Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

Embracing Divine Light: Finding Peace and Redemption During the Holiday Season (#906 - Elim)

Reverend Ben Cooper

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Can you imagine finding solace amidst the chaos of the holiday season? Join us on a spiritual journey as we explore how faith and divine light can guide us through times of fear and uncertainty. Psalm 27 becomes our anchor, reminding us of the Lord's salvation and love, as we reflect on the true meaning of Christmas—the birth of Jesus Christ, our Redeeming King. Through personal reflection and worship, we find that trusting God, especially during the festive season's disruptions, brings peace and reassurance.

We embark on a biblical exploration of the theme of light, tracing its significance from Genesis to the New Testament. As God commands, "Let there be light," in Genesis and Jesus proclaims, "I am the light of the world" in John, we discover the enduring presence of divine light through God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This divine light offers comfort amid stress and uncertainty, particularly during the holiday season. As we navigate this sacred journey, we invite you to find strength and solace in the scriptures, allowing the divine light to dispel fear and uplift your spirit.

Reflecting on the pressures of life and the challenge of maintaining faith, we emphasize the need for God's glory to be revealed in our lives. As we gather in communion, breaking bread and sharing wine, we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the hope and redemption He brings. This episode is a heartfelt invitation to embrace the spiritual significance of Christmas, encouraging everyone to remain steadfast in their beliefs. Let us celebrate the birth of our Redeeming King, seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness, trusting in His everlasting love to guide us through life's uncertainties.

Christian Christmas message, divine light in Christmas, trusting God during Christmas, spiritual Christmas reflections, peace through faith, hope in Jesus, Psalm 27 faith, Jesus the light of the world, Christmas redemption message, Advent faith reflections, overcoming fear with faith, Christmas salvation, faith through uncertainty, Christmas in the Bible, strength through scriptures, Redeemer King Jesus, Christmas worship podcast.

These tags and SEO keywords are designed to resonate with your podcast’s spiritual focus, emphasizing themes of peace, faith, divine light, and the true meaning of Christmas, helping you reach a global audience searching for meaningful Christian content.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We are a radio and podcast ministry based here within the UK. Your support is vital through prayer and through sowing a seed of faith. We are so thankful to have so many people around the globe downloading and listening to our podcasts, whether you are on Spotify, apple Podcast, google, alexa, amazon Music and so many other platforms. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. We would love to hear from you as you partner with us as we reach the world for Jesus Christ. Please send us an email through our contact form on. Also, you can find our latest books on Amazon under.

Speaker 1:

Your financial gifts play a crucial role in supporting our radio ministry, helping us share the gospel through these podcasts and providing free copies of the Gospel of John and Bibles around the globe. Please pray for this ministry as we stretch out beyond the boundaries, as we walk by faith. If you'd like to support our mission, please consider clicking the support button on Spotify, apple Podcasts or Buzzsprout. You can give a one-time gift or set up a regular contribution of £3, £5, £8 or £10. You can also leave a legacy by clicking in the links within pastorbencoopercouk. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry, as we spread the message of hope far and wide through this radio ministry. So, whether you are on the daily commute or at home listening to our podcast, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Good evening, good evening. Where are you this evening? Where is everybody scattered across the world? God bless every one of you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I just pray that you've had a decent day and all is well. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. If you are with me and you have a Bible, it'd be good if we could turn to Psalm 27. Let's turn to Psalm 27. Wherever you are across this world, you know the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit is with each and every one of you. Let's go to Psalm 27. You know, this is a great day.

Speaker 2:

We've been celebrating, you've been, maybe, at church, you've had a chance to get to church, maybe you've had an online service, whatever it may be, maybe you've listened to something online, and we just pray that you are all well in the mighty name of jesus christ. There is power in the greatest name in heaven and earth, and if we can turn to psalm 27, it's about salvation, it's about redemption, it's about the love of god. It's about trusting god when you're fearful, when you're, when you're doubt, doubtful, rather so, wherever you are across the world, whatever this weekend may be looking like in front of you, whatever today has been looking like, whatever tomorrow is looking like, whatever this pattern of this unusual break that we have where we celebrate, you know, christmas, but it just brings a bit of an unusual rhythm to life and it messes a lot of people's lives up. And I don't mean the birth of Christ, what I mean is the rhythm. You know, some people get in this rhythm of life and then suddenly, when Christmas is upon us and the breaks come on and everything looks a little bit different, it throws people in a bit of a spin, you know, with mental health, with worries and fears and all that sort of stuff, because we're so used to being quite robotic and having certain patterns in the way we work, the way we walk, the way that we live our lives.

Speaker 2:

If you have a Bible, as I said earlier, please turn to Psalm 27. And, as you heard, that intro that we always play, thank you for your support. You can support us through prayer. Prayer is critical. You can just shove us a couple of quid as well If you just go over on Spotify, you go onto Apple, you go onto all those platforms and you can just buy us a cup of coffee, and it's very simple Click a few buttons coffee, and it's very simple click a few buttons and you're in. You're supporting the radio ministry.

Speaker 2:

But wherever you are across the world, it is christmas day here within the uk and the time is 13 minutes past 10, and it is wednesday, the 25th of december, and, yes, we have been celebrating the birth of christ and, uh, jesus is alive. But I just want to take us to psalm 27. We've spent a lot of time around the manger, we spent a lot of time over the last few weeks talking about the birth of christ, and I think it's very, very relevant that we come to psalm 27 tonight and it says the lord is the light of my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The lord is the light of my salvation. Do you know what? God come to this earth through christ jesus. He is the image of the invisible god. Christ is the redeeming king.

Speaker 2:

So when we look at Christmas, when we look at everything that's going around in our lives, when you see everything that's happening you know your commercialization of Christmas and everything that's going on we've got to remind ourselves that we are celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ was the very, very beginning of what we would call the physicality, the physical side of redemption. And the Bible says the Word became flesh. He made his dwelling among us. But if you are in fear tonight, if you are fearful, if you've had a bit of a heavy day with family, with life, and you've got something going on tomorrow and you're out of the rhythm of life, I just want to tell you to rest tonight. I want to tell you to try and rest in the spirit.

Speaker 2:

You might be busy, you might have loads of things going on there still, might be family about and you're listening to this in the backdrop, or you might have us on YouTube and you might be just having your earbuds on and you're just sitting and you're being still and you're listening to this. You know, christmas is a very stressful time. Christmas is a very unusual time because it's very commercial, it's very social and if there's anyone out there that struggles, you know, with social anxieties and fears and doubts and the pressure of finances looming over the table to everybody as well, because of the pressure that it puts financially on people, the individuals, on parents, grandparents, the human being, the pressure that Christmas and I'm not talking about the Christmas that we are looking at tonight, the Christmas of Christ story. I'm referring to the Christmas of commercialization. I'm referring to the Christmas that puts a lot of pressure on getting this, getting that, the commercialized side of Christmas, you know.

Speaker 2:

But if you are fearful, if you are worried, if you're thinking I've overstretched myself, you know I've overstretched myself financially, I've overstretched us with life itself and I've got to see people tomorrow. We've got this going on. We've got that going on. There are a lot of things happening. I just want to try and just bring you to these scriptures tonight the Lord is the light of my salvation. Whom shall I fear? You know you are a bible believing, believer and that the king of kings and the lord is with you wherever you are at this moment in time, and I pray that you will find rest on this christmas day, on this day that the savior came to this world, this day that the king uh came down from heaven's glory.

Speaker 2:

As we celebrate, as we remind ourselves, as we focus on what today symbolizes and what today reflects. And what is today? Yes, we understand it is the birth of Christ, but also we need to understand very, very clearly what it really is as well. It's about redemption, it's about the birth of redemption, it's about the birth of the Savior, and I've been saying it so much over the last few days and I don't want you to get fed up with me, keep saying it. We don't want to to get, uh, fed up with me, keep saying it. We don't keep hanging around the crib. We got to get to the cross. You know the crib is is very, very relevant in the journey of jesus, but it's more about you know, it's more about the cross.

Speaker 2:

Yes, the savior had to come through that biological process. He had to come through that natural realm that we understand. He had to come through that way. But, brother and sister, wherever you are, if you are fearful, I pray that you will find peace in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are fearful, I pray that you will find rest for your heart, your mind, your body, your soul. If you are fearful, I pray that you will find a place to rest your head. And wherever you are on this globe, I just ask God for you tonight that you will find a place where you can just go. Do you know what? I'm going to rest now? I'm going to trust the Lord Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

You know, as New Year's Eve approaches, as everything just rolls out as the flags get lifted. You know, across London, across the world, as the next event that is coming, you know the next event is going to be New Year's Eve, because that's another big money spinner, because that's what it's all about. You know, alcohol parties living to the maximum. You know the government will make an absolute fortune through the beer, through the wine that's sold, through the revenue, through tickets, through this event, through every event. You know so it is all about commercialization. It's all about the keeper of the purse. You know the government are always pulling money in one way or another. So you know, over Christmas we've got to be careful as Bible believing believers that we don't get stressed out because of the stretch on the financial impact that it has in our pocket.

Speaker 2:

So if you are fearful tonight, just remind yourself that Jesus Christ is alive. If you are fearful tonight, just remind yourself that he's the redeeming king and he hasn't just come to this earth to stay as a baby. He's the redeemer. You have been redeemed, I have been redeemed. We've been redeemed, we have been blood washed in the blood of Jesus. You are children of the most high and God is with you and God loves you and he will never foul you. Jesus will never foul you. He is your bright morning star. He is the king of kings and he is the Lord of lords. He is your bright morning star. He is the King of Kings and he is the Lord of Lords. He is your stronghold of your life and Jesus Christ is the light of my salvation.

Speaker 2:

Very, very interesting that this psalm talks about light. Light is absolutely critical. If you have your Bible and if you are sitting on your sofa, if you're just trying to unwind after the day's events, just check, see what these scriptures say for yourself. But if you turn to the book of genesis, chapter one I've been mentioning this a lot because obviously it's the, it's the time that we're in these, uh, these scriptures around this time.

Speaker 2:

Genesis, chapter one, verse three, says and god said let there be light and there was light. God saw that light was good and he separated the light from darkness. He called the light day and he called the darkness night, and uh, and there was uh evening and there was morning, the first day. It's really interesting. You know, we we don't have the time this evening, but I pray that god will give us time and and the lord will open up a time where we can, where we can look at verse three in genesis, chapter one, in a lot more depth. Let there be light. That is such a beautiful line that God dropped at the very beginning. You know three verses in in Genesis, chapter one let there be light.

Speaker 2:

Now flick back to Psalm 27. As you look at Psalm 27, the Lord is the light and my salvation. The Lord is my light. The Lord is my light and my salvation. You know light is so powerful, the light of God. You know Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Let's see where it says that let's turn into the New Testament. Let's go to the New Testament. Let's go up to the Gospel of John. Let's go to the Gospel of John and I believe we're going to go to chapter 8.

Speaker 2:

If you're with me, turn to the Gospel of John, chapter 8. You know Jesus Christ is the light of the world. And as you look at verse 12, it says when Jesus spoke again to the people, he said I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Jesus Christ is the light of the world.

Speaker 2:

When God said, at the very beginning of time, all those thousands of years ago, god said let there be light. Jesus speaks very clearly in the Gospel of John. He speaks so clear, he speaks so loud, he speaks so prophetic, he speaks so powerfully. He says I am the light of the world. Now you come all the way back to genesis, chapter, chapter 1, verse 3. And god said let there be light. And god through christ, through the voice of christ, in the gospel of john, as we was looking at, makes a very clear statement.

Speaker 2:

Verse 12 of john, chapter 8, it says when jesus spoke again to the people, he said I am the light of the world. Look at what it says in genesis, chapter 1, verse 3 jesus, uh, through god, through the holy spirit, through the power of the word. And it says and god said let there be light. And jesus says I am light. And also, what else does he say? I think it's very profound, it's. It's amazing, these words as it comes together. He says I think it's very profound, it's amazing, these words as it comes together. He says that in verse. Let's have a look.

Speaker 2:

Let's go back to the Psalms, let's go back to Psalm 27. A minute. Let's just try and use these three together. Let's just roll between the three. So we're in Genesis. We're in Genesis 1, verse 3, and we're in Psalm 27, verse 1, and keep your hand in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 12. So when you look at these three scriptures, you know you've got these beautiful words from the Heavenly Father.

Speaker 2:

Psalm 27 says the Lord is my light. However, and whatever translation you're reading, but as I'm reading from the NIV, this is what it says. It says the Lord is my light and my salvation. When I realize that there are two things going on here, you know, the gospel of john is extremely clear. Jesus says I am the light of the world, he is the light of all things. You know, god created the heavens and the earth, and the first, the first area of creation that he brought to the table of existence is extremely clear. He said let there be light. And there was light. When you think about the power of light, when you think about the enormity, when you think about the speed of light, it's extremely difficult to measure light itself. The acceleration of light, the strength of light, the speed of light, it is almost impossible to measure. And God said let there be light. I love it. Jesus Christ come to this world and he is the light of the world.

Speaker 2:

And it is Christmas day and as we celebrate, as we rest, as we be still, as you just try and unwind your mind from the, the mayhem that runs right up to December and so many people are fearful of, when you come out of September and October and November, and the stress and the fear and the worry and the doubt, and God, what are we going to do? How are we going to get through? I really believe Jesus is telling us tonight come to me, all of you that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Do you need rest tonight? Are you weary and tired?

Speaker 2:

Well, the God that created the heavens and the earth, he clearly created light and he said let there be light. And Jesus, in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 12, says when Jesus spoke again to the people, he said I am the light of the world. What is he referring to? It's very interesting. He's referring to the Savior of the world. And he said I am the light of the world. And God created the heavens and the earth through Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, because we have the triune Godhead all the time together. You cannot separate the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. So when you look at the word light and you understand how light works together and God said let there be light. And Jesus in the New Testament says I am the light of the world, we get a creative understanding of what Jesus Christ is saying in the gospel of John Very, very clear.

Speaker 2:

That John that we are in is John, chapter 8. And we are in verse 12. Jesus says I am the light of the world. He is your redeemer. So when Christ came to this earth, jesus came out, and if you look at that and if he came out in the gospel of John you know the gospel of John, chapter 1, verse 14, and the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, the light exploded into the world. You know, as Jesus was birthed, as he came into this world, the king was revealed, the light of the world. You know the doorway, the gatekeeper. The king was revealed the light of the world. You know the doorway, the gatekeeper, the king of kings, the lord of lords, the living word, the great I am.

Speaker 2:

Are you fearful tonight, as this christmas shaken you like no other christmas, as it rocked you like no other christmas. Do you feel tired and exhausted over the things that have gone on as life and family? Just warn you out a bit. The worry of money, the what, the worry of this, the worry of that. Brothers and sisters, wherever you are across the world, I pray that you will feel the love of god in your life, you will feel the power of the holy spirit, you will feel the love of jesus, that you will feel his glory, his mercy, his saving grace. I pray that you will feel the love and the saving grace of the father, the son, the holy spirit, because god said in genesis, chapter 1, verse 3 let there be light. Jesus says in the gospel of john, chapter 8 I am the light of the world. And he says there whoever follows me will never walk in darkness.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it feels like we're in the valley of the shadow of death too long. Sometimes it feels like we're in that place. Sometimes it feels like we're in that space far too long. Sometimes it feels impossible to get through. You know, maybe you're in Psalm 23,. Maybe you're in Psalm 23 and you're feeling exhausted. Maybe you're just worn down. I pray for you tonight. I pray right now. I'm going to pray. Right now. I'm going to break this scripture read in a moment and I'm going to pray.

Speaker 2:

Father, I pray for everyone tonight that's on the other side of the lens on the camera and I pray for everybody in the world of podcast. I pray, father, that you will remove fear and they will realize that you are the light of the world, that you are the savior, that you are the redeeming king, that you are the great I am and father for those that are going through psalm 23. Even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, lord, I will fear no evil because you are with me, your rod and your staff. It comforts us. So, lord, I pray that comfort will descend on every house tonight, that fear will disappear, will melt like wax, that fear will just go at the name of jesus.

Speaker 2:

I pray for such an outpouring of your spirit on everybody, lord, under the sound of my voice, whether they can see it visually or whether they're in the sound of audible. I pray that the fire of god will stir them. I pray that the love of god will keep them. I pray that the holy spirit, lord, will just stretch down from glory and touch their hearts tonight, that they will feel the presence of Jesus Christ in their life. Lord, remove fear tonight, remove doubt tonight, lord, remove the weariness and the tiredness of what the world does to us about Christmas, remove the uncertainty of tomorrow, remove all this area of life that we're not sure of come. Holy spirit, will you pour out your glory over each and every one of us, lord? Will you stretch out over us tonight, lord? Will you feed us and strengthen us by the power of the glory of god, lord, I pray tonight, lord, I pray right now, in the name of jesus, that fear will go and we will realize that god said let there be light, and jesus just ricochets that word again I am the light of the world, lord.

Speaker 2:

I pray, lord, that everyone that is weary and tired will realize that there is power in the most beautiful name. And as the psalmist writes I thank you, lord, for psalm 27. The psalmist says the lord is the light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The lord is the stronghold of my life. Whom shall I be afraid? Father, we pray that you will stir us deeply tonight. I pray for healing. I pray for the arm of god, the power of the holy spirit. I pray for deep healing. Tonight, lord. I pray, father, that you will stretch down from the glory. I pray tonight, lord, that the presence of the Holy Spirit will be so strong on the other side of the lens, on the other side of my voice. I pray tonight that cancer will go, fear will go, anxiety will disappear, that the power of God will sweep through homes at this hour and Jesus Christ will be known to hearts.

Speaker 2:

Tonight we pray for hearts tonight, jesus, that hearts, dear God, their fear, lord, the fear of hearts in hearts, tonight will go in the name of Jesus, come, holy Spirit, you are our redeeming King. We thank you for this christmas day. We thank you for this day because this is the day that the lord has made. I shall rejoice and be glad. So, father, we ask you, lord, that salvation will visit this nation. We pray that salvation will visit lives tonight. We pray that healing will abound and peace will come down on this Christmas day.

Speaker 2:

As we recognize, it is not just about baby Jesus, it is about redemption. So, father, we thank you in the close of this prayer that we are redeemed. Lord, redeem us. Come Lord, will you redeem us? Will you just let your sovereignty be so strong over us tonight. Lord, take away fear and doubt. Father, holy Spirit, we thank you that you are our comforter. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Speaker 2:

I want to remind you for Psalm 27, verse 1. The Lord is the light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? There's no need to be afraid, but isn't it difficult, when fear comes in the skin, that we walk in? Isn't it difficult? Even though we've had service after service, we've had message after message, we know that Jesus Christ is real. We believe in the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. We believe, we have faith, we are born again, we are spirit-filled, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. But, lord, I still have fear within. Please, god, deal with the fear, deal with the doubt. Help me, god, in every area of my life. Lord, will you show me your glory? Will you show me your power? God, will you just reveal yourself to me, lord? Psalm 27, verse 1. Let's spend some time in it.

Speaker 2:

If you've got a chance to pull it up on a Bible tonight. If you've got a chance to pull it up on a Bible tonight, if you've got a chance to pull it up on your laptop, your phone or your iPad or whatever your tablet that you've got in front of you. Have a look for that for yourself. Read what it says the Lord is the light of my salvation. The Lord is my light. The Lord is my light. He is that light. If you have a bible and you can quickly turn to psalm 119, 105, your word is a lamp unto my feet, a light for my path. See, god knows that we need light. God knew that when he, when he spoke very clearly for the first time before the heavens heard his voice, he was getting ready to say let there be light. God said let there be light and it says the lord is the light of my salvation. In psalm 27 the lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? There is power in Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Do you need help tonight? Do you need strength tonight? Do you feel fearful tonight? Do you feel worried tonight? Do you feel confused tonight? Do you feel that you've lost your identity in the skin that you're walking in? Do you feel that you've lost your identity in the skin that you're walking in? Do you feel that there's so much pressure in your life, do you feel that you're just, you're worn and you're tired? Do you feel that it's difficult to find joy?

Speaker 2:

Today, has it been difficult to find that joy button. Do you feel run down in your body? Do you feel just tired and exhausted? And mentally, you know, and your mind is racing, it's racing, it's racing, it's racing, it's racing. Do you feel that you, you are exhausted? Do you feel that you are overtired emotionally? Are you finding it difficult to string a sentence together, if you know what I mean? Do you feel it difficult to focus? Are you feeling very awkward about life itself? You're uncertain of what lies ahead.

Speaker 2:

You know, look to the cross, see the cross. Over the backdrop there, you see the cross and as you look to the screen, there is a star above that, that image on on that screen. You know he is the light of the world, he is the bright morning star, he is the king of kings and the lord of lords. But let's be honest, it can be very difficult, can't it? Dealing with fear, dealing with to the world? He is the bright morning star, he is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. But let's be honest, it can be very difficult, can't it? Dealing with fear, dealing with uncertainty, dealing with doubt? It can be very, very difficult of how to get this out of our system.

Speaker 2:

Lord, help me to get this out of my system. My mind is playing games. My thoughts, father, are racing. Lord, I'm over-engineering, I'm overthinking, I'm in a place of doubt, I'm in a place of uncertainty. Lord, I can't concentrate. Are you finding it difficult to concentrate? Have you lost focus? Have you lost your way? And I'm not referring to faith, but just lost your way in the skin that you walk in and everything just feels a bit unsteady under your feet. Jesus Christ has placed your feet upon the rock. All is okay.

Speaker 2:

Do you feel that you're being stripped back, that you are at a place of uncertainty? I'm using that word again uncertainty. You know uncertain days. You know we are living in times that are very spiritually charged. The atmosphere is hot, the atmosphere is heavy, the atmosphere is really charged. The power of God is with us, you know.

Speaker 2:

But we've got to be steadfast in the word, and you know I keep saying it keeping the word, keeping the word. Keeping the word. Keeping the word, keeping the scripture, keeping the holy word of God. Keep focused on the word. Keep focused on the word. You know, just keep saying Jesus, lord, I come to you today. Lord, I need you in my life today.

Speaker 2:

Lord, I'm too tired to read, I'm too exhausted. Life is so fast I can't seem to open up the Bible. I can't seem to find that time to pray to you. Lord. Help me, jesus. Let's be open and let's be honest. Let's get to the cross. What do you mean? Get to the cross? I say that so much as you look at that cross on the backdrop. Just focus on that cross and those that are in the world of Audible and those that are following us on radio at this moment in time. You obviously need to just focus on a cross. You might have a cross at home. You might be an area of your life.

Speaker 2:

I just pray now, wherever you are, if you are worried, if you are doubtful, if you're in pain, if you're suffering, if there's mental health, if your body is hurting, if there is pain deep in your heart, let's pray for that tonight. Lord, remove the pain. God, I don't know where my life is going. Do you ever feel like that? Do you feel that you don't know where you are going going sometimes do you feel that you feel lost in family, in life, in culture, in work, in, in business, in school, in education? Do you sometimes just feel that, even though that jesus is with you, you still feel lost? Come on, come on, jesus. We give you our hurts, we give you our doubts, we give you our suffering, we give you this.

Speaker 2:

You know the mental health rhythm is so high, the button on mental health is so strong at the moment. You know weariness and tired and anxiety and uncertain hours and certain days, you know, lie before us. But Jesus Christ is the light of my salvation. According to the word of God, jesus Christ is the light of my salvation. According to the word of God, jesus Christ is the light of my salvation. He is the living word. So, lord, I pray tonight for Psalm 119, 105 comes alive, comes alive, lord. Lord, will you please light up my path according to your word, will you take the anxiety? Will you take the anxiety? Will you take the fear? You know, lord, we recognize that it is the Savior's day. It is the birth of Christ, but it is the birth of redemption and the redeeming King is with you.

Speaker 2:

We do need to pray for our minds, we do need to get very, very real. You know the brain and the mind and the chemical process and the thought patterns. It can really hold you back. Fear can stop you from progressing in your life. Doubt, once doubt drops in and I not just referring doubt to to being a believer, but just doubt, doubting yourself, doubting your mind, doubting certain things, doubting work, doubting everything.

Speaker 2:

We cannot allow doubt to come in, because when doubt comes in, it runs our lives and it takes our focus and and we second guess ourselvesess ourselves. We cannot second-guess ourselves. We cannot second-guess ourselves. We're going to come to the table in just a few moments and I pray that, wherever you are in the name of Jesus Christ, that we won't second-guess ourselves of who you are. And don't allow the age, don't allow your age. Let's not allow our age to dictate to each and every one of us. Don't allow age, don't allow uncertainty, don't allow fear, don't allow the thought pattern to dictate to our faith. We need to rise in our faith. That is such a difficult thing to do is to rise in faith.

Speaker 2:

But we know what it says in the New Testament Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of God. We've got to hear the word. We've got to hear the word of God. So, wherever you are, the word of God is critical for your life. The word of God is critical for your life. Tell yourself there is power in the name of Jesus.

Speaker 2:

If you are suffering with sickness and disease, if you are suffering with hidden ailments within your body, if you are suffering with mental health, if there is doubt, if there is fear, if there is uncertainty in the bones that you walk in, just bring it to the cross and look and focus at the cross and say Lord, lord, help me to be sure and steadfast in your word. Help me to understand that you've placed my feet upon the rock, lord, that you have put my feet upon the rock. You are the rock of all ages, you are the king of glory, you are the king of kings and the Lord of lords. This is Christmas day, this is the Savior's day, this is the birth of Jesus. But not only is it the birth of Jesus, it is redemption. The redemptive king sorry is with us. Redemption is with us. Wherever you are tonight, remind yourself I am redeemed. The simple understanding of redemption is that we have been bought, we have been rescued and we have been bought back. God has bought us back through Christ Jesus, through himself, through the blood of himself. You are redeemed. You are a child of the living God. You are blessed and highly favored. You are wonderfully and you are fearfully made. You are blessed and highly favored. You are wonderfully and you are fearfully made, and the King is with you wherever you are across this world.

Speaker 2:

Just stretch out to Jesus. We're going to come to this table now. We're going to pause a moment. We're going to pause a moment and we're just going to say, father, through this time of breaking bread together, lord, grab yourself a bit of bread, grab yourself a bit of grape juice. Whatever you've got there that is symbolic to the blood of jesus, to the, to the body of christ. You know, we've done so much, so many services over the last few days. We've done so much stuff online. There's so much out there in the world of podcasts. Please go in, go into uh, reverend ben cooper's podcast, look, search that, go on and find that and just link in and look and do all the stuff that goes with that. Share it all out.

Speaker 2:

But as this coming year is approaching, as this year is approaching us, we've really got to stretch out to Jesus. We've really got to stretch out to Jesus. We've got to stretch out to him. How do we do this? Because he's invisible, but he's not invisible Because he lives within the skin and he is the living word of God. Stretch out to Jesus tonight. Call on Christ.

Speaker 2:

It is the Savior's day, it is the birth of Jesus, it is the birth of redemption, and this is where we're coming to right now. This is where we're about to land ourselves. We're going to land ourselves right in this position. We're going to break bread and we're going to take some time and we're going to take a moment out of the craziness and the busyness of life and we're going to say, jesus, as I break bread, as I take this cup, lord, as we listen, as we come to you tonight, this is the birth. We are celebrating the birth of Jesus. But when I say it's not only the birth, we are celebrating the birth of jesus. But when I say it's not only the birth of jesus, it is the birth of redemption, it is the physicality, it is the living christ, he is the living word and you are redeemed. You are redeemed, and as we come right now, I pray that we'll be strong, we will be bold, that we will be like joshua and caleb and we won't listen to the bad report that's out there, because all things are possible to those who believe.

Speaker 2:

Never give up in your belief. Never allow uncertainty, never allow doubt, never allow the fear of the world around you culture, historical stuff Never allow that. Never allow that to stop what God has for you. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Press into the holy word of God. Hold onto scripture. As the world is preparing for New Year's Eve, as Christmas Day is done and dusted, as the yard broom has sweeped Christmas straight out, as the shops have sweeped Jesus straight out. Sweep Christmas straight out as the shops have sweeped Jesus straight out and Christmas straight out as they're getting ready for New Year's Eve and all the stuff that goes along like that, because it's all commercialized.

Speaker 2:

We should not just be celebrating Christmas on this day. We should be celebrating redemption, because Jesus Christ is the redeeming king, he's the savior of the world. Every second, every moment of our lives, remind yourself that you are redeemed and you have been rescued and you have been set free. God is with you. Will you come to the table tonight. Let's get ourselves ready. Let's come to the table. Let's break bread. Wherever you are across this world, let's break bread together this evening. Let's come to the table. Let's break bread wherever you are across this world. Let's break bread together this evening. Let's take it a cup. Let's just take a moment, out of the busyness of Christmas, of the craziness that goes on. Let's just take this time and let's just be still and rest in the arms of Christ. He is the Savior of the world, he is the great I am, and Jesus Christ is with you. Let's break bread together. Let's take a moment.

Speaker 2:

The living word is alive. Jesus is alive. He is the king of kings and he is the Lord of lords. You know Christmas, the birth of the king. Governments tried to remove him. Atheists won't talk about him. Governments can't stand him. The greatest book in the world, the holy word of God, the greatest book the world has ever seen, is the holy word of God known as the Bible. The word of God is power. The word of God is life, and we welcome you wherever you are across the world this evening. Are you worried? Are you fearful? Are you doubtful? Are you unsure about what lies ahead for you as a human being.

Speaker 2:

Come to the cross with me tonight, gather yourself a bit of bread and a bit of communion, a bit of wine, a bit of grape juice. That is symbolic to the blood of Jesus. The blood of Christ. Yes, it's Christmas Day, it's the birth of Jesus. But above and beyond all that, how can you say above and beyond? It is about redemption. It is about redemption.

Speaker 2:

The redeeming king has come to this earth. Over 2,000 years ago he went to the cross of Calvary. He went to the cross. They took him down from the cross. He said it is finished. The redeemer fulfilled the old scripture, the old testament. He said it is finished. He gave up his spirit.

Speaker 2:

Suddenly, as we know, salvation hit the world like we've never seen it before. Suddenly, man, humanity, boy, girl, women, child, whoever you are, could get access to the Father for the first time. Because Jesus said I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Everything is possible through Jesus. Father, bless this bread. Bless this bread in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

As we take this, as we celebrate the birth of Christ, the redeeming King, bless this in Jesus' name. Amen. Jesus loves you. The living word is within you, because the Bible says greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. There is power, there is authority in your life. So, as we just stretched our eyes, as we just looked into the Old Testament, in the book of Psalms 27, remind yourself the Lord is the light of my salvation. Whom shall I fear? Who shall I be afraid of? God is with you, the power of the holy spirit. He's the redeeming king. Let's take the redemption cup, because he's the redeeming king. And as he sat around the Passover table, he said as often as you gather together in my name, do this in remembrance of me. Just remind yourself that this has nothing to do with Catholicism, the Pentecostal movement. It has nothing to do with religion. It is the Old Testament coming to life. It is the power of the Word of God. Jesus said as often as you gather together, Do this in remembrance of me. And Jesus took the cup. He took the cup of redemption. Cover us in the blood of Jesus, cover us and wash us. Come, holy Spirit. As we lift this cup, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We celebrate that the King came to this earth. He's alive. Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. He is the saviour of the world, he is the living word, he is the Passover lamb, he's the king, the redeeming king, jesus, wash us, cleanse us in the blood that was shed at the cross of Calvary. In Jesus name, from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet. Amen. Come to the table. Come to the Passover table when Jesus sat.

Speaker 2:

He sat at the Passover table over 2,000 years ago with 12 renegades sitting around the table, bigger than this podcasting table that we got here, twice the size of this. 12 disciples sat around with Jesus. They was reclining back, probably flicking their legs up on the table, and Jesus said as often as you come together, come together, fellas, do this in my name, because it's not about church, it's not about religion. And Jesus took the third cup, the cup of redemption. Redemption came to this earth and it was birthed and it was pushed out through Mary. Redemption came, redemption is here. You are redeemed.

Speaker 2:

So what does Christmas? What does it mean? Yes, we're celebrating the birth, but we've got to look beyond the template of the birth. We've got to look beyond the fabric. We've got to look beyond. We've got to look into the fabric. We've got to look beyond. We've got to look into the scriptures that are woven together. We've got to look at that word that is tucked in and around the manger redemption. You are redeemed. You are blood washed. You are sanctified.

Speaker 2:

Do not allow fear to run your life. Do not allow doubt to grab hold of you. Wherever you are this evening, may the power of the Holy Spirit Strengthen you. May the glory of God Be revealed to you tonight, wherever you are, in the mighty name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. May His glory strengthen you. May His word set you free. God bless every one of you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. He is worthy of all praise. May God strengthen you at this hour. Never give up, as the psalmist writes. The Lord is the light of my salvation. Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I be afraid of? Don't live by fear. Don't live by doubt. Don't live by uncertainty. Realize who you are in God. Realize that Jesus is with you. God bless every one of you in the most powerfulest name the world has ever heard Jesus Christ, because all things are possible to those who believe.

Speaker 2:

And in closing this service, let's believe in Jesus, let's believe in the living word. Let's believe in the power of God, let's believe in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. He is sovereign, he is all God, he is all King, he is El Shaddai, he is the bright morning star and, as God said in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 3, let there be light. As Jesus said in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, I am the light of the world, he is the light, he is the redeeming king. God bless you, wherever you are at this moment. May the power of the Holy Spirit be with you this day and forevermore. May the glory of God strengthen you. It is Christmas Day and let's just remind ourselves. It is redemption, because redemption is here. God bless every one of you in the mighty name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We'll see you soon. Take care, god bless.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to us today on Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We hope you found inspiration and guidance in today's audio. Remember the journey of faith is a continuous one and your questions and thoughts are important. You can send us a text or an email and we will get back to you. So, wherever you are around the world, thank you for listening to our podcasts and radio ministry. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. Please support us with prayer. Also, you can sow a financial seed into this ministry. You can also leave us a legacy to support and continue the work of this radio ministry. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with others who might benefit. Until next time, stay blessed.

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