Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
Reverend Ben Coopers podcast, offers an inviting space for listeners to explore Christianity and spiritual growth with wisdom, humor, and a deep commitment to biblical truth. Through Rev. Ben's engaging conversations with guests, the podcast not only explores the timeless wisdom of the Bible but also tackles the pressing issues of life, faith, and hope in a way that is accessible, thought-provoking, and enriching. Whether you’re seeking spiritual nourishment, answers to life’s big questions, or simply a place to reflect on your faith, the Rev Ben podcast is a valuable resource on your journey.
In each episode, Rev. Ben guides listeners through profound theological reflections, personal stories, and practical insights drawn from the Bible and the broader Christian tradition.
Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
The White Horse of Deception (#1010 - Elim) 15-01-2025
Are We Living in the End Times? Exploring Biblical Prophecy and Global Crisis
In this powerful episode, we dive deep into biblical prophecies and explore how they align with today’s global crises. From religious deception to geopolitical tensions, gang violence, and the growing talk of a one-world government, we examine the signs that point to Christ’s return. Are the challenges we face today foretold in the Bible? Let’s uncover the truth behind these biblical predictions and how they apply to our world today.
The Four Horsemen and Religious Deception
In Revelation 6, the four horsemen of the apocalypse represent significant spiritual and societal changes. The white horse, symbolizing religious deception, is a powerful warning for the Church in the last days. We’re seeing an explosion of false teachings, including the prosperity gospel, spiritual abuse, and the rise of false prophets leading many astray. As deception spreads, Christians are called to be spiritually vigilant and grounded in biblical truth.
End Times Prophecies and Global Instability
Biblical prophecy foretells geopolitical instability and tensions rising in the last days, particularly in Israel. Today, the conflict in the Middle East and increasing pressures on Jerusalem highlight the importance of Israel in prophecy. Is Israel’s role in end times prophecy becoming clearer with the rise of global unrest? As the world moves toward a one-world government, biblical signs of a global control system are becoming more evident. Christians must watch and pray as these events unfold.
The Growing Threat of Gang Violence and Social Decay
The rise in gang violence and social decay in nations like the UK, US, and others fits with the biblical signs of lawlessness and moral collapse predicted in Matthew 24. The Bible warns that violence will increase in the last days, and we are seeing these prophetic signs unfold in real time. As believers, we must prepare spiritually, knowing that the signs of the apocalypse are not just political, but spiritual, as the world moves further away from God’s truth.
Spiritual Authenticity and Preparing for Christ’s Return
In this episode, we challenge Christians to seek spiritual authenticity and move beyond religious rituals. In Revelation 3:16, Jesus warns against lukewarm faith, urging believers to be on fire for Christ. The rise of secularism and false teachings means it’s more important than ever to focus on building a personal, transformative relationship with Christ. As we prepare for Christ’s return, we must reject empty rituals and embrace a deeper faith rooted in God’s Word.
False Prophets and the Need for Discernment
The Bible repeatedly warns about the rise of false prophets in the last days. With the growth of new-age teachings, prosperity gospel, and religious deception, we must be on guard. Biblical truth is being distorted by leaders who prioritize personal gain over the Gospel. Christians need to be discerning, staying firmly rooted in God’s Word and rejecting doctrines that lead us astray. True faith is not about outward appearances but about an inner transformation by the Holy Spirit.
The Role of Israel in End Times Prophecy
As biblical prophecy unfolds, Israel plays a key role in the return of Christ. Events happening in the Middle East are not just political—they’re prophetic. The Bible makes it clear that Jerusalem will be at the center of end-time events. We are witnessing the signs of Israel’s restoration as foretold in Scripture.
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Speaker 1:Your financial gifts play a crucial role in supporting our radio ministry, helping us share the gospel through these podcasts and providing free copies of the Gospel of John and Bibles around the globe. Please pray for this ministry as we stretch out beyond the boundaries, as we walk by faith. If you'd like to support our mission, please consider clicking the support button on Spotify, apple Podcasts or Buzzsprout. You can give a one-time gift or set up a regular contribution of £3, £5, £8 or £10. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry as we spread the message of hope far and wide through this radio ministry. So whether you are on the daily commute or at home listening to our podcast, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy into the system.
Speaker 2:But let's just gather our thoughts this evening. Wherever you are across the world, may God bless you and strengthen you. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, it's good to have you with us this evening. Over a thousand cities now across the world, over 70 plus countries around the world. Thank God, and come on, let's get straight into the word in a few moments. Let's just gather our thoughts. Let's just gather everything and bring everything to the. The Lord, the Lord is moving. We are living in very, very unusual times. We are living in very, very powerful times. This government ain't worth the breath that they breathe. Everything that's going on. You know, we've got to really dig into the word of God. So let's get straight in to prayer. Let's ask the Lord.
Speaker 2:So, those that want to reference tonight we're going to be diving in the book of Revelation. We're going to be diving in the book of Revelation. We're going to be diving in the book of Joel and also we're going to start off in the book of Exodus. Exodus, chapter 10, verse 21. So let's just gather our thoughts. You know the book of Revelation, the book of Apocalypse, you know. However you want to look at that. We are living in very, very interesting days. We are living in very, very interesting days. You know you might want to talk about online and amongst yourselves, wherever you are across the world, about the horses in Revelations, chapter 6, but we're in Exodus, chapter 10. That will be the first reading that we have this evening.
Speaker 2:You know, when you look at Revelations I'll just speak about Revelation 6 at the moment the horse that I think is very, very real at this moment in time is the white horse, the religious deception that is out there. So in the book of Revelations you know it's a book called the Revealing you know it is a powerful book. It is a powerful book about end days, end times, the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are living in very peculiar days. There is so much mental health, there is so much distress, there is so much fear, there is so much doubt, there is so much lack of so, even if you look at the four horses in the book of revelations, you've got the, the red horse, which is war. You've got the, the black horse, which is famine, and you've got the power horse, which is pestilence. And I mentioned the first one, the white horse.
Speaker 2:You know the, the religious deception. This is the one that's very, very prevalent prevalent, sorry, across the uk. This is the one within the west where we are watching religion really, really distort, trying to take the word of god out of what it is, and it can't do that. So what we have is we have so much abuse. We have so much spiritual abuse within the church itself. You've only got to look at certain areas of church, you've only got to look at certain areas of culture and color and you will find spiritual abuse. You will look at the very front, the pastors and the leaders. They are very controlling, they are very manipulative and they are driven by dark spirits. Because this is where we are at this moment in time.
Speaker 2:And however you look at the rapture, however you look at the end days, however you look at the coming of Christ, the second coming of Christ. We've had the first coming of Christ and we've just celebrated Christmas and all that runs along with that, that, that, uh, that what we understand, but now we, we should be being prepared for the second coming of christ. Are we ready for the second coming? Because the signs are out there israel, afghanistan, iran you look at iran itself so strong in the area of islam. When you look at the Middle East, so strong. But Israel is pounding, literally pounding everyone. No one can touch Israel. Why? Because it belongs to God. Israel is the smallest nation in the world, the size of wows. When you think Israel is the size of wows, less than 10 million people. Cut that even down even further, to the size of the army, and it is fiercely moving forward. You know, governments are scared of Israel, governments are fearful of Israel. And then you look across the UK news what's been really pushing, which is really damning. You know you've got the Pakistani Muslim community. Where are the areas that we've got the gang rapes that are going on and really, really need to be drilled into all that.
Speaker 2:But then that's where we come to the book of Joel. When we come to the book of Joel, there is so much happening and the church has gone pink, the church has gone go-gay, the church has just gone, extremely strange. But that is what we have in the book of Revelations religious deception. That is what we have at this moment in time, because the Bible doesn't tell us to be religious. It tells us that we got to be John 3.3.
Speaker 2:What is that Born again. And not any one of us has the capabilities and the physicality within the human race to be able to be born again by themselves. It comes from above. So it's outside of the hands of religion, it's outside of the hands of the church, it's outside of the hands of the Pope, it's outside of the hands of every denomination. You know, salvation comes from God and comes from God alone. That is biblical fact. That is fact. No one is in control of their own destiny. Now that that you can hear the feathers ruffle around on that one. No one is in charge. God has already roadmap every footstep, every pain, every tear, everything. He knows everything about every one of us and everything has been planned and we call that predestined, predestinational.
Speaker 2:There is a place that you will get to, there are certain markers and the average, through the biblical understanding, is around about 12 stops, Twelve stops that are very significant. How many stones came out of the River Jordan, the crossing, when you look at the Red Sea, when you look at all the crossing, when you look at everything in certain areas, how many did? Did the, did the israelites pull out? They pulled out 12. How many tribes were there? 12. How many disciples 12 it's really interesting 12 numerology in the word and we're not talking about numerology. We're not. We're not mentioning numerology like we're lifting up numbers and we're doing all that and we're worshipping the numbers and number crunching. We are not talking about that. But numbers has a place in the scriptures. So let's turn right now.
Speaker 2:Let's turn to the book of Exodus. Exodus is about the plague. So the first part of the book is about plagues. We've got about 10 plagues in there, but I want to take us to the eighth plague, which is the locust. The ninth plague is darkness and the 10th plague is the striking of the firstborn. What did Herod do in the first testament? What did he do when Christ come into the world? Again we have. There is a mirror image through the scriptures. We are living in a time of plagues.
Speaker 2:Covid-19, covid-19 was a forerunner. Covid-19 and the jabs and everything that goes along with that, that was a forerunner of what the one world government is doing. Even now, when you look at certain areas across certain areas at this moment in time, there are certain flus, there are certain bugs. China, I think out that way, somewhere like that. You could mention that. Sorry, I got a bit of a cough there. You know when you look across there what's happening at the moment in time. When you see what's happening, it is being orchestrated, it is being. We got another lockdown coming. There will be another lockdown. I don't know if it hit us before Christmas, but there will be another lockdown. We will be locked down again because we are living in biblical times. We are living in very powerful times and we are watching plagues. Covid-19 was a plague. It was a biological plague. It was orchestrated, it was put together. When you look at everything, when you look at everything that went along with that, when you watch and you study and you unpick the fabric of that.
Speaker 2:But let's get into the scripture. We're in the book of Exodus. We're in the book of Exodus, chapter 10, and we're in verse 21. This is very relevant for where we are today. This plague, this plague number nine in the scripture, was the plague of darkness. When you read this plague and you have a look at what it says, it's very, very interesting. Verse 21 of Exodus, chapter 10.
Speaker 2:Then the Lord said to Moses stretch out your hand towards the sky so that darkness will spread over Egypt, darkness that can be felt right. Hold it there. Do you feel very strange at this moment? Do you feel there's something in the atmosphere? Do you feel that there's something in the atmosphere? Do you feel that there's something odd, that the temperature of life is very, very different? We're in a plague at this moment. We're in a plague. There is darkness across the world, a spiritual darkness that we've never seen, that we've never felt before, and the human being is very sensitive to that. We might be atheists, we might be born again, believers, we might be jumping in and out of faith, we might be looking at other world religions, but what we've got to understand is that this darkness is felt across the globe. We have a darkness across the world, a spiritual darkness. The Bible says that Moses was told by God to stretch out his hand, his staff, and stretch up to the skies and see what it says towards the sky and stretch out, and darkness will spread over Egypt, darkness that can be felt. There is an atmosphere that we have never had before when you look at certain areas of the world, when you look at certain things.
Speaker 2:Now we have many things happening within the UK. The government is really driving net zero, which is an absolute laugh. You know net zero. Where's all that coming from? Come on number 10 down the street Net zero. You've already moved the goalpost once. You're going to move it again because we know it doesn't exist.
Speaker 2:There's no such thing as global warming. Global warming does not exist because God created the heavens and the earth and God put filter systems in, and the earth is doing everything that it should do, correctly and rightly so. What we have is we have taxation. That is what they're using. They are using global warming. They are using net zero. They are using all the carbon footprint. Watch out for your carbon footprint. Watch out for the dirty diesel. Watch out for this, watch out for that.
Speaker 2:You know we've got to wake up. We've got to wake up to what this one world government is doing. This government in this nation doesn't control this nation. It's controlled from the outside measures. It is controlled by a global government. When you look at the one world health authority, when you look at the plagues, you know, when you see what's happening, what we need to be extremely careful of is the World Health Organization. We need to be very careful. We have to look at Davos. You have to look at all that coming together of the superpowers around the world. It's okay for them to fly their dirty aircraft thousands and thousands of miles, but I can't drive my diesel four miles into London. But they can fly and crisscross the globe with all that sort of stuff because it's a different rule for the elite. So we have to wake up. The church needs to wake up. We've got global warming that has been pushed like never before. We've got a king in a nation that loves to hug a tree, so we've got tree hugging going on. We've got everything going on. Save the planet. It doesn't exist.
Speaker 2:If you read the word of God, the Bible tells us exactly what is going to happen to this world. What is going to happen? We've got everything happening If you look at volcanic activity. Volcanic activity is, I would say, doing more harm, and it's not because it's doing what it's doing than what we find in the area of fuel emissions out of vehicles. Volcanoes extract so much more than your exhaust pipe on your car. We've got to be careful what we are allowing to happen to ourselves.
Speaker 2:We have Pharaoh. Pharaoh is alive and well, as he was in the book of Exodus. He's in number 10. He's across the political agenda. He's across the world. Pharaoh. What was Pharaoh? He was a dictator. What was Pharaoh? He was a control freak. What was he? He was driven, driven by control and manipulation. He was a narcissistic controller, a leader. What do we have in many areas of these leaders? We have narcissistic controllers that are trying to control the human race.
Speaker 2:That's why, when you look at these plagues, when you look at the plagues, there is nothing new under the sun. When you look at COVID-19 and you see what's happening at this moment in time, you, you will find all this stuff out. You know, you might think I'm talking a little bit wacky, but it's actually biblical. So when you look at this here, the Bible tells us about the end days. What will happen in the end days? There'll be wars, rumors of wars, there'll be plagues, there'll be pestilence. We've watched a plague come out of a test tube. We've watched the plague be released. We're watching another one in a certain country around the world, just so happens to be in the same geographical place as the other one sprang from. I wonder why. I wonder what's actually happening.
Speaker 2:We need to wake up as Bible-believing believers Now. The Bible says you must be born again. You must be born again. The Bible is very clear in the book of Revelations, chapter 6. It talks about the horses. It talks about the horses, the horses of the apocalypse. It tells us the book of Revelation about what is going to happen.
Speaker 2:When you look at the white horse, religious deception. When you look at religious deception at this moment in time, it is flat out, it is across the board. We have fake preachers and teachers, we have fake denominations, we have fake bishops. We have never seen a fakeness and a weakness, and not so much a weakness as in God. But I'm not saying that God is weak in any way, shape or form. What I'm saying is a weakness within itself, because it is driven by evil, and evil is actually weak. Evil has no power over a Bible-believing believer because the Bible says the devil is under our feet. So to a Christian, evil is weak. It has no power.
Speaker 2:So, as you look at this plague, as you look at this plague of darkness, we're in the book of Exodus, chapter 10. And the Lord said to Moses stretch out your hand towards the sky so that darkness will spread over all Egypt, darkness that can be felt. The Lord said to Moses stretch out your hand towards the sky so that darkness will spread over all Egypt, darkness that can be felt. We have darkness across this world that can be felt and it can make us feel frustrated. It can make us feel uncertain, it can make us feel unsteady on our feet, it can make us feel doubtful, it can make us feel uncertain about life itself. There is a presence that we have never had before, dropping on everybody, everyone. Everyone will not be able to escape this feeling. It makes us unsure of ourselves. It can make us lose our identity.
Speaker 2:Now, religion has been very good in helping men and women lose their identity. Saying because from many pulpits within the UK we've had cross-dressing, we've had everything going on. We've had the gender issue that has been so strong out there within the church itself. So there is religious deception. We've had the darkest things come out of the occult world. Because it's not actually church. It can't be called church if you've got men dressing as women, women dressing as men. It is not of the biblical text, it doesn't happen in the word of God. It is not there. You won't find a cross-reference to cross-dressing. It is impossible to find that. You can't find that information the Bible tells us. So we have to come to an understanding that we shouldn't be getting ready for the next Christmas.
Speaker 2:The first coming of Jesus. We got to get ready now for the second coming of Jesus. The horse is in the book of Revelations. The religious horses is out. The war horse is out. The black horse famines. Look at the famines. Go back to Bob Geldof. You know. Look at that. What he done, you know. Look at all that going back years and years and years. Famines and plagues and wars and everything. There is nothing new to our eyes anymore. We are seriously in end days. We are right at the door of Jesus Christ coming back for the second coming.
Speaker 2:So is the church being prepared for the second coming? No, it's not. It's not being prepared for what is about to hit this nation. It is not being prepared for what is at the door of this nation. It is not being prepared of what is coming. But if you are born again and you feel that God is moving in your life and you feel almost twitching, you feel a bit strange, that's because it is. The spiritual temperature is hotter than we've ever had it before, and I'm not referring to the sun rays, I'm talking about the oppression, the press down from the spiritual realms that are pressing down. But as they press down. It can't take us down because the Bible says the devil is under our feet. But we will feel the atmosphere. We will feel the darkness because the Scripture says the darkness that could be felt. It can be felt but it cannot affect. How do you know? It's not going to affect me. Carry on with the reading. What does the reading say? So Moses stretched out his hands towards the sky and total darkness covered Egypt for three days. Isn't that interesting? We got three days coming up in the word again Three days. How long was Christ? How long was Jonah?
Speaker 2:When you look at numerology, looking at from the biblical interpretation, you start to get an understanding. So when you look at the word through the chronological way and when you look at it through mathematics, you actually come to a point that you can work out through the word of God that the earth is only 6,500 years old. The human race, the human race is 6,500 years old. You can work that out through the maths, through the word of God. But we are being told at school for educations it's millions, it's trillions, it's billions, it's a theory. There is no fact that can take us back to the birthplace of what they are saying. But we have biblical archaeologists. Have this maths add up? We have too much adding up to tell us how old the earth is. We have too much information and it tells us exactly what is happening. So if it tells us about creation and creation tells us that, that is right.
Speaker 2:And then the information from the beginning of genesis, chapter 3, verse 15, talks about the first time we see redemption Redemption. When you look at Genesis chapter 3, read for yourself it speaks about enmity. God puts enmity that it is a redemption plan. God is putting a redemptive plan in place but we don't see the execution of the redemption plan until Christ said it is finished. So we have a timeline of the plan of God redemption. That's why Christ come to this earth to redeem us from the curse that was brought in the beginning of time. So when you look at, creation is starting and very clearly being proved through science that this event has actually happened. And then we have extra biblical knowledge outside of the Word of God to say yes, that Jesus done everything that the Bible says so that we have creation.
Speaker 2:And then, from creation to the cross, we have what we call prophecies, where all the prophecies have been fulfilled. You've only got a look at Isaiah 735 years prophesying about Jesus. Biblical fact to the full stop. Everything has been foretold. And then Jesus tells us in the New Testament when he died on the cross. That's when we start and get prepared for the second coming. So if we've had creation, we've had the redemption plan in the book of Genesis. Not only have we had the redemption plan, but we've um the birth of Christ foretold, the birth of Christ seen through the physical eyes in the book of Luke, matthew, mark, luke and John. Then we have all these biblical accounts coming together. Yes, this Jesus was alive. He is alive, he was, he went to the cross. So not only do we have all these accounts of the first coming of Jesus, so what about the second coming of Jesus, the second coming of Christ?
Speaker 2:We have the plagues in Exodus getting us ready. When you look at the plagues from 8, 9, and 10, 10 is very, very interesting. The plague in 10, you know, exodus. The 10th plague, the plague of chapter 11, that is, it's the one about the firstborn. We see another execution of this very, very clearly in the Gospel of Luke. We find that Herod says I've got to wipe out. So what we have is history coming forward, history repeating, so to speak.
Speaker 2:We find that this chronological book that we have, this book that is outstanding, this book that is crisscrossing every which way, shape and form, you cannot get away from the fact that Jesus Christ is coming back. So, from the very beginning of time, we find the redemption plan. Genesis, chapter 3, verse 15, starts the wheels. God starts the wheels of redemption, and then we hit Exodus. Then we see the plagues and we are living in very interesting times.
Speaker 2:We are watching COVID being relabeled, relabeled. We are watching the plagues being relabeled. You're watching the culling of humanity being relabeled. There's nothing new under the sun when you watch what we see that's happening now, this biological warfare that is out there. What is happening? It's wiping out a certain demographic of a certain shape, of a certain age, of a certain stature. It's really interesting what is going out there, what is happening at this moment in time.
Speaker 2:But if you take your eyes to the plague in Exodus, chapter 10, verse 21, then the Lord said to Moses stretch out your hand towards the sky, to the darkness, and sorry that the darkness will spread over Egypt, the darkness that can be felt. We are feeling a darkness that we have never felt before. We are experiencing a heaviness. The temperature is hot. You feel it. You feel the temperature of the coming of Jesus. The horse is in the book of Revelation. When you look at the book of Revelations, chapter six, read for yourself. Read for yourself. When you look at what is happening across the world, we've got religious deception. We have never seen religious deception. As we are watching it right now, the UK is probably number one. Probably second could be America. But the UK is doing such a great job of religious deception with the help of Australia, australia, new Zealand, canada. America is probably sitting at number two.
Speaker 2:Just because it's the Bible Belt don't mean to say that God's in the Bible Belt. Just because it's the Church of England doesn't mean to say God is in the Church of England Just because you might go to church doesn't mean to say God is in the church. Just because it's a TikTok church and it's a big name church and it's a packed church on a Sunday and they're playing a certain rhythm doesn't mean to say God is in the building. God doesn't need buildings. He doesn't operate in buildings. He operates in people. He's not interested in the fabric.
Speaker 2:When he comes back, what does it say? He's coming back for the bride. He's not coming for the structure. He's not coming for the four walls. He's not coming for the name it and claim it pastor. He's not coming back for the TikTok church, the social media church. He's not coming back for the celebrity church. He's coming back for the person that is broken, that is torn, that is weary, that is feeling the spiritual temperature.
Speaker 2:He's coming back for the Bible, believing born again Christian. And no church can make you born again. No preacher can give you being born again because it comes from above. You can't buy salvation. You can't buy eternal life. God is the giver If you have a Bible.
Speaker 2:Turn to the Gospel of John, chapter 3. John, chapter 3, verse 3. Nicodemus and Jesus. The greatest preacher the world has ever seen was Jesus. It wasn't Creflo Dollar. It wasn't Jesse Duplantis. It wasn't the local ministers. It wasn't none of these large names. It wasn't Kenneth Copeland and his tribe. It wasn't Bill Johnson. It wasn't that lot of Out of Heels songs Ealing.
Speaker 2:No one can preach like Jesus Christ. We can't even get near it. It's embarrassing when you hear the messages that are coming out. Church is so boring. Church is really boring. I want to see the dead raised. I want to see miracles. I don't want to see fabrication, because that is the white horse. The white horse is in the celebrity church.
Speaker 2:Religious deception, because it's the euphoria, it's the noise, it's the smoke machines, it's the screens, it's the rhythm, the Kundalini spirit, the Jezebel spirit. That's what it is, the spirit of Lucifer, what it is the spirit of Lucifer, clear and loud in many churches. I want the spirit of the living God. I want the spirit of Jesus Christ. I want the spirit of God. I want that spirit that will take me to my knees and say, father, forgive me because I am a sinner. I don't want a spirit that is telling me that I'm great and I'm wonderful and bigging myself up and blowing smoke up my own chimney. I don't want that. I want the word to tell me you're going to make it by the skin of your teeth. You're going to get there by flames under your feet. I want the word to tell me you're a sinner, ben, but by the grace of God I have saved you and washed you in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:We are watching a nation getting ready. We are watching a world getting ready for a lockdown, because there's been lockdowns before. You've only got to look in the New Testament. The Bible says that they was in lockdown for the fear of the outside environment. The doors were locked, the windows were bolted down, they was locked down. The doors were locked, the windows were bolted down, they was locked down. But what we have now is biological lockdowns, the control measures. The forerunner of COVID-19, the forerunner that was released and it crisscrossed the globe before you could blink, carrying it in aircraft, carrying it in a human being, carrying it in a vehicle, carrying it in hospices, carrying it in churches. It was crisscrossing the world and what they've done was so clever. We're going to lock down London. Let's see how quick we can lock down the world.
Speaker 2:Bang, bang, bang, lockdown, lock, lock, lock, lock, lock. What locked us down? Fear. Fear locked us down because fear of the unknown. But you've got to understand perfect love drives out all fear. God is love, but God is a judging God.
Speaker 2:When Jesus Christ comes back, he's not coming and he ain't going to lay in the crib anymore. He's coming back on a horse. He's coming back on a horse, he's coming back on a horse and he's going to be coming back faithful and true and every eye will see, every ear will hear Jesus Christ coming back to this earth. There are people that will be laughing. There'll be people that will be ridiculing. There'll be people going. What are you talking about? Let me tell you, he's not coming back to lay in the crib. He's not coming back to go back on the cross. He's not coming back to go in the grave. He's coming back to rapture the church. And we're not talking about the religious idiots that are out there. We're not talking about the satanic world in the religious understanding. We are talking about the John 3, 3, the born again. That is the bride of Christ.
Speaker 2:You look at the Church of England an occult. You look at Catholicism an occult. You look at many areas of Pentecostal movements it's an occult. You look at Catholicism an occult. You look at many areas of Pentecostal movements. It's an occult because it's led and driven by a man. It's led and driven by a man and there is a man somewhere along the road of religion that is controlling. Look at the King of England. What did he do? What did he create? He pops out of Catholicism all those years ago and then, suddenly, because he couldn't do what he wanted to do and he got rid of his wives and he didn't want to be controlled. We find this king creates the Church of England out of the side of one of the biggest occults in the world Catholicism. Out of Catholicism is birthed another locust. Out of Catholicism is birthed another man-driven, satanic occult. Even the area of Pentecostalism is driven in many areas by men, by evil dictators from pulpits. What we need are biblical truths. We need the power of the word.
Speaker 2:Sunday, monday, choose every day of the week Tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday, tuesday. That is global. That is a pandemic within itself. It is a killer. Religious deception is a killer.
Speaker 2:When you watch a religion, what it does, it's full of abuse, it's full of control, it's full of manipulation, it's full of false truths. It is not full of the word of God. It is and it doesn't have the word of God within religion because it can't be part of the kingdom. So when you look at the kingdom, where's the kingdom sit. The kingdom sits in everyone. That is a bible believing believer.
Speaker 2:And you know what I love about Jesus. He takes the dairy off, he takes the pressure off humanity because no one is worthy of being born again, no one is worthy of getting into heaven, no one is worthy of taking of the cup and of the bread, no one is worthy but by the saving grace of redemption, by the saving grace of redemption, by the saving grace of the power of the word, by the saving grace of the blood of Jesus Christ. So the church and religious deception is always on the crib. It doesn't even look at the cross when you look at religion. It doesn't understand the cross. It will keep Jesus on the cross. There is a certain religion out there that looks and and keeps Christ on the cross, but the Christ that I serve broke sickness, broke disease, broke death. Death has no power over Jesus. The cross is empty, the crib is empty, the grave is empty. The fourth destinational point of Jesus is where he is at this moment the throne, sitting at the right hand of the father, interceding for all the saints.
Speaker 2:Not Matthew, mark, luke and John and St Billy and St Fred and St Nis and St Nat. That's not what it's talking about. It's talking about the martyrs. It's talking about the ones that are running for their lives. It's talking about the Bible-believing believers. It's talking about the persecuted church. You know, I am extremely worried about the church in the UK. I'm extremely worried about what I see through the church within the UK.
Speaker 2:There is such a weak and a wokeness and I love the way the Bible puts it. It is a religious deception. Wokeness is deceptive, wokeness is dangerous. We need truth. The Bible says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Speaker 2:Let's turn to the book of Joel. So we've been in the book of Exodus. Just open up the fabric, just just opening up the envelope of Exodus, the plagues of Exodus, the darkness. But I just want to finish something off before we go into the book of Joel, chapter 2. Turn to the book of Joel, chapter 2, and start reading from about verse 25, but allow your ears to to let me say this to you exodus, chapter 10, verse 21.
Speaker 2:Then the lord said to moses stretch out your hand towards the skies and the darkness will spread out over all egypt. Darkness shall be felt. So moses stretched out his hand towards the sky. Total darkness covered all egypt for three days. Three days no one could see. This is really no one could see. This is really important. No one could see anyone or anything else in front of them for three days. No one could leave their place.
Speaker 2:Yet read what it says. Yet all the Israelites had a light. Isn't that interesting that God said in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 3, let there be light, because what was at the fabric of time? Darkness. Science proves darkness exists, but it also proves light is greater than darkness. So darkness only exists because of the absence of light. When light steps into the darkness, darkness fades. Isn't that interesting in this plague, in this biblical scripture that we are in? And it says there no one could see anything else or leave his place for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the place where they lived. So there was light before the cross that was external. There was instruction before the cross that was external.
Speaker 2:What do you mean, moses and the tablets? We understand the ark of the covenant. We watch very clearly in the book of Joshua, the ark being carried. The word was carried on the outside. The word was carried outside. Light was on the outside. Light was in their house. Jesus says I am the light of the world.
Speaker 2:So up to the cross, light was external. Up to the cross, word was external. Up to the cross, salvation was external. What do you mean salvation was external? What do you mean salvation was external? I'm talking about a salvation that the Bible talks about sacrifice the lamb, the goat, the heifer. But we understand that that sacrifice wasn't enough, so there was another sacrifice that had to come to the earth. So what we find? We have three areas we have light, we have word and we have sacrifice. Up to the cross, nothing changed. But after the cross, light internal, word internal, sacrifice, salvation internal. Because it wasn't until Jesus went to the cross, everything was external. You won't find anyone being filled with the Holy Spirit on the birth of the church.
Speaker 2:The birth of the church of Jesus Christ is found after the cross in the book of Exodus, chapter 2. When you look at the scripture, everything is external. So everything is spiritual but everything is physical. But suddenly, what we find from the cross and from the New Testament, what we find, especially after the cross, we find the spiritual is being revealed. The Bible says in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. He was with God in the beginning, verse 14 of John, chapter 1,. And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
Speaker 2:Colossians, chapter 1, verse 15 to 20, shows us that Jesus Christ is coming to this earth. Colossians, chapter 1, verse 15 through to 20 is laced with creation, with this spiritual God that is invisible to human beings suddenly being revealed through the fabric of the text. Colossians, chapter 1,. Christ is the image of the invisible God. So suddenly everything was external before the cross. We've got two crosses over there so that's why I'm pointing over there and we've got one behind me. So when you look, everything is external. Before the cross, everything is external.
Speaker 2:The Levitical priesthood carried the word externally. You know, salvation was visualized externally through what we call sacrifice. But the Bible says in the New Testament one sacrifice once and for all. So the blood of Jesus overrides, accelerates, overtakes everything. Because through the Old Testament all those sacrifices wasn't enough, it was just a bloodbath. So Christ had to come. So you watch from the very beginning of time. So we see light is external.
Speaker 2:So God said let there be light. What is he creating? He's getting a forerunner of Christ. He's getting a forerunner ready for humanity to receive what? To receive light. And God said let there be light. The first time the world, the globe, human beings hear this triune Godhead speaking loud and clear. Genesis, chapter 1, verse 3. And God said let there be light. What does Jesus say? I am the light of the world. When you bring all this stuff together, so what we find is the Old Testament is power, is authority, is so powerful the Old Testament.
Speaker 2:But what we find is that at the cross of Calvary there is a crossover, and you've heard me speak about the crossover, the crossover. We've just celebrated New Year's Eve, celebrating New Year's Eve 24 to 25, a blink. Well, I feel the same. I feel the same from 24 to 25. There's no real difference because it's a calendar change, it's mathematics, it's just a westernized calendar, it's just the world cottoning on. You know, new Year's Eve is probably one of the biggest areas where coins are taken across the world like never before, where money is flowing, when the whole world is celebrating in one way or another the crossing over.
Speaker 2:But there's only been one crossover and that was the cross of Calvary, taking us from the Old Testament, bringing the old alive through the new, the new running parallel and interwoven with the old, the old interwoven with the new. You cannot break it. Yes, I know there is a break point, a break point from the voice of God, from the old to the new, and it looked like God disappeared. But God was still very real, because the trees were blind, humans were still walking, the rain came, the sun shone, the moon done what it done, the stars done everything, because God is in all things. God created all things. He even created every angelic host and he created every angelic host knowing that the most beautiful angel that he would ever create would get into pride, because, because pride is the biggest sin, and Lucifer become prideful. He wanted to be worshipped and the Bible says that.
Speaker 2:Jesus says to the disciples I saw Lucifer fall like lightning. How can he see that? Because he is the God of Israel, because he is the God of Israel, because he is the beginning of time, because he is the king of glory. He watched and he created every heavenly host, but he still chose to create. So we find the spiritual realm that he created fouled him. So we find the spiritual realm that he created fouled him. Then we find the physical realm created, fouled him.
Speaker 2:Again, two areas of reference. The Bible is always referencing the spiritual realm and the physical. So even though God created the heavenly realms outside of human eyes, outside of science, outside of human reasoning, outside beyond the human mind, god created that still knowing that Lucifer would fall, he still created heaven and earth, the physical world. Still created heaven and earth, the physical world, knowing that Eve and Adam would fail. So we have two reference points. We always have two reference points. When you look spiritually at the New Testament, the spiritual world, look at the Old Testament, the Torah. When you look at this, there is always two realms and what we are finding, coming back full circle to where we started in the book of Exodus about the plagues, you will feel. So what we are feeling now is the spiritual realm touching humanity like never before.
Speaker 2:So let's just spend a bit of time in the book of Joel. Probably going to get a little bit of trouble here, but in the book of Joel is talking about it is. It is a metaphor of a human army and it's using the metaphor of locusts. We could say Islam is locusts, we could say Hinduism, we could say atheism humanists. So let's put it in a box and let's say the world religions are one locust when you look at everything that is breaking out, but what you've got to be careful of is the church. The church is very into multi-faith. When you look at everything that is breaking out, but what you've got to be careful of is the church. The church is very into multi-faith. We cannot be in multi-faith. If we are in multi-faith, we are in serious trouble. But wherever you work, wherever you work and you find a chaplaincy team, they will be drilled until their eyes pop out their head that you have to engage and bring into this organization multi-faith.
Speaker 2:God tells us from the day dot when I take you into the promised land and I take you into the land of Canaan, do not copy what they are doing. What are they doing? It's of the occult. So when we look at multi-faith, it is just a new word for the occult world. It is not a church, it is not a religion, it is the occult, because there is only two. There is the world of lucifer and that's where world religions are. And then you've got the kingdom of god, where john 3 3 sits the kingdom. This is very harsh. This is probably very, very brutal what I'm saying. But you can't serve god and the devil.
Speaker 2:When you look at scripture. It is clear the Old Testament is preparing us for the first coming of Jesus. It tells us about what we call this day and age in which we live multi-faith. We need to drop the word multi-faith and label it as it is the interpretation of the Bible. It's the occult. There is only one church and it's not the Church of England, it's not the Pentecostal movement, it's not Catholicism, it is no movement. It is the kingdom of God, because Jesus is the head of the church.
Speaker 2:But when you look at Catholicism, you find you've got the Pope all the way down the Christmas tree of religion. You will find that you will find man is somewhere in control. But in the kingdom you won't find a man in control. You'll find king, you'll find a high priest. So from the plagues in the book of exodus, we are watching wars, rumors of wars. We are watching famines.
Speaker 2:So when you study revelation 6, the white horse religious deception. The red horse war. The black horse famine. And then the power horse that we haven't had chance to speak about pestilence, pestilence. The Bible talks about pestilence, really loud and clear. Watch out for the pestilence that stalks. There is nothing new under the sun. So should I be preparing for December the 25th? Or should I be preparing for the book of the apocalypse, the battle of Armageddon? Oh, the church won't want to preach on that. The church won't want to preach on all that stuff. On that, the church won't want to preach on all that stuff. The rapture, eschatology, the coming of the king that's too brutal for Sunday morning. We just want your money, we just want to feed our, because it's religious deception.
Speaker 2:Let me tell you this, as I always say at most online in-house services if you are at a church where you are not breaking bread at every service, get out, get out of the church. Or, if you don't want to get out of the church, challenge the leaders and get them to explain where is your biblical interpretation that we only need to take it once a month, once every eight weeks or once a quarter? Because my Jesus that saved me makes a clear understanding in the New Testament. As often as you gather together in my name, break bread and take it a cup, do you know that you can do this at home? You don't need a priest, you don't need anybody around you. The most powerful, powerful thing that we can ever do as individuals and as a body is break bread and take of the cup. When you go to a church, if you are experiencing someone at the front dressed in a dress and telling you you can't take of this bread and this wine because you haven't jumped through seven hoops, get out because it's an occult. If you are going to a church that is all about pastor and leadership and the materialistic way, get out of the church. Find yourself a church that is preaching the gospels and preparing us for the coming of Jesus.
Speaker 2:Already on the church calendar, we know that December the 25th is being spoken about. We are planning Christmas, but it's not planning the coming of Jesus Christ. We have got plagues, we have got pestilence. The horses are out, and I'm not talking about the Grand National, I'm talking about the horses of heaven. There's one more to be revealed and he's and the rider is faithful and true and when he bursts through the atmosphere, we won't be able to run to church. We won't be able to run and google pastor and text him. It will be over because he's coming to what judge and to reign. He's coming back. We have watched and we have seen scriptures being fulfilled and what we have now within the uk is the white horse from the book of Revelation, religious deception, and we are watching the black horse.
Speaker 2:Globally, famines Controlled by man. Governments are controlling and making famines happen Because the government in certain areas it's interesting that the government are quite fat and they're drinking a lot and their tables are filled and their palaces have electricity and their cars have petrol and they have chauffeurs, but when they go outside of their arena, their people are dying. It's got nothing to do with God, it's to do with man. Man is making famines. The rich are getting richer, the fat are getting fatter, and I'm not referring to what you might think. I'm referring to those that are in gluttony Number 10, down in the street. The governments are eating well, governments are on caviar and champagne and they won't even install a water pump 20 miles down the road for the mum that is giving birth on the side of the street with no pharmaceuticals. But when the leader of the Muslim nation says I got a headache, he has the slaves run to him with the pharmaceuticals. But just outside the gates of the palace, their culture is dying, is bleeding, and the governments have aircraft in the hangars, they have limousines that they can't even drive, they have weaponry that is costing untold amounts of money but they won't put in a water plant, they won't connect the hose pipe to their water purifications in their palaces to water the child that is dying on the street corner. It sounds like the Vatican to me no-transcript control and manipulation.
Speaker 2:The God that you serve will make a way where there is no way. The gods that they serve are taking them to hell. We're coming to the table. We've looked at the plagues in the Old Testament and I just want to spend a few minutes. I just want to spend a few minutes as we come to the table. Verse 25 of Joel, chapter 2. I will repay you for the years that the locusts have eaten the great locusts, the young locusts, the other locusts, the locust swarm, my great army that I sent among you. Hang on. What are you talking about? Hang on. What are you talking about jesus? We're talking about father. It rains on the just and the unjust.
Speaker 2:God said in the Old Testament, in Exodus, chapter 12, if the blood ain't a sign, you're going to die. So where was Lucifer, where was the fallen gods in Exodus, chapter 12? When the angel of death struck, it was God. God gives life, god takes life. We serve a God that is a jealous God and he will not be mocked. And the church in the UK at this moment in time, 97% of it is mocking God Because the preacher at the front is a jockey and he's riding one horse and he's riding the horse which is white. We have more jockeys and stable hands in leadership, nurturing and growing the religious deceptive horse from the book of Revelation. There are jockeys in pulpits riding the horse of deception. We're at the end of days. The battle of Armageddon, eschatology, the apocalypse, the horses of revelation, the horses. Isn't it interesting? Study about the horses that were released in London. They wasn't released, they escaped them. Horses were released. Study their journey, study what happened on the side of one of the horses. Study what happened through the streets of london of those two wild horses. Oh, they escaped. We're sorry about that.
Speaker 2:We are watching the physical replicate the spiritual. We are watching a world buckle. I'll put it scripturally we are in birth pains. The earth is rapturing, the earth is groaning, the earth is twisting. There is no such thing as global warming. There is no such thing as save the planet. If you want to read the greatest green energy deal, as I always say, go to the book of Genesis, chapter 1. If we, as human beings, followed Genesis chapter 1, 2 and 3, we would have an earth that is beautiful because there is enough food to go around, but the same governments are sitting on food, the same governments have electricity, the same governments are whining and dining, but those governments didn't take the COVID-19 vaccination.
Speaker 2:Don't believe the hype. Don't take any notice of the medium of watching that man being injected. This is what we do. He didn't take it. Propaganda. We need to be extremely clear who we follow, because the king is coming. The king is coming and he's not going to come and lay in the crib on the 25th of December. He's coming back to rule and he's bringing going to come and lay in the crib on the 25th of December. He's coming back to rule and he's bringing something in his hand A sword.
Speaker 2:If you're not born again, I suggest you cry out to God. I won't bother with church anymore because church is dangerous. I would seek the kingdom, because in the kingdom is salvation. In church, our jockeys riding a white horse, not a pale horse, because the pale horse is different to the white horse. We've got Grand National in church. Many Sunday mornings, many jockeys whipping the congregation, whipping up a frenzy, whipping up an atmosphere, whipping up hysteria, whipping up an atmosphere, whipping up hysteria, whipping up spirits of the fallen gods.
Speaker 2:Let me tell you this in closing, as we come to the table you are born again not because of who you know, but because of who knows you. Not because of who you know, but because of who knows you. You are born again because he knew you before you knew him, and that is scripture. And we need to draw a line in the sand at this moment because time is escaping us. So will you come to the table right now? We are at the table Because salvation was at the table, because salvation is Jesus. He is the image of the invisible God. God is the eternal God. Jehovah Jireh, jehovah Nissi, jehovah Shalom.
Speaker 2:The horses that were released in London, the marks that were on their side, the horses of revelation, the plagues of Exodus, the locusts are on your streets. The forces of revelation, the plagues of Exodus, the locusts are on your streets. The locust is a metaphor of a certain race that has Lucifer living within sight of the skin that they walk in. Father, in the name of Jesus. We understand that the four types of locusts are out. We understand that there is a devouring of this nation by the locusts. We understand the horses of the apocalypse are out. We understand that the plagues are out to test you, because the bible already tells us in the last days, plagues and famines and wars and rumors of wars. The prophecies have been fulfilled. The cross has been accomplished. Jesus is not coming back as a baby, he's coming back as ruler and judge. Bless this bread in Jesus' name, as the Bible says.
Speaker 2:Jesus took the bread, he dipped it in the cup. It became sup. He took that and he gave it to Judas. And through the eyes of Judas, jesus stared into the soul. And what did he find? In the soul and in the skeleton and in the DNA and in the makeup of Judas Iscariot? He found Satan. Satan was at the Passover table. Isn't it interesting? The cup of redemption was sold for 30 pieces of silver but was snatched back.
Speaker 2:Redemption, redemption. We find redemption in Genesis, chapter 3, verse 15. We find the start of redemption. We find the execution of the physicality of redemption coming spiritually. When Jesus said it is finished, so light suddenly wasn't external Word, wasn't external in the Ark of the Covenant. Salvation, if we could use that terminology, wasn't external because Jesus said I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. I am the light of the world, I am the living.
Speaker 2:One Revelation tells us and John fell on the floors if he was dead. And he turned around and he saw. He saw an image that will make you fall in fear, an image that will make you curl up to a fetus. I see the one like fetus. I see the one like and Jesus took the bread and he dipped it in the redemption cup and he held it out to Judas. The physical again, then the spiritual was internal. He held it out to Lucifer and said have a look at that.
Speaker 2:Son Game over, bless this bread in Jesus' name. Amen, because God is the creator of heaven and earth. As we take this cup, remember that this cup is the cup of redemption. Wash me and cleanse me in Jesus' name, amen. We've reached the end of the hour. May God bless you and strengthen you. May the hand of God always be with you. It's been a heavy push tonight. Don't prepare for Christmas, the 25th of December. Take your eyes off of Christmas. Put your eyes on Jesus, because he's not coming back for the 25th of December. He's not coming back as a baby. He's coming back as ruler and judge. God bless you. Wherever you are across the world, may God strengthen you and carry you. We will see you Sunday morning, bright eyed, butchered out, ready for what God is going to do. And if you are in a church that has a jockey at the front, get out of that stable and get to the house of the Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to us today on Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We hope you found inspiration and guidance in today's audio. Remember the journey of faith is a continuous one and your questions and thoughts are important. You can send us a text or an email and we will get back to you. So, wherever you are around the world, thank you for listening to our podcasts and radio ministry. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. Please support us with prayer. Also, you can sow a financial seed into this ministry. You can also leave us a legacy to support and continue the work of this radio ministry. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with others who might benefit. Until next time, stay blessed.