Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

Journey to Salvation and Spiritual Rest (#1022 - Elim)

Reverend Ben Cooper

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In this transformative episode of Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast, we delve into a life-changing question: What if your Christian faith wasn’t confined to the walls of a traditional church, but was built upon a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ? Drawing on the powerful message of Psalm 62, we explore how the Holy Spirit serves as our true source of peace, rest, and salvation. In a world increasingly consumed by materialism, social media distractions, and secular ideologies, there’s an urgent need to prioritize spiritual fulfillment that goes beyond mere church attendance. This episode will inspire you to deepen your faith and experience a more profound, personal connection with Christ.

We begin with the story of Doubting Thomas, where doubt and faith collide in a powerful moment of personal encounter with Christ. This biblical narrative underscores the importance of seeking a direct, personal relationship with Jesus, and how scripture remains a vital tool in nurturing and strengthening our faith. Reverend Ben Cooper emphasizes that true belief isn’t about blind adherence to church rituals—it’s about cultivating a genuine encounter with Christ through prayer, scripture, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This message resonates with believers globally, encouraging everyone to seek a deeper walk with God.

Continuing on this journey, we examine the incredible gift of salvation through Christ, made available through His sacrificial death on the cross. Salvation, a divine offering from God, is the foundation of our Christian faith. We explore the theological significance of salvation and how Jesus Christ serves as the bridge between sinful humanity and a holy God. Through His sacrifice, the tearing of the temple curtain symbolized the restoration of direct access to God, allowing believers to experience an intimate relationship with their Creator.

This episode is a clarion call for believers to embrace practical steps that strengthen their faith. We share powerful tips such as the use of anointing oil and the significance of communion, grounded in biblical tradition, to help deepen your connection with God. These spiritual practices empower Christians to experience the presence of God in everyday life, reinforcing the firm foundation that Christ offers. Spiritual growth, biblical practices, and living a Christ-centered life are explored, providing listeners with actionable ways to grow in their faith.

As we close, gratitude and community take center stage. Reverend Ben Cooper offers heartfelt thanks to listeners around the world for their continued support and engagement. In today’s divided world, we emphasize the importance of prayer, worship, and Christian unity, calling on believers to be sources of comfort, strength, and hope for one another. The global church is stronger when we stand together in love and faith. We invite you to join this global mission of faith, with opportunities to get involved through subscribing, sharing, and supporting the podcast financially. Your support helps bring this powerful message of salvation, spiritual renewal, and Christ-centered living to a worldwide audience.

Whether you are in the UK, the US, or anywhere else, this episode speaks to Christians around the globe. As you listen, you will be inspired to draw nearer to God, embrace the teachings of Christ, and live out your faith with greater purpose and passion. Join Reverend Ben Cooper on this mission to spread

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Rev Ben Cooper's podcast. We are a radio and podcast ministry based here within the UK. Your support is vital through prayer and through sowing a seed of faith. We are so thankful to have so many people around the globe downloading and listening to our podcasts, whether you are on Spotify, apple Podcast, google, alexa, amazon Music and so many other platforms. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. We would love to hear from you as you partner with us as we reach the world for Jesus Christ. Please send us an email through our contact form on pastorbencoopercouk. Also, you can find our latest books on Amazon under hashtag one, hashtag two and hashtag three under Christian Straight Talk hard-hitting, real-life conversations taken from our podcasts.

Speaker 1:

Your financial gifts play a crucial role in supporting our radio ministry. Thank you, stretch out beyond the boundaries as we walk by faith. If you'd like to support our mission, please consider clicking the support button on Spotify, apple Podcasts or Buzzsprout. You can give a one-time gift or set up a regular contribution of £3, £5, £8, or £10. You can also leave a legacy by clicking in the links within pastorbencoopercouk. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry as we spread the message of hope far and wide through this radio ministry. So, whether you are on the daily commute or at home listening to our podcast, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Blessings world, wherever you are this evening. We thank you so much for joining us across the other side of the globe, wherever you are right now. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we come and we rest, and we be still at the cross of Calvary. Whatever your day is like, whatever is going on in your life, I just pray that you will just find rest in him alone you. He is your god, he is your king, he is your savior. But as we gather around the word of god tonight, we can see so many people joining us. Wherever you are, we thank you for everyone that shares all these podcasts out and please, you know, go on to spotify, go on to amazon music, please go on to apple and all them platforms that we're on, as the advert has just said, and just share all that sort of stuff out, listen, and we'd love some feedback from you. But wherever you are this hour, may god strengthen you and bless you in the mighty name of the father, the son, the holy spirit. But let's get straight in. We're in psalm 62 tonight. We're in psalm 62 and the simple title of uh, this study, this time as we gather for um bread and communion, as we just rest that we be. Still, I don't need church, I need jesus. It's that simple. That is the title. So if you're making notes and we know people do that and that sort of stuff I don't need church, I need jesus.

Speaker 2:

Come on, let's get straight in and this is really, really important that we don't need church. Church is literally hanging on by a thread in this nation. We need god, we need the power of the living word of god. We don't need church. Church is boring. Church can be a bit of a waste of time. It's just a mechanism, it's just just a system that goes around. Brothers and sisters, it is god, it is the holy spirit, it is the word, it is the Holy Spirit, it is the Word, it is Christ, it is Yahweh, it is the King of Kings, it is the Lord of Lords. So this evening we are in Psalm 62, verse 1 through to 2, and we will probably press on a little bit further. But let's get straight in. You know it isn't the church I need, it isn't pastor I need it. Isn't any one of us that I need. I need jesus. Is there anybody out there that is bold enough just to say I don't need church, I don't need any mechanisms of the church. I need the living word. I need the power of god. I need the holy spirit. I need his love. I need the redemption redemption king. I need the father, the son, holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

But when we look at these scriptures if you are in Psalm 62, just have a look for yourself at this moment. You know the title of this evening's study. As we gather together, we break bread and we just take a moment out of the craziness of life, you know the title is I don't need church, I need Jesus. Psalm 62, verse 1,. I need Jesus. Psalm 62, verse 1. My soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress. I will never be shaken. Let's just start at the back end of that. I will never be shaken.

Speaker 2:

Do you realize that there is no one on planet earth that can shake you? Do you realize there's no one on planet Earth that can take you off the Earth? Do you realize that there is no one in your life, in your family, in your workspace? There is no one in your life that can destroy what God is about to do, what God has done, what God is going to do. There is power in the name of Jesus. It says I shall never be shaken.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we have moments of fear. Yes, we have moments of fear. Yes, we have moments of doubt. Yes, we have, maybe, episodes where our mental health might be stretched, we might have fearful days, we might be really scared, we might be really lonely. We have these moments, we have these episodes in our lives. We have this stuff going on. But the fact of the matter is, the bible is extremely clear I will never be shaken to that degree where my life will be threatened by anybody else, because god is with you and wherever you are tonight, take hold and take strength that the church has no hold over you. The church has no grip over you. Lucifer has no grip over you. The world has no grip over you. Lucifer has no grip over you. The world has no grip over you. You are free because the Bible says in John 8, 32, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. You are free because salvation sits over you through Christ Jesus. You are anointed, you are blessed, you are chosen, you are redeemed, you are loved of God and the living word of God is within you. So, wherever you are, grab yourself a Bible, jump straight in, grab yourself a cup of tea or a cup of coffee and let's just get straight in, you know, get straight in. And let's just have a look at these scriptures. Psalm 62, verse 1, it says my soul finds rest in God alone.

Speaker 2:

I find that fascinating that it doesn't talk about the flesh. It talks about the inner person, the inner man, the inner human being, my soul, the inner person. You know it's not about the flesh. The flesh will never find rest because the flesh is always craving, the flesh is always tempted. The flesh is always looking for something of the world, but you know that's why the flesh will never be calm. The flesh is always looking for something of the world, but you know that's why the flesh will never be calm. The flesh will always want. You know we'll always be quite needy as human beings within the world. We'll always need something of this world the flesh. There's the biggest battle in our lives. The biggest battle that we have in our lives is not with the enemy, it's actually with ourselves, with the skin that we walk in. You know your mind, your concept of life, everything. You know the way we look at life, we can always be in a perpetual position of wanting I want this, I want that, you know, I want that, I want, I want.

Speaker 2:

But God tells us very clearly that it is our soul that needs the place of rest. When you look at these scriptures Psalm 62, my soul finds rest in God alone. It is your soul, that inner you, that inner you, that invisible you, that you that only God can really see. You and God, because you know, sometimes we don't display our inner us to everyone around us. You know, my soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from him.

Speaker 2:

Now there we have a text that opens right up, that throws so much open. You know, just in verse one and one alone, when you look at that Psalm 62, verse one, my soul finds rest in God. How do do I find rest in God? Who is this God? Who is this king? Who is this redeemer? You know, where is he? Who is he? How do I find this God? Where is this God? He's invisible. The Bible says that he sits in an unapproachable light, that he cannot be accessible by human hands, human mind. But then Jesus is the way. Jesus says I can make a way where there is no way, because that is what the cross of calvary has done. So, wherever you are tonight, you know, join us as we join in psalm 62, verse 1 and 2, and the title.

Speaker 2:

For those that are taking notes I don't need church, I need jesus. That is quite a statement to say, but it is absolutely clear Church is over, church is finished. Church is boring. Sometimes it's a waste of time, it's very mechanical, it's very business. It is God. We are living in a time when we need God. We need the Trinity, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

Wherever you are at this moment in time, I pray that you will find peace. You won't find peace in ministry, in church, in religion, in the way of the world. You will find peace in God and then, through God, god will lead you to the calling that you have on your life, and we've got to remind ourselves that every one of us is called. And what are we called to? We're called to salvation. When you look at the scriptures that we're in this evening, my soul finds rest in God alone. There is no other place that you will find rest. Church won't give you rest. Work won't give you rest. Family won't give you rest. Life won't give you rest. The ultimate rest that you need for your life is in the Holy Spirit, in the Comforter, in the Counselor, in the Holy Ghost, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. God is calling every one of us to walk with him like never before.

Speaker 2:

Every lifestyle that we look at, all of our lifestyles, do not mirror image what the Bible says, because it is impossible because we are covered in skin. This is why the Bible makes it clear in Psalm 62, verse 1, my soul finds rest in God alone. It is impossible for the skin, for the autonomy, for the physicality, for the human being to find rest. We will always be agitated in certain areas of life because the flesh is always craving. The flesh is craving for life in the outside world around us, you know, because it lives by perception and it lives by emotion. But the soul is separated from the flesh. Believe it or believe it.

Speaker 2:

Not that the soul is the driver, which is faith. You know, the bible says faith comes by hearing the message. So if I'm down in my faith, there's one simple reason, and that is because I'm not in the word, because my faith will elevate, my faith will catapult, my faith will rise, my faith will escalate, my faith will grow when I hear the word of God. Now, if God wanted us to grow in church, he would have put the scriptures of the church together. But what God is telling us is something very clear. It says in verse one my soul finds rest in God alone. It is not in religion, it is not in business, it is not in money, it is not in notoriety, it is not on the devil's playground, social media. You will only find rest ini.

Speaker 2:

Jehovah Shalom, the God that we serve, is an invisible God, and the Bible says that he sits in an approachable light and he cannot be accessed by man. So when you look at the cross of the Calvary, you think well, what did Christ do? When Christ died on the cross of Calvary? He gave us access, he made access to God. How do we get to God? You know, jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. So by going through Christ, not only do you get cleansed through Christ and through the blood when you go through Jesus. Now, that's a very interesting thing.

Speaker 2:

When we talk about going through Jesus, what does it mean to actually go through Jesus. Jesus says I am the door, so I have to go through Jesus. Jesus says I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through me, so we have to go through. But how do I go through Christ?

Speaker 2:

That is a very interesting thing, because we do not have the physicality, we do not have the form of Jesus, we do not have the physicality, we do not have the form of jesus, we do not have the man that we can touch, christ jesus. We wasn't blessed as in the way that the disciples were blessed, where they was able to see him, to walk with him, to actually have an eyeball to eyeball conversation with the christ. Uh, you know, it's really, really interesting that the Bible now says the just shall live by faith and it says you're struggling to believe me, even though I'm before you, you see me right before your very eyes. Blessed are those that just believe in me. See, this is where we have to go further than the disciples. They had the present Christ, they had the physical Christ, they had him around them, as in the autonomy, the physicality, the senses see him, the senses heard him, they was able to touch him, to walk with him. They sat around the table, they ate with him, but the word now is telling us that we got to go by faith. So when you look at the psalm, when you read the psalm, that we're in.

Speaker 2:

My soul finds rest in God alone. It doesn't mention church and religion. It's really important to understand that. Church is great, church is powerful. There is a place for church. But what happens when I go to church? What do I actually get from church? What do I actually get from it? Is it an emotional journey? Is it a journey where I'm networking? You've got to be careful as well. If there's a church that you're going to and it's talking about networking, going to and it's talking about networking Networking is a business terminology I don't network at church. I don't need to give my business card to anybody else. I don't need to do this. I don't need to do that. My soul finds rest in God alone.

Speaker 2:

We are living in a time when we are going to experience the second coming of Jesus Christ and there is a lot of spiritual agitation. There is a lot of agitation, there is a lot of nervous dispositions. At this moment. There are people that are living on the fine edge of the knife of life, trying to find the way to go, and the only way is through Christ. But we hear you keep saying that, rev, it is through Jesus.

Speaker 2:

How do I get to this Jesus? Because the Bible says that he was crucified, he died and he left this earth. It says on Ascension Day day he was hidden by the cloud. No one has seen the physical christ. Yes, he has revealed himself through visions and dreams, but no one has actually seen the physical body of jesus, because no one will see the physical body of christ until the second coming of him. And then god actually says that he sits in an unapproachable light. No one can see God and live. So how do I do this stuff? How do I get to this Jesus? Where is this Jesus? Where is he? He seems to be that he's just disappeared off the face of the earth. You know what I'm going to say.

Speaker 2:

Brothers and sisters, wherever you are across the world, we have the living word of God. It is the word of God, and when I mean the word of God, I mean the written word. You know, it's great that we got the Bible on apps. We got it on our phones, we got it on the tablets, we got it here, there and everywhere, but there is nothing more finer than having a physical Bible in your hand. I would get yourself a Bible. I would get yourself a Bible If you need a Bible. We are committed to giving people Bibles across the world, wherever you are this evening. If you need a Bible, I will promise you that we will get you a Bible. It is the greatest gift that you will give anybody and we are committed and we will give you a Bible wherever you are. When I've got a Bible in my hand, when I hold this Bible, I am holding the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. When I hold this Bible, I am holding the living word. When I hold the living word, this is my God and my King.

Speaker 2:

So when you look at these scriptures that you're in this evening, you know it is critical that we get ourselves in the word, because it says my soul finds rest in God alone. If God wanted us to find rest in some other area of life, he would have made that clear through the living word. But what's really really important as we look at these scriptures? So, so, so important that, as we look at this, it says my soul finds rest in God alone. So that tells us that there is a disconnect. There is a disconnect between the flesh and the inner person.

Speaker 2:

The soul of a person you know the flesh is craving. The flesh is always looking for materialistic gain. The flesh is always looking for the money, always looking for the car, looking for the new sofa, looking for this, looking for that. The soul is looking for what. The soul is looking for something completely different. The soul is looking for what? For rest, because the flesh cannot find rest. But if I can deal with the inner me, if I can deal with the inner me, that person that is deep within my heart, my mind, my body, my soul, if I can deal with me, how do I deal with me?

Speaker 2:

It's just like Thomas Doubting. Thomas was so clear, he was so plain in what he said. He said don't tell me any more about this, jesus, I don't want second hand knowledge. And the Bible says in the Gospel of John that Christ appeared to those around and he revealed himself to over 500 people. But there Thomas, doubting Thomas, said I don't want to hear any more what God and what Christ has revealed to you. I don't want to hear anymore what God and what Christ has revealed to you. I don't want to hear it from your lips, I want to see it for myself. Is there anybody out there tonight that is so hungry for Jesus? Are you being stirred like never before?

Speaker 2:

You know, yesterday, through the service, I really felt the Lord. You know I've got this bottle of oil. You know this bottle of oil that I felt God told me to prepare as we're going through prayer, and what I've got this in my hand tonight. It's really, really important. If you wasn't on service yesterday, I would grab yourself a bit of oil wherever you are at home. It can just be olive oil and just grab yourself a bit of olive oil and anoint yourself. Anoint yourself. Stand in the mirror. I know it sounds a little bit crazy, but just get yourself a little bit of olive oil, because we are living in times when we need anointing. So you just put it on your finger, you go and name the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, anoint yourself the oil of God. It doesn't need to be oil from any crazy religion, from any great preacher. You know, a bit of olive oil from your kitchen is perfect. That is that simple. It is that powerful.

Speaker 2:

Wherever you are right now, you know, anoint yourself with oil, feel the power of God. God is with you. God is calling you to greater things. The power of God is with you right now, wherever you are. We would say to you right now, in the mighty name of Jesus, get in the word of God. The Bible says in Psalm 62, verse one my soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from him. I love the fact that church is erased out of the text that we're in. Whatever life is looking like through your lens, whatever life is looking like through your eyes, whatever life is looking like in every area, you know, trust God. Start to see the miracles happening. Start to see healings.

Speaker 2:

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in the power of the word of God? Do you believe in the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit? Do you believe in the father, the son, the holy spirit? Do you want to see the dead raised? Do you want to see the blind seeing? Do you want to hear the deaf hearing? Do you want to see the lame walking? Yes, lord, I'm hungry. I need your god, I need the power of the holy spirit. Lord, I want to see great things. I want to see miracles happening.

Speaker 2:

But first I've got to get myself in the living word, got to get myself in the living word. When I get myself in the living word, when I get myself in Yahweh, jehovah, jireh, jehovah, nissi, when I get in the scripture, you know, fire starts to happen around my life. When I start to follow the word of God. The Bible says in Psalm 119, 105, your word is a lamp unto my feet, a light for my path. Your word is, it is the word of God. It is not church, it is not religion, it is not the prayer group, it is not pastor, it is not me, it is not Elim, it is not the leadership team. It is the living word of God. It is the power of the word of God. It is the word of God that we all need in our lives. It is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is your counselor. The living word Christ Jesus is your healer. Yahweh, your God, is your redeemer. He is the one that is in control of salvation. It is not the church, it is not the preachers, it is not the teachers, it is not the worship band down the front on a Sunday morning.

Speaker 2:

Salvation sits in God and God alone. Let's see what the Bible says about salvation. So firstly, the psalmist writes Psalm 62, verse 1, my soul finds rest in God alone. And then the psalmist takes it a little bit further my salvation comes from him. If you have a Bible, turn to Psalm 91. If you turn to Psalm 91, you will see a very clear indicator about salvation.

Speaker 2:

The Bible tells us that salvation does not come from a human being. Salvation comes from the eternal God. And I can tell that there are people out there saying well, you could say salvation comes from a human being. You can only say salvation comes from one human being, and his name was Jesus. But actually Christ is the sacrifice. The one that gives salvation is God and God alone. Christ is the redeemer, christ is the bridge from God to man, and when I mean man, I'm not just referring to the man I'm talking about, to humanity. So when you look at this, salvation comes from god and god alone. Christ is the redeeming king, christ is the sacrificial lamb, christ is the savior of the world. But he can only be the savior of the world and he can only carry salvation and he can only deliver salvation, because God has given the authority to Christ. How do you know that Jesus needs authority from God. It's very, very simply because the Bible says Jesus says I can only do what the Father has told me to do. That is power.

Speaker 2:

When you think that Jesus Christ is the living word, jesus Christ is God, when you look at that, christ does not come out of the remit. Christ does not come out of the remit as the Son, even though the Son is the eternal God and the eternal God is the Son. He never comes out of that skin that he walks in. He is completely obedient to the father's voice that is so powerful. It is beyond human understanding, it is beyond the physics of life, it is beyond thinking, it is beyond what we understand. So salvation comes primarily from one place, and one place only. Salvation comes from God. Christ is the bridge, christ is the redeemer, christ is the sacrificial lamb. Jesus Christ is the son of God.

Speaker 2:

So when you look at Psalm 91, we've been in Psalm 91 for years. We've unpacked it, we've done expository preaching, we've done sermonizing from it, we've opened up the fabric of the text. We've looked at this a thousand times. But when you're in this word and you see what the scripture says about salvation, it's really, really interesting that salvation comes from God and God alone. So when you read this, this text, if you're with me, in Psalm 91, if you pick it up in verse 14, and I will read it as we just press on, and it says in psalm 91, verse 14 because he loves me, says the lord, I will rescue him, I will protect him for it says, therefore, he acknowledges my name, he will call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him with long life. Now, verse 16 of Psalm 91 is a very prophetic scripture. It talks very clearly about salvation and salvation alone. So when you look at that, it says in verse 16 of Psalm 91, with long life. See, god gives us long life.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't matter about the cretins that are around you, it doesn't matter about the toxic people, it doesn't matter about the bullets and the axes and the arrows that are flying, because, god, when you are born again, no one is going to take you off this terra firma, no one is going to take you off this earth. No one is going to erase your life, because no one has the power, firstly, to erase your life, because all life and all power sits in the hands of Yahweh, sits in the hands of the God of Israel, sits in the hands of the eternal king. No sickness is going to take you off the earth without God having the last word. No bullet is going to take you off the earth without God having the last word. No bullet is going to take you off the word. No axe, no arrow, no car crash. Nothing is going to take you off this earth until God says it's time to leave. God is in full charge. God is in full understanding. He knows the end from the beginning, the beginning from the end. He is your redeeming king. Jesus Christ is the bridge from the invisible God. Christ is the eternal bridge. Christ is the bridge from God, from this God that is not accessible by human beings but is accessible by Christ.

Speaker 2:

Because when Christ died on the cross of Calvary, the Bible says that the temple curtain was torn in two from top to bottom. And that was representing what? If you look in the Old Testament, the Levitical priesthood were the only ones that was able to go behind the holy curtain, the temple curtain. The Levitical priesthood were trained, they were brought up. No human being could go behind the temple curtain. Where was they going? They was going into the holy of holies. So this is really profound, this is really prophetic, the scripture.

Speaker 2:

So what you had? You had the levitical priesthood. Now the levitical priesthood was the priest that carried the Ark of the Covenant in the book of Joshua, where they was carrying the law, where they was carrying everything of the word. When I spoke about this the other week, the Levitical priesthood were carrying the Ark and God said when you see the Ark move, when you see the Levitical priesthood carry my instruction, get up and follow it. So the ark was carried by the Levitical priesthood on their shoulders in the ark of the covenant. It was carried externally. The word was carried externally by the Levitical priesthood.

Speaker 2:

The Levitical priesthood was the only human beings on earth that could go behind the curtain of the Holy of Holies because it was so holy, it was so powerful, it was so strong. And the Bible says that on many occasions. The Levitical priesthood were brought up from birth and they were set aside to go behind the Holy of Holies because they lived a life that was such a sacrificial life no one could get behind the holy curtain. So when the bible says the curtain of the temple was torn in two. It wasn't just giving us that for a pretty reference and a reason. The temple curtain was torn in two, because what it meant was is that you got access. You got access to what the holy of holies, so the levitical priesthood carried the ark of the covenant. They carried the ark, they carried the word, because that's what it was that representing. It was representing the word that the, the bible, the word of god, the instruction, as understand it. It was carried externally by the holy priests.

Speaker 2:

The holy priests were the only ones that could go behind the curtain and they had a rope tied around their waist. Because this is biblical fact Often what would happen? The presence of God was so strong and so powerful they would die behind the curtain. Now we understand why the scripture says no one can see god and live so many levitical priesthood. They died where, not on the battlefield, by sword and spear and javelin. They died behind the holy of holies. Their heart stopped and what happened was, after a set amount of time, the other priests would pull the rope and they would pull the dead priest out behind the curtain. So this is why the scripture says in the new testament, when christ said it is finished and he bowed his head and he gave up his spirit and the temple curtain was torn in two.

Speaker 2:

It was referring that there is access. Now there is access to the holy of holies. How do we get access to the holy of holies, that holy place? Jesus says I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. So when we go through Jesus, when we go through Christ, we are going through to the holy of holies. We don't actually realize that we are dwelling in such a holy place, because if you are in Christ, how do we know we're in Christ?

Speaker 2:

John 3.3, you must be born again. Have a look for yourself. The scripture is clear no one can be born again on their own academic understanding, on their own reasoning, by their own strength, by their own way of life. It's not through money, it's not through notoriety, it's not through by being a preacher or teacher. No one on planet Earth I give you my life. No one on planet Earth can give you salvation, because salvation comes from God and God alone. The Bible says you must be born again.

Speaker 2:

Born again, transferring the translation, bringing the translation, going back right the way back to the root word. What does it mean to be born again? It means to be born from above. How can you be born from above? Salvation is given. So when the scriptures that we was in Psalm 62, my soul finds rest in God alone and he is my salvation. It is God that is the gift giver. The gift giver is the gift of salvation. Jesus Christ is the bridge. Jesus Christ is the bridge, very, very clear. Christ is the living word. He is the king of kings, he is the redeeming king, he is the coming king. God is the God of Israel and the God of Israel sits in an unapproachable light. No one can see God and live.

Speaker 2:

The scripture says let's come back to Psalm 91. Let's bring it full circle. Psalm 91, verse 16, says with long life, will I satisfy him? God is telling you. God is telling you you've got long life, and I'm not talking about long life milk. God says you've got long life. And no one on this earth, no sickness, no disease, no car crash, no bullet, no sword, no situation is going to take you off this earth. Because God is telling me and God is telling you With long life, will I satisfy him and show him my salvation. Who is speaking this? This is the eternal God. So who is this Christ? Who is this Holy Spirit? We understand that the Holy Spirit is the enabler. The Holy Spirit enables us to speak in the power of God. The word of God is Christ.

Speaker 2:

In the beginning, john, chapter 1, turn for yourself. We understand that. I have literally rinsed this Lord. I didn't mean to say rinse, don't rinse the scripture, sorry, jesus. What I mean is I've gone and I've labored on it. I've gone backwards and forwards, in out, shake it all about like the Oikoke.

Speaker 2:

You know, when you look at John, chapter 1, verse 1, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and he was with God in the beginning. So we could say to that well, pastor Ben, actually it says there very clearly that Christ is God. God is Christ. He is a living word. Yes, I get that, I understand that. But what it is telling us? That salvation comes from God and God alone. Salvation comes from God and God alone. Jesus Christ is the redeemer, he is the one that came from heaven's glory and the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. So what we got to understand and try to understand is that Christ was the living sacrifice, the great high priest. God is the gift giver. We can't see God and live, but we can experience a vision and a dream, and we can see Christ very, very clearly in visions and dreams. Christ will present himself. So Christ is the bridge from the throne room down to this earth. Christ is the enabler, christ is the gate. He says I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.

Speaker 2:

There are no other routes to god. There are no other religions that can get you to god. There is only one god. Every other religion under the sun, every other religion under this sun, is serving Lucifer, because there is only one God. There is only one King, there is only one Holy Spirit. Every other God that anyone else is calling to at this moment is Lucifer, dressed in what they perceive their God to be. There is no other God higher than Yahweh. There is no other God higher than the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. There is no other God higher than the God of Israel, is no other God higher than the God of Israel. Every other God you will find at the end of that track that they are talking about. You will find Lucifer, because there is no other God. There are other gods, as in foreign gods and false gods, but there is only one god. There is only one god and his name is yahweh. He is jehovah jireh, jehovah nissi, jehovah shalom. He is your peace, he is your shield, he is your rampart. So come back.

Speaker 2:

Let's come back to the levitical priesthood a moment. So the levitical priesthood were put on this earth and ordained and anointed by the God of Israel to go behind the Holy of Holies, the place that no other human being could go to, and get behind that curtain to be in the holy presence of a holy, eternal God that is unapproachable by any other human being except the Levitical priesthood. So when Christ died on the cross of Calvary, when he said it is finished and the temple curtain was torn, it was referring to the Old Testament ways. Now there is access, but there is only access through one. You can't get to God through God. You can only get to God through God. You can only get to God through Jesus. You can't go around the sheep pen. Jesus says I am the good shepherd and you've got to come into the sheep pen. When you come into the sheep pen, when you come in through the gate. He says I am the door, I am the gate, I am the bread of life. I am that, I am.

Speaker 2:

Yes, the biblical statements tell us that Jesus is God. I am not saying that Jesus Christ is not God, but what I am saying salvation comes from God. When you look at the scripture, let's look at what the scripture says With long life will I satisfy him. And the Bible says there, and show him my salvation. Salvation comes from God. It doesn't come from ministry, it doesn't come from man, it doesn't come from healing, it doesn't come from me, it doesn't come from Alex, it doesn't come from any other human being. Salvation comes from God and Christ is the bridge. Christ is the bridge from the eternal God. So when the temple curtain was torn in two, jesus was saying God is acceptable and accessible and you can get to him through me. That's what the Bible says. And Jesus says I've said it more times than I can count tonight I am the way. There is no other way. Church is not the way, religion isn't the way, music isn't the way. Prayer isn't the way. Believe it or believe it not.

Speaker 2:

Prayer can only come into being and once we are born again. But we do not realize that being born again is the first criteria that happens to a human's life. Then suddenly, what springs from that? It is the foundation point, it is the critical point, it is the point. Prayer only becomes powerful when suddenly the human being is born again, because it's just like the Pharisees, just like the Sadducees. Prayer only becomes powerful when suddenly the human being is born again, because it's just like the Pharisees, just like the Sadducees, it's just hot air. Jesus says look at the Pharisees and the Sadducees, look at them standing on the street corners. Then he says this is how you pray, but you can only pray that prayer when you are born again, because when you are born again, because when you are born again it is life transforming. When you are a pagan, then jesus christ says after the lord's prayer he said listen, look at the pagans, they're just babbling. That's a very interesting religion that's very alive out there at the moment in the uk.

Speaker 2:

Paganism and wicca. That's really really strong at this moment in time. Wicca is out there, paganism is out there at this moment in time. We've got to be really, really careful that we do not find ourselves in an occultic situation. Church can be very dangerous. You've got to find. Your church that is that is preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I'm not talking about weak, woke words. I'm not talking about when any Tom, dick or Harry gets in the pulpit. I'm talking about when you hear a message on the blood of Jesus Christ, on the power of the word.

Speaker 2:

We're going to come to the table in just a few moments. I'm realizing that the clock is really ticking tonight, but I'm just holding up this bottle of oil. It isn't vodka in pasta's little hip flask, it is actually oil. And I'm going to let you into a little secret. It don't belong to Peter Popoff. I didn't pay five quid, I didn't send off for it. I nicked it pretty quickly out of the food bank and I filled it up with olive oil. Because let me tell you a little secret you can't buy oil that has been specially anointed by anyone. It's the process. So let's get a little bit of olive oil. Come on, put it on your finger. Alex, you take that and do it for yourself. Just watch what I do.

Speaker 2:

So we come into the table, just put a little bit of oil on your finger, just put it in the palm of your hand and just put it on your forehead and just say, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, anoint yourself, anoint yourself. You know it's critical. Get yourself a bit of oil. Pray over the oil. Father, lord, I thank you for this chip oil, but, lord, it's all. I've got Lord in the frying pan at the minute. You know what I'm saying. Just get some oil, you know. Get some oil and anoint yourself. It's important. And get yourself some grape juice. Get yourself some, whatever it may be that symbolizes the color red. Get yourself a bit of bread, whatever it may be. We're coming to the table.

Speaker 2:

I just want to reflect on that scripture that we was on just before we enter into the next part of this service that we're in at this moment in time and I know time is up, we're 41 minutes in according to the clock. I just want to read Psalm 62, where we started out. It says my soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from him. He is my rock and my salvation. Twice it's mentioned in Psalm 62 that he is my salvation, my fortress. I will never be shaken. Let me tell you, no one's going to shake you. No one is going to shake you off this earth. No one is going to take you off the earth. No situation is going to remove you. God's plan is over your life. You are anointed, you are blessed and highly favored. You are wonderfully and you are fearfully made, and the power of the Holy Spirit is over your life.

Speaker 2:

We are coming to the table in just a moment. Let the music play. Come on, let's get now. Let's get right to the table. Thank you, jesus.

Speaker 2:

Prayer is critical. Prayer is not the way to salvation, because salvation comes to you. Prayer is communication to the Father. Prayer is critical. Prayer is life-changing, but that only happens once, once you're born again. Brothers and sisters, break some bread with us, wherever you are across the world.

Speaker 2:

Come on, Lord. Thank you, jesus. Lord, we come to you tonight. Lord, Spirit of the living God, jesus, across the world, tonight, lord, come, meet this, my promised land. Let's break bread together, wherever you are across the world, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. You know he is the way, the truth and the life.

Speaker 2:

Jesus Christ is the only way. It's not through worship, it's not through prayer, it's not through the preaching. It is through Jesus, it is through the living word, it is through Christ. It is through the power. It is the living word of God. It is the living Word of God. It is the word. Worship comes after. Prayer comes after. Everything comes after. It is the power of the Word of God and let me tell you God saved you before we even knew what worship was. God saved you before you even knew what prayer was. God saved you before you even knew what worship was. God saved you before you even knew what prayer was. God saved you before you even knew who God was himself. His salvation plan was over you. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, and God will keep you on this earth. Father, bless this bread. Bless this bread right now, lord, as we break it together, because it symbolizes the body of Christ. May God bless you wherever you are across the world, in Jesus' name Amen.

Speaker 4:

All who loved and lost another, all the chained and all the free, all who follow, all who lead, anyone who's been led down, all the lost who have been found, all who've been labelled right or wrong.

Speaker 2:

To everyone who hears this song, Hallelujah, father, we come to you right now in the name of Jesus and we take of this cup because it is only the blood that can cleanse us. It is not worship, it is not prayer, it is not church. It is only the blood of Jesus that can cleanse us and has cleansed us from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet. Spirit of the living God, cleanse us now. Come, holy Spirit. All glory, all power is in the hands of the eternal God. Bless us as we take this now In Jesus' name. Amen. It is the power of the Holy Spirit, it is the power of God, it is the power of Jesus. Holy Spirit, it is the power of God, it is the power of Jesus. It is not worship, it is not the power of preaching, it is not church, it is God. It is God that saves us, and salvation comes before we even understand what church, what prayer, understand what church, what prayer, what worship is about?

Speaker 2:

Because salvation was always in the beginning. Salvation was at the very forefront of time. Time is only in existence because god created time. Salvation has always been because god represents salvation. Salvation wasn't created, salvation wasn't spoken into existence. Salvation was with God, whenever and however we look at the concept of God because salvation has always been when you think about that, god did not create salvation. We could look at the scripture and say well, what we find through Christ is that we have a physical realm of this eternal God. And now we can link this to Colossians 1, verse 15. Turn there this to Colossians, chapter 1, verse 15. Turn there Colossians 15. Uh, colossians, sorry, colossians, chapter 1, verse 15.

Speaker 2:

Christ is the image of the invisible God. He is the image of the invisible God, but God is the one that gives salvation through Jesus. So when you look at these scriptures, when you look at this, salvation wasn't created, salvation always was. Now, that cannot be perceived as a human being, that cannot be put into some form of a contextual conversation, it can't be articulated, it can't be worked out through physics and reasoning, because God has always been God and God will always be God and God was before what we understand, the beginning of the beginning, of the beginning. We just cannot grasp it. So salvation has always been.

Speaker 2:

When you think about that, salvation has always been. When you think about that, salvation has always been Before God spoke. Salvation was Before the birds started to fly, before the fish started to swim, before the stars started to beam down, before the sun moved, before the ocean crashed down, before creation, salvation was. Salvation was before the fabric of the world. And Jesus says this about you I knew you before the creation of the world. I knew you before the foundation of the world. I knew you before the foundation of the world. I knew you in invisible form. I knew you in invisible form.

Speaker 2:

It is beyond the rhetoric of life. It is beyond our understanding. It is beyond quantum physics. It has gone beyond the realms. It has gone beyond the realms. It has gone beyond anything that we can understand. It cannot be put into some form of a language that can be understand, because we will never be able to understand this triune godhead that we serve. So we're coming to a finish and alex is going to share a prayer that he's got that is burning on his sandals tonight. In the name of jesus, alex, share your prayer, my friend evening, everybody, um, our prayer is tonight.

Speaker 3:

Heavenly father, tonight we come before you with open heart, ready to hold each other up and support one another in a world that often feels heavily reminded us of the power of unity and love. May we be a source of comfort and strength to those who are around us. Help us to listen with compassion, speak and help in kindness.

Speaker 2:

Amen, amen, amen. Well done Alex. Well done Alex. You know we're coming to the end of this service and, wherever you are, I'm telling you tonight you don't need church, it's God. You don't need the rhythm of what the mechanics of religion is doing, it's the living word of god. Wherever you are tonight, I pray that the fire of god, I pray that the fire of god will descend on every one of you and his presence and his glory and his anointing will touch you in your house, wherever you are, are across the world. You know the stats that are coming back. The stats are just literally just crazy.

Speaker 2:

You never give up in your dream. You never give up in what God has put in your spirit, in your heart, your mind. You never give up. You might be surrounded with people that don't believe in what God is doing in your life. Don't worry about what the world is saying. Don't worry about the dogs at your saying. Don't worry about the dogs at your feet. Don't worry about the foxes. Don't worry about those people that don't understand your calling, because they can't understand your calling, because it's your calling and your calling is so powerful, your life that God has for you is so powerful. You know, never give up, never give in. God is with you wherever you are across this world. The stats are coming back that are thick and fast Over 77 countries around the world, hitting over 1,020 cities.

Speaker 2:

Who would ever think that this would come out of pound stretcher land, swanley? Who would ever think what would come out of here? Who would ever think? You know, never give up in your dream.

Speaker 2:

You know the finances of this church don't add up to what we do. We are running. If this was run by a financial gain, we would be collapsing. But we don't run and we don't need money to do the ministry of God, because when you look at everything that is done out of this house, it is impossible to do it. But God is doing it. There is not enough revenue to come through to flick the lights on some weeks.

Speaker 2:

Trust me, brothers and sisters, don't you ever give up in what God has given you. Don't you ever give up. Don't you allow those, those dogs, those toxic people in life, to stop you living the fulfillment of what god has for you. We're out of here. We've got to see a man about a dog. We're going. In the name of jesus, may god bless you and carry you right now. Wherever you are, have a wonderful day. If it's the morning, god bless you. Afternoon or the evening, wherever you are, we catch you soon, you know. You can listen to all this stuff back. You can listen to the little fat vicar rambling on on Spotify. You loved that when I say that, didn't you? Alex?

Speaker 3:

I think we'll at least play that old advert again soon.

Speaker 2:

We're not playing that advert, Alex. No, we are not. God bless you wherever you are across the world In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the Lord is with each and every one of us. Remember never give up in Jesus' name, God bless.

Speaker 3:

You have forgotten something. What? We've got a Twitter page as well.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, he's right. Yeah, we're on Twitter. Yeah, yeah, he's completely right. Yes, twitter, you can follow us on Twitter as well. Youtube we're still banned on YouTube. We have got a backup account. Okay, don't tell them that yet. We've got to get that right. There is a backup account. We'll let you know where that is soon. But, yes, you can't get us on YouTube. We said a few things that wasn't too good on there. But Twitter the Twitter is up and running. You can find us on that. But please, brothers and sisters, wherever you are, we thank God for your lives. You can find us on the social networks. You can find us on all of the podcasting platforms. You know, just tell the world about Jesus wherever you are. Never give up, never give in. We are out of here. Have a great day, good evening. God bless you In.

Speaker 1:

Jesus' name Amen. Thank you for listening to us today on Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We hope you found inspiration and guidance in today's audio. Remember the journey of faith is a continuous one and your questions and thoughts are important. You can send us a text or an email and we will get back to you. So, wherever you are around the world, thank you for listening to our podcasts and radio ministry. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. Please support us with prayer. Also, you can sow a financial seed into this ministry. You can also leave us a legacy to support and continue the work of this radio ministry. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with others who might benefit. Until next time, stay blessed.

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