Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

10-commandments-9th-commandment - (#CST35)

Reverend Ben Cooper

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Podcast Episode: Unveiling Truth: Challenging Society's Narratives & Embracing Faith

Show Notes:

In today’s transformative episode, we delve into profound truths and challenge deeply ingrained societal norms as we explore the Ten Commandments, with a special focus on Exodus 20:16: "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." Hosted by [Your Name] and co-host Simon, this thought-provoking discussion aims to uncover the impact of societal and educational falsehoods on our lives, encouraging you to critically examine the narratives we've been taught. From the complex issues surrounding gender identity to childhood fantasies like the myth of Santa Claus, these untruths shape our perceptions and challenge our moral compass.

Society has long built narratives that complicate our ability to discern truth, and in this episode, we’re calling you to confront those paradigms. How do these societal lies affect our relationships, our values, and our faith? Join us as we focus on how Christ, as the ultimate cornerstone of hope and endurance, allows us to navigate these turbulent times with clarity and unwavering faith. By confronting falsehoods head-on, we can unlock true understanding and maintain our spiritual peace.

We’ll also delve into the complexities of social media, where over-sharing has led to a diminished sense of genuine human connection. The paradoxes in society often mask true emotions, and we explore how false narratives in the digital world can create a barrier to authentic relationships. Instead of being swept up in the tide of empty connections, we encourage you to seek genuine engagement, embodying human kindness as a vital step toward personal freedom and finding your way back to the truth.

But it’s not just about debunking falsehoods. In this episode, we discuss the critical role of encouragement in the spiritual journey. As believers, we’re all called to be encouragers in our communities, offering support and love where it is most needed. We discuss how each of us has the opportunity to evangelize in our immediate surroundings by sharing the love of Christ authentically and inspiring others to do the same.

The key message today is one of unwavering hope and strength, rooted in the truth of the Gospel. We emphasize the importance of preaching the truth, remaining grounded in your personal relationship with Jesus, and knowing that the truth will set you free. While false narratives and external forces may try to derail us, the Holy Spirit provides us with the strength to stay steadfast in our faith, illuminating our paths and enabling us to positively impact those around us.

As we explore these themes, we urge you to reflect on your own life and ask yourself: Are the narratives you believe shaping your life in ways that align with the truth of Christ? How can we better support one another in our walk with faith, love, and truth? The goal of this podcast is to empower you to embrace your calling to spread love, truth, and encouragement wherever you go.


  • Challenge societal norms and falsehoods to reclaim your moral compass.
  • Seek authenticity and kindness in a world filled with over-sharing and superficial connections.
  • Embrace your role as an encourager in your community and evangelize through authentic love and truth.
  • Remain steadfast in your relationship with Jesus Christ, trusting that His truth will set you free.

Join Us on Our Journey of Faith and Truth:
This episode promises to inspire you to rethink societal expectations, embrace your faith journey, and transform your personal and spiritual li

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, good morning world, wherever you are this morning. Thank you so much for joining us here today as we are gathering across the mics for Hashtag Christian Straight Talk. We're streaming on a few platforms this morning, this live stream broadcast platforms this morning, this live stream broadcast. It is thursday, the 12th of january, and it is, uh, 10 minutes to 11. For those that are joining us on this broadcast, we welcome you.

Speaker 1:

I can see you jumping online in the mighty name of jesus. And for those that will join us also, uh, in the world of podcasts in a week later, this is hashtag christian straight talk salmon and myself, as we are just trying to unravel life and just trying to find that, that, that hope in Christ Jesus from the cross of Calvary and everything we talk about, and we're back in the 10 commandments. We're back, uh, in the 10 commandments and we're making our way forward, and I honestly didn't realize how big and how vast the subjects are in there, because it all goes together, it all moves together. So Simon's with us and we're going to just see how we go on this one, and we're in Exodus 20, verse 16.

Speaker 2:

Simon morning, good morning, ben it's great to be back it's good to see you, my friend, across the marks in the pod room. Yeah, this is mate. When I started having a look at this Big stuff, this is mate. When I started having a look at this Big stuff, it's like opening the toy, the toy box, and it all comes out flying at you. Ben, you know it's enormous the Ten Commandments, the whole subject of it, the whole subject. And, yeah, we'd invite you. We've done a number of podcasts on all the commandments up to this point, so we'd invite you to go back and listen to that, because it really unearths some real truths, ben, doesn't it? And put some questions in. And you know, if you're struggling with anything out there, believe me, you're not struggling alone, because you know the majority of us have got struggles that we go through every day mate, massive struggles going on at this moment in every house.

Speaker 1:

Most people's lives. People are worried about what's happening in the future, what's going on, and we're looking to find the answer. We're trying to. It's like it's endurance time, isn't it? It's like we're at the gym of life and we've got to push through and keep going.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're 100 right, uh, ben, and what we say is that, uh, we can't do this without jesus, and and and we, we come back to the cross each time. So people are trying to struggle, uh, in their own strength. Um, it's hard, it's difficult, it's still difficult with jesus, but you know, he promises that he will give us rest and he gives us hope for the future. So so, ben, you know, we're another week closer to glory.

Speaker 1:

We're another day, another hour to god calling us home we're getting closer but just as simon was was talking there, and I was just just zoned off for a moment because I'm just thinking and looking at where we sit, as in the end times, because it's very important to understand where we sit. So, when we look at governments, when we look at the world of business, when we look at education, when we look at all these big hitters that seem to govern us and seem to control us as families and individuals and as humanity, when we look at that, if we keep our eyes on that, it's really going to wear us down, isn't it? So what we are doing is that, even though we're looking at these Ten Commandments, we want to make sure that Jesus is lifted all the time, which he is, and let you know that. We want to encourage you that, whatever situation you're in at this moment, however you look at the world, you know there is always hope. Never, ever, give up, because there is a way forward.

Speaker 1:

And we are in Exodus, chapter 20, and we are in verse 16, and it says you shall not give false testimony against your neighbour. What a massive line. Straight away, I'm going somewhere and I'm already there lying Straight away.

Speaker 2:

I'm going somewhere and I'm already there. Well, you would think. You know, do not lie. Is the translation to that, really, isn't it? Yeah, and at first, if we just skim over the Ten Commandments do not lie. Well, it's pretty straightforward, isn't it? You know, do not tell a lie, do not tell an untruth. But there's so much more to it than just that.

Speaker 1:

It's almost show-stopping, isn't it? It's almost stopping the conversation, because when you think about that scripture how God used Moses to write the Ten Commandments that everyone goes together, but when you look at that, that scripture alone, straight away, but, please forgive me, where does my mind go? My mind goes straight to education, the lie that is being given to our children at the moment. The lie that you can be whoever you want to be. You know, you've got all this gender issue. You know you've got all this stuff that's out there that you can be who you want when you want, want how you want to be it. And you've got all these.

Speaker 1:

Like you mentioned something just off air. Simon mentioned the santa clause, the, the father christmas one, obviously, and and when you look at that one, and then you look at the tooth fairy, and then you look at the elf on the shelf, and then you look at all this stuff and then you look at education. If you take education at this moment, what it is spinning out to our children, the youth, and what's happening we are seeing clear now creation, this is going to bring up a big thing.

Speaker 2:

Ben, you're going all over the place here, aren't you? I've got to stop. I've got to stop. You're going all over the place and we're going to come to it.

Speaker 2:

all over the place and we're going to come to it all and we're going to come to all of those individual subjects we're going to come through, we're going to work our way through it because it is the truth. Now, the biggest lie told out there at the moment is that there's no God, he don't exist. There's no Jesus, he don't exist. That's the biggest lie. Jesus is not the son of God, all that stuff. That's the biggest lie. Jesus is not the son of God, all that stuff. That's the biggest lie. But you know, you're quite right. I think the second biggest lie is that there is a Santa Claus. You know, there's this geezer in a red suit, who's a bit large, with a white beard, who somehow, christmas Eve, makes it into your house and gives people presents that you haven't paid for. I'm sorry if I've burst anyone's bubble out there, but he ain't true.

Speaker 1:

So you're telling me he's not real.

Speaker 2:

You're telling me that he doesn't pop down that chimney. You've got to say your daughter is not real.

Speaker 1:

She's how old 25, 24, 20, 20. Sorry, Molly, yeah, 25. But when you look at that, when you look at all this stuff.

Speaker 2:

They get traumatised, though, Ben, when they suddenly realise, but this is what's happening in education.

Speaker 1:

They're traumatised because they're being told something and their natural bodies and their mind and their understanding and their thinking is made in a certain way and they are being driven to certain teachings and certain theories and it's causing confusion and we have on the couch of stress and worry and fear more children than we have ever seen.

Speaker 2:

You're right. See, ben Jesus said, didn't he? Quite simply see? It's not complicated. Quite simply, jesus said seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and everything else will fall into place. So if you're not pointing to Jesus, then everything else is going to be a train wreck, which it is.

Speaker 1:

So human beings, I know we're driving the cross and everything and God and Christianity, but even when you look at humanity itself, the spin that's put on everything that you can be, whoever you want to be, you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. And when the achievement doesn't come through and you've been even for a motivational speaker and you're listening on YouTube and you're buying into all this stuff you're going to be rich, you're going to be this and it doesn't come, it affects the human being.

Speaker 2:

That's the teaching of a lot of churches these days. That's the teaching actually. Yeah, the prosperity gospel. The prosperity gospel, wrapped up, it does affect, it affects. Do you know something and this is not going off track, but what you from, like what you said, I was sitting in a doctor's surgery a couple of years ago and there was a lovely lady there and this was quite a you know a well-to-do area and I started talking to her. My wife was getting you know seen well-to-do area and I started talking to her. My wife was getting you know being seen. So I started talking to her and her son was 18 years of age, he was going through his A-levels I think they still do them and in a private school that is paid for, a college that they're paid for, and the dad was a military guy. And she said to me do you know what she said Almost every person in his year group is taking some form of tranquiliser, some form of antidepressant.

Speaker 1:

And we're told that that is okay, that is okay, but it's not fixing, is it? It's? Not, it's not fixing what, the rhetoric and the lying and the falsehood, the scripture says. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8, 32.

Speaker 2:

John 8, 32. So what?

Speaker 1:

is the truth, so for Christ to make it.

Speaker 2:

The truth is Jesus. Yeah, it's as simple as that.

Speaker 1:

So we find everything we need as human beings in the scripture. And if the world and if you look at Nigeria, you look at Pakistan and you look at India India is trying to get the conversion law set very simply that they could wipe every church out. Now we've got to remember that there is I think there's, 67 million Christians in India and if they can wipe that out, they're trying to wipe Christianity out Nigeria. Without going into all that sort of stuff, what I'm saying is is the world and governments and authorities are trying to get rid of the truth. Who is the truth? Jesus?

Speaker 2:

God's been pushed out Ben a long time ago out of government, hasn't he? Yeah, he's been pushed out, ben a long time ago out of government, hasn't he? Yeah, he's been pushed out of all this. Now he's been pushed out of education. He's been pushed out of anything. The Croatian's been pushed out of universities and stuff like that. But if we bring this down, this Exodus 2016, down to a base level, I guarantee that everyone who's listening to this now, when someone says to them are you okay, how are you feeling? How are you feeling?

Speaker 1:

I'm fine, I'm all right. I'm okay, simon, everything's okay. No, you're not. Well, I'm not telling the truth because I don't feel right.

Speaker 1:

So you know we're off the bat, we're masking things the truth, because I don't feel right. So you know we're, we're masking things. So we use, we use language to. We're using language to to mask things over totally because, also, we could be frightened of if coming out with the truth and saying simon, I feel a bit broken today, I feel really lost today. We're frightened of how society, uh, because there has been a culture that has been bred to us that you have got to be robust, you have got to be an iron man, you have got to be a woman that goes out and does absolutely everything. You're trying to do it and we have not been built to do what we are supposed to be doing. Now. We have got the biggest amount of breakdowns across from early ages to the old ages and we are finding that society has been robbed of the truth, which is Jesus Christ, through every area. No wonder we are going. I'm not all right actually.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're digging a bit deep here and what you're saying is the truth. But what you say is the truth. But if we don't dig as deep as that, people just don't want to share with each other do they Feelings? And you know you ask the lady on the checkout how are you this morning, sweetheart? I'm okay, everything's good, I'm okay.

Speaker 2:

Everything's good. Get your shopping Now. What I've done now is go well, we say we're okay, don't we? But you know, we don't want to spend two hours. I don't want to spend two hours telling you about my stuff, and then she'll go yeah, I've got stuff going on and yeah, we just be honest with each other. We've both got stuff going on, but we're not going to share, and do you?

Speaker 1:

know what I think by talking and being truthful of how a human being is feeling. It brings freedom, because I'm not feeling too good today. You're not feeling too good today. We're both on a common platform. How do we get over it? How do we get over the feeling of being down? How do we get over the feeling of hearing all this stuff that's coming out of the government through the UK space programme that's firing billions of pounds into the air? The programme went wrong and then around us, or around me, in this community and myself, all of us are stretched for a few quid. We're trying to put food on the table. Universal credit you can't get this, you can't get that. Social housing, and then we have a government that is firing money billions into the air. And the poor nurses who knew about that?

Speaker 2:

No, one knew about it, no one knew about it.

Speaker 1:

Suddenly it popped out Virgin aircraft carrying a great big rocket underneath it.

Speaker 2:

I think on one level, what you said before you are correct. But on another level we seem to. People seem to on social media want to share all their problems.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

So all of a sudden, we've got this society of, you know, snowy white society, where they want to share with this, they want to share that. Oh, and the little things we can get on with, can't we?

Speaker 1:

We can get on with.

Speaker 2:

I come from an era where we just got on with stuff. Now, whether that's wrong or right, we just got on with it. We just, you know, we didn't sort of lie in a bed thinking, oh you know, it's all about me, and you said something earlier. Didn't sort of lie in a bed thinking, oh, you know, it's all about me, and you said something earlier. Didn't you off on the preamble before we went to the mics. You said you know, you've got a number of schemes going on here, a number of things going on here where you've got a number of volunteers, where people are volunteering. So all of a sudden, you ain't thinking about yourself, are you? You're thinking about…. So when?

Speaker 1:

you do. So that's a very interesting conversation in it. So when you help and you right so love your neighbour as yourself and human kindness let's box it up like that in a moment. When you start doing something for someone else and helping and looking after, it takes that feeling of maybe emptiness and worry and fear and all the issues that go along with that. There is such a powerful connection spiritually, all cultures, all ages, all backgrounds when you help one another. So when you help one another, it brings freedom and then that brings truth. So, all of a sudden, but what we have is a government that is locking us down without using the word lockdown, because you can get your shopping from home, you can get work from home, you can stay at home, you can do everything from home, and we've got a lockdown happening and humanity is not being told the truth of what's happening through certain areas of life. So what happens is is, as we lock ourselves down in our own home, we become insular and suddenly we lose a handle on society and the truth.

Speaker 2:

But look, the thing is Ben. When we're looking at this, the answer is obvious we need hope right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we need hope. And the only place we're going to get hope and the government will tell you, find your hope here, find your hope there. But the only place you're really going to get hope and the government will tell you, find your hope here, find your up there. But the only place you're really going to get hope on and a satisfaction of fulfillment, yeah, is in jesus christ. And jesus christ, coming back to these 10 commandments, when he was questioned, yes, they said, teacher, what was the greatest commandment? What was the greatest one? And he said love the lord, your god, with all your heart and with your soul and all your might. He said and the second one is love your neighbour as yourself. On these two everything hangs. Now we're into the do not lie bit is all about loving your neighbour as yourself.

Speaker 2:

Now the problem? He didn't say love yourself, keep loving yourself and point towards yourself. He didn't say that, did he? He said love your neighbour as yourself. So if we're looking out, trying to encourage even if we can just encourage someone, one person a day, that's what we're saying is the encouragement brings truth.

Speaker 1:

So when you encourage someone and you do, let's use it as this an act of kindness, that's the easiest way and a biblical act when you, when you live your life biblically and you're serving because we are servants and we are in our christ ambassadors when we go into all the world and our workplace. What look at the workplace? If we was to go into the workspace and being, I would say at the moment that the majority of the of the workplace within the UK is probably can be one of the most depressing place, because there's no encouragement. What there is? There's structures and there's rules very legalistic and policies that you can't be a human being. So suddenly again, you become insular. You can't be truthful.

Speaker 2:

Very difficult, isn't it? Very difficult for a fellow out there these days, isn't it? You know, if you call someone sweetheart, you might be offending them, you know, yeah, if you say something, you've got to be so careful. And here's the problem. I've been in a supermarket. I've seen a little kid. You're worried about smiling at the kid, ain't you? Do you know?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I'll tell you. What brought that home to me is we was in a garden of a restaurant in the summer.

Speaker 2:

I've got my two grandkids and I've got them on the swings and, you know, pushed my eye at Grandad and you know, and the thing's going all over the place and I can see the push me I, grandad, and you know, and the things going all over the place, and I can see the mother going, ah, and there's a little girl she's got me more than two. Her parents are talking about something and she's wandering about and she's trying to get onto the swing. Oh, now, I said, and I went over to and my boy and you paused and my boy went Dad, dad don't, don't. So I had to go to the father and go. Excuse me, mate, your daughter wants to.

Speaker 1:

So the natural instinct is to help one another. Natural instinct is to help. So you want to protect someone. But you can't protect someone because you could get a finger pointed at you or a label stamped on you for saying something or acting in a certain way. Look at what seems to have disappeared off of the radar in the UK. Good morning, how are you? Good morning, how are you Opening the door for someone? How many times?

Speaker 2:

I would suggest to anyone out there. You know, if you want to be used by the Lord, if you want to be used by Jesus, if you want, then that's a great place to start, because you know you can say to someone I mean it, you've got to mean it, you've got to mean it, yeah. So you could say to someone how are you? And you see the countenance change on their face when you say that they'll go to you. Yeah, mate, yes, sir, what would you like? And you go how are you this morning? And you see their face change. I go what? How are you this morning? Because nine times out of ten people are standing at the counter with their phone on. They're talking. They've got no interaction with those lovely people who are serving you. That's a great place to start. Nine times out of ten'll go. Yeah, I'm good, you know whatever, but one time you'll get someone going. I'm going through it, I'm going through it, I'm really going through it and that's the time you can say well, I'm a Christian.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm really struggling. Give me a name.

Speaker 1:

I'll pray for you. Yeah, it's so difficult, isn't it? You know it's really hard. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Freedom is so, so important and, like you're saying, they're so clear that that the conversation, the language between one another is really, really important to encourage one another, to lift one another and to help one another. You know it's it's so important on that side of things to encourage one another. In everything that we do, everything we say, encouragement is needed more than anything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally, and, Ben, you know we're hitting a new year. We've just started the second week into it and it's a great way to start a new year. To encourage one another To encourage one another To go out. When you go out, to make sure that you encourage whoever, amen, you know. I think you find when that happens, the Lord will open doors. And if you ask him in the morning, lord you know, do you want me to encourage today?

Speaker 2:

You'll see stuff happen, because if you're obedient to that, stuff will happen in front of you.

Speaker 1:

It happens directly in front of you. It's so, so, so important to be an encourager, to be someone that helps, that says good morning, how are you? You know this is critical to what we're looking at in this text.

Speaker 2:

So, ben, you don't have to have the label of an evangelist. No, Because we're all. If you accepted Jesus as your Lord, we're all commissioned, don't we? We're all commissioned, so you don't have to have that label if you like. No, but you can, and you don't have to go on a mission trip to wherever because your mission field.

Speaker 1:

Your Jerusalem is at your front house, is at your front door. Is at your front door Is at your front door, right in the territory that you walk. You don't need to get a plane ticket, you don't need to go out. God's calling me to Africa. Your territory is right where your eyes are.

Speaker 2:

Mother Teresa said, didn't she? She said tell everyone about Jesus and start with the one next to you. So true, isn't?

Speaker 1:

it so true. God's calling me to ministry, god's calling me to be an evangelist. I'm going to be a missionary and I'm going to the back of beyond, well, actually around you, in your culture and society, the church isn't preaching it correctly and properly. So you are the instrument, you are the last stop.

Speaker 2:

We are, we are, we are the church and whatever people say, and whatever people say to you, whatever people try and take you off course, just stick to that encouragement. Just have that in the back of your head. That's right.

Speaker 1:

Encourage people. You've got to encourage one another. It is critical to encourage one another Because, coming back to what you said about being an evangelist, living your life and all that sort of stuff, when you do that right, being an evangelist, living your life and all that sort of stuff, when you do that right, being an evangelist, you don't need to go to a college or anywhere to be an evangelist. You don't need none of that whatsoever, because your life you are showing and displaying. Let your light shine.

Speaker 2:

And the first place to do it is with your family. You must encourage your family. Yeah, we've got you. What's the point if your family knows, sees, that you're a Christian and you believe in Jesus, but you're sitting there. Well, woe is me. Then. What's the point? What's the point in being a because you're like the rest of the world? We can't be like the rest of the world. We've got to be, you've got to be who.

Speaker 1:

Now we're going into right. Who am I? I've got to find my identity in Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and then you will know the truth, because a lot of people don't like to know the truth about themselves as well.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's huge, you know. I mean we can go down that route and really dig into that at some stage.

Speaker 2:

But you're right, the truth will set you free and Jesus is the truth, and Jesus will set you free. And the thing that you don't have to worry if you've given it to the Lord, you don't have to worry about. It says in Luke don't worry about what you've given it to the lord. That's correct. Yeah, you don't have to worry about. It says in luke don't worry about what you've got to say, because the holy spirit will give it to you.

Speaker 1:

Just open your mouth and the holy spirit will fill it. Job done, job done, so. So that means what have I got to be?

Speaker 2:

I've got to be faithful, and I've got to be obedient, and you've got to be a facilitator of the holy spirit, and that and and and you have to have a relationship with Jesus. To do that, you know you can't be all head and shoulders, you've just got to be in the heart.

Speaker 1:

So it starts with me, it all starts with me. It starts right in my heart. It's about repentance, about coming to Christ. You will. So it's talking to the individual you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. So when I get free, I can share that out.

Speaker 2:

And when someone else gets free, they can share that out. Look, funny enough. Look what it says in 1 Samuel 16, 7, right, so you've got David right, he's just been an anointed king, 1 Samuel 16, 7. But the Lord said to Samuel right king, 1 Samuel 16,. But the Lord said to Samuel he said, do not look at his appearance or his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees. For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

Speaker 1:

The heart is the key, the heart, and it starts with me. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. So I've got to bring my heart to jesus, to jesus, to the cross, to the cross, wiped it, cleaned it, washed it. You know there is so much in in the word of god that will bring freedom. So the text that we're looking at, you know, opens up a drum skin.

Speaker 2:

It opens up a chasm. There's loads of stuff we, so that's why we're going to do, I think, two on this, yeah yeah, yeah there's this enormous scripture, yeah I mean, so you've got the, the straight lie, which is, you know, pretty obvious, but you've got. Is it okay sometimes to withhold the truth, is it?

Speaker 1:

okay, that's that scripture, isn't it? You will know the truth. The truth will set you free If you withhold the truth and religion. Oh, dear me, we're on to a subject with this one, isn't it? The church within the UK, if it's not preaching the Gospels, it's withholding the truth. To withhold the truth is a serious situation.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's massive from the church, but in our own lives we've just mentioned Santa Claus, yeah, and if you turn two letters in Santa, it turns into another word entirely, doesn't it?

Speaker 1:

So if the church isn't preaching the gospel now, it's got nothing to do with lifestyle stretch, because all the sin done, falling short of thy glory. What it's to do with is if, if the truth is preached. And the only way the truth can be preached is to keep in the word of god and to ask god, lord, reveal your word through us, through us as a denomination. But when you look at what's happening right now within certain denominations, they are not preaching the truth. They're not preaching the truth. No, they have manipulated the scripture, they've gone away from the word of the gospel.

Speaker 2:

They've gone away from it completely. So if you're saying telling people just believe in Jesus and Jesus is love and you'll get into heaven, then I'm afraid you're giving them the wrong….

Speaker 1:

Repentance of sins If you're a salesman, you're telling them lies.

Speaker 2:

That's right, yeah, because you've got to tell them about sin. You've got to tell them about hell, yeah, and you've got to tell them what it is and what the consequence is to follow Jesus.

Speaker 1:

And the consequence if you don't. If you don't, there's two sides to it. But when you look at what the church is the church preaching the truth you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free the only way.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's an easy fix, ben, because if your leader or whoever's speaking on a Sunday morning, you know, you just check it by the scripture, just check it by the Bible?

Speaker 1:

The Bible says doesn't it to test every spirit and to check every word to make sure it lines up with the gospel of Jesus Christ? You know it's unbelievable. It is just unreal to me what actually is going on within the church itself. Honestly, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Simon, we're about at the 30 minutes. That has gone so quick, hasn't it?

Speaker 2:

It's gone. So, ben, we haven't even Scratched it. Took the skin off this, but we're going to do another one. We're going to come back in the mojo. And we're going to do another one, and are we going to break bread?

Speaker 1:

We're going to break bread Right now. We're going to break bread right now. We're going to take this cup and we're going to break bread, my friends, if you're with us.

Speaker 2:

There's some great stuff coming out this morning. It's all about encouragement. It's all about encouraging each other. It's all about coming to the cross. It's all about letting them arms of the cross, get around you and don't go away, because there'll be another podcast on the same subject.

Speaker 1:

On the exactly same subject.

Speaker 2:

It'll be different, but it's the same subject. On the exactly same subject.

Speaker 1:

It'd be different, it'd be different, but it's the same Jesus.

Speaker 1:

It's the same Jesus and it's the same Matthew, mark, luke and John. Same Genesis, same Revelation. Let's break bread together. Wherever you are across the earth, whatever you may be doing at work. You know I seem to have thrown open so much this morning, just throwing the door open on everything. But when you look at all the subjects that we're bringing in and we have to, because we need to look at everything we need to look at government, we need to look at church, I need to look at myself, I need to look at religion, I need to look at education, because it's all relevant for the end times, because are they telling us the truth?

Speaker 2:

or are they spinning us a line? It's very important, ben, because how are we living our lives and who am I?

Speaker 1:

following? Who am I following? If I follow the government? Where are they taking me? Am I preparing?

Speaker 2:

yeah, for my, when I die, am I?

Speaker 1:

preparing for, like the thief in the night, if jesus comes back now. Am I ready? Am I ready?

Speaker 2:

And the deal is, you can be going to church for years, you can be serving, you can be baptised, you can have been confirmed or whatever you want to call it. But unless you've got like we said, you know your heart. The Lord looks at the heart. Unless your heart is following it right for Jesus, then you know your heart. The Lord looks at the heart. If your heart is following right for Jesus, then you know. You've got to check it, haven't you? Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life?

Speaker 2:

That's right, because you'll never be more alive than when you die. Oh goodness, if you're a Christian and you're following.

Speaker 1:

Jesus. It all comes back to following Jesus. It all comes back the whole New Testament, the Old Testament, the laws, the new covenant, the prophetic language, the poems, the history. It all points to Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

And it's simple. People spend ages searching for their destiny. What's my fate? What's the Lord got for me? It's quite simple Just follow Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Follow Jesus and he will lead you.

Speaker 2:

He'll open the doors.

Speaker 1:

Where are we going to go? To the cross, to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or fall straight to the arms of?

Speaker 2:

the Father. Where you don't want to be is for the Lord to say what are you doing over there, as he did to the arms of the Father. Where you don't want to be is for the Lord to say what are you doing over there?

Speaker 1:

As he did to the prophet. That's an interesting one, isn't it? What are you doing over there? Yeah, but I've ran on the glass of water, the jar of water he gave me, and a little bit of bread, and you anointed me and I got up, you gave me strength, but you're in the wrong destination.

Speaker 2:

You're in the wrong place, or you get baptised and it's like Simon the Sorcerer, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Or a friend.

Speaker 1:

How much I want to get baptised because I want that, I want to get baptised. I want, I want, I want. Right, we are going to come to the table and this is a really beautiful time, a powerful time, where we gather. So, whether you're on the mics, wherever you are at this moment, you can do this later on. Just remember, we don't need the Pope, don't need the bishops, don't need the leaders, we don't need anybody in any position to tell us when and how, because we have the higher priest and his name is Jesus and he says do this as often as you come together.

Speaker 1:

So, father, as I pray for this bread and Simon's going to pray for the wine in a few moments, lord, I ask you, lord, for everyone listening that's with us at this moment, that we will just rest in the Father's arms. Everything is okay. Cover us in the blood of Jesus, cleanse us from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet, wash us, draw us, lead us, take us, carry us to the cross. But I recognise this bread is symbolic to the body of Christ Jesus. In Jesus name, amen. In Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 2:

Amen, father, as we take the bread to build us and encourage us and it's the bread of life, it's the life of Jesus then we come to the blood of Jesus. It's a remembrance. We take this to cleanse us of the world, to cleanse us of the stuff that we're involved in, and we come to the cross today and say Father, cleanse us. Let this blood of Jesus just cleanse us completely and, as we've said, let us fix our eyes on Jesus and on the cross and let the arms of the cross come round and just hold us. Let your arms hold us as we move forward into this new year. In Jesus' name. Amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Washed in the blood of Jesus. Washed in the blood of Jesus, brothers, sisters, greek, slave or slave of free, jew or gentile, as the scripture says, wherever you are, the gospel is for every one of us. We are going to have a pause for a moment, but this will carry on. So this is a hashtag, christian straight talk, and we're in the 10 commandments still, and there's going to be a second part to this and we can see the scriptures open up before our very eyes. So the second one will be up very, very quickly. Simon, can you give us an encouraging word as we just drop off the peg?

Speaker 2:

yeah, as we come into this as this in this new year, and I think what we said is you know, if we wake up every day and go, who do you want me to talk to today, jesus? Where do you want me to follow you today? And we need to be Holy Spirit, needs to be checking ourselves at every point throughout the day just to make sure we knock off any of that worry, that grumpiness, and approach each person that we meet with encouragement. And you imagine that, if that happens throughout the community, well, it's going to make a massive difference, oh goodness.

Speaker 2:

So we say we just encourage everyone out there to do that, to encourage each other and encourage people in your family, and especially your children, your grandchildren. If you don't encourage them, there's no one else going to. So surround them with prayer, bless them and let's see what this year holds, and let it be an exciting year for us in Jesus' name.

Speaker 1:

Amen. There we go. Thank you so much for joining Simon and myself for Hashtag Christian Straight Talk, because we just try and bring, bring real life situations to the to the mics and just be completely raw and open before each and every one of us. Be an encourager. Be an encourager, never give up. Thank you so much. You can find us on buzzsprout, spotify, amazon music, alexa. Also you can find the book hashtag one. Hashtag two will be out very, very soon. In the name of jesus, hold tight to the word of God, never give up. Push for Jesus, but also stand up. Let's stand above the parapet of life and hold on to the living word of God. God bless you In Jesus' name, amen. Thanks for watching.

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