, I've never really dive too much in the Book of Revelations. I know we've spoken about before, but I think it's just seasonal times. But now as I've been listening to Steve a lot on following some of the stuff that he pushes my way. It's really interesting. You know, I know that as partners and leaders and whatever we think we are whatever we may be think we should be completely from Genesis to Revelation is now everything is absolutely impossible. So there comes a time and I think this is my time of starting to get to grips basically with the book of Revelation. I've got a basic overview of it, but the in depth side of it is a bit over my head but what's really interesting to me when Steve was reading that I don't know about you guys to me, it makes it very clear through scripture that there will be a definite identification with the 666 and a clear identification with the the brand in the way I see it is a mark a clear a clear Mark seems like


the greatest I'm not I can't remember completely off top my head but I think something dude and impressed mark, an impressive customer. I think there's more to it than that. But that's what that's comes off the top of my head. It's like a bit where it says buy and sell. The Terminator in Greek is Emporium. Yeah. And you'll find if you read the Greek, which I do often call the Septuagint. Ezekiel 28:18 he said talking there about Lucifer Yes, yeah. And it says 15 you are perfect in your way from the day you were created till iniquity was found in you. By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within a new sin. See exactly the same word there Emporium. Yeah, I've never really understood the thrust of it completely but this this buying and selling thing. He's obviously very, very Yeah, I don't know whether satan was of ize or the other angels let you o this for me. I'll do it for ou. you scratch my back trade ff yours. Yeah, I don't know hy. It

Reverend Ben Cooper:

is very, very important that you read when you're reading a scripture that also that really stuck to my heart was about that without the mark. You can't buy you can't sell you can't live. So But there's a bit of a fore runner with the vaccine malarkey that's going on we've ever met. You hear like a fore runner of preparing for tearing the world.


Guess what we're going through? We're going through. You see, Satan has to work is playing out. He's not. He's not like God, he's

Reverend Ben Cooper:

not he can't go off the cuff bang. So it down. I mean, it's, it's a long distant journey. Yeah, I


got here is God telling us what the future is going to be? Because he sees it. He knows it. And he knows exactly how he's going to guide it. Yeah. And what's going to happen? Yeah, exciting. Whilst he's very clever. There are certain indications in Scripture that he's not as ofay with word for us, for a lot of people think he has years, but he's not. There are things that indicate that he doesn't know everything by us by any stretch, and the outworking of his plan. To remove Jesus, as he progress, one of the reasons why I think john comes in anti christ because he, if we go back again to Ezekiel, we go back to where he says, I saw his ID these EQ, or the Isaiah 14, about seen in the assembly. And the idea is that he will be equal with God. So he wants to, it's not like, he understands he can't get rid of God the fire. Yeah, right. But there's this dimension, that aspect that if we can get rid of the sun, he can take his place. And whenever people talk about how is that one of the reasons he goes to the churches, if he can get the bride it and get get this right, oh, yeah, we don't know better. And, and he's either, you know, that's part and parcel of it. And so what we have at the present moment, and what we've made, if we look over the past few thousand years, we've had indicators of Satan working his planning. And I was listening to a guy the other day, and I've heard this talk several times, that Satan does not know God's timing. So interesting.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

He doesn't have a timeline.


He doesn't know his time. So he's always got someone in the wings, that he's prepared to take over the position of Antichrist, right. I mean, we can go back to various people. If you look at some of the czars, some of them completely off the economy. Yeah. But moving up to more recent history, we've got people like Napoleon on the world, we've got even the Tsar during the First World War. Then we got into Hitler, of course, absolutely. Critical illustration of what Yeah, the, the beast will be like, or the resort will be like, the size looking all these but never before. We're all of these preparations. Never before was Israel in the land. Israel is now in the land.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So it's in position.


It's in position. So everything said once 1948 happened. The clock started ticking again. God's prophetic clock started ticking again. And what we see the changes so very rapidly in things over the past 2030 years. When I was a child, things moved quite slowly. Yeah, yeah. For me that one of the real indicators of how quick things can change was South Africa, when suddenly Mandela was released. And suddenly the whole thing was turned over. Suddenly we had Mandela in power. It happened almost overnight almost overnight. And if we look at these things, this is disease rapid turnover of events.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's how I feel about the event of this pandemic. Yeah. Why the control has been so quick and and putting the barriers up getting the literature ready. Everything has just been so fast, like a blink of an eye suddenly, out of nowhere, this this big rolling rod of iron has come in, but almost in a very crafty way. It's almost It feels like it was pre planned. All the all the screens were sitting on a shelf ready. The vaccine was already pre done the stick as the signpost it was all pre done. The way it came out, everything was manufactured. Everything was done quick, so fast. And before you know it, we've got this Oh, Hang on a moment. Yeah.


Without sort of going too far into preparation man likes satan uses Mad Men. If we look at people like say George Soros and Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg and these people Yeah. We're seminal figures who have tremendous influence. So I said, I understand the old Boris Johnson got in touch with Bill Gates the other week and had a good old chat with him about virus. And why you want to check Bill Gates. He's not an epidemiologist. But though we could see you've got one, do you know how much of the people are ruling? So being influenced, influenced? Yeah, yeah. But if we look at all these people, this idea that there has to be a change has been there for a long, long time. Going back, probably, probably 30 or 40 years, there's been this understanding that the the world's economies were getting deeper and deeper into debt. And so there was this view, within various people, the World Economic Forum, comes to mind because of a touch on what Schwab was the blog that found that he's written a book. I'll touch on it, but you had the bright Breitbart area club around minorities influenced influential people, they understood that things were not going the way it should, that mankind was not going in a direction that they felt we should go there and there should be greater controls. And all these things have taken a long, long time to come together. Yeah, this scenario that we have now with this COVID-19. Yeah, that has been the launching pad for so many Lisa has,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you can see it, Kenya.


And you've got people like Schwab, who founded the World Economic Economic Forum, and he along with another chap whose name I can't remember, which I should. He's written a book called COVID-19. The great reset. Oh, and this term reset has been coming up in Christian circles for a long time. Yeah. And everybody's been going Oh, no, no, no, you're a conspiracy theorist. And he Trudeau dropped the ball the other week when he came out and announced about reset, and BBC and various other outlets have been running around. I know there's no conspiracy, there's no conspiracy. Everybody's been talking about a different reset.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

We're not trying not to reset,


whereas the truth of the matter is that basically what it is at the end of the day, is that it's socialism spelt in capital letters. It's the removal of complete freedom individuality Yeah. You know, if I make a pig's breakfast of my life that's not somebody else's problem. No, but today it's got to the point where is my should take on that chaps problem. Yes, I am responsible for is

Reverend Ben Cooper:

responsible for fellow human beings.


Yeah, well, we are to some degree, obviously, the gray but if someone makes a pig's breakfast of their life, investments and all of a sudden the other so what you want everybody else to buy them out? The great part about all these people ordered tons of money is him giving it away. Well, all these people, they've got all their their, their pressure groups on Black Lives Matter. Apparently, you know, they've had 10s of millions of dollars given given. And yet, there's not one black child been sent to university, not one black company have been raised up not one black person has got a new house. So we've gone about what was it gone?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, it's the we see that time and time again, history tells us that the fat cats get fat. It lines, their own pockets.


And so all of these things are the shadow or if we come down to the vaccine. Dear old Boris came out the other day, so we're not going to force people to take the vaccine. Well, the English way of doing it in cuantas have gone out and said you're not going to be able to fly and unless you've got certificate. All right. And Neil basso, who is the counterterrorism head in Scotland Yard, about four or five days ago came out with a statement that he feels that there needs to be a nationwide debate on the introduction of new laws to punish people who spread anti vaccine conspiracy theories.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

What - now what I sorry for laughing but this is getting ridiculous, right.


But the thing that intrigued me about a policeman telling us how we should have a nationwide discussion about laws.

Reverend Ben Cooper:



when he's supposed to enforce them not right. Yeah. And the guy that kicks you off, is a counter terrorist head. Now, I might have mentioned some time ago on a couple of sites that I look at. Don't talking about terrorism or near. And I made this statement that if I refuse to take a vaccine, yeah, will I be called a health terrorist? Huh? Because, well, you know, I mean, yeah, I don't know about the conspiracies I, the trouble is with someone like Bill Gates, he puts his big fat nose in it. And he doesn't know what he's talking about other than the people that are feeding him the information. But everybody goes to Bill Gates, or where he's, you know, is the line of information. So we got gates, telling everybody, you should have a vaccine. And bear in mind that this is the guy that wanted to cut down human population, because we've got far too many people on the planet. So now, yeah, I'm gonna trust you in my life. Yeah. And then you got Zuckerberg from Facebook? Who says, Well, you can't talk about these things. If you say these things. I'm going to I'm going to flag your post. Yep. If you're talking about COVID, and we think, and we're going to fact check it. What are you going to fact check it with? Yeah, we're people that we know are good. I mean, would you agree with Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

yeah. influences. Yeah, my influences.


Why is it then I can't make a statement that I don't believe in. These vaccines are being pushed through by a company called Pfizer. We, if we look at their history, have been swamped by show people showing him because of the way their vaccines in the past as affected or affected people. Yeah, so now they're telling me not everything's gone. I couldn't figure out okay, now. Now, you want me to think that it's okay. After you read about six, you know, six or seven months?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. When I look at this, it's like the biggest drug deal going down around the world. It's the biggest pig farmer Robin raised is just making untold amount of money to the powers that be. And I can see almost riots springing up whether you're a believer or non believer, because I know people on both sides of of this, that go I'm not having that vaccine. I'm not having it. Even believers, non believers are not not having it. Not so much Christians, because they're known that is control. Yes. And you're, you're controlling me, you're gonna let me You let me buy food if I've got it. Yep. And then we have here some of the powers that be saying, We're not sure if we're going to bring it in, but we might bring it in. And then you go down a road of right. Okay, fine. If I think about this, that if I don't have it, is it what you just said it an airline company that if, if they make a statement like that they're all gonna make statements like that? Yeah. And so we're going to have this issue where I am having that. So I want to leave the UK a one year travel, will that affect my pension?


What is the point you want me to punish you and then show you I'm not going to be upset at Butlins, unless you show it, you're not going to be out again, I will wander in the countryside unless you show it. And whilst the vaccine, and I've got to make this point is not the mark of the beast? No, it's not the mark. It is a dry run on how he can shoehorn people into a place.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Because if if this works, and they do get people to forcibly have this, it's controlling the masses, as we know. And it's it's right we've gotten once we can do it again. Yeah. And lockdown after lockdown after lockdown.


We've only got a look at the way China retreat initiates is to understand what will happen for us. You can't move out of a certain area without a passport. Yeah. And this is echoed in the journal Soviet era. In Russia, you couldn't move from an internal passport. And it's going to get like it. I mean, if this follows through the way, it seems like though, that's the way it's going to be

Reverend Ben Cooper:

because it's not cast in stone. It's always we're here in it. Are they getting us ready for it? Or will the population be so strong enough to stand up or go? No, and they can't go? You can't put everyone in prison? You can't put 50%?


No, you can't. But this is why I say if we concentrate on what theshall we say to the Shadow of the Beast he's working out is is looking at loci if I tried to do this, that's going to happen. We'll try this all that's gonna happen. And he works out and works out. Now. The Terminator he says he causes people to take the mark. The Greek there is it he makes people take the mark? Yeah, now that doesn't necessarily mean That he will put a gun to your head and say take it. But it will come down to what we're talking about. Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the squeeze on your freedom.


Yeah. And the only way seriously to anybody who's going to be able to resist that mark is in the power of God.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's the only way.


It's the only way because no matter how bloody minded you are, yeah, I'm going to resist it. And I'm not going to take it, definitely, you've got to understand that there comes a point here where you're going to lose your life.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, because that's where it comes. That fact, that's there.


Yeah. And it's, the thing about is also what we've got to understand. It's all very well that I can say, I don't mind losing my life. If someone comes on and says, I'm going to kill your kids that year,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

then you go to another level,


then you got another level

Reverend Ben Cooper:

of understanding pressure.


Yeah. And so for Christians to be able to stand in there. Yeah. The only way we're going to be able to stand in is in the power of God, you you're gonna be able to do it any other way.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

But we see when you see you're talking about the persecuted church, just briefly there. And you said about China and other places that you think of what a persecution, they are really being squeezed. And the only way they can the only way they are seen victory is the power of God, like you're talking about, God will strengthen us, you, me, whoever we are, when when we are really being squeezed when we are really being squeezed. It can only be God that will give us the peace, the understanding, and the stability to be able to go through whatever we've got to go through this, even if that is to death.


Yeah, we and we have to understand, we've got to take pictures in illustration here. When Jesus said, I'm going to Jerusalem, and everybody's going to abandon me and so on. And he said, I won't do it. I'm not going to do it in no way load. As a Christian, no matter how strong you are a grade, the pressures that can be brought upon you. Yes, by sight. Yes. I got to be so great. Yes, that you? You got to be careful. You don't wobble? Yeah. And you could you can only not wobble. When you're in the parent when? Exactly. It's, you know, I can stand by the grace of God. And by the grace of God alone. If we think we can do it by self determination. You can't do it.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

You can't do that. So it has to be a god move upon you to strengthen you. Yes, because you will wobble a simple thing of like gaining a certain coffee as at the moment, the trouble I had in blue water, just trying to part with two pound 50. And they would not accept the cash. It had to be a card. I had to put use the QR which I just said, keep your coffee be blessed. You know, I mean, so that frustrated me that, that I had to walk away from a coffee. It sounds a little bit silly to talk about it. But it's, I suddenly realized, you know what, it won't be long before every purchase could be like this. Yes. Oh, yeah, very simply. And also by putting the barriers up, as time goes by, and the barriers get stronger, because people will suddenly fly off the handle. They will make them barriers, almost bulletproof, so you can't get to that product. And so you can see, can't you how the infrastructure and everything even going into Apple Store in blue water. There was a lot of work just to get in there. I had a screen broken on my phone. And to get in there was to book an appointment, queue up, stand on the stand on the dotser don't move and I'm thinking, oh god, I'm gonna go to hell. If I move on to God, God help me please Jesus. And then during your temperature, then you say nothing. anyone asked a question? Yep. Got in two minutes. It took me an hour and a half to get into the store. And a 5-10 minute question. Yeah. It's like military. What was also quite eerie about it. Everyone was silent. It was like, I don't even want to speak. I can't there's no chitchat anymore. There's no Arya You're right. It's just like, he's told me to do that. I'm gonna do it. Move should move. And you go to the banks, you know, are cute outside of Barclays. And it was baffling me that, right? Okay, you can't come in this store until that person comes out. And then when that person comes out, you can almost hear the boots moving together. Everyone moves forward together. You know, I mean, locker, a military style move. Off we go move.


And so you're in these simple things you are destroying. Yeah, the individual. Yeah. You are you have to you're becoming regimented.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And I felt very strange, simply in a coffee house, in a bank in the apples. And just generally going around, but the supermarkets There seems to be a, it's a different thing. You go to Barclays, and you've got do not move, go to one of the super stores, you can lean over each other. And I'm thinking, hang on a minute, I've just come out of a regime. And now don't really say that this one this store don't make any sense.


I mean, I don't understand the business about shutting down clothing stores, then my understanding that you know, because when I'm up last time anyway, so you can't try on, you gotta take on and try on what the difference is beyond me. There. We got, oh, she can't catch the virus at home. It's really fast. It's, it's fast. But we're being we're being built a program, there will be a program for a socialist. Yeah. World. Yeah, that is run by the elites. Yeah. And if you disagree with the, the, the, the the final elite, yeah, that's gonna be your input, you're gonna you're gonna die. Yes, you're gonna die. That's where it comes down. From a Christian point of view, that's no big deal. We have to look at the other pressures that are going to come. When somebody says, Well, I'm going to kill your kid. So that can be one,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that that's the different level altogether there. But when you start saying, and we've, we've seen it, we've heard it, we read about it in different parts of the world of the persecuted church, and you're thinking, Oh, my God, how do they make it but as you said, the power of God? Yes, the only way to do that, but this is very clearly an eye opener to see what is coming. Right, what is coming,


we did a we did a chat the other week about the Barna group from the Christian University of Arizona, where we basically looked at it and and the figures that George Barnard issued, with the various questions. It was written, only 25% of people who say that they're Christian in America, really are Christian, when I brought a lot of them, and talking to people, again, in America, how many Christians have either gone to church during this lockdown, or have attended a digital service? Or had a worship part of the worship service, and so on and so forth? And over 50% said that they had no engagement at all, there was no engagement. And again, what is critical about this time for us as Christians really, it now is the time to build that relationship with God. How? How real is your faith? Yes, he's based upon us. Now you're going to church and seeing your powers? Yeah. Which let me say that it is absolutely essential as Christians that we gather together. I think part of what's happening at the moment is, on the one hand, Satan is trying to stop us from gathering. God is using it to question whether or not we seriously desire him or not. And will we seek him during this time? So you've got these these these two aspects, working, but God working his own purpose out through this, that in this particular moment? It's it's, I mean, we've spoken about this several times, that it's critical that right now, Christians know who God is. Exactly. It's absolutely critical, like never before. Because we, I mean, the beast could could rise up within months.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Very, very quickly. Yeah. Very, very nice. Spring, you could spring summer. Because the platform The stage is set is yes. The world is set the world we're not talking about one country, we're talking about the full globe. Yeah, the globe is set ready for this. This this antichrist to rise up?


Yep. And the strange part about it is there's a there's a, an Indian site that I go on, and they're having the same trouble with their mainstream media. Yeah. Don't follow a particular narrative. Yeah, that do not report things that they should report but report things rather, that supports a particular government position. It's much the same as the stuff that you get out of the BBC. I mean, British Broadcasting Corporation should change its name to not British not. I mean, at the moment, they're making a day crying her eyes out about a poor French fisherman, and then I couldn't give a talk. He talks about our fishermen, old coming out, and you take it away. But now we got to get our fixed but what about the poor British freshmen that you can give a damnabout?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yes, yeah, yeah.


And so the whole thing is it's these these strange paradox. Jesus talks in Matthew 24, about nation, rising against nation and uses a term there ethnos against ethnos. So it's an ethnic group against an ethnic group. And you're seeing this with things like BLM and stuff like that. Yeah. But then at the same time, there is a strange paradox where your nationality is being reduced. So you become a global Yeah, person, a global not an Englishman, you're not an Irishman. No, you're not frenchman, but long term. You're part of a global family. Yeah. Right. I mean, you've got a responsibility to the global family. And I mean, you even got people like the Archbishop of Canterbury, sticking the big fat nosy and talking about it. He said, Boris Johnson, you know, you shouldn't cut foreign aid. Why do we keep putting money in the hands of an Indian government that's got more than enough money to send rockets up in space?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. When the NHS is stretched beyond.


Precisely. So at the end of the day, you know, you get someone like the Archbishop of Canterbury and always pushing out. He's an over realized parable of the Good Samaritan. You know, I am my brother's keeper, and I should denude myself of everything so he can get back on his feet. I'm not going to get into what parents look at tomorrow. But the thing is that you've got all these I mean, you've got the pump now. Good old pope is a man he's he's been wanting the socialist setup for ages. And he wants to bring all religions onto everything. Why

Reverend Ben Cooper:

one umbrella?


Yeah. And I mean, you know, we should follow this route. And we should give up all our personal wealth and all this and the other, but I don't see that. Oh, Hang on a moment. I see the Vatican district.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. So they're worth a few quid. Saying, you should, this is what you should do. And then you're living in palaces and castles, and everything like that. And he's just got so much money and servants around you. You're so far removed from the real life.


And this is exactly what people like, styling dealing in and all that they lived in a world of opulence. They told their people who suffer for the cause, you know, while I while the Germans were drinking a set coffee, and he said it was still coughing it and so it was Yeah. I mean, and it's it? What was it? I can't remember it was either stalin, or it might be lenin, I can't remember like talked about the people that follow them and support their view. And they call them useful idiots. So you mean basically, you're useful idiots. You just get me what I want.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

You just do as I do. Sorry, you'll do what I tell you to do.


Whilst I lie to you until you'll get what you want.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Exactly. We are living in very powerful times.


Yeah. And so this idea of what we're looking at. I mean, going back to that business, about the terrorist, anti terrorist hate. When I read that, I've understood and watched the way the police force has become more and more political or being used as a political force. When a senior officer within the Metropolitan Police, counterterrorism, starts talking about persecuting people who don't agree with the received wisdom, saying that they should be prosecuted. Suddenly, I am seen a political police force growing up very rapidly in this country. Before now,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and we've never read it is accelerating. Oh, yeah. It's all accelerating all the different deposits.


These are the shadows. Okay.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So that's what we're looking at is the shadows, the forerunners of the Antichrist, as I've said it and we can see it very clearly that platform is prepared. And it could be just weeks, months, a year two years, who knows? Nobody knows the tires but one thing is for sure, is that you can see this rolling now. It's very when I heard about certain China was locking down awful to know what that never happened over here. Then all of a sudden before you know it lock lock lock lock lock around the world lock lock lock is incredible. Really to see how We locked down so quick. I thought this would never happen to London never happened to the UK will never the churches never be shot that the coffee as is for sure that the pubs all them never shot. Suddenly, bang, bang bang.


Officially out today, which I never knew the World Health Organization changed. And again, I didn't notice the World Health Organization is not run by medical people. It's run by political people. Yes, Jackson political movement is a movement, right? And a few years ago, they changed the definition of a pandemic. Right. So if we, if we go back a few years, and we think about the SARS virus, yes, that was Yeah, COVID is part and parcel of Yeah, and the various flu, the bird flus and all this happening, yeah, and there was more people wearing that, and so on so forth. The pandemic was not declared, because the way they were going to declare a pandemic, in those days, the they couldn't do it, because they didn't have grounds to do it. So they changed the meaning of the word, we're not changed the meaning of the word pandemic, but they changed their ability to apply the term to whatever they wanted, right? If we seriously look at what we've got, at the present moment, we have got a prime minister, who doesn't know the difference between whether or not a false positive, or asymptomatic, or anything, that he seems to stumble over one thing after another. Saying that, you know, we're all in this together. And it's, you know, we like the war and so on and so forth. The main head COVID, according to every two dues a few months ago, he hate COVID-19. So by biological out workings, he would have had enough antibodies within himself. Not to get it again. But they may say he's a meet up with someone who's got it. So he has to be locked down. Well, I don't understand that. Because as far as I'm concerned, he can't get it again. All right. But they're telling us that when we get these vaccines, the first one might not work, we might have to have a second a second one, because antibodies don't work. So after a minute, so you're going to give me a buddy's from a virus that you want to protect me against. And you're saying that your antibodies will work after the second or third time. But the antibodies that I've got within me when I got the full fledged virus are no good. And so you get this doublespeak? Yeah, that's the thing you get this doublespeak. Yeah. On one end, you had the virus, terrific. You should be alright, I'll be fine. A few weeks down the road. No, you might not be all right. So you're still going to have to have the injection is

Reverend Ben Cooper:

changing, like the wind,


and it's changing. And it's changing, oh, boy,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the information is changing over and over again, over and over and over again.


So we're not the virus, or the vaccine is gonna work or not. It's neither here nor there. The simple fact of the matter is that because they keep changing the way they are talking. It tells you that they are speaking. It's doublespeak. They're lying. They're telling lies. Yeah. Now whether or not Mr. Beto likes this or not. The simple fact is that the people that put out the information, because they end up lying about what they said before. People do look at it and say, there's a conspiracy here, isn't it?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's right. Yeah.


Trying to push a particular

Reverend Ben Cooper:

they're trying to push away. There's a different agenda.


Yeah, there's an agenda that they're trying to pull.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Because there's too much information that's against each other.


Yeah. And so at the end of the day, you you, you mean, you're I can be a conspiracy theorist. And we're a team for lack. That's up to you. But if you're gonna base it upon, arguments are out there in the public. Yeah, if you're gonna base it on empirical knowledge of the understanding of vaccines and La work and what they do. And then this guy turns up and says, well, we're going to give you the vaccine, but we don't know if it's going to work. Oh, yes. No, it's not. Yes. No. And you think now there's something going on,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

there's something more Yeah, there's a lot more and much wiser.


Loads of lawsuits against him in the past. I'm now going to suppose to believe that after eight worked years on vaccines that caused him to spend out Millions and millions of pounds or lawsuits, you're going to tell me that vaccine is now safe because you've been working on it for six months because you say safe? It's no, it's confused. I don't think so pal.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I don't know.


I don't think so.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

The The issue is now is Who do we believe? And that's it. You hear this in this corner, that in the center and that to that side?


Well, even though I was reading a lance it this week, singing there was talking about, you know, you're not going to be you will never return to what was what was known as normal. Never, never returned what was known as normal. And we are unsure of the effectiveness of these vaccines that are being trotted out

Reverend Ben Cooper:

very unsure,


we are unsure of the safety of the vaccines. And unless we have an understanding of how safe these things are, people will reject them and it's no use saying, Are you Fred Bloggs at the top? Pfizer said he's okay. I don't think so. Mr. Gates and it's okay. I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, what, alright, he's got he's got billions of pounds and I've got 3 bob but but he's no better than I am. That's correct. Yeah, life is still life. You know, you're busy spending more money on me my life. But hey, yeah, he's no more of a specialist. And I've listened to specialists. I've listened to a lot of Christian doctors, and they're all saying the same thing. Watch out, watch out,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

watch out.


Watch out.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

They spend years and years researching all types of drugs and then suddenly vaccine. We've got it. It's done. Is it? Yeah, take it.


I mean, Oxford. Oxford University has said that their vaccine is 70% effective. 70% was that was 70% smallpox Jevons. 100%, I've never had smallpox. So when I was little boy, he's actually like polio jabs. I've never had polio, then goes 100%

Reverend Ben Cooper:

100% finished.


So it so I'm gonna trust your 70%? No, Hang on a moment, not because you're not telling me. You're not telling me what the other bits and pieces I'm going to get with it.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

See, the thing is, is there's always something else running alongside of it. There's stuff behind the curtain that we won't never know. And this stuff leaking out. coming out? let you know.


I mean, there's there are various Christian groups out there assign the rexing is the marketer based is not the mark of the beast, the mark of the beast is very, very clear. It is. It's tied up with the worship of the Antichrist. Yeah, it is tied up with the whole of life itself. Okay, the shadow that we see, but no one is being worshipped at the moment. No one, there's no one single finger that's been raised. That is the one that I should follow. And the other thing about this, and people make a lot about 666 one of the reasons and there's several, but one of the reasons that's put in there like that, is to warn people that this antichrist is not God.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

not God.


Okay. 666. The Mark is of a man. Yeah, not God. Because when he gets raised up, people are gonna say, who is like the beast? Yeah, who he this man is God. And he says in the word that he will go into the temple, and declare himself above all that is God. And there's no one guy and no one's no one. No, no, it's that fact the template hasn't been built. Exactly. Right. Yeah.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So there is another issue.


That's another issue. So the I mean, that could be built very, very quickly,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

very quickly.


So there are all these things that are going on.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

But there is a you can actually start to see that this is quickening. Vaccines do it. Yeah, that's what this pandemic is doing whatever label you want to call it, you can see that there is a pattern, whether they're going to go you're gonna have it or not. That's that's, that's just still up in the air. But what it is doing is just making a show, the squeeze on your human rights, as an individual as an individual is going to change very rapidly. That's what we're looking at, whether whether the world goes you're having the vaccine or not. You've even got the airlines game or you can't travel with us, then there'll be the trains and then it'd be this. But that's all hearsay. And then if, but what it does, it puts fear in people. Yes. And you can hear people now going, I'm having the vaccine I'm having anyway, I don't care. I've heard people say that already. And I say What's in it? I bought I'm just having it. Yeah. Because I want to travel. I think at the moment. Yeah. Don't you think you need to really question things and look at things. But it to me over the last number of months, it's made me realize how small the world is. It's shrunk you out. It's all of a sudden I thought you know what It just seems so everything seems so close all around the globe, everything is there's a pattern, all the nation is following the same sort of thing as unrest everywhere. There's fear everywhere, there's doubt. But there's hope and God is moving very powerfully. But what was interesting when you read out about that, that really struck me was the ability or not the ability to be able to buy. But this is what we got. Now as a fore runner, yes, it could fall flat on its face. But as a fore runner, it's a fore runner, what as a fore runner, and then if this one falls, there'll be another one in the wings.


Plan these scenes, and it's going to do next time, well, how have I got to move the next piece on the chessboard? to get me to where I want to go? Yeah. And what am I doing? How do I do it? You know, how do I make sure that people who in England have been erbin assured by their prime minister, that it's not the English thing that we do by forcing people to take the vaccination? What must I move forward to make sure that they do take the vaccine?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So how many people we've gotten this nation's? It's 67


63 65 minutes or so.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Okay. So if they say everyone has got to have this, let's that is, that could never happen. If you said that half the people have that. And then you said, Let's go, let's go free quarters of the nation that go, I love it. So we would have millions of people that won't have it. When they get a purse. Well, the problem they got that'd be a big prison. Yeah.


But it's not just a problem I got among logistic problems. I got a mon. Yeah, they can't produce enough vaccine. And that's so that you gotta like this in a lot of stores? Well, if you look at it globally, globally, you've got 7 billion people. Yes, you cannot you cannot vaccine, those seven people. All right,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

so that can give you some risk to understand that X amount of people are going to say no, yes. So where are they going to put the people what they're going to do with the people, especially in the UK? So you have to think logically as well go? Do you know what? This could be scaremongering? The logical thing, and he's got no window at the moment it is, but I'm just trying to get you caught right. What are you gonna do with say 10 million people that go No, in the UK? That's a big prison. Is that that is a lot of people that will still rise up and still. So yeah, as you say, You're


you will get a groundswell of unrest.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, there's some there's some ripples being made, you can see that there will be some things really kicking off but as you said, me people in the world globally,


7 billion people and it's grown, it's going this way, is one of the reasons why do Mr. Gates wanting to cut down on the earth? Let's get get to get shot here.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's a lot of vaccine. So when they say I mean,


they made a big thing about fact that Boris has bought 5 million shots. For me, definitely even London, London is probably half the population of London.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, it's not even, it's not a lot is it? Oh,


so this is the thing, I make a big war about it and banging the drum this, that and the other. But seriously, at the end of the day, you've got you've got five minutes to try to replicate that over and over. And then you've got to figure out well, there are some people that we can't get to,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

for medical reasons


for medical reasons we can't give it to. So these are all of the things that Satan's got to tweak. These are all the things that he's got to think about. These are all the things that he's got to bring about. So he's got to change, for instance, he's got to try to bring in a political system, a political grouping, the way they have in China. Yeah, got to get that into the West. He's doing it. It's coming about about there's no choice and say that, what what's happening in America with Joe Biden is part and parcel of it. And you are seeing this over his

Reverend Ben Cooper:

pattern that's forming.


He's looking at nations around the world. And he knows that he has to replicate what's going on in China. Yeah, across the whole globe. Now, to some degree, Australia have already fallen in place. A miracle fall into place. Great Britain at the moment, not so much.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

No, no, that's right. So not so much.


I don't know about South Africa. I'm not sure on what's going on in South Africa that there was an absolute turmoil, turmoil in that country anyway. Yeah. But the simple fact is that there are things that have to be changed, tweaked as a safety. He He's got to figure out which chessmen to move on, on the chessboard to move himself forward. Yes. This time for us as Christians, it's absolutely critical. absolutely critical that we have Meet with God in prayer. Because whilst we may not have an opportunity now for service, once there comes a point where we are able to talk with people, we must be in a position. Much the same as Peter was when he was picked out, as Jesus said, when you are converted, strengthen your brother's. Look, we have to be brought to a place by God. Look, we can be used by him, to glorify Him in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's the key.


That's what we're going through at the moment. Yeah. Because there's going to come a point where we will have an opportunity to speak about the hope of Christ. You can see that coming. Yes. Because there's no hope in this world.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

There's no hope in this world whatsoever. Steve, it's been absolutely fascinating. I can just sit here and listen, and just you know, I thank God for your life and the input and what you listen to what you study and everything. We thank God for you. And we pray for you. And you were just blessed to listen to you. You know, it's a great opportunity for me just to be still and be quiet for a change, and just to listen, and it's really important. And if you need Steve, all the listeners out there if anyone wants to get any more information of what said and done here, in Elim church, we're easy to find you can find us on the good old Internet, and all over the place. So please share anything you hear for the podcast for two blokes in the Bible that go out and Friday. But we just pray that you just seek God that is the key that is the most important thing anyone can ever do. seek God. Stay safe. Stay under the bed of Christ and have a great afternoon, wherever you are in the world. Follow Jesus. God bless you. God bless bye bye

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