Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
Reverend Ben Coopers podcast, offers an inviting space for listeners to explore Christianity and spiritual growth with wisdom, humor, and a deep commitment to biblical truth. Through Rev. Ben's engaging conversations with guests, the podcast not only explores the timeless wisdom of the Bible but also tackles the pressing issues of life, faith, and hope in a way that is accessible, thought-provoking, and enriching. Whether you’re seeking spiritual nourishment, answers to life’s big questions, or simply a place to reflect on your faith, the Rev Ben podcast is a valuable resource on your journey.
In each episode, Rev. Ben guides listeners through profound theological reflections, personal stories, and practical insights drawn from the Bible and the broader Christian tradition.
Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
Navigating the End Times: Faith, Preparedness, and the Second Coming (#1012 - Elim) 21-01-2025
The Greatest Battle: Spiritual Readiness for the Second Coming of Christ
Show Notes:
What if the greatest battle we face today isn’t political—it’s spiritual warfare? In this timely and urgent episode, we explore the signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ, as outlined in Matthew 24. Discover how to stand firm in your faith and navigate the turbulence of today’s world, with global crises impacting nations like America, Ukraine, the UK, and the Middle East. From wars to famines, earthquakes, and the growing persecution of Christians, the call to be spiritually prepared has never been more critical.
End times prophecies are unfolding before our eyes. Join us as we uncover biblical signs of the times, empowering you to prepare spiritually for the return of Jesus Christ. Whether you're facing uncertainty in your personal life or witnessing global unrest, this episode offers powerful insights to help you remain steadfast in your faith.
The Urgency of Spiritual Readiness
As we witness global instability and crises, our ministry is reaching over 74 countries and 1,010 cities worldwide, rallying for unity in prayer and a global revival. Now more than ever, we call for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit across the world to awaken believers to the urgency of spiritual preparedness. The second coming of Christ is imminent, and it's time for Christians to come together, grounded in biblical truth, and stay vigilant in the face of false prophets and misleading teachings.
The rise of deception within the church is a significant warning sign of the end times. With the increase in false doctrine and the rise of false Christs, it’s vital to stay rooted in God’s Word. Learn how to discern truth from error, ensuring your faith is built on a solid foundation that can withstand the storms of spiritual deception.
False Prophets, Deception & End Times Signs
In a world filled with distractions and deceit, we explore Jesus' warnings about false prophets and how to recognize the signs of the second coming. As wars, famine, earthquakes, and natural disasters escalate around the world, these are not just signs of a broken world—they are clear indicators that we are living in the last days. Christians worldwide are being persecuted for their faith, and it is more essential than ever to remain grounded in biblical prophecy and sound doctrine.
In this episode, we dive deep into Matthew 24, exploring what it means to live in anticipation of Christ’s return, equipped with knowledge and spiritual tools to combat the forces of deception. Spiritual preparedness is not just about avoiding deception—it’s about staying rooted in Christ and remaining hopeful amidst global challenges.
The Journey of Jesus: The Crib, The Cross, The Grave, and The Throne
As we await the return of our Savior, it’s essential to reflect on the journey of Jesus through the crib, the cross, the grave, and the throne. Understanding the full scope of His life and ministry empowers us to embrace a personal relationship with Christ—one that goes beyond religion and rituals. In this episode, we emphasize the importance of being spiritually born again and prepared for the rapture—the moment when Christ will return for His church.
It’s time to move beyond the confines of institutionalized religion and cultivate a personal faith that is grounded in biblical truth. As the world continues to shake, spiritual readiness is the key to standing firm and being ready to meet the coming King. This episode encourages you to break free from reliance on religious structures and fully embrace the power of personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Preparing for Christ’s Return in t
Welcome to Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We are a radio and podcast ministry based here within the UK. Your support is vital through prayer and through sowing a seed of faith. We are so thankful to have so many people around the globe downloading and listening to our podcasts, whether you are on Spotify, apple Podcast, google, alexa, amazon Music and so many other platforms. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. We would love to hear from you as you partner with us as we reach the world for Jesus Christ. Please send us an email through our contact form on pastorbencoopercouk. Also, you can find our latest books on Amazon under hashtag one, hashtag two and hashtag three under Christian Straight Talk hard-hitting, real-life conversations taken from our podcasts.
Speaker 1:Your financial gifts play a crucial role in supporting our radio ministry, helping us share the gospel through these podcasts and providing free copies of the Gospel of John and Bibles around the globe. Please pray for this ministry as we stretch out beyond the boundaries, as we walk by faith. If you'd like to support our mission, please consider clicking the support button on Spotify, apple Podcasts or Buzzsprout. You can give a one-time gift or set up a regular contribution of three pounds, five pounds, eight pounds or ten pounds. You can also leave a legacy by clicking in the links within pastorbencoopercouk. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry as we spread the message of hope far and wide through this radio ministry. So, whether you are on the daily commute or at home listening to our podcast, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy.
Speaker 2:Good evening, good evening. Where are you this evening? You know we're in the Lord's house. We're in the Lord's house. Where is everybody tonight across the world? But we want to say thank you to everybody, wherever you are scattered, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We're going to break bread together in about 30 minutes time and we're going to gather around the table, but we just want to welcome every one of you in the mighty name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 2:We're going to dive straight in to the book of Matthew. So if we go into Matthew, chapter 24, it's really interesting. All the things that are happening around the world, especially in America today. Eyes are on America, everything with President Trump and Biden on his way out, and there are many, many things that are happening around the globe and we need to prepare ourselves for the second coming of the Lord, jesus Christ. You know we're always talking about Christmas. We're always talking about the first coming of Christ. Sorry, but we've got to prepare ourselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ and there are many signs. There are many signs at this moment around the world and, if you are with us, grab yourself a Bible, grab yourself a New Testament, turn into the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, and we're going to pick it up. We're going to pick this up. I think we'll go to around about verse four. Let's have a look at verse four.
Speaker 2:But wherever you are, we welcome you in the mighty name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. You know, you know the Bible says the just shall live by faith. We are living in times where we can't live by natural perception, by our sight, by our smell, by our hearing and by what we pick up around our natural senses. We've literally got to live by faith. We've got to literally stretch out, you know, and stretch into Christ. We've got to be prepared for what is about to happen. You know the UK. There are many locusts out. The Bible talks about four different types of locusts, as we've looked at in the book of Joel. Also, the other day we touched the hem of the garment, not Christ's garment I'm talking about when I say the hem of the garment. We were in Revelations, chapter 6, when we were looking at the four horses that are already out. But at this moment in time I just want to pick up just a few signs that we have to look out for, that we have to be ready for the second coming of Jesus. But wherever you are, we want to encourage you to stay strong in the word of God. We want to encourage you to keep strong in the faith and never give up, whatever your life is looking like at this moment in time.
Speaker 2:Yesterday we had an amazing amount of stats that came out. Yesterday we was in 74 nations, countries around the world, the world and uh, 1010 cities across the globe. So wherever you are, whatever city you're in tonight, whatever place that you are at in the mighty name of jesus christ, wherever that may be physically, spiritually, wherever you are, we need to encourage one another. You know, prepare ourselves for the coming of christ, not the first coming. We understand what the first coming of that was and we recognize that as the birth of Christ. But we need to prepare ourselves for the coming of the King. He's coming as ruler and judge and we have to look at the signs around the world. You look at America, you look at Ukraine, especially looking at the UK and looking at the Middle East, and you look at everything around that area of the Middle East, everything that's breaking out You've got the ceasefire and everything that's going on at that moment in time. And you know you're just waiting for the next thing to happen.
Speaker 2:But these scriptures are really, really interesting. So let's just dive straight in. We're in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24. We're just connecting to a few things here. We're just ready to go. And we're just connecting to a few things here. We're just ready to go and we hope you can hear us loud and clear in the mighty name of the Lord, jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:But before we go any further, let's pray. Father, we thank you for miracles in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And tonight, lord, we pray for such an outpouring of your spirit over each and every one of us that the fire of God, lord, let it rain tonight. Let the love of God just rain down on everyone across this world. We thank you that you are the coming king, that you are the savior of the world, and all these events that are breaking out across the globe, father, we pray that we won't look at these events and get fearful, but we will look at these events and be filled full of faith, because you are the king of kings and you are worthy of all praise. Spirit of the living gods, will you stir us tonight? Tonight, jesus, lord, will you bring us to a place of hope? Will you bring us to a place of strength, lord? If anyone is tired, lord, take away the tiredness. If anyone is fearful tonight, take away the fear. Lord. Whatever is going on in people's hearts tonight, lord, strengthen us all. But, lord, prepare us for the second coming of the lord, jesus christ. Amen. Good evening and we are ready to press in to the holy word of God.
Speaker 2:Verse 4 of Matthew, chapter 24, and it says Jesus answered watch out that no one deceives you. Oh, my golly gosh, what a posh word that was he used there. And it says there Jesus answered watch out that no one deceives you. Now, that's a really interesting word, isn't it Deceptive? You know someone's deceiving you. Someone is out to get a hold of you.
Speaker 2:The other day, sunday morning, we was looking at Goliath and we was looking at David. We were looking at King Saul, and Saul was a very jealous king. What we've got to be careful of are jealous people around us, so we can bring these two together. You know, we can bring this across the platform from 1 Samuel. What we was in yesterday, you can bring it over and you can look at these scriptures that we're in now.
Speaker 2:You've got to be careful of a few things. You've got to be careful of the religious leaders that are out there. You've got to be careful of the worldly people that are jealous that are out there. You've got to be careful of the worldly people that are jealous that are out there to back bike to stab you in the back. So that's familiar saying that we're used to watch out that they don't stab you in the back. That comes from the scripture that was in yesterday when, uh, saul picked up a spear and he and he was throwing it. He threw it at David and he wanted to pierce him and to stab him in the back. But it says twice that david eluded him. David escaped king saul. And there are many times in our lives where we've got to be wise, we've got to be careful, because there are people out there that will want to deceive us really, really important. We've got to be really careful. So, as we pick this scripture up in matthew 24, this is the signs of the coming of christ, the second coming of christ. We've had the first coming of Christ. We've had all the prophets being fulfilled. We've had all the prophecies foretold and foreseen and foreknown. So we are watching now. We are waiting for the second coming of Christ.
Speaker 2:It's very interesting what's happening in America, and especially here in the UK, with everything that's happening in the political agenda and the religious scenes and all that sort of stuff. And then you look at Israel. Israel is a very interesting clock according to heaven. You know, watch out, watch Israel. You know, I think there's going to be some things that are going to be coming out of the woodwork very clearly to do with Hamas and the terrorists. I think that there is a, there is a different drumbeat that is about to explode any moment. Think that there is a, there is a different drumbeat that is about to explode any moment. So, just because there is a peace treaty and there is a deal of peace at this moment and there is a swapping of hostages, we got to be extremely careful that we don't relax and sit back because there is something brewing. You can't trust the devil, you can't trust the terrorists. There is something rolling, uh, inside that drumbeat.
Speaker 2:But as we look at these signs, so when we look at the signs, there's widespread deception, false prophets, we've got famines, we've got wars, we've got disasters, we've got persecution of believers and then also what we got in verse 14,. If you just throw your eyes down a minute, this is something that really fascinates me. In verse 14 of Matthew, chapter 24, I always thought to myself a long, long, long time ago how would this ever be? And it says and the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world, a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. That's really quite interesting, that the word of God will stretch around the globe. And then we could say to ourselves before the power of God will stretch around the globe. And then we could say to ourselves before the power of technology, before the power of the internet, before the mobile devices, how in the world would the word of God get globally and at the same particular point?
Speaker 2:But when you look at us here in this studio, when you really look at the stats and that's why I'm being triggered in this point and this moment in time it's very, very interesting that when you look at the amount of places that this ministry is reaching, that this church is reaching around the world 74 countries around the world, and then it was yesterday we clocked up 1,010 cities. So when you think about the power of technology. It is going to be technology that is transferring the word of god round, and when you look at the cameras, look at you, look at social media, you look at the whole globe. The world has suddenly shrunk. So when you look in verse 14 of matthew 24, you can clearly see that that is the way that it's going to be the word of god, when the word of god reaches the globe. And what we've got to remind ourselves, there are missionaries right now, far out in places where none of us would really want to go, that are taking the word of God. And you think, how would they take the word of God? What would they do? They take it on their device. They would. Obviously. It will be loaded up on the phone, loaded up on the iPad, loaded up on the system that they got, and you can take the word wherever. Now it's really, really interesting how the power of technology, rather, is sweeping around the world.
Speaker 2:And what I love to think about is Jesus and Nicodemus. When that great message that Christ preached to Nicodemus you must be born again there was just two human beings there was Christ and there was Nicodemus in that place, and there was that four minute, that greatest message the world has ever heard was four minutes and it was Christ telling Nicodemus. But then we thought to ourselves well, how will this spread around the world? It is actually a global message. You must be born again. So Christ and Nicodemus, the first two, and then the message comes out from Nicodemus, it is spread out from the word of God. It ricochets around Jerusalem, it ricochets around the Middle East. Then all of a sudden accelerate two and a half thousand years up the time that we are at this moment in time. Then suddenly the technology, the Bible, says you must be born again. How do we get it to these indigenous tribes that are tucked away in places that we will never go through the power of technology? So verse 14 is a very interesting text. I believe that where we are right now, at this moment in time, it says and this gospel, the kingdom, will be preached in the whole world. We got that right now. Now let's go back to where we started.
Speaker 2:Now, in verse four of Matthew, chapter 24, it says and Jesus answered him watch out that no one deceives you. We've got to be very careful for the deceptive spirits that are out there. What is Christ talking about? He's talking about two folds that are going on here. He's talking about many will come in his name. He's talking about the false prophets. He's talking about many will come in his name. He's talking about the false prophets. He's talking about the fake churches. He's talking about so much. But also there's an underlining part of that text where he was saying watch, watch out that no one deceives you. You've got to be extremely careful, you've got to be wise at this moment in time.
Speaker 2:It says in verse 4 jesus answered watch out that no one deceives you, for many will come in my name, claiming I am the christ, and you will see many deceived. You will hear wars, rumors of wars, but see to it that none of you are alarmed. Be not alarmed by what we are hearing. That scene, sorry. Such things must happen that the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these things will be the beginning of birth pains. We are at the beginning of birth pains. We are watching all these clear signs appearing at one place.
Speaker 2:If you have your text open with me tonight and you're in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, just look at verse 24 and it says For false Christs and false prophets will appear and form great signs and wonders and miraculous deeds to deceive the elect, if that was even possible. So when you even look at verse 24, it says that was even possible. So when you even look at verse 24, it says For false Christs and false prophets will appear, performing great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect. Now who is he referring to the elect? He's referring to the spirit-filled believer.
Speaker 2:We've got to be careful that we don't get drawn into fake church, fake religion, fake worship, fake preaching. We've got to make sure that we are in sound doctrine. The Bible is very clear. It talks about sound doctrine. That is where the measure and where the checks come in. That we've got to make sure that we are in the word of God. We've got to make sure that we understand what the text is saying. There's nothing more dangerous than a text taken out of context. You know the text is saying there's nothing more dangerous than a text taken out of context. You know the text is extremely important that we execute, that we exegete the text really, really clear and we understand what the Bible is saying to us.
Speaker 2:And then we come on to that word of academic understanding, we might say well, pastor Ben, this is me. I'm speaking just out loud that I'm not an academic in any way, shape or form. You know I'm not an educated person in any way, shape or form. And the way the word of God is revealed to me is through revelational knowledge. And that's not because I am a holy one not from that, by a long shot. But what I'm saying is very clear. God's word is revealed to us. You know we have a mandate, we have a mantle to carry, that we must read the word of God.
Speaker 2:It's really important that we read the word of God, that we listen to the word of God, and a great way is that when you're working, when you're living your life and you're commuting, is just listen to the scripture. If you struggle reading, you know, don't allow the academic understanding to stop you from doing what God has for you in your life. You know you are filled with visions and dreams, but you've got to watch out for those deceit, deceptive spirits, I should say, that are coming each and every one of our ways. You know it says in verse four, and Jesus answered watch out that no one deceives you. It's really important that we have to have our eyes open. We need to be like the watchman on the wall, that we are watching and we are waiting. The Bible says test every spirit. It's critical that we test every spirit. But we are living in the end days.
Speaker 2:We are in the book of Revelation, we are in and we are getting prepared for eschatology, the rapture of the church, the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. With what's happening in America, what's happening in China, what's happening in Canada and Australia and New Zealand, what's happening in the UK and especially Israel, when we watch what's happening in them nations, the superpowers the Bible, you know, talks about the superpowers. It talks about the horns of Daniel, the rising up, the last days. We are in these critical last days, but it's a powerful time to be alive because the power of God is moving over this earth like we've never seen and we've never felt before. The glory of God is with you and the Bible says do not be afraid. Christ says this and he says there will be famines, there'll be earthquakes in various places. All these things are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over.
Speaker 2:Oh lord, I don't want to read verse 9. Should we give it a miss tonight. It says then you'll be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you'll be hated by all the nations. Because of me, this has already started. This has already been happening at the cross of Calvary. So that's what we've got to remind ourselves, that every area of these texts that we're looking at. I'm jumping about at the moment, but I just want to let you know that we are, and we have been in the end times since the cross of Calvary, because that's when the scriptures really started to move, in the end times.
Speaker 2:So when it talks about persecution, you've only got to look at the persecuted church 365 displaced Christians around the world being persecuted for their faith. You look at Iran. You look at Pakistan. You look at them, certain areas you know. You look at Myanmar. You look at South Korea, north Korea, china. You look at all those areas you know persecution has been there for such a terrific amount of years. So this is nothing new under the sun, even though that I'm reading it here, and it says then you'll be handed over and persecuted and put to death. This has been happening since the cross of Calvary. We've had the martyrs of faith. We had those that have given their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ. So this is not what is going to happen. This is what is already happening. We are watching Christians persecuted around the world. There are certain nations where you can't even have a church, where there isn't church.
Speaker 2:We've got to be extremely careful. Wherever we are, you know, to hold on to the word of God. God is with every one of you right now. But we've got to be alerted. We've got to be ready for the second coming of jesus. You know, christ is preparing the bride. He's not preparing the religious church. God is not coming back through christ. He's not coming back as the redeeming king. He's not coming back to redeem the buildings. He's coming back to set the captives free. What do you mean? He's coming to take us. He's coming to to snatch us out of the earth, off the earth. He's coming back for each and every one of us. Jesus Christ is coming. The Bible says where there be two two in a field, one will be taken, two walking, one will be taken. The Bible is extremely clear. When the coming of Christ, we are being prepared. The world is in birth pains tonight. The world is experiencing groaning.
Speaker 2:When you look at these scriptures. Let me read this again. Let me read this through. And it says in verse 3 of Matthew, chapter 24, as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives and the disciples came to him privately, tell us, lord, they said. And he said when will all this happen? They were saying to him, and what will be the signs for the coming of is?
Speaker 2:As you look at these scriptures that we are reading, when they was talking about the sign of the end of the age, they did not realize that Jesus Christ will be the trigger point, that Jesus Christ will be the savior of the world. They were just thinking the end of the world. They didn't realize. Because what they wasn't sure of, what we have now is the word of God. We have the facts. We have what God has already told through the word of God. We have the facts. We have what God has already told. Through the word of God, we know what the end is going to be like.
Speaker 2:And if you have the strength, read the book of Revelations. That will cheer you right up. But what's fascinating about the book of Revelation? You know the book of Apocalypse, chapter six. You read about the horses, you read about famine. You read about plagues, you read about desolation, you read about the power horse, the red horse, the black horse and the white horse, when you read about the horses and you look at the signs and when you bring a correlation between Revelation and the book of Matthew, these signs, we are.
Speaker 2:At this point, brothers and sisters, everybody is stretched beyond understanding, everybody is worn out, everybody is fighting for breath. This is really, really is stretched beyond understanding. Everybody is worn out, everybody is fighting for breath. This is really, really a beautiful scripture tonight. This is to encourage us, not to weigh us down, but a trigger point to say Jesus, I want you to prepare me for the second coming Lord, I'm not worried about the 25th of December. That's coming down the tracks already. Lord, I want to be prepared for when you come back.
Speaker 2:Eschatology, the rapture of the church. Jesus is coming back for the bride and the bride is being prepared. Not religion, not religion and not these buildings. You know these buildings that were in these beautiful buildings, all the fabric of the building, all this studio. No, if Christ was to come back now, none of this system would be taken. You know nothing of this earth, nothing of materialism is going to be taken. He's taking the human beings known as the Bible-believing believers. He's taking the brothers and the sisters into glory. Every building, every area of religion, all the fine art, all the money that the churches have put together.
Speaker 2:Christ is not going to come for the money. He's not coming for the fine art. He's not coming for the Church of England. He's not coming for the evangelical movement. He's not coming for Catholicism. He's not coming for all these tribal movements. He's not coming for the physicality of the movements. He's not coming back for the mechanisms of church. He's coming back for the individual. And he's coming back for the individual and he's coming back for you. Jesus christ is going to take you home to glory, whether you may not even see death itself, and I believe that there are certain ages on this earth that they won't see death, the physical death. They will actually see the coming of the lord jesus christ. We can't have too many years left before Jesus comes back.
Speaker 2:The Bible says no one knows. Jesus doesn't even know. It is only God. The scripture is absolutely clear. God is the only one. Yes, I hear the bells and whistles, yeah, but we know that the scripture says that Christ is God and God is Christ. So Jesus does know. He doesn't know in the format that he stands, as in Jesus Christ, the living word. He does not know as the son, god is the only one.
Speaker 2:It's very, very interesting when you see what is going on in certain areas of life, when you look at these scriptures. What's really really important as you look at this, this is really really important that we strengthen ourselves in the word of God. And as you read this verse 4, it says and Jesus said Watch out that no one deceives you, for many will come in my name claiming I am the Christ. How many preachers, how many church systems are out there claiming that we are the church, we are the denomination, we are the daddy, we are the church of Jesus Christ? We've got to be so careful what church we go to, what ministry we're under. We've got to make sure that we're under sound doctrine. We've got to make sure that we're in the word of God. It doesn't matter if we don't go to church.
Speaker 2:I get myself in a little bit of a tricky situation with a few things and a few people here by saying this, because the Bible says do not forget the coming and the forsaken to be together. Yeah, that is true and that is absolutely scripturally right. But what the Bible also says be careful of the dogs, be careful of the fake preachers, be careful. You're better off, you know, to stay at home and to read the word and to sit in your front room, sit in your van, sit in the staff room, wherever you are, read the word of god and ask god to speak to you, because church is so noisy and church is really boring. You know, church is noisy, it's making a noise. You know it's not really preparing us for the second coming of christ. It is preparing us for something that isn't really happening.
Speaker 2:So this is what we have in this scripture, out in front of our very eyes in verse four Watch out that no one deceives you. There are many areas of church that will deceive you. They will talk about money. They will talk about and give you a motivational message that it's all about you. They will tell you how great and wonderful you are.
Speaker 2:You know the Bible is extremely clear that Christ is coming back for the bride. He's not coming back for religion. He's not coming back for the celebrity preachers. He's not coming back for the celebrity church. He's not coming back for the mega church, as in the building and the fabric. He's coming back for the individual and the individual that he's coming back for. The individual and the individual that he's coming back for. Is it the churchgoer? Not necessary. Is it the religious person? Not at all. Is it the good person? Is it the one that good does, good deeds? No, he's coming back for the one that is born again. That is the only way that we will ever get into heaven. Because Because the Bible says no one can see and no one can enter the kingdom of God unless you are born again. So going to church is absolutely irrelevant to being born again. Just because I go to church doesn't make me born again. Going to church doesn't give me the ticket into heaven. The Bible is clear. Your name has got to be written in the Lamb's book of life. How does the name, how does your name get written in the book? In the good book, your name is written by God, by the hand of Christ. How does my name get written? By the hand of Christ? Because salvation comes from above. You know.
Speaker 2:Turn to that great, great book. Let's turn to the Gospel of John. You know it is a very important subject book. Let's turn to the Gospel of John. You know it is a very important subject that we need to be talking about. We need to be looking at so the signs of the times. We've got earthquakes, we've got famines, we've got wars. We've got deceptive religious leaders out there. We've got fake prophets out there Matthew 24, verse 11,. Many false prophets will appear and deceive many. We got to be extremely careful of church. There are many preachers and teachers and religious orders out there that are very deceptive and they are moving in a different spirit. They are not moving in the holy spirit. We got to make sure that we're with brothers and sisters that are spirit filled and we got to make sure that we are born again, believers in Christ.
Speaker 2:But when you look at that great text, let's turn to that beautiful text of John 3 3. When you look at John 3 3, it's a very simple read. It's a very easy read. It's something that can take us to a place that can that. It can only be by faith that we understand this. It says uh, and Jesus replied and he declared I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. So he talks about sight. He says that you will not be able to see this unless you are born again. Then he progresses and he migrates on a little bit further and he says how can a man be born when he is old? Nicodemus asked Surely he can't enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born again? Jesus answered I tell you the truth, truth no one can enter the kingdom of god unless he is born of water and born of spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised by my saying this is jesus christ, verse 7. You know, the gospel of john is a text, a beautiful word to just rest yourself in and to read If you want to do some Christology, studying Christ. The Gospel of John is a beautiful book to look at Verse 7 of John, chapter 3, it says you should not be surprised at my saying you must be born again.
Speaker 2:Jesus does not mention church. He doesn't mention a men's group, he doesn't mention women's ministry. He doesn't mention Sunday school. He doesn't mention the youth group, he doesn't mention the youth band. He doesn't mention the preacher or the teacher. He doesn't mention Elim. He doesn't mention the mega churches, he doesn't mention anything. What he says is you must be born again. That is it.
Speaker 2:When you look at this scripture, I love the fact that you can never enter into a church but be born again. I love the fact that Christ does not rely on the fabric of the skin of the building, the bricks and the mortar, the floors, the ceilings. The church, the bricks and the mortar, the floors, the ceilings. The church, the microphones, the cameras. Jesus is not relying and waiting for us to share the gospel, because the gospel has already gone before.
Speaker 2:How do you know that? If you have a bible turn, you know because the spirit world is in front of this material world. The spirit world is in front of this material world. The spirit world is in front of this natural world that we see because we live our lives by the flesh, by ourselves. We live by smell, touch, we live by the senses of the human being. But the Bible says do not conform to the pattern of the world, but have your mind renewed. So what do I do? I got to live by faith. Three times the scripture says the just shall live by faith. But to live by faith, I've got to live outside of this body, outside of this earth. Suit this human nature that I am, I've got to live outside and above and beyond.
Speaker 2:So when Jesus says you can't see the kingdom of God and you can't enter the kingdom of God, he is referring to faith. You've got to believe that you are born again. You've got to believe that Jesus Christ to faith. You've got to believe that you are born again. You know, you've got to believe that Jesus Christ is coming. We've got to believe the fundamental points of Christianity the birth, the death, the resurrection of Christ, the creator. You know God is sovereign, he is just, he is supreme. There is no one higher than the Father in heaven, supreme. There is no one higher than the father in heaven. God is the great god, uh, he is the creator of heaven and earth. He is the one that is coming back to rapture for eschatology. He is the coming king, he is jehovah jireh, jehovah nisi. He is your healer, he is your provider and he is sovereign and all his ways are just.
Speaker 2:So when you look at scripture, we have just very, very quickly dipped our toe into the gospel of Matthew 24, and then there are the signs of the coming of Christ, and the disciples were sitting around the mount listening to Jesus speak and they were saying what is going to be these signs? And Jesus just reels all these signs off. We have all these signs on this earth. We are just waiting now for the man of lawlessness to be revealed. Oh, I can see some people are going. Oh, is it Donald Trump? Is this the one you know? We always pinpoint leaders around the world with the Antichrist. That is all we are waiting for is the Antichrist to be revealed. And there are many signs that we will hear and see the Antichrist very, very soon. Why? Because we got wars, rumors of wars, and what will happen? Suddenly the world will talk about peace like it's never spoken before.
Speaker 2:But to get into the kingdom of God requires no money. To get into the kingdom of God requires no academic understanding. To get into the kingdom of God doesn't require a church. It is impossible in the skin that we walk in, it is impossible in this transit vehicle of an earth suit that we walk in and we live our lives. It is impossible for any preacher to tell you receive salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. Because no, preacher, it doesn't matter how great they are, it doesn't matter how much smoke they blow up their own chimney, it doesn't matter how great and wonderful they think they are. It doesn't matter how many people follow them on TikTok. It doesn't matter how many books have been written. It doesn't matter how many people follow on TikTok. It doesn't matter how many books have been written, it doesn't matter how many podcasts have been done, it doesn't matter how many sermons they have delivered, because no man, no man can give you salvation, no human being can give you the gift of eternal life, and God has given you eternal life. And what I love about Jesus Christ, he does not require us to go into church to receive Jesus.
Speaker 2:We need to be careful. If you've been brought up in church, if you've been nurtured through church, we need to be extremely careful, because we are the ones that could be deceived through religion, through fake preachers and teachers, through the antichrist and, like what I said yesterday, through religion through fake preachers and teachers, through the Antichrist, and like what I said yesterday remember we was talking about the horses in the book of Revelations and we've got many jockeys in pulpits. We really have. We've got many jockeys in pulpits. They can ride them horses, they can ride them horses, and especially that first horse that we were looking at. When you look at. Uh, that, that, that white horse, that very, very interesting. When you got the white, you got the black, you got the power and you got the red. When you look at that, the, the horse, that represents religious deception. We have many, many preachers, we have many pastors that are being very deceptive, and this is what the bible says.
Speaker 2:Let me take us back a. Let me take us back a minute. Let us take us back a minute. We're going to go back into Matthew 24, and we're in verse 4, and it says Jesus answered Watch out that no one deceives you, for many will come in my name, claiming I am the Christ, and many will deceive many. You will hear wars, rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Sisters and brothers, wherever you are, do not be alarmed. Do not be alarmed by the way the world is moving, by the way the solar system is moving, by the cosmic signs and wonders in the heavens above. You've only got to study astrology and I'm not talking about studying the planets and studying the stars, as in worshipping them, but you've only got to look at the atmosphere. You've only got to study astrology and I'm not talking about studying the planets and studying the stars as in worshipping them. But you've only got to look at the atmosphere. You've only got to look at the destructive devastation that has happened. And how did that happen? We don't. I don't know why.
Speaker 2:I'm going into this, but I just want to mention this because this is really clear. This is mentioned in the scripture a little bit further on. We haven't had time to get to, but what we have, we have a solar system, we have an atmosphere out there, far beyond the human eye, that has been damaged. It was damaged by what happened in the garden of eden and maybe, if we get chance, we'll do a podcast on that, because when god created the heavens and the earth, he created the perfect earth, the perfect universe. But what happened when the human beings fell in the garden? There was such a spiritual tear that ripped right through the physical realm and it ripped right the way through. It went all the way through the solar systems. It devastated the planets. The rock fall, everything. You know the spiritual tear when they took from that tree of life, when God said do not touch, everything else is yours. There was spiritual devastation. And what happened was they tore. It tore right the way through. We will never be able to understand it.
Speaker 2:But if you study planets and stars and the solar system and you study all that sort of stuff, you will understand what the scripture says about the cosmic signs and wonders. You know what we are seeing because what we are finding, we are watching the universe and the world starting to touch this fabric of this world in which we live in like never before. It is touching. You can see things happening. You've got the sun doing strange things. You've got the moon being turned to blood. You've got stars falling. You've got a shaking within the solar system. You've got all that stuff that is happening outside there and it is coming towards the, the signs of the coming of the king.
Speaker 2:But jesus says the only way that we will ever escape all this, the only way that we will ever get through this, is if we're born again. We can can go to church a million times, we can preach a million messages, I can deliver a million podcasts. Unless I am born again, I'm going to hell. That is the fact of the matter. If we are not born again, hell is awaiting and we got to be really, really careful about what this scripture says. The first area that God warns us through Christ, through his word, is very, very clear in verse four. Watch out that no one deceives you, for many will come in my name. You've only got to look at religion. You've only got to look at certain areas of life.
Speaker 2:We're going to come to the table in a few minutes. We've got three minutes and 42 seconds and we're going to come to the table. We're going to rest around the table. Grab yourself some bread, get yourself a bit of uh, wine, or, hang on, be a bit careful. There don't get no stellar atores, you know. Just get yourself a bit of grape juice, whatever it may be, you know, take it easy a fruit shoot. Don't get no prosecco. Whatever you do, we can't have anyone wobbling on the other side of the lens this evening. Oh my, my goodness, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:So when you look at these scriptures, the signs are out there. The signs are out there. We've got the fake preachers and teachers. We've got the ones that are claiming to be Christ. We've got earth. We've got the earth. We've got nature doing these odd things.
Speaker 2:Do not get caught up in global warming. Do not allow this government to trap you in net zero. Net zero will never happen. Net zero is crazy. Global warming is non-existent. You know when you look at it. God created the heavens and the earth and God is not worried about what the governments are saying. He's not worried about save the planet. It is impossible to save the planet. The Bible tells us that the planet will burn up. So it doesn't matter if I'm doing my rubbish correct every time they come around and pick it out. It's irrelevant. There is no such thing as a green energy deal. It is fake. It is coming out of fake governments. It is all about taxation and it is about fear. Do not get caught in save the planet. Do not get caught with tree huggers. You look at the King of England. All he's interested in is saving the planet. Go and plant another thousand trees. Yes, I know it's good, I understand all that for what it means, but actually, another thousand trees? Yes, I know it's good, I understand all that for what it means, but actually God has provided a great earth.
Speaker 2:If you want to know a great deal, if you want to know a terrific amount of what God says about save the planet, about all that sort of stuff, if you're looking for a plan to follow, read Genesis. Genesis tells us how we should be treating the earth. We don't need a government policy coming out of the satanic realms. We don't need another policy telling us about plastic. We don't need another policy telling us all that you know the signs of the times.
Speaker 2:When you look at this, we are being deceived in many areas. The Bible says there'll be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these things are the beginning of birth pains. So we're already in birth pains, we're already in this position, we're already in this posture. We're waiting. It says then you'll be handed over. So this has already been happening since the cross of Calvary, verse 9,. Then you 'll be handed over to be persecuted, put to death, and then you'll be hated by all nations.
Speaker 2:Isn't hates Christianity? When you look at what's happening around the world at this moment in time, especially through the Middle East, through China, through all those areas, asia, right the way around, christians are persecuted, christians are running for their lives. And it also says down, as you go a bit further, it says at this time that many will turn away from the faith. This is an interesting text actually. We haven't had time to execute this at all and just to unpack this and do some expository understanding on this. It says there, many will turn away because of the increase of wickedness. And it says at that time, many will turn away from the faith and will be betrayed and hate one another, religion all over, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many Because of the increase of wickedness, and the love of most will grow cold. But he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And it's not talking about being born again. It talks about being saved from the rapture, from everything from eschatology, from, uh, the battle of armageddon and everything that goes on.
Speaker 2:It's really, really important that we understand the signs of the times. If you are uh with me online tonight, if you're with us, if you're on radio listening wherever you are across the world, we thank you for joining us across the radio ministry. We thank you for joining us in the world of podcast. But we're coming to the table right now and, wherever you are listening, I think it's really relevant not for us to look at revival, but it's it's to get ready for the coming of jesus, the second coming of christ. Jesus is coming. We've had the first coming of christ. That's been fulfilled.
Speaker 2:Those destinational points, as I've always mentioned, the four destinational points of christ. And what are they? The first destinational points, as I've always mentioned the four destinational points of Christ, and what are they? The first destinational point was the crib. He came, the crib is empty. The second destinational point was the cross of Calvary. The third one we understand is the grave.
Speaker 2:So those three areas of those three scriptures, where the scriptures have been fulfilled. The birth of Christ we've seen the birth of Christ. We've seen Christ crucified. We know that he's been crucified. The scriptures and extra biblical knowledge tells us so. We've seen the coming of Christ as a baby. We've seen him now to the cross of Calvary. And that's not just through the fabric of the text as known as the word of God, it is outside of that as well. The world knows that Jesus, just through the fabric of the text as known as the word of God. It is outside of that as well. The world knows that Jesus went to the cross of Calvary. And then we have a very interesting place where he finished that last bit of ministry as the man, christ Jesus, because when he died on the cross he was a man.
Speaker 2:So the third place we know there's four places, four destinations that christ had to hit. But there's one more that's got to be fulfilled. So we have four that have been fulfilled. So let's go back over that again. We've had the crib, we've had the cross and we've had the grave. So when christ entered into the grave, when they carried him to the grave, we clearly understand that the third destinational point as the living word was hit and was fulfilled. And then we understand that the scripture says on the 40th day after the resurrection of christ, on ascension day, he ascended. So when you look at that, where did he go? The scripture says that he is sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding. So the four key points of the word of God have been hit. They've been struck the cross sorry, the crib, the cross, the grave, the throne. Where he is right now, he's sitting next to God, at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us all, the saints. So there is one more place. What is Christ going to do? There is only one more fulfillment of the saints. So there is one more place. What is Christ going to do? There is only one more fulfillment of the word and that is the rapture of the church. Four have been done. We're waiting for one more.
Speaker 2:Let's come to the table, father, in the name of Jesus. Lord, we are pushing in on time at this moment in time. And, father, we come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We thank you for the birth of Christ. We thank you for the birth of Christ. We thank you for the death of Christ. We thank you for the resurrected Christ. We thank you for Ascension Day, that Jesus was taken up and hidden behind the clouds and he is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Speaker 2:So, lord, will you prepare us for the coming of Jesus? Will you remove the devils in our lives? Will you remove the devils in our lives? Will you remove those deceivers? Will you move those people in our lives that are very deceptive, that are trying to take our peace? Lord, if there's anyone, lord, online, anyone with us tonight that feels that their peace is being taken away, lord, I pray that peace will abound wherever they are at the mighty name of Jesus Christ, that the love of God, the fire of God, the presence of the Holy Spirit will strengthen them and bless them right now, in the name of Jesus, as we break bread.
Speaker 2:Wherever you are, we welcome you in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, as we break bread together now, god is with you, wherever you are. We thank God for your life. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Brothers and sisters, wherever you are, break bread with us tonight. He is the coming King, he is the Savior of the world. He is the great I Am. He is Jehovah Jireh, jehovah Nissi. Father, we thank you. We thank you, father, for this bread that symbolizes the body of Christ and as we break this right now, lord, thank you that your body was broken at the cross. Come, holy Spirit, come, lord, strengthen us tonight in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, bless this bread. Amen, amen.
Speaker 2:The coming king. Are we ready for the coming king? The king is coming, the savior of the world, the great I am. He is worthy of all praise and we pray that, wherever you are tonight, don't worry about getting to church, get to the cross. Don't worry about what the church is doing. Find out what Jesus is doing, because 95% of the church, of what we understand, isn't doing what Jesus is telling us to do. That's religion, that's deception.
Speaker 2:Find out what God is calling you to tonight. You are blessed and highly favored. You are wonderfully and fearfully made. You know, not many, not not much is being preached around the world at this moment about the second coming of jesus. It's all about christmas, it's all about easter, it's all about motivational preaching. It's all about bigging yourself up, blowing smoke up your own chimney, preparing yourself, seeing how great and wonderful you are. But I want to hear a message that will carry me through the valley of the shadow of death.
Speaker 2:I don't know where you are this evening. I don't know what your name is tonight, but I pray, whoever you are, as you break bread and you take this cup with us tonight, that you will feel the love of Jesus Christ and you will realize we don't need church. Tell yourself I don't need church, I need Jesus. I don't need religion, I need the Holy Spirit. I don't need man, I don't need the mechanism. That's what I mean. I don't need the man's makeup of church, I need the Father. There are three areas that I need, that is, the father, the son, the holy spirit. We don't need church.
Speaker 2:Don't get yourself in a twist, don't get yourself in a pickle. If you can't get to church, you know, get yourself a bible. If you need a bible, we will get you a bible in the mighty name of jesus christ. Father, we pray that as we break bread, we take it a cup. Cleanse us from the crown of our head to the soul of Jesus Christ, father. We pray that as we break bread, we take it a cup. Cleanse us from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet In Jesus' name amen.
Speaker 2:Sisters and brothers, if you need a Bible, wherever you are across the world, we will make sure we get you a Bible. All you've got to do is just shove it on a text, shove it on an email, shove it wherever you've got to shove it. But be careful, pastor Ben, you're skating on thin ice with that one. You know, we will get you a Bible, wherever you are. We will get you a Bible in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We just need your address, we just need your zip code, your postcode, whatever code it is, but we will get you a Bible. We tell you that now we will get you a Bible.
Speaker 2:God has blessed us with Bibles and Bibles, and Bibles, and we always encourage everyone that comes into this church to take a Bible from the church, to actually lift it from the Lord's house, put it under your arm and run out with a Bible under your arm and literally seriously give your Bibles away. Take every time you come to this church I'm expecting people to leave with a Bible and the tracts that we have at the back of the church. We have to give the Bible out. You know, the greatest gift is the word of God. So, wherever you are at this moment in time, I pray, we're going to close in prayer and we're just going to pray that God will bring healing tonight and I pray that wherever you are. I've literally just run just backwards and forwards through the text, but I believe God was laying a foundation tonight.
Speaker 2:I believe that the Holy Spirit was teaching and talking to each and every one of us tonight. It's not me, it's the power of God, it is the word of God. You know I'm just trappy. I'm very vocal. You know me by now. You know I can talk for England. If I could get a gold medal for England, I will be the first up there because I can rabbit.
Speaker 2:Trust me, brothers and sisters, wherever you are across the world, we thank God for you, whoever you are.
Speaker 2:If you need a Bible, if you need to talk to us, we are here, wherever you are across the world.
Speaker 2:You know how to link in. You know how to get capture us. You listen to the opening part of the podcast. You listen to the end of that. You'll find ways of for us to communicate. If you are in need, wherever you are across the world, we would love to hear from you. You know, if you need help, we will try to help you in whatever way you want.
Speaker 2:But please don't ask for money because we ain't got a bean, we haven't got a Jack Saliva in me pocket, I haven't got a Scooby-Doo in me pocket, but what I have got, I've got Bibles and we got prayer and we got faith. Father, in the name of Jesus, we and we got prayer and we got faith. Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you that the power of God, the power of God, is moving across this world and tonight, lord, wherever we are scattered in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we thank you, lord, that we don't need money, we just need belief. We thank you, lord, that we believe that all things are possible to those who believe. So tonight, we believe cancer has gone.
Speaker 2:We believe the dead are being raised in the name of Jesus, we believe sickness has no power over our bodies. For those that are not well tonight, for those that are feeling run down in their body, for those that are carrying mental health issues, for those, dear God, that just can't walk properly, that are in pain, that are carrying mental health issues, for those, dear god, for the just can't walk properly, that are in pain, that are suffering, for those that are at home, for those that are in a hospice listening. For those that are in a bed, listening for those that are not well, for those that just that are in prison, that may be listening, for wherever you are, we pray for healing over your life in the mighty name of jesus christ. That the fire of God will heal you. Father, we need healings. We want to see the dead raised. We want to see the blind seeing. We want to see the lame walking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:Come Lord, wherever we are across this world. In Jesus' name, amen. God bless you. Wherever you are. May the hand of God always be over you. Never give up. The word of God is with you. We will see you soon. For Wednesday morning coffee and prayer bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, ready to rumble in the jungle with Jesus, wherever you are, we will see you roughly about 9.30. But we thank you to everybody that downloads these podcasts across the world. God bless, take care, see you later.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to us today on Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We hope you found inspiration and guidance in today's audio. Remember the journey of faith is a continuous one and your questions and thoughts are important. You can send us a text or an email and we will get back to you. So, wherever you are around the world, thank you for listening to our podcasts and radio ministry. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. Please support us with prayer. Also, you can sow a financial seed into this ministry. You can also leave us a legacy to support and continue the work of this radio ministry. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with others who might benefit. Until next time, stay blessed, thank you.