Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

How to Invite the Holy Spirit Into Your Life - (#1029 - Elim)

Reverend Ben Cooper

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Transforming Your Life with the Holy Spirit: Unlocking Divine Guidance and Peace

In this powerful episode, Reverend Ben Cooper invites you on a transformative spiritual journey, exploring the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. As we delve into the profound teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of John, listeners will discover the deep comfort and guidance the Holy Spirit offers. If you’re feeling disconnected or seeking clarity in your life, this episode offers practical insights into how inviting the Holy Spirit can renew your faith, bring inner peace, and fill your life with purpose.

Embrace a Spirit-Filled Life: Finding Purpose and Clarity

The episode explores how you can invite the Holy Spirit into your everyday life, creating a path toward spiritual awakening. We unpack how recognizing the Holy Spirit’s presence is pivotal to experiencing divine transformation, emotional healing, and spiritual renewal. By surrendering to the Holy Spirit's guidance, we uncover profound insights on living a Spirit-led life, transforming relationships and circumstances along the way.

Listeners will be encouraged by real-life testimonies and personal stories of transformation that exemplify how opening your heart to the Holy Spirit can catalyze miraculous changes in your life. Healing, miracles, and answered prayers are common threads in these inspiring stories, illustrating the active power of the Holy Spirit in today’s world.

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Guidance, Comfort, and Healing

One of the central themes of this episode is the comfort and guidance the Holy Spirit provides during times of uncertainty and struggle. As Jesus promised in John 14:16-17, the Holy Spirit is the Comforter who will be with us forever, helping us navigate life’s challenges. For those experiencing emotional pain, spiritual dryness, or doubt, this episode highlights how to actively seek the Holy Spirit’s presence and align yourself with God's will for your life.

By deepening your relationship with the Holy Spirit, you can experience profound inner peace and spiritual healing. Whether you're facing personal trials, emotional trauma, or simply looking to renew your faith journey, this episode will inspire you to invite the Holy Spirit into every aspect of your life, transforming fear into faith and uncertainty into hope.

Inviting the Holy Spirit: Transform Your Faith Journey Today

We conclude with an uplifting prayer that encourages you to invite the Holy Spirit to fill your heart and renew your faith, guiding you on a path of divine purpose. This episode is not just for believers—it’s a call for anyone seeking spiritual growth, peace of mind, and a deeper connection with God. It’s a chance to embrace the transformative work of the Holy Spirit and begin walking in the fullness of God’s promises.

Join us on this spiritually enriching journey, and don’t miss out on the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit! Subscribe, share with others who are seeking spiritual guidance, and continue your path of transformation today.

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Speaker 2:

You Blessed Assurance.

Speaker 1:

Blessed assurance, jesus is mine. Oh, what a foretaste of glory. Divine, divine, heir of salvation, purchase of God Born of.

Speaker 2:

His Spirit Washed in His blood.

Speaker 1:

Perfect submission. All is at rest. I am my Savior. I'm happy and blessed, watching and waiting, looking up above, filled with His goodness, lost in His love. Your smile this is my story. This is my song, praising my Savior All the day long. This is my story. This is my song, praising my Savior all the day long. Oh, what a Savior wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior wonderful Jesus. Death could not hold you. You are victorious. Praise to the risen King. Death could not hold you. You are victorious. Praise to the risen King. Oh, what a Savior Wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior Wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior Wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior Wonderful Jesus. Oh, what a Savior Wonderful sin Sky, sky.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We are a radio and podcast ministry based here within the UK. Your support is vital through prayer and through sowing a seed of faith, downloading and listening to our podcasts, whether you are on Spotify, apple Podcast, google, alexa, amazon Music and so many other platforms. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. We would love to hear from you as you partner with us as we reach the world for Jesus Christ. Please send us an email through our contact form on pastorbencoopercouk. Also, you can find our latest books on Amazon under hashtag one, hashtag two and hashtag three under Christian Straight Talk hard-hitting, real-life conversations taken from our podcasts.

Speaker 3:

Your financial gifts play a crucial role in supporting our radio ministry, helping us share the gospel through these podcasts and providing free copies of the Gospel of John and Bibles around the globe. Please pray for this ministry as we stretch out beyond the boundaries, as we walk by faith. If you'd like to support our mission, please consider clicking the support button on Spotify, apple Podcasts or Buzzsprout. You can give a one-time gift or set up a regular contribution of £3, £5, £8, or £10. You can also leave a legacy by clicking in the links within pastorbencoopercouk. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry as we spread the message of hope far and wide through this radio ministry. So, whether you are on the daily commute or at home listening to our podcast, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy.

Speaker 4:

Good morning, good morning, good morning. Ben's good, he's fine. He's actually taken a funeral this morning that's why he can't be with us but where two or three are gathered together in my name. I am there, says the Lord, present by his Holy Spirit, and, as usual, we're hoping this morning is going to be led by his Holy Spirit. So, lord, we want to thank you for who you are and we want to thank you for your promises, and we want to thank you, lord, that you've not left us as orphans, but you're always with us, always, always, lord, so faithful in all your ways. So, lord, we do commit this morning to you, so faithful in all your ways. So, lord, we do commit this morning to you and we pray and we ask, lord, that you would give us the right scriptures, the right words to encourage, to be close, to break chains, to bring your kingdom in, even in days like this, amen. And when we say days like this, isn't the world in turmoil, isn't it? You know, every day you get a headline and you think what? Now You've got all these world leaders all jostling for position, all having their eyes on other dominions to take over, and, oh, it could be a scary world. Actually, there are so many Christians who are facing severe persecution, so many if you put a number on it, it would at least equal the population of America. Hundreds of millions of Christians being persecuted across the globe for one reason they love Jesus. That is it.

Speaker 4:

But what does Jesus say? John 14, verse 1. He says and I'm going to be reading from the NLT don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust also in me. That's where our trust is.

Speaker 4:

We don't know what the future holds. Actually, we do a bit. You know we've got the book, it's all here. We know it ends amazingly. But our future? We don't know where we are in the book. We know we're in the last days, we know we're nearer to the second coming of the Lord than we've ever been. So we don't know what the future holds. But we do know who holds the future, and his name is Jesus and all things were made by him, through him and for him, things in heaven and things on earth.

Speaker 4:

Now Jesus says in I'm going to be looking at John 14, and I'm going to bounce down to John 14, verse 15. If you love me, obey my commands and I will ask the Father and he will give you another advocate who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit who leads you into all truth. Oh, the church so needs the Holy Spirit. He leads you into all truth. If someone says, I have the Holy Spirit, we don't need the scriptures anymore, that's not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads you into all truths. He's the one who inspired the word and he's the one who leads us deeper into the word he is the spirit of truth he is truth.

Speaker 4:

He is the holy spirit who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him because it isn't looking for him and doesn't recognize him. You even hear in the church nowadays things that are leading away from the truth. That's the spirit of the Antichrist, not the spirit of the Lord, but you know him because he lives with you now and later will be in you. No, I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you. This is one of the most lovely Trinitarian verses in the whole of scripture.

Speaker 4:

Jesus is saying another helper, the advocate, the spirit of truth. Now he brings it down to a bit more detail. He says I'm not going to leave you as orphans. I will send him the holy spirit. Then he says no, I will not abandon you as orphans. I will come to you. Who's coming? The holy spirit, the spirit of jesus and the spirit of the father. Soon the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, since I live, you also live. When I am raised to life again, you will know that, yes, I am in the Father and you are in me and I am in you. Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. Come on, there's a litmus test. Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. I'm hearing so many voices from different quarters saying we love God, but we don't like the commandments, we don't like what he says. Well, how can you love him then? If you have the Holy Spirit, he will lead you deeper into these things.

Speaker 4:

And remember Jesus doesn't condemn us. He comes alongside us, like the woman who was caught in adultery, and he said to her once this is the story. He says okay, anyone who's without sin cast the first stone. And jesus was writing on the floor when he said that. What was he writing? Probably the laws. He was ignoring the accusers. Then he writes again and he was probably showing what each person there had broken when it comes to the commandments. Then he said okay, any of you without sin cast the first stone. And everybody left oldest to the youngest, until just jesus, and the lady was there. Then he says to her where are your condemners, where are your accusers? So they've all gone. He said, said then, neither do I Depends what translation you've got, but neither do I condemn you or neither do I accuse you. Go and sin no more.

Speaker 4:

He meets us in our time of need and he breaks the chains. He does not affirm us in them, he sets us free. Let's carry on with John 14. And because they love me, my Father will love them and I will love them and reveal myself to each of them. Judas not Judas Iscariot, but the other disciple with that name said to him Lord, why are you going to reveal yourself to us and not the world at large? Jesus replied all who love me will do what I say. My father will love them and we will come and make a home with each of them. Anyone who doesn't love me will not obey me.

Speaker 4:

See, it's not a religion, it's relationship. God does not usurp our free will and he does not control us. It's all about surrendering to him. When we realize how good, how merciful that he is, the truth, that what he says is right, when we surrender to his ways, it's because we love him, and we love him because he first loved us. And when we know him, it gets easier to surrender him to him. Remember, my words are not my own.

Speaker 4:

What I am telling you is from the father who sent me. I am telling you these things now, while I am still with you. But when the father sends the advocate, who's sending the advocate? I thought jesus said he was, but when the Father sends the Advocate, who's sending the Advocate? I thought Jesus said he was. Come on, he is God. Father, son, holy Spirit, co-equal, co-eternal. Three persons, one God. How does that work?

Speaker 4:

I've heard the non-Christians and the skeptics say how can God be in heaven and on the earth as a man at the same time? Have you not heard of Louis de Sarsy? Here's a bit of science for you. Louis de Sarsy is a starfish that lives from Norway to Portugal. Quite a small starfish, smaller than the size of my hand. Why am I saying that? If you know your biology, you'll know that Lurida sarsi, when it's free, swimming as a nymph, just swimming around with all the plankton, being a little baby starfish growing into a teenager, will grow something on its face. This face is like a nodule and it grows and it grows and it grows. When it's fully developed, it's the adult version of itself which then separates from the juvenile and swims away and both coexist. Which one's the starfish? Come on.

Speaker 4:

God, throughout creation, has left evidence of who he is. If a starfish can be in two places at the same time two entities, but one, starfish God. Who is God, who is incomparable? Is Father, son, holy Spirit. One God, three persons. So when Jesus says I will send the Holy Spirit the advocate, he means that when Jesus says the Father will send the Holy Spirit the advocate, he means that when Jesus says the Father will send the Holy Spirit, he means that why? Because I and the Father are one. If you want to know what God the Father is like, look at Jesus. He said to Philip don't you know me, philip? If you've seen me, you've seen the Father. But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative, that is the Holy Spirit. He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.

Speaker 4:

I love theology, I've been to Bible college, I'm a pastor. I love it. But I love the Holy Spirit more, because it's the Holy Spirit who brings these scriptures to life. It's the Holy Spirit who? Because it's the Holy Spirit who brings these scriptures to life. It's the Holy Spirit who reveals who Jesus is. Jesus said no one comes to the father except through me. That's in John 14. He also said no one comes to me unless the father draws him. If you know Jesus today, if he's your savior today, you know what it's because he's revealed himself to you through the Holy Spirit. It's through the Holy Spirit we cry Abba, father. We were dead in our transgressions and sins, but he opened our eyes, he opened our minds, he brought life to our dead spirit and he's given us a new nature. We're born again. No wonder we feel like aliens in this world. Do you feel that Owen? No, I don't.

Speaker 4:

Passing through, jesus goes on to say the Advocate, my representative, the Holy Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I've told you. I'm leaving you with a gift peace of mind and heart. Where does peace come from? Jesus says my peace, I give you my peace. I leave you. It's Holy Spirit, and the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. Remember what I told you I'm going away, but I will come back to you again.

Speaker 4:

If you really loved me, you would be happy that I'm going to the Father, who is greater than I am. I have told you all these things before they happen. So when they do happen, you will believe. I don't have much more time to talk to you, because the ruler of this world approaches. He has no power over me, but I will do what the Father requires of me so that the world will know that I love the Father. Let's be going, he says Now. This is before he descended. The Holy Spirit was among them. He told them that They'd witnessed many things. He actually gave them the authority to drive out demons.

Speaker 4:

Memory sent out the 72, but there was a time coming when this promise would be fulfilled, when the holy spirit would come and live in you. They already believed, but they were not yet filled with the Holy Spirit. They already believed, but they were not yet filled with the Holy Spirit. Pentecost was coming, pentecost. We need another Pentecost.

Speaker 4:

So, jesus, we thank you that you are faithful.

Speaker 4:

You are truth.

Speaker 4:

You are the truth, the way, the truth and the life.

Speaker 4:

Thank you for your promise, your promise of your very presence living in us, lord. We thank you, lord, that you chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in your sight. You tell us, lord, to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, not our own, because we know, apart from you, we are bankrupt. Let your righteousness live in us. You have made us righteous, you chose us, you called us in your foreknowledge, knowing everything about us, every detail, even down to our cellular structure. You know us completely. Even before a word is on our lips, you know it. You're for us, you're not against us, and you have made the way, the promise, that we can be filled with your presence. Ignite your church, ignite your people, send your Holy Spirit again and again and again. Empower us, remind us, give us your peace that transcends all understanding. Ride in the storms of our circumstances, lord, speak peace, carry us through it or part the sea that we may walk on dry ground in jesus name, amen amen.

Speaker 5:

thanks for that, glenn. It's um really topical at the moment, isn't it about who we are and where we are and what we stand for? While you're talking and taking us through the marvellous gift of the Holy Spirit, I had Romans 8 open and my Bible is headed life through the spirit. And you know, we can't do anything without god's spirit within us and he directs us and guides us and it gives us that power, isn't it when no one can say jesus is lord without the Spirit? But what we're talking about here is being filled with the Spirit, overflowing, that power that gives us the power that we can do all things through God who helps us. And I've got a heading here also the future glory, heading here also the future glory. And when we get filled with the spirit, we just get that glimpse of what, uh, that future glory is going to be. And uh, here we. What uh, paul was saying here is that we're more than conquerors and because of in romans 8 and it's verse um 28, I think it is and it says here and we know that in all things, god works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose, god actually calls us, when we fall in love with jesus.

Speaker 5:

And I think most of us can actually pinpoint that time, can't we?

Speaker 5:

When that happened, when we suddenly realise that actually there is a God and there is Jesus who actually died for us, and that was quite a few years ago for me, was quite a few years ago for me when, uh, when he said to me I can still hear these words echoing in my, in my brain are you for me or against me? And uh, and I couldn't resist, I'm for you and uh. It's certainly my testimony that it's never been the same since, because I'm in a relationship with Jesus and that entails God and the Holy Spirit. And it was sometime later that there was an occasion when I was just filled with that power, and it was almost as if my body was shaking when the Holy Spirit came and kind of filled me up to overflowing. And that's when I realised that there are all these gifts available, these gifts are available to you, and I've never spoken like this to anyone before. That it was, I think God called me as an evangelist to actually go and speak to people.

Speaker 5:

Never had that confidence. But it's the confidence that Holy Spirit gives you and as it says in Romans 8, we're more than conquerors. It's the confidence that Holy Spirit gives you and, as it says in Romans 8, we're more than conquerors. When God is with us, who can be against us? And I think that's what you have to take on board in your own life. Have that confidence to speak. What God is saying to you. It says here what, then, shall we say in response to this? If god is for you, who can be against you? Against you? He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us and he died for us. You know, some of us might, might die for a good friend in in difficult circumstances, but god died. God sent his son who died for each one of us.

Speaker 4:

You're quite in scripture. Yeah, barely would a person die for a good man yeah. But God chose his love for us in this, while we were still sinners, enemies of God.

Speaker 5:

He died for us. He died for us, knowing, yeah, I'm always amazed and I'm puzzled, quite often how some folk can't get it.

Speaker 4:

But without the Holy Spirit you can't.

Speaker 5:

No, that's right and what I really love to see. I've spoken to folk on the street and suddenly they get it.

Speaker 5:

I've spoken to folk on the street and suddenly they get it and they are prepared to say, yeah, I want to follow Jesus. And my prayer this morning is that people, folk, men, women and children will get it and decide to make that decision to follow Jesus. And I've got Isaiah 53 open as well, and this is a powerful, powerful reference in scripture. Surely he took up our infirmities, carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him and by his wounds we are healed. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he didn't open his mouth. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. That's Jesus. I always think it outstanding and amazing that how many years before Christ was this written? 500 plus years.

Speaker 5:

Isaiah wrote this prophetic chapter of Jesus going to the cross and dying for us. Isn't this book amazing?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

It's this book amazing, yeah, it's the most amazing book in the world. And there it is. It's there before us that God sent his son because he knew that he had to have a remedy because the world that he created had fallen away from him and he had to bring them back. And uh, the one sacrifice, that supreme, supreme sacrifice, was his son, his one and only son, jesus, who would go to the cross. And he didn't complain. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And that's what Jesus has done for us.

Speaker 5:

How can you refuse that invitation to come before him and say Jesus, you are Lord, come into my life. I want you to be with me, because I can't do it on my own. And that's my prayer for each one of us this morning that Christ will renew us, will bring that power and ask for that Holy Spirit to come into your life to fill you to overflowing. And there will be that equipping that the Holy Spirit can only do, and that's our prayer this morning for each one. So we say come, holy Spirit, fill us to overflowing, come and let us experience those gifts that you have waiting for us. Scripture tells us what the gifts are. I've got one or two. I want more 1 Corinthians 13.

Speaker 4:

And 14,.

Speaker 5:

Have a look around there.

Speaker 4:

While you're speaking, I was thinking why on earth would God come? Why? Why he's already God, he's already perfect, he has no needs. Jesus told a parable of a pearl of great price that there was this merchant who, while he was looking for things, he came across the pearl of all pearls, and when he saw it, he went and sold everything that he had so that he could possess that. We've already heard that. Well, god so loved the world, so loves so. So such a little word, s-o God so loves you. This is what it's all about. You are that pearl of great price that he sent his one and only son Everything.

Speaker 4:

The pearl of heaven came and lived the perfect life and died. Why? So that you could be in relationship with God. That's how much he loves you. He spared nothing, he endured everything. He did what we could not do, because the Bible is clear All have sinned. Yes, my friend, even you. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We're in noble ruins, made in the image of God, but ruined, ruined, and God cannot even look on sin. So Jesus came and did what we could not Live the perfect life, Never sinned, did. He lived in total obedience to the father and emptied himself of God. He did this as a man.

Speaker 4:

You've only got to read Philippians three for this, sorry, philippians two who, being in very nature God, did not find equality with God, something to be used to his own advantage, something to be grasped, something to be held on to, but made himself nothing, taking on the nature of a servant. He surrendered himself to death, even death on a cross. Why? Because that is significant. Because in the Old Testament laws as well, it says cursed is anyone who is hung on a tree, cursed is anyone who is hung on wood. And jesus paid the cursed death to break every curse, every sin, every hold the devil had on our lives, and he's made us clean and perfect. He's literally swapped his perfection for our sin-stained lives. That's how much god loves us. Why? Because we are the pearl of great christ. To him held nothing back, and Jesus holds nothing back as well. He wants relationship with us now, not when we get into heaven. Where's the kingdom of God? Where did Jesus say it is? It's within you.

Speaker 4:

It's within you, it's not over there, it's not in America, it's not in Russia, dare I say, it's not even in earthly Israel. The kingdom of God is within you, and god comes and makes his home within you. Our identity is this we were made in the image of god. That's who you are, either male or female. He made them both in the image of him, and the height of transcendence is not in your sexuality, it's in being filled with the presence of God, being filled with his presence, and he has made the way through Jesus. For this, I've read John 14, john 16.

Speaker 4:

Jesus labours this. If Jesus labours this, look, jesus said to the Pharisees you diligently study the scriptures, thinking through them, you find eternal life. These are the very scriptures that point to me, and you refuse to come to me and have life. Jesus actually says about the Holy Spirit. We need it. Look, I'm going to read.

Speaker 4:

Read John 16 and hear what he says, starting at verse 5. I am going away to the one who sent me and none of you is asking where am I going? Instead, you grieve because of what I've told you, but in fact, it is best for you that I go away. This is what Jesus is saying it's best for you that I go and be with the Father, it's best for you that I ascend. Why didn't he choose to stay? Sure, he could have done, couldn't he? He'd conquered everything. He says it's best for you that I go away Because if I don't here it is in John 16, verse 7, because if I don't, the advocate won't come. If he doesn't go away, if he does not ascend, the Holy Spirit won't come and dwell within us. That sounds pretty important to me, doesn't?

Speaker 5:

it Yeran yeah absolutely.

Speaker 4:

If I do go away then I will send him to you. Read about revivals in church when the Holy Spirit comes and what happens. Read your church history, not the secularisation of the church history. That's just about people killing people and trying to get control. But when God moves and breathes life upon his church, when we end up in those times, like God's challenge to Ezekiel, when God takes him to that valley of dry bones and says can these bones live again? And Ezekiel answers very wisely, he says only you know, o Lord, because he's looking at something dead, gone and forgotten. Then he said prophesy, over the bones, son of man, speak. And as Ezekiel cooperated with God and spoke those words, there was a great rattling and the bones came together. God's doing that today on the earth again, reviving his church. Then sinew came upon the great army and then the army was standing but God says now, prophesy the breath, the breath, the ruach of God, prophesy, the breath. God is saying today, ask for the breath.

Speaker 4:

Jesus said after the Lord's prayer. He said if actually he tells everyone to forgive, that's a command. Forgive people, oh dear. Do you realise if you don't forgive the person that you're holding things against is carrying on as normal. You're the only one suffering. It's like pouring out poison and drinking it on their behalf. You're the only one getting poisoned. Forgive.

Speaker 4:

Don't know why I'm saying that. I think someone online needs to forgive someone. Forgiveness is not saying it doesn't matter. Forgiveness means they owe me, they hurt me, what they did was wrong, but I'm choosing to let them off the debt that they owe me, just like God let us off Actually, a huge debt. There's a story about that. God wants us filled with his presence, with his Holy Spirit. I'm carry on reading in john 16, verse 8 and when he comes, he will convict the world of his sin. And he was saying earlier and it's true. We read the bible to people and we think why don't they get it? Because the god of this age has blinded them. It's like showing a blind man a poster. Can you see that?

Speaker 4:

no, I'm blind they're actually dead in their transgressions and sins as well. Ever spoke to a dead man? You don't get much back, actually get nothing back. When the holy spirit comes, he brings conviction of sin. When he comes, he will convict the world of his sin and of god's righteousness and of coming judgment. That's a move of the Spirit of God, a holiness revival. Righteousness is available because I go to the Father and you will see me. No more Judgment will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged. There is much more I want to tell you, but you can't bear it now. But when the spirit of proof comes, he will guide you into all truth. He's saying it again. He will not speak on his own, but he will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.

Speaker 4:

Jesus said I said earlier at the end of the Lord's Prayer. He said which of you fathers, if your son asked you for an egg, would give him a stone. If he asked you bread or fish, you'd give him a scorpion? We wouldn't, would we? I'm'm a father, I've got six daughters. If they ask me for things, I'm not going to give them poison. He said how much more will the father give the holy spirit to those who ask if you, who are evil, know how to give good gifts, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask how do we receive the Holy Spirit? We ask, we desire? You'll see both Peter and Paul read through the book of Acts. They come to believers and they ask did you receive the Holy Spirit when?

Speaker 4:

you believed and they say, no, we didn't even know there was a Holy Spirit or no, we were baptized into John. They then lay hands on them and they're filled with the Holy Spirit, but they already believed. Yes, you can't believe without the Holy Spirit opening your mind and bringing conviction of sin. But there's more. Let let's look at Acts 2. Acts 2. Yeah, you're already there.

Speaker 6:

I've got Acts 2, verse 37.

Speaker 4:

Yep, peter's words and yep, each of you must repent of your sins. But then, when he finishes it off, he talks about, he quotes Joel and he says look, this is the promise, this is the promise. And this promise Now, the promise is the promise of the Holy Spirit of God dwelling with his people. As Joel said, this promise is for you, your children, all who are far off, everyone who comes to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the promise. Oh, but I'm not worthy enough. No, you never will be. He comes and cleanses you because he's made you worthy.

Speaker 4:

I have a saviour in heaven. I'm saved because I have someone who's taken my place, not because I'm any good. If I didn't have a saviour, I'd be as lost today as the first day I cried out to him. What difference does the Holy Spirit make? Huge difference, as Andy said. The courage and the boldness he goes out on the streets after this service just to tell people about Jesus. He's done it with Donny for how many years now? 15? Amen to that right in, just to tell people about Jesus.

Speaker 6:

He's done it with Donny for how many years now? 15? Yeah, got to be Approaching that. Yeah, yeah, amen to that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, right in the lion's den. What difference did it make to me when I was baptised in the Holy Spirit? Oh, I was struggling. I was struggling big time. Seven years of drug abuse had taken its toll. I was struggling with demonic oppression. My brains were frazzled because of the drug abuse too much LSD and all that sort of stuff when I was filled with the Holy Spirit, so overflowing. Three days later I walked in my doctor's office and he said what on earth's happened to you? You're better. He was trying to stick me in rehabs for years. I said I've had some Christians pray for me and he said I don't believe in any of that for me. And he said I don't believe in any of that. He said but you better. What's happened? So I said I've had some Christians pray for me and he went.

Speaker 4:

Don't believe in any of that, he said. But you better what's happened. I said well, I've told you twice. What difference does it make? Oh, wow, huge difference. Suddenly, by the spirit of God, we cry Abba, father. That intimacy, that knowing him, that euphoric experience on the inside that God is my Father and nothing can snatch me out of his hands. He reminds us of everything. Jesus said everything. Oh, isn't he good? Who wants to be filled with the Holy Spirit today? Just ask and I'll pray with you. But I've been filled with the Holy Spirit. Good, be filled again Again.

Speaker 4:

The template of church is the Bible. They were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Just a little while later they're praying again. Peter andames have been arrested and suddenly they're released. They're all together praying and they say lord, consider their threats, stretch out your hand, and suddenly the room they was in shook and they're each filled with the holy spirit. Again, again, you'll see it again and again and again in the bible. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. Again, again, you'll see it again and again and again in the Bible. They were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 4:

Why do we need to be filled again and again and again? Because we get so distracted, we drift. We go to church, we hear the gospel, we praise God in worship and we come out thinking I'll never doubt again. Then we get into the arena of life and we're doubting again, why? Because we drift. And then his holy spirit comes and meets us in our circumstances and we're again filled with faith, we're put back on track, we hear his voice. As he said in John 10, my sheep know my voice.

Speaker 4:

So, lords, we do pray for filling of your pray, for a filling of your Holy Spirit, a return of your church to knowing your voice, to be led by you, holy Spirit. In your inspired word in Romans 8, you say those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Wake us up to being your children. Lord, we thank you for your grace, we thank you for your mercy and we thank you, lord, that you can reach us in whatever circumstance we're in right now. Come Holy Spirit, fill us to overflowing. Cause our attention to be on you, to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness. Give us gifts in abundance, lord.

Speaker 4:

I want to thank you that since being filled with your spirit, I've seen a brain dead girl of just three years old awake in hospital and all the staff said that's miraculous. Awake in hospital, and all the staff said that's miraculous I've seen a tumour, a cancerous tumour, disappear. Thank you for that recent miracle of baby George From that couple on Alpha, whose grandson was suddenly because of a traumatic birth and an induced coma. Now he's home. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, that you heal today, that you empower today, that you're the one who breaks chains of addictions. Holy Spirit, come and break addictions now. Set your people free. Let our addiction be on your kingdom and your righteousness. Through your word, wake us up, set us aflame for you and cause us to walk with you.

Speaker 6:

Amen yeah, amen to that amen.

Speaker 5:

There's a verse in 2 Timothy, chapter 3. We've been quoting from Scripture all the time and it just came to me this verse, verse 16. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. So when we look at scripture, it's we've got to appreciate that god has breathed through all of scripture and that's why, as christians, we we need to get into god's word. We need to get into god's word and and try to get into the habit of reading every day yeah and reading apart every day, get a bible reading plan to do that and it's, you know, it's something.

Speaker 5:

I try to read scripture every day so that by the end of the year I've read the whole Bible, and I've done that a few times now. So it's something that, and of course, scripture, sticks in your mind and it goes with you.

Speaker 4:

And the Holy Spirit brings it back.

Speaker 5:

And the Holy Spirit helps you to recall it.

Speaker 4:

So if you haven't read it, how can he help you to recall?

Speaker 5:

it. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 4:

You can't recall something that you've never seen or read, although often you do get something in your head and you later find it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and there's some scripture in Philippians that reads like this but whatever was to my prophet, I now consider loss, for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord, and for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, and for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, and that word rubbish could be translated filth or something worse.

Speaker 4:

It's actually a strong word for excrement is the literal translation.

Speaker 5:

Absolutely. Yeah. So that is what you know. We consider everything. You know you might have everything you think, but if you haven't got Jesus, it's rubbish. It's right at the other end of the scale. So that's why we sit here, isn't it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

This is why we sit here and try and sometimes badly to put over what the gospel is, what it is like to be in relationship with Jesus. And I gained Christ and he's found me. He called me. I'm always puzzled why he chose me. Yeah, that puzzles me. Why did he choose me? We all thinkled me. Why did he?

Speaker 4:

choose me. We all think the same. Why did he choose not Andy?

Speaker 5:

We're not thinking why did he choose Andy?

Speaker 4:

But we can understand why God loves someone else, but we can't understand why God loves us yeah, that's right.

Speaker 5:

And he knows us better than what we know ourselves, and he loves us. And so Philippians goes on to say you know, I press on towards goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. Yeah, I just know where I'm going.

Speaker 4:

Life with Jesus. That's Abraham's promise.

Speaker 4:

You know this is. He is the father of faith, the faith that we now inherit. And God said to him I am one of the I am's of. Jesus said I am your shield and your very great reward. We're friends with God. Yeah, Jesus Christ is his name and I love it.

Speaker 4:

I'm looking at something that just dovetails with exactly, and it's in 2 Corinthians, chapter 4, verse 15. That is why we never give up. You know, we press on, andy was saying. We press on to take hold of the reason Christ took hold of us. That is why we never give up.

Speaker 4:

Though our bodies are dying, you know, outwardly we're decaying. Yeah, every time I look in the mirror I see that when did this old boy come from? Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed. Every day we're changed from one degree of glory to another. It's not the opposite way round.

Speaker 4:

But we go through troubles, yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever. So we don't look at troubles we can see now. Actually, paul calls them momentary afflictions in verse 6. And when you look at his momentary afflictions poor did he suffer we don't concentrate on them. We don't look at the troubles we can see now, rather and this is what you were saying as well in Hebrews it says this as well we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. Fix your eyes on Jesus, for the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

Speaker 4:

This is the Christian calling. I think we're going to have to go into communion soon, andy. This is the Christian calling to know Jesus Christ, to know him, to have him live by his spirit within you and one day to be with him forever in glory, where there is no suffering, no pain, no sin. We will be as he is sinless. Sinless we won't be able to sin. There'll be no sin. That's a temporary thing. God didn't create sin. That's why only the things he created last forever. It's a temporary situation, and look at the devastation of it. But we've had one who became sin a sin offering. Should we?

Speaker 5:

go into community yeah, were you reading from 2 corinthians? What chapter 3 was it? Chapter 4, chapter 4? There was a verse in chapter 3, verse 18, and it says and we who, with unveiled faces, all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory which comes from the Lord. Who is the Spirit? Who's the Lord? And first verse of chapter 4.

Speaker 4:

Who is the Spirit?

Speaker 5:

Sorry, sorry, I've got it yeah, therefore, since through god's mercy, we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Um, I, oh, many years ago, I did a course, you know a church in london and um, it was quite. It's over a couple of years I did this course and this first was given to me, verse 1 of Chapter 4. Since, through God's mercy, we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. So that's always stuck with me, that whatever I do for Christ, even when things don't work out as I thought they would, we don't give up.

Speaker 5:

We don't give up no, we don't lose up and we keep on going, keep on trying, keep, keep on persevering. And what qualifies you? Says that, yeah, yeah, since through God's mercy.

Speaker 4:

It's mercy all. Yeah, that's what qualifies us. Yeah, when we stand before God, I've got one pure and perfect plea yeah, his name is Jesus, not, oh, I did this, I tried that, not at all. It's mercy. All we have received grace upon grace upon grace. Yeah, all we have received grace upon grace upon grace. Yeah, blessed is the person whose sins and transgressions will never count against them. Yeah, why? Because we've got an advocate, the holy spirit. We've also got an advocate. His name is jesus. Yeah, who can bring any charge? Those god has in? God has chosen? Yeah, no one. Jesus christ stands there declaring not guilty because I paid in full. It literally is a change. Someone has taken our place. We've been ransomed. Okay, if you was one of those kidnapped by hamas evil, then they're released. If someone paid for their release, if someone paid a ransom for them to come out, what do they pay? Nothing. Jesus has paid our ransom in full. The evil one has no accusation or charge over us. Right, because if the Son sets you free, you're free indeed.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, he's our advocate.

Speaker 4:

You've got a legal background, explain.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, my legal background, you know, is someone who stands up for you and puts your case, and that's what Jesus does with the Father. Yeah, he's mine, yeah, yeah, he is mine and he will speak up for us.

Speaker 4:

It's good having a brilliant advocate and this is the plea. He's not going to look at you, he's not going to say, lord, they did better than what they used to. That's not what he's doing. He's pleading what he has done. So, when you look at and we will go into communion here because it's so relevant yeah, because what jesus did?

Speaker 4:

He took the passover meal and made it about him. And this is all about judgment. See, the old testament is prophetic and it all points to jesus that he is the fulfillment of the prophetic views of the old when it comes to the new. So when it came to the bread, he said this is my body broken for you. And then, when he comes to the blood, he's saying he's referring. Remember, this is the Passover meal.

Speaker 4:

What happened at Passover? The Passover is when judgment is coming on Egypt. Judgment's coming and it was coming that night and the only thing that would spare you from judgment was the blood of the lamb On the door, on your door, over the door, and when judgment fell upon that house, if the blood of the lamb was over the doorway, it would pass over to look at the next place. It couldn't knock on the door and say what are you all up to in there. It couldn't look on the window, it literally had to pass over. Because it was faith that the blood was enough for your salvation. It was an act of faith to put the blood over the door and to participate in what God said.

Speaker 4:

Jesus said trust in him, trust that he has done enough, trust in his blood. And literally, when he pleads, when he's the advocate, when he stands before us before the father, he says it's the blood, my blood is on them. Judgment passes over and we get a welcoming to heaven. But what did we do? We put our trust in him, an act of faith. We're saved because let's get the bread. I'm saved. You're saved because Jesus Christ, his body was broken on a cross for you and me. He took the punishment of the sins we deserved brutally mocked, beaten, tortured and crucified. That our sin has been paid for in full. He's taken our place. Let's take the bread in faith and celebration of that Amen.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, jesus knowing everything about us, past, present and future. You took us upon yourself. You took the punishment for our sins and what you've done publicly. He declares us free because you've paid it in front of you.

Speaker 5:

thank you, jesus, amen, thank you yeah, father, and we also take the cup.

Speaker 5:

And, as it says in one corinthians, this cup is the new covenant of Jesus, who you are, that you are our saviour and that it's your blood that was shed on the cross. You, you died for each one of us. How amazing is that that someone should die for someone else, but you, son of man, god, you actually died for us so that we could have life. And so, father, we drink this cup knowing that you died for us and that this is a witness that that's exactly what you did, so that we could have life, Not only just life, not any life. But you said that we could have life in fullness, in all fullness, that we could have an abundant life. And, father, I just pray that now, for all those who are grieving, who are suffering, who suffering from anxiety, that you will turn that around today. You will turn it around so that there will be hope, there will be abundance for them and for us here sitting around this table. And we ask you now, father, god, to do that as we take the cup. Amen.

Speaker 4:

Now before our friend on the sound closes us with a prayer from John 14, 1,. Don't let your heart be troubled. Andy's going to tell us some good news.

Speaker 5:

Oh right, yeah, it's always good news and that's why I belong to good news for everyone. Yeah, formerly Gideons. But we give away scriptures and I've got a copy of New Testament p, psalms and Proverbs that you can have, and you know, I give these away to anyone who stretches out a hand to accept it. I'll get many rejections, of course, but I think last year our members gave away 900 of these into people's hands, 900 people who hopefully, when we pray, these scriptures will be opened and the word of God is powerful and active and, as it says, you know, it's a double-edged sword it cuts both ways to bone and marrow. That's what god's word is. And, uh, do receive one and just get in touch, your lives will be changed. And, uh, when I give people a copy of this word, I I warn them, I'll give them a warning. I say it's a dangerous book because it could change your life.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, um, one of the places those bibles go to. I can't say what prison it is, but I'm in there again tomorrow. And, um, it's such a joy because the last time I was in there, one of the inmates he said I'm so glad I went to prison because I've now found freedom. Freedom in Jesus, wow. Wherever you are, whatever circumstances, when you know Jesus, he's come to give us. Well, if the sun sets you free, you are free indeed, whatever your circumstances may be. So if we could close with John 14, you've got a prayer from there.

Speaker 6:

Yes, you've got a prayer from there. Yes, the prayer is heavy. Father, thank you for your unfulfilling love and for the promise you have spoken over our lives. Lord, help us to trust in you completely, even when doubt tries to creep in. Strengthen our faith so that we may stand firm. Believe in your word and your purpose. You have for me. Jesus, you said do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God. You believe also in me. That's in John 14, verse 1. Today I choose to believe in you with all my heart. I lay down my tears, my worries and all my strength, knowing that you are my rock and my salvation. Fill me with confidence in your plan. Remind me that I will never be alone, and let my faith be a light to those who are around me. In Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 4:

Amen, what wonderful words. Out of the heart, the mouth does speak. Well, we've come to the end of this morning and we hope you'll join us again next week, where Ben will be here. So that's for now Goodbye, goodbye.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for listening to us today on Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We hope you found inspiration and guidance in today's audio. Remember the journey of faith is a continuous one and your questions and thoughts are important. You can send us a text or an email and we will get back to you. So, wherever you are around the world, thank you for listening to our podcasts and radio ministry. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. Please support us with prayer. Also, you can sow a financial seed into this ministry. You can also leave us a legacy to support and continue the work of this radio ministry. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with others who might benefit. Until next time, stay blessed.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Night and the spirit of life.

Speaker 7:

Call Mamela and her voice with the fear of a child answers Hayamamela Wait. There's no mountain too great. Hear these words and have faith Whoa Whoa.

Speaker 1:

Have faith Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa whoa. He watches over everything. We see Into the water, into the truth, in your reflection.

Speaker 6:

He lives in you. He lives in you.

Speaker 1:

He lives in you. He lives in you. He lives in you. He lives in me. He watches over everything we see Into the water, into the truth In your reflection. He lives in you. He lives in you. He lives in you. He lives in you. He lives in you. He lives in you. He lives in you. He lives in me. He watches over Everything we see Into the water, into the water, into the truth in your reflection. He lives in me. He watches over Everything we see Into the water, into the truth In your reflection. He lives in you.

Speaker 7:

I just want to speak the name of Jesus Over every heart and every mind. I know there is peace within your presence. I speak Jesus. I just want to speak the name of Jesus Till every dark addiction starts to break, declaring there is hope and there is freedom. I speak, jesus. Your name is power. Your name is power. Your name is healing. Your name is life. Break every stronghold. Shine through the shadows, burn like a fire. I just want to speak the name of Jesus Over fear and all anxiety, to every soul held captive by depression. I speak, jesus. Your name is power. Your name is healing. Your name is life is light. Break every stronghold. Shine through the shadows, burn like a fire. Shout Jesus from the mountains. Jesus in the streets. Jesus in the mountains. Jesus in the streets. Jesus in the darkness, over every enemy. Jesus for my family. I speak the holy name Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Shout Jesus from the mountains, jesus in the streets, jesus in the darkness, over every enemy. Jesus for my family, I speak the holy name. Jesus, your name is power, your name is healing, your name is life. Break every sorrow, shine through the shadows, burn like fire. Your name is power, your name is healing, your name is life. Thank you, let's pray.

Speaker 1:

Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my hope and peace. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my righteousness. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow, jesus so good. Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount, I know Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount, I know Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. We all start on the outside, the outside looking in.

Speaker 2:

This is where grace begins. We were hungry, we were thirsty, with nothing left to give. Oh, the shape that we were in. And just when all hope seemed lost, love opened the door for us.

Speaker 1:

He said come to the table.

Speaker 2:

Come join the sinners who have been redeemed.

Speaker 1:

Take your place beside the Savior, sit down and be set free. Come to the table. Come to the table, come meet this mighty crew of misfits, these liars and these thieves.

Speaker 1:

There's no one unwelcome here and that sin and shame that you brought with you. You can leave it at the door and let mercy draw you near. So come to the table. Come join the sinners who have been redeemed. Take your place beside the Savior. We've been redeemed.

Speaker 1:

Come to the table. To the thief and to the doubter, to the hero and the coward, to the prisoner and the soldier, to the young and to the older, all who hunger, all who thirst, all the last and all the first, all the paupers and the princes, all who fail you've been forgiven. All who dream and all who suffer, all who loved and lost another, all the chained and all the free, all who follow, all who lead, anyone who's been led down, all the lost. You have been found. All who've been labeled, right or wrong. To everyone who hears this song, come to the table. Come join the sinners. You have been redeemed. Take your place beside the Savior. Sit down and be set free. Sit down and be set free. Come to the table. Come to the table, sit down and be set free.

Speaker 2:

Come to the table. Great is the Lord. He is holy and just. By His power we trust in His love. Great is the Lord. He is faithful and true. By His mercy he proves he is love. Great is the Lord and worthy of glory. Great is the Lord and worthy of glory.

Speaker 1:

Praise the Lord and worthy of praise. Praise the Lord Now. Lift up your voice. Now lift up your voice, praise the Lord.

Speaker 2:

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Great is the Lord. He is holy and just. By His power, we trust in His love. Great is the Lord. He is faithful and true. By His mercy he boosts his love. Great is the Lord and worthy of praise.

Speaker 1:

Great is the Lord. Now lift up your voice. Now lift up your voice, now lift up your voice. Great is the Lord. Great is the Lord. Great are you, lord, and worthy of glory. Great are you, lord and worthy of glory. Great are you, lord and worthy of praise. Great are you, lord. I lift up my voice. I lift up my voice. Rain on you, lord. Rain on you, lord. Rain on you, lord. Rain on you, lord. Bye.

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