Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

Beyond the Surface: Rediscovering Genuine Faith and Divine Purpose (#1023 - Elim)

Reverend Ben Cooper

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In this powerful episode of Reverend Ben Cooper’s podcast, we dive deep into the concept of true success and the search for genuine faith in an age overwhelmed by appearances and superficial values. What does it truly mean to succeed in life, and how can we cultivate a faith that transcends the fleeting nature of worldly expectations? In this thought-provoking conversation, we offer you transformative insights into the power of divine love, inviting you to peel back the layers of societal pressures and rediscover the essence of spiritual renewal that can only come from a deep relationship with God.

We begin by reflecting on the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer from 1 Samuel 14:6, which exemplifies individual courage and unwavering faith in God amidst life’s trials. This inspiring account teaches us that sometimes faith requires bold actions, even when the world around us may not understand. Just as Jonathan boldly stepped out in trust, we are called to embrace our personal divine calling with courage and determination, allowing God to work in our lives in ways that may defy the world's expectations.

The podcast then shifts to the question: Can a personal relationship with God transcend the spectacle of modern church practices? In a world where church services often focus on performance-driven worship, we boldly challenge the allure of external displays and call for a return to authentic spiritual encounters. Drawing from Psalm 91 and 1 Samuel 16:7, we emphasize that true faith is not about outward appearances but about what God sees in our hearts. God looks at the heart, not the outward show (1 Samuel 16:7), reminding us that genuine spiritual connection is not found in rituals or routines but in the vibrancy of daily life lived with God at the center.

Through personal stories and biblical insights, we illuminate the path to a faith that is not confined by church walls or driven by religious performances, but a faith that thrives in every aspect of life. This episode challenges listeners to seek a more authentic and intimate relationship with God, one that is alive in everyday life and based on personal encounters with Him.

We also call upon you to become a messenger of hope, as we highlight the simple yet powerful act of distributing Bibles. This act of spreading the Word of God is a crucial part of our divine purpose. We also discuss the significance of everyday symbols of faith, such as using kitchen oil for anointing, as a reminder that faith is accessible to everyone, regardless of circumstance. These symbols may seem ordinary, but in them, we find extraordinary ways to connect with God and express our faith.

As we close, we invite you to embrace your divine purpose, serve others with love, and trust in a God who sees and cherishes the heart. Whether you're navigating personal struggles or simply seeking a deeper connection, this episode offers an inspiring message of faith that heals, renews, and transforms. Through the simple and profound power of faith, we encourage you to find peace, hope, and a deeper spiritual renewal.

Additionally, we invite you to explore more of this life-changing message through our Christian radio network, where you can stay connected and continue your journey of faith. We are committed to reaching Christian communities worldwide and sharing the transformative power of God’s love.

Christian podcast, faith journey.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We are a radio and podcast ministry based here within the UK. Your support is vital through prayer and through sowing a seed of faith. The globe downloading and listening to our podcasts, whether you are on spotify, apple podcast, google, alexa, amazon music and so many other platforms. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. We would love to hear from you as you partner with us as we reach the world for jesus. Please send us an email through our contact form on pastorbencoopercouk. Also, you can find our latest books on Amazon under hashtag one, hashtag two and hashtag three under Christian Straight Talk hard-hitting, real-life conversations taken from our podcasts.

Speaker 1:

Your financial gifts play a crucial role in supporting our radio ministry, helping us share the gospel through these podcasts and providing free copies of the Gospel of John and Bibles around the globe. Please pray for this ministry as we stretch out beyond the boundaries, as we walk by faith. If you'd like to support our mission, please consider clicking the support button on Spotify, apple Podcasts or Buzzsprout. You can give a one-time gift or set up a regular contribution of £3, £5, £8 or £10. You can also leave a legacy by clicking in the links within pastorbencoopercouk. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry as we spread the message of hope far and wide through this radio ministry. So, whether you are on the daily commute or at home listening to our podcast, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, holy Spirit, thank you, lord. Lord, we believe, as we hold that prayer of faith right now, lord, in the name of Jesus, as we hold that prayer of faith right now, in the name of Jesus, in the Lord's house, lord, we just hold that prayer of faith, lord, and we just put our hands across our chest, on our head. Lord, across the world, wherever we are, believe you know, get that oil. At home, at work, wherever you are, just take time out and just say Lord, I thank you that you've anointed me afresh. I'm healed in the name of Jesus. I'm healed in the name of Jesus. I'm healed in the name of Jesus. I'm saved in the name of Jesus. My name is stamped in the Lamb's book of life. I'm protected in the name of Jesus. The prayer of protection is extremely important. Psalm 91 is extremely important. Over your life. Psalm 91 over your life, in your innermost being. God has put angels to flight. God has a plan over your life and your innermost being. God has put angels to flight. God has a plan for your life and no one is going to take you off the earth. No one can erase your life. No sickness, no disease, no fear, no lack, no human being. No system, nothing can take you off this earth. Until he says it's over, god will finish his work in you. God will keep your heart beating. God will protect you. There are uncountable angels that have been put to flight because of your life. Heaven is moving because of your life. Angels are moving because of the unconditional love that God has for you. You are healed from your feet to your head, from your head to your feet, every area of your body. You speak through this sermon to yourself. You speak over every sickness, over every disease. If there's people in your life that's coming against you, you call their names out from your heart. You tell them God has got got me. You can't take me out. It's not over sickness is. It's not over. I'm healed. I declare freedom in every area of my life in the mighty name of jesus christ. Father, as we, as we move forward through this, this scripture reading, I thank you, lord, that my eyes are well. I thank you, lord, that all of us is, that every one of us is healed Wherever we are. Lord, we believe in the miracle work of God In Jesus' name. Amen.

Speaker 2:

Just for recording purposes, because of editing and everything like that, I'm just going to take a moment. I'm just going to grab a glass of water. It will go quiet and then I'll come back and that will be the key point for our brother just to do all the editing, because I'm literally here on my own today. So we're just going to take a moment, I'm going to grab a quick glass of water there and then I'll come back and we're going to turn. We are going to turn to the book of 1 Samuel. For those that have a Bible, grab a Bible. We're going to turn to 1 Samuel, chapter 16, and we're going to go to one verse and one verse you, wherever you are within us across the framework of the world, wherever you are, we're in the Old Testament 1 Samuel, chapter 16, and we're in verse 7. We're in verse 7 of 1 Samuel, chapter 16 in the Old Testament. Turn to the Old Testament and it's a great powerful book, the book of Samuel, and it's very, very interesting. And when you look at verse seven, verse seven you know we welcome everybody across the world, vast numbers, online this morning, wherever you are, across the podcast platform for those that are joining us on radio, through radio, through podcasts, through visuals. Thank God that you're still with us online and also in the Lord's house. Thank God for everyone with us this morning.

Speaker 2:

1 Samuel, chapter 16, verse 7, and it says but the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at things that man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Wow, you know, god looks at the heart of a human being. God looks at the internal. God looks at the most critical and the most vital area of our life. He looks at our heart. What I love about that the outside environment doesn't reflect to actually how our heart is the outside environment, people around us, situations around us, people trying to tear you down, situations happening, workplace issues, relationship issues, you know, worries and fears, all that stuff that comes to us from the outside. God is not interested. And when we look at that text, you know, so we don't take it out of context to get an understanding of what we hear. This is about Samuel when he comes to anoint David. When he comes to anoint David and there is no this is not an unusual scripture that we are in, because we visit it a thousand times.

Speaker 2:

But Samuel was told. Do not look at the size of the person. Do not look at what the world looks at. Do not look at the stature. Do not look at what the world looks, as in materialism. Do not look at the figure. Do not look at the notoriety. Don't look at the TikTok account. Don't look at the Facebook account. Don't look how many people they're preaching to around the world. Don't look at this, don't look at that, but look at the heart, because the external is irrelevant. It has nothing to do with the kingdom of God. Don't look at the outside.

Speaker 2:

Samuel said look at his brothers, but God look at the brothers. God said no, I've rejected, they're rejected. That's very, very interesting. What God rejects, god rejects the pretty boys, the pretty ones and you know what I mean by that. All fluffing and bouncing on the outside. God is calling those that are broke, that are busted, and the world will look at you and say you're disgusted, you're gone, it's over. There's no way.

Speaker 2:

God looks at the broken vessels. God heals broken vessels. There is no one perfect in any church, in any ministry, in any part of the world. There is. No one can live to the rhythm of what God calls us to do. It is impossible. But what God does? He takes us from one degree of glory to another, one step of faith, one step of faith.

Speaker 2:

He looks at the brokenness and says I'm going to heal you. He looks at the skip of life and says I'm going to clear that skip out for you. He looks at the broken vessels around. He looks at every area of your life and says don't worry, ben, I'm with you, don't worry, sister and brother.

Speaker 2:

But, lord, have you seen how I look today? I'll be draggled. I'm weary, I'm tired. Yeah, it looks like I've been dragged through an edge backwards. Lord. There's no food on the table. The bank account don't look right. The children are wayward, the relationships are breaking down. Everything is crazy. Have you seen it? Yeah, I've seen it. He says I'm not worried about the outside, because the world judges you by what you've got and what you own. The world judges you by social media. The world judges you. Isn't it interesting? When you've got nothing, no one don't want to know you. When you've spent your last pound, when you've got nothing around you.

Speaker 2:

But as soon as you start to make a little bit of progress, the foxes come out of the foxholes. Hello Ben, how are you All right. Oh, I love you. Well, where was you when I was broke? Oh, it's great, it's great. See, don't get engaging with the foxes. They really loved you. If they really wanted you, they wouldn't have waited to. Will you go to where you got to right now? They would have been on your shoulder, they would have been cooking you dinners, they had been doing your washing, they would have been treating you with love and respect.

Speaker 2:

When we lost it and it got broke and it snapped, isn't it interesting? Who was with you when you snapped? If you understand what I mean? Who was around you? But suddenly they start to see a little bit of movement. Everyone wants to be your friend when suddenly the sun starts to shine. But when it's raining on your life, when you're drowned in wet and you can't move and you're tired and you're exhausted and you're waiting for that someone just to help you, it goes quiet. But as soon as sun starts shining on your life, as soon as the sun starts shining on your life, there's a twofold message in that when the sun starts shining, it changes attitudes outside, but when the sun starts shining on your life on the inside, and the inside starts first and the outside starts to reflect the inside. When the outside starts to reflect the inside, watch out for the little foxes to come and scratch your back.

Speaker 2:

People don't want to start to walk with you when they start to see you moving in certain circles, because God doesn't look at the outside measure. But the world measures me and you by the outside performance because it can't see the inside. It can't see what's really happening on the inside of me, it can't see what's happening on the inside of you and it measures us by the clothes we wear, with the, the money that we pull out of our pockets, by the cars we drive, by what we put on social media, by the how way we live. We are measured with the money that we pull out of our pockets, by the cars we drive, by what we put on social media, by the how way we live. We are measured from the outside. But God says I'm not measuring you from the outside because that's shallow. I'm not going to measure you from the outside because that's the world. I'm not going to measure your worth to me from outside because it has no eternal value.

Speaker 2:

You can count your friends when you're getting your wages. You can count your friends when your social media feed looks good and healthy. You can count your friends. When suddenly a new car turns up on the drive. You can count your friends and you can look at your life. When suddenly you start to blossom in certain areas, it's interesting who comes? They dropped off many years ago when they could start to see there was a bit of an unusual rhythm coming in life.

Speaker 2:

But God says I'm going to keep my brother and my sister in the valley of the shadow of death. How many people have walked with us through Psalm 23? Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. There's the answer, because no one is prepared to walk with anyone.

Speaker 2:

When you're in the shadow of the valley of death, when you're walking in the most painful time of your life, when your back is against the wall, when there's no food on the table but when caviar and burgers are starting to fly everywhere and when the smell of victory is on your life, suddenly you start to see the foxes start to come out. Suddenly you see a change in the rhythm of people and suddenly you scratch your head and think hang on a minute. When I had nothing, where was you when I was lost, when I was crying out for help, when everyone on my social media feed could see that I had nothing and I was struggling, you didn't send me a message. But all of a sudden, something is changing in my life. It's not because of what you have externally. It's because they see something inside of you that's making them tick. There's something happening to that person. There is a change in the rhythm of their look. See, there is something different about you and God is calling you. God has anointed you. God is calling you to a fresh rhythm.

Speaker 2:

He's not interested because the world and social media measures everything by measures, by statistics, by pie charts, flow charts, by checking what is ahead, forecasting. God says the just shall live by faith. He's not interested in the roadmap at work. He's not interested in the next four months forecasting in the area of business. He's not interested in the roadmap at work. He's not interested in the next four months forecasting in the area of business. He's not worried about how the church is preparing already for Christmas and already got the Easter stuff already on the table. That is not of the kingdom. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. We can't measure God and we can't call God out when we want to call God out, to pop out into a service that is measuring and that is pulling God out. God is all power, he's the coming king and he has healed you this morning in the Lord's house and across the world. God has healed you from fatigue, from worry, from doubt. God is healing your organs. God is setting you free. God is removing people from your life. God is bringing new things to your door. God is healing your organs. God is setting you free. God is removing people from your life. God is bringing new things to your door. God is opening a way where there is no way. He's the King of Kings and he is the Lord of Lords.

Speaker 2:

If you look in the Old Testament, you will find a very interesting story about Jonathan and his armor bearer, where he goes back to take back. Jonathan says we're going to go back and we're going to fight the Philistines. And they go back and there's an unusual battle within a short area of half an acre and his father saw at around about 600 men with him just sitting on the sidelines. It's not the crowd that can fight, it's not the crowd, it's not the vast numbers, it's the one and twos and said we're coming and taking our half acre back. I'm coming back and taking back what the devil has stolen.

Speaker 2:

And you don't need 600 warriors around you, because they're not really warriors. You don't need a church packed to the rafters with people shouting hallelujah. What you need is someone that says I'm coming with you in the field Because they're in the field. Is that is where you see it. It's not in the church. It's not in the church. It doesn't matter how packed the church is. We can have them jam-packed hanging around. You can have two free services. That is irrelevant.

Speaker 2:

What you want is someone around you and says Jonathan, I'm coming with you in the field, I'm coming back into the enemy's territory with you. And as they looked over the side, as they looked over territory with you, and as they looked over the side, as they looked over, they see these Philistines. They see that they had to get back to the half acre. They had to climb the rock face of life before you can take back what the enemy has stolen. See, sometimes it takes everything that we got to get back in the arena. It takes everything that we got to get back in the arena and to face the Philistines of life. God gave Jonathan and his armor bearer the strength to tear down the Philistines, but we got to be prepared to go back and go. I'm taking back what the devil has stolen. I'm going to go back into that half acre, and that half acre showed up so much.

Speaker 2:

But his father, his father, was outside the arena with the army of Israel. They was dressed, they was ready for success, but they didn't want to jump into the arena. Because just because the church is large, just because the congregation is enormous, just because pastor's got this and pastor's got that, doesn't mean to say that they're going to jump in the arena with you. You'll be surprised how many people will come down to the arena with you. So it's very interesting. External is nothing.

Speaker 2:

Jonathan said to his armor bearer we're going to have it today. And his armor bearer went come on then, let's do it. And they knew there was over 600 fully trained, ready for war. But King Saul didn't have a clue what was going on. Let me tell you this the church is equipped, it looks like it's equipped, but it hasn't got a clue what's going on. Because I'll tell you what's happening. The ones and the twos are breaking out from what we call the army, and they're fed up with the army. They're fed up with what is happening in the arena of church and religion, because it's sitting down and it's not realizing what's going on. God is calling the remnant, the one, the two out to go.

Speaker 2:

I'm having my healing today in the name of Jesus. I'm having that miracle because I've hit this point and I'm going to climb the rock face and I'm going to get onto that plateau and I'm going to take that half acre back. And it's just me and my armor bearer, my armor bearer and me, and we are going into the arena and we are going to take back what, what the devil had stolen. I'm taking back what the enemy has stolen. I'm going back into the arena of life and I'm going to declare there is healing over my bones. I'm going to declare that God has got me out of debt. I'm going to declare that God has got me a new job. I'm going to get back into the arena and I'm not going to sit with the crowd of church. I'm not going to sit with the large congregations that are having croissants, hot chocolate and Ovaltine and lattes at a heavy price in some of them big churches. I'm going to get back in the arena. I'm going to get back in with someone that goes let's have it. I'm not worried about the croissants and the pan chocolats. They're selling down the road. I'm not worried about them. Lovely cups of tea that they're serving up after and oh yeah, that'll be £2.50 and it's all for the work and the ministry.

Speaker 2:

In the name of Jesus, I'm going to jump up the rock face. I'm going to climb, and I'm going to climb with no help whatsoever. What do you mean with no help? I'm going to climb this rock face unassisted from any ropes, because the church has got many guide ropes to it. You can climb anything. When you've got a pot of money, you can go and plant a church anywhere you want around the world. When you've got the mother church feeding it cash, you can do anything. When you've got money, you can do anything when you're a large organization and it's fueled with money.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you this if God is calling you to go and plant a church, you go and plant a church. If you've got no money in your pocket, hallelujah in the name of Jesus. If God is calling you to be a pastor or a leader, don't look to theological college. Look to the cross of Calvary. If you are being called to an evangelist, if you are being called to street preaching, whatever God is calling you to do, you're going to do that in the name of Jesus. And let me tell you, empty your pockets before you go, and I'm not telling you to give it to this church. Find another place to give it. Strip yourself back of everything. Go with nothing, because when you go with nothing, god has got to show up. But when you go with a large organization behind you and you're going to plant a church in an area over there and the mother church is sitting on uncountable money and it's got the best worship team, they'll take the best worship team. They'll take this pastor, that pastor, they'll take everybody over there and you can plant a church and do whatever you got when you got millions. But go and do it when your back is against the wall. Go and do it in front of the devil's face. Go and do it in front of the devil's face. Go back into that half acre and say God is calling me to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is calling me to be healed in the name of Jesus Christ. God is calling me to serve him. God is calling me to the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is calling me to be healed in the name of Jesus Christ. God is calling me to serve him. God is calling me to the cross of Calvary, and I don't need a pound, I don't need academics, because my God has anointed me.

Speaker 2:

See, david's brothers. They were fit dogs. They had everything swinging. Careful what you say there, son. They had everything going on, david's brothers. They looked it, they cooked it, they could crack it. They was enormous. Fellas, chiseled shaven, ripped to high heaven and God went.

Speaker 2:

I ain't interested, thank you, sister. I ain't interested in the skin they're walking in. Interested, thank you sister. I ain't interested in the skin they're walking in. What I'm interested in, samuel, is that warrior's heart on the inside. I don't care what they look like.

Speaker 2:

God said I've rejected. Now, that is a strong message. God has rejected many pastors, but because they look good, they walk right. They got the sw, walk right. They got the swagger, they got the beard, they got the black hair. Gel back, slick back. Everything's gone back. Because they look it, they think they can cook it.

Speaker 2:

You ain't got nothing, son, because when he's coming back, he's coming back for the warrior. And where is the warrior? And where is the warrior? The warrior hasn't got a pound in their pocket. The warrior is at food bank. The warrior is running two jobs. The warrior is petrified of life. The warrior is scared to breathe some days. The warrior is carrying sickness and disease. The warrior is in the field looking after the sheep, but the brothers were on TikTok doing another selfie. The brothers were on social media blowing smoke up their own chimney, but the real warrior was in the field and he had come out and he'd gone.

Speaker 2:

What you called me for I'm looking after sheep because this is what you want Leaders that will look after sheep when it's black and bleak. This is what you want is leaders. When they're not looking for anything on social media because they're too interested in. Their calling is stay in the field. That's where the warriors are, and there are warriors in this church. Stay in the field. That's where the warriors are, and there are warriors in this church. This church is packed with warriors. You're at home. You're a warrior for Christ.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, god is not interested in the mega organization. He's not interested in the gold dust that comes out of the air conditioning system. He's not interested in the occult oil that you send five dollars for. He's not interested in the prayer cloth that's making the pastors rich. He's not interested in how many people that are following him on social media. He's not coming back for the building, he's coming back for the warrior that is lost in that congregation.

Speaker 2:

Do you realize that there are many warriors lost in church and the pastors can't see the warriors because they're too self-inward focused? The leadership can't look at anyone else because they spend half the week in the mirror looking at themselves, looking at their ministry, looking at what they're doing, and they won't work on a Monday because Monday is a golf day. I've got to have a day off. I understand what it means to take time out, trust me, but let me tell you there are warriors in congregations right now and the leadership don't even know they're sitting there. There are warriors in church that can't spell, that can't read, that can't add up, and thank God to that. There are warriors that church that can't spell, that can't read, that can't add up, and thank God to that. There are warriors that are in church now with no jobs, that are retired. There are warriors in jobs that have just left school, but the leadership team can't see who the warriors are because they're too interested in their own self-esteem, they're too interested in their own ministry, they're too interested in building numbers in the church when, instead of looking out across the pulpit and saying God loves you, you are a warrior.

Speaker 2:

Everyone in this house is blessed and highly favoured. God is calling you to salvation. You are saved. There is a plan for your life and it isn't over yet. Just because your body's aching, just because your mind is tired, just because you are weary, just because there's no money, just because you are weary just because there's no money, just because there's nothing, god is working in the nothing. Because we can't see him working in the nothing, because we live by sight and perception. That's why he says you've got to live by faith. Three times he says in the Bible the just shall live by faith. The just shall live by faith, that great, beautiful scripture that we turn to.

Speaker 2:

Turn to Hebrews 11, verse 1. Get that in your spirit, get that in your mind. You know Hebrews 11, verse one. Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for. My faith is the substance that cancer has gone. My faith is the substance that this skin that I walk in is healed. My faith is the substance that God is calling me to ministry to preach. He's not calling you to another transatlantic ministry. He's not calling you to another man's secondhand ministry. He's calling you to what he's got for you. Don't go and get secondhand stuff. Get what God has got for you. Get what God has got for you. Get what God has got for you. God is God has got for you. Get what God has got for you. God is calling you. God is calling you right now. God is drawing you right now out of the congregation.

Speaker 2:

Wherever you are across the church and I'm talking about the platform right across the world, whatever church you are in, there's a calling on your life. The skin that you're walking in might be tired, you might be weary. You might be weary, you might be exhausted. You might be looking at life, looking in the mirror of life, and saying there is no way, because that's what the world says about us. Trust me, the world is always saying it about me. It will always try and put you under the hill. It will always try and put you under the thumb. It will always try and crush you. It will always try and crush you. It will always try and destroy you. It will always tell you that you can't, it's impossible. It will always look at you and sneer and laugh. It will laugh at you. You believe in miracles. I believe that God is going to raise the dead. I believe God is going to raise the dead. I believe God is going to raise the dead. I believe Jesus Christ is the coming King.

Speaker 2:

I believe, as this scripture says, god says I do not look at the outside. I love that. Look. Let's read what it says. It says, but the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height. I have rejected him. That's what God says.

Speaker 2:

I've rejected the plastic church. I've rejected the flip-flop church. I've rejected the plastic church. I've rejected the flip-flop church. I've rejected man's church. It looks like it's brimming with muscle. It looks like it's moving in Christ, it looks like it's doing this. But I have rejected it because the ones that I want are at home, struggling with life. The ones that I want can't get to church every week. The ones that I have are just struggling with life and life itself.

Speaker 2:

See, church requires you to be at every service. Jesus doesn't, because Jesus doesn't close the door, because we're always born again. We're always filled with the Spirit. We come into the Lord's house for fellowship. We come to do what we do, but we don't come in here to get brownie points, because that will never happen. Be careful of the size of the church that you go to. There are many warriors that are left in the dry nest just because there's smoke and mirrors, just because it's rammed and there's loads of youth, just because it's pumping out music and it's loud and it's noisy and everything is just because it sounds like it doesn't mean to say it is. See, when you look at David's brothers, they wasn't shepherds, they were show-offs, they were showmen. See, we got showmen in church.

Speaker 2:

You realize that church is a show. On a Sunday morning in the majority of church across the UK on a Sunday morning in the majority of church across the UK, it's a performing theatrical performance because it's practiced most of the week, it's rehearsed, it's got ready, everything hits a certain rhythm. It's a show. You can go to church and watch a beautiful show. You can go in a field and receive Jesus. You can go and watch a beautiful performing arts performing, you know, by the youth, by the music, by the smoke and the mirrors and all the noise and everything that's going on in the large auditoriums and everything. The rhythm of the show is moving. They even make it like it won't be long to be serving popcorn at halftime.

Speaker 2:

Look at where you're going. What is the message that is being preached? Is it the second coming of Jesus or is it the second coming of the preacher? Is it all about the man or is it about Jesus? Is it all about the ministry? Is it all about the building or is it about God's healing you right now in the name of Jesus? Is it about the blood of Jesus has washed you? Is it about see? We have theatrical performance, the greatest performing arts. You don't need to go to college to go and watch performing arts.

Speaker 2:

Go to the majority of church and you'll see it on a Sunday morning, from the front. You'll watch it on a Sunday morning a polished theatrical show. I'm tired of showing you. I want to see the glory. I want to see people receiving Jesus. I want to see the power of the Holy Spirit moving so strong. Eyes are seeing again, ears are hearing again, without a prayer, without a buildup. How many churches do we go to when the message is coming to a close and the worship band quickly get to the music and they bring pastor in and they land pastor so gently with a little bit of instrumental music and they're getting ready to let him elevate and to float him off the platform because he's so holy and the music starts to bring the rhythm. That's the occult Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you this for a fact Jesus didn't have a Matt Redman around him when he finished his message. Jesus didn't have the latest Elevation worship. Jesus didn't have the latest Hill songs. Jesus didn't have the latest Elim psalm music. Trust me, elim have got an amazing worship team, but there was no worship team around Jesus when he preached the greatest message the world has ever heard. And what message was that? You didn't get Matt Redman, you didn't get any of them. Worship leaders, we get bringing Jesus to a finish. Go on, tell them Lord, tell them Jesus, you must be born again. It was just Nicodemus and Jesus, just under candlelight in a room with a sand floor. You didn't have no worship band getting Jesus just as he comes to the pinnacle of the message. And there was a roar from everyone in there. Pastor. Well done, well done, pastor. You're amazing. Jesus just said you've got to be born again. Nicodemus. No TikTok. No YouTube short. Just Jesus and one human being. And the greatest message the world has ever got was you must be born again.

Speaker 2:

And then, as we look at this text, as we come to the table in just a few moments, god says man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. See, if you've got a heart for God, it doesn't matter what the world, it doesn't matter what the world says, it doesn't matter what the world says around you. If you've got a heart for Jesus, if you've got a heart for more scripture, if you've got a heart to follow Jesus, it's going to happen in your life. It's interesting he says heart, not faith. It's really interesting that he doesn't talk about faith, because every one of us our faith disappears quite a lot, but it's your heart. He says the world looks at the external, but I look at the internal.

Speaker 2:

See, god is not looking at the size of the church and and all the stuff and the razzmatazz that's happening right now across the London churches and across the massive churches. He's not saying well done, you've got all these people in the church today. What he's concerned with is the people that are broken in those congregations and the leadership team are not picking up. That is the big worry and if you are here this morning, if I've let you down in any way, may God forgive me. In the name of Jesus and as we come to a time of prayer and a time of breaking bread together this morning, join us online. Wherever you are, believe for your healing.

Speaker 2:

But it's not about the size of the church you go to. It's not about the size of the people singing at the front and I've got to be honest with you, the most people that I've listened to singing at the front, I'd rather listen to the foxes at the bottom of my garden at night, because it sounds like they've been strangled and they, they got no. But what is it in the world of church when people think that they can sing? I'd rather have no one to be honest with you, because it does sound like a couple of foxes singing to each other. It don't sound like heaven to me. It doesn't sound like holy, holy is the Lord. It sounds like someone has got your arm up your back and you can't hit the high notes, the low notes. Someone has got your arm up your back and you can't hit the high notes, the low notes. There's something odd about church that's really odd. People think that they're musicians, when they're not musicians. People think they're preachers when they're not preachers. People think that they're singers when they're not worship singers.

Speaker 2:

You've got to know you're calling. I don't want to be here, but God's kept me here. The hardest thing I've ever done in my life is bring you messages every time the camera goes on, because you don't know where my brain is, where my head is in my life is. Bring you messages every time the camera goes on, because you don't know where my brain is, where my head is, where my life is. Hardest thing is to stand here and to preach faith and to preach healing when the fan is covered in it, when life is just got tripwires here, there and God, give me a break, will you? He says no, I'm going to keep you in the valley, because when you're in the valley, that's where you're sharp. When you're in the valley, do you realize? That's when we're sharp. When we're in the valley, we're closer to God. When we're in the valley, when it's all looking like hell's breaking out, that's when we're close to God, because when he chucks a few quid in your pocket, it's hello. See you later.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, I'll be back next week. Come on church. There are warriors in this house. This house is packed with warriors. Every one of you are anointed. Age is irrelevant. Culture is irrelevant. Education is irrelevant. Find out what God is calling you to do and don't come back next week and go and tell the gospel to the world. Go and lay hands on the sick. Go and lay hands on your family. Go and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

It is not about numbers. It's about finding out who you are in God, who you are in Jesus. Go and tell the world about Jesus. Go and tell your culture. Go and tell the world that Jesus Christ loves them. Go and anoint people. Go and do simply what I've done in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

Be healed, because it's about speaking words of life. It's about speaking faith over people. Stop someone in your tracks and say I believe God is going to heal you. I believe you're healed in the name of Jesus. I believe there is power in your life. I believe God is calling you. Ask God what he's calling you. Every one of you has a calling over your life.

Speaker 2:

Age is irrelevant. Mobility is irrelevant. Education is irrelevant, because that is external. God is calling you. It may take a few hours, it may take a while, it may take a year or more to find out God, where you're calling me. But God is calling you because the world has looked at you too much. The world has looked at you just like this text. You ain't going to do it. You're not fit for purpose, it's impossible.

Speaker 2:

And Jess went. I've got one more. He's out in the field, Because God loves those that are out in the field, that are struggling, that are fighting for life, fighting for breath. David fought bear and lion and his brothers didn't even know David came back to the tent. His brothers were clean and tidy, david was covered in everything, he was tired, he was exhausted and his daddy forgot about him. Oh, yeah, I've got one. Yeah, there is another one, because people will forget us, people will forget me and people will forget you. But God doesn't forget you. May God bless you. But let me just read that text one more time.

Speaker 2:

But the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at things of man that man looks at. Man looks at the outside appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Father, I thank you that our heart is hungry for God. I thank you, lord, that we ain't got a bean in the pocket, we haven't got no chocolate croissants today, and we certainly ain't got no skinny lattes after the service. But what we have got to give you are Bibles and you haven't't got no skinny lattes after the service. But what we have got to give you are Bibles, and you haven't even got to pay us for a Bible. But go to the majority of the churches and you'll be paying a good few quid for your latte and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Take a Bible from this church. That's all I ask you to do. Please take a Bible. It is free. Take the Bible and you leave it somewhere, even if you're too nervous, you're too worried. When you go to school, you go to work, you go to life, take it, hide it, put it under your coat. Just leave it in the loo. Leave it in the staff room and run out. Leave it in the van, leave it in the car, leave it on the commute. When you go to the shops, just leave it in a shopping trolley. Just leave the Bible, because that Bible has got someone's name on it and it can't stay in here.

Speaker 2:

I don't want them in here because God is going to replenish. God will not replenish the Bibles in here all the time they sit on these chairs. So take these Bibles. Let's tell God that every time a Bible leaves this house, let's tell God that we want every time a Bible leaves this house, god's going to give us abundance in Bibles. Let's be a church that gives Bibles out for nothing. Now, that's a crazy thing to say because we're struggling to pay the electric. Let's tell the world that we'll give them a Bible out of here of Elim Swanley. We don't even want your postage or your package money. We will give you Bibles. Tell the world that this church, as crazy as we are in here, will get you a Bible wherever you are across the world. Ask for Bibles, please. Please, take Bibles from this house today and give them out.

Speaker 2:

Father, I thank you for healings. I thank you for miracles. Lord, I pray for everyone under the sound of my voice, in the house, out the house, wherever they are. Lord, online, lord, I thank you for those, lord, that are being healed today, many that are being healed today, in the name of Jesus. I love you, jesus. I'm not afraid to say I love Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior. I'm not frightened to say that he is the only God, that he is the way, the truth and the life. I'm not frightened to say that all the other religions are of the devil, of the devil. Let me make that clear. Every other religion is of Lucifer. I serve the God of Yahweh, the God of Isaac, jacob and Abraham. I serve the God, the healing God. So, father, bless this bread. As we take this bread, as we take this cup, lord, in our own way, thank you that this bread symbolizes the body of Christ and this cup symbolizes the shed blood at the cross of Calvary In Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you, lord, for this bread. Amen, father. I thank you, lord, for this cup. Cleanse us and it has cleansed us, from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet, in Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Speaker 2:

Sisters and brothers across the world, I'm being deadly serious when I say this. If you've just linked in, clicked in, I don't know if you know we're still online. If you're listening to us through radio and you're capturing this message, get yourself a bit of oil from your kitchen. It doesn't matter if it's pound stretcher oil. It doesn't matter if it's from waitrose, but the fact of the matter is that it says oil. If you're on your own, go in front of the mirror and just get a tiny bit of oil from that bottle.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you're in certain denominations the Church of England, catholicism it's got to be anointed. It hasn't got to be anointed by no man. Let me tell you this it doesn't need to be anointed, it doesn't need to be prayed over. If you are at home now and you're struggling for life, you get that oil and you put it in the palm of your hand and you say Father, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, I'm anointing myself. The church will make you dance through hoops. Religion will make you dance through hoops. It will tell you that we can't anoint you because, because, because the priest will tell you can't anoint you because you don't belong to this club. Well, actually, thank God that I don't belong to your club, because I can actually go home and stand in front of a mirror in my hallway, my bathroom, I can even do it in my car, looking in the rear view mirror, and I'm going to anoint myself and say Father, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, I'm anointed Because it comes from above.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't come in a bottle from around the world. You ain't got to spend hard money pushing it across the pond. You don't need another prayer cloth and if you are on your own, do not worry If there's more than one of you in the house. Just anoint each other and do it as often as you can, and also break bread and take it a cup as much as you can. May God bless you wherever you are across the world. God bless every one of us in the Lord's house today. We'll see you Monday evening as we click back in online tomorrow evening, you know, as we study the word of God for eight o'clock across the world. We thank you for so many joining us wherever you are in the house, out of the house, people all the way today, all that sort of stuff that's going on, but, honestly, house people are away today. All that sort of stuff that's going on. But honestly, honestly, with all my heart, get yourself a bit of olive oil. Do it regularly.

Speaker 2:

Don't worry about what religion says, don't? You do not need to go to canterbury cathedral and find the archbishop. You do not need to go and find the diocese. You do not need to go and knock the door of bishop's house, because that's the occult. Knock heaven's door and find jesus. What does it say? Knock, and the door will be open. Knock the door of bishop's house. I'm sorry we shut today. Jesus never closes. Religion shuts the door. Jesus is always open and he says come to me, all of you, the weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. God bless you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We're out of here, you know. Have a wonderful rest of the day. Whatever life looks like in your lens, it's okay. It is okay. We'll just take a moment. We'll click the cameras off. In a few moments the mic will go off. We're just going to spend a moment just taking our thoughts before we have our last one this morning, our last piece of music. May God bless you across the world and, obviously, everybody with me. God bless.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to us today on Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We hope you found inspiration and guidance in today's audio. Remember the journey of faith is a continuous one and your questions and thoughts are important. You can send us a text or an email and we will get back to you. So, wherever you are around the world, thank you for listening to our podcasts and radio ministry. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. Please support us with prayer. Also, you can sow a financial seed into this ministry. You can also leave us a legacy to support and continue the work of this radio ministry. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with others who might benefit. Until next time, stay blessed.

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