Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

From Genesis to Jesus A Story of Light and Faith (#1000 - Elim) 23-12-24

Reverend Ben Cooper

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What if the key to understanding the Christmas season lies in ancient scriptures? In this episode of the Reverend Ben Cooper Podcast, we explore how Old Testament prophecies, including those from Hosea and Isaiah, were divinely fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ. These centuries-old predictions vividly anticipate the birth of Jesus as the Savior and highlight the miraculous nature of the virgin birth. Through the divine messages delivered to Mary, we reflect on the powerful theme that "nothing is impossible with God." This episode invites you to deepen your understanding of the Christmas story, gaining spiritual insights that go beyond the traditional holiday narrative. We also journey through the significance of Jesus' birth as the embodiment of God’s divine promise. Exploring the connections between the Old and New Testaments, we highlight how Colossians portrays Jesus as the image of the invisible God and the Creator of all things. By tying Jesus' role as the light of the world to the Genesis creation narrative, we illuminate God's eternal plan throughout history. As the Christmas season approaches, we encourage you to celebrate by anticipating Christ's second coming and engaging with these profound truths that transcend the ordinary and touch the eternal.

join us as we unravel the intricate tapestry of Old Testament prophecies and their profound fulfillment in the life of Jesus Christ. Through the lens of prophetic messages from Hosea and Isaiah, we explore how these centuries-old predictions vividly anticipate the birth of Jesus as the Savior. Reflect on the miraculous nature of the virgin birth and the divine messages delivered to Mary, emphasizing the incredible theme that "nothing is impossible with God." This episode promises to deepen your appreciation for the spiritual truths of the festive season and inspire a renewed faith in God's timeless word.

Our discussion takes you on a spiritual journey through the narratives of Jesus Christ's birth, highlighting its significance as the embodiment of divine promise. We'll explore the captivating links between the Old and New Testaments, focusing on how scriptures from Colossians portray Jesus as both the image of the invisible God and the creator of all things. By connecting Jesus' role as the light of the world to the creation narrative in Genesis, we illuminate God's overarching plan throughout history. As you listen, we encourage you to celebrate this season by anticipating Christ's second coming and engaging with these profound truths, gaining insights that transcend the ordinary and touch the eternal.

Christian podcast, Bible study podcast, Jesus Christ podcast, Christmas season podcast, Old Testament prophecies, Virgin birth prophecy, Prophetic messages, Faith-based podcast, Spiritual growth podcast, Colossians scripture, Jesus as the image of God, Light of the world, Biblical teachings, Christian encouragement, Christmas faith reflections, Second coming of Christ, Christian leadership podcast

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Rev Ben Cooper's podcast. We are a radio and podcast ministry based here within the UK. Your support is vital through prayer and through sowing a seed of faith. We are so thankful to have so many people around the globe downloading and listening to our podcasts, whether you are on Spotify, apple Podcast, google, alexa, amazon Music and so many other platforms. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. We would love to hear from you as you partner with us as we reach the world for Jesus Christ. Please send us an email through our contact form on pastorbencoopercouk. Also, you can find our latest books on Amazon under hashtag one, hashtag two and hashtag three under Christian Straight Talk hard-hitting, real-life conversations taken from our podcasts.

Speaker 1:

Your financial gifts play a crucial role in supporting our radio ministry. Thank you, stretch out beyond the boundaries as we walk by faith. If you'd like to support our mission, please consider clicking the support button on Spotify, apple Podcasts or Buzzsprout. You can give a one-time gift or set up a regular contribution of £3, £5, £8, or £10. You can also leave a legacy by clicking in the links within pastorbencoopercouk. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry as we spread the message of hope far and wide through this radio ministry. So, whether you are on the daily commute or at home listening to our podcast, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy god bless you.

Speaker 2:

God bless you wherever you are this evening. Thank you so much for joining us across the world, wherever you are situated, whatever your life is reflecting at this moment in time. We are really blessed that you are with us over this festive season and may god strengthen you and bless you in the mighty name of jesus christ. As we gather around the world, we're going to turn into the Old Testament and we just want to say may God strengthen you and bless you. May the hand of God always be over you. So, wherever you are situated at this moment, we thank God for so many that are joining us on this broadcast, so many on this live stream, as we push this across the world through radio, through podcasting and everything that goes on from these platforms that we are using this. You can find us in so many areas and please share this stuff out that we do and if you've got any questions, you've got any things you want to ask, you got any areas of struggle that you're going through with life, we are contactable. So please, you know, use the the measures that we have put out there to contact us, but wherever you are, we thank you so much for your life. We thank you that you download all these podcasts. You're with us through these services. You've stayed for years and years and years and we thank you and we really believe that God is touching your lives wherever you are. And thank you for your support.

Speaker 2:

We're going to go to the Old Testament. We're in the book of Hosea. We're in the book of Hosea and we are in chapter 11. And I just want to reference a scripture that I've been mentioning quite a lot lately. It's just a quick mention, and then we're going to drop back into the book of Isaiah. You know, we are living in really beautiful times. When you look at the screen, when you look at that beautiful picture on the backdrop just behind me, the cross to that side, and then on the TV screen, you can see you've got three crosses and you've got the crib. You know, do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit? Do you believe in the power of the Word? Do you believe in the love of Jesus? Do you believe that you are born again, spirit-filled, you are blessed and highly favoured? Do you believe in miracles? We are sitting in a very interesting position at this moment in this world, especially in this, this christmas, this festive time of recognizing that jesus christ is the savior of the world, that he came to this earth as an infant, as a child.

Speaker 2:

But I just want to read out from the old testament, from the book of hosea, chapter 11, verse 1, and it just reads off and it says when israel was a child, I loved him and out of egypt, I called my son. I just want to reference that because yesterday I didn't reference that, the other day I didn't reference that we, we mentioned that quite a lot and, uh, we, we clearly get what god was doing through there. And when you think about these scriptures, the book of hosea, maybe about around, about 500 years before the birth of christ, and when you look at that, what he says there out of Egypt, this is what God is saying through this small prophet, through this Hosea, this guy, this is what God is saying he says out of Egypt I called my son. The son hadn't even been birthed, the son hadn't even been brought into existence through the natural realms at this particular moment in time. But here we have the Old Testament prophets prophesying of about what is going to happen. So we've just read that and that was in the book of Hosea, chapter 11, verse one, out of Egypt. I call my son. Now that could only happen, and the fulfillment of this was we find in the new testament, in the gospel of luke, when god told very clearly through the angel go down and give a message to to joseph and tell joseph that he's got to take the child, he's got to take christ, he's got to take his wife, and you go into egypt. So this is critical.

Speaker 2:

Now, why did God choose and why did he speak about Egypt? It's pretty simple when you look at the text, because if you was to turn now to the book of Exodus, chapter 12, it talks about the Passover. The Passover is such a fundamental part of Christianity, not of the church. The Passover is about being born again. It is referring to the blood of jesus. So in this little book that is nestled just in the old testament, in chapter 11 of verse 1 out of egypt, I call my son and if you have a bible, if you was to turn to the book of exodus, chapter 12, you will really clear and see and read clear instruction about the passover. Jesus christ is the passover, he is the one that was slain, he is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. So these Old Testament scriptures are so strong and so powerful. That's why we need to reference the Old Scripture, the Old Testament and the New Testament, because they run together, and especially for the season that we're sitting in, at this moment in time, in this festive time, in this Christmas time, as we remember through Christianity, the birth of Christ.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you have a Bible, turn to the book of Isaiah. So, just remembering what I said in the book of Hosea, now we're going to go to the Old Testament again. We're going to go back 735 years before the birth of Christ. So we're back 735 years approximately before the birth of Christ. So we're back 735 years approximately. And I would love for you to turn to Isaiah, chapter 7. Let's go to Isaiah, chapter 7. And we're going to pick it up. Let's pick it up in verse 14. Isaiah, chapter 7, verse 14.

Speaker 2:

Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. This is prophesying 735 years before the birth of Christ. That's what's really really important for me to grasp is all this has been foretold, all this has been prophesied, all this has been given, given out, 735, 750 years before Christ was birthed, when the gospel of John came into full fruition. So when you look at this scripture, it's really, really important for me, as a Bible-believing believer, to understand what is going on here. This is prophecy. The book of Hosea was telling us very clearly that out of Egypt I will call my son. But the son hadn't been birthed, the son hadn't came as the living word, he hadn't been projected into the world, if I can use that, sorry, jesus. Jesus was projected out of the womb of Mary, he was accelerated and he came down that tube and he came out in the arms of Mary. So when you look at verse 14 of Isaiah, chapter 7, critical, therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. The Lord himself will give you a sign. The Lord himself will give you a sign. So when we are looking at what the Bible talks about the Lord, what the Bible says about God, what the Bible says about Christ, what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit, you find that they flow together. You find that there is no way of separating the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. It is really really clear. So as you look at these scriptures, this is powerful.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you was to take something like islam at this moment in time, the quran has only just about reached. I believe it's about 2.4 billion books sold, something like that. The bible has stretched over five and a half billion books sold. So the reason I'm talking about Islam is simply because it is the next one down on the peg. So when you look at the Bible, when you look at what we're looking at, we're talking about Christmas, we're talking about the birth of Jesus, we're talking about the longevity of the word. So Islam just under 2.5 billion Quran sold.

Speaker 2:

It has only been translated into a hundred languages. Now you take the, you take the word of God over 5.5, something like that, billion sold. They can't print the Bible quick enough. How many languages is this Bible that we have in our hand? How many languages has it been translated into? Over 3000. Has it been translated into Over 3,000. So you've got this word of God that has been translated into over 3,000 languages. The Quran is 2,900 languages.

Speaker 2:

Behind the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Bible is fact and true. The Bible is 3,500 years old. Think about that. The Bible is 3,500 years old. The Quran is hanging around 1,350 to 1,400 years old. So there's a 2,000 gap. The Bible is 2 000 years ahead of the quran. So when you look at the quran, when you look at other world religions, nothing can come near the word of god. The word of god is 3 500 years old.

Speaker 2:

It took 1496 years to write over 40 authors. The qu Quran took 23 years to write by one man. It was 635 years after Christ. So when you are looking at what you are looking at, you are talking about biblical prophecies that have come into being. So, like I said yesterday, just as the prophets were prophesying about the coming of Christ, the first coming of Jesus as an infant, the Bible also prophesies about the coming of the King, the Savior of the world. The King is coming. So as we celebrate the birth of Jesus even though that this time of year he wasn't birthed on the 25th of December you know, when you look at these scriptures, it's really, really important for us to grasp that the word of God is power, the word of God is truth, the word of God is hope, the word of God is healing.

Speaker 2:

This Bible is 3,500 years old. It took 1, 1496 years to write, 40 different different authors, 66 books. It is a book that is filled with power and authority. Come back to the sows alone. The book has sold over 5.5, 5.4 billion books around the world. It has been translated. This Bible has been translated into over 3,000 languages. The Quran has only been translated into 100 languages. 2,900 languages less than the word of God. Just grasp that a moment. This is the greatest book the world has ever seen. It is fact, it is truth, it is hope, it is power. It is beyond human understanding. This book that we have in our hands is the greatest book the world has ever seen. Greatest book the world has ever seen 5.4, 5.5 billion copies sold, accelerating.

Speaker 2:

You know, you might look at the stats in certain areas and certain parts of social media and you might hear that Islam is growing quicker than Christianity. Isn't the only reason it is moving, as the way it says is moving is because of the birth rate. That's what you've got to understand. It is the birth rate. As soon as a child is born, he belongs to Islam. It is just a statistics. It doesn't mean to say that that person believes in the Quran. Come on, we got to get this right.

Speaker 2:

But when you talk about Christianity the amount of Christians on the earth it is a choice. Hang on, I know what you're saying. It is a choice that we follow Jesus. Salvation has been given. So when salvation has been given and you get the statistics, that is beyond human understanding. The Quran turns children simply into children that follow Islam, because it is their law that they have to follow. So as soon as you're knocking out four or five kids in a family, each one that comes down the tube of life suddenly becomes indoctrinated straight into Islam itself. It doesn't have a choice. Even if it doesn't believe, it still belongs in the grip of Islam. But in Christianity, what you've got to understand is God saves the human being and God sets the captive free. So when you get statistics from Christianity, you are getting clear-cut information.

Speaker 2:

Brothers and sisters, this is the greatest book the world has ever seen and it is prophesied about the birth of christ. Now the book of hosea that we was in four, five hundred years before christ is telling us, is telling us that, out of egypt, I will call my son. Now imagine what that was like all those thousands of years back. What are you talking about, hosea? We haven't even had a birth of a child. So why would God pull his son? Why would God draw his son out of Egypt?

Speaker 2:

Simply because what we are telling you now through the word of God, as God is telling us at this moment, when you look at the Passover, the Passover lamb is Jesus Christ. It is fundamental to Christianity that we understand that Jesus Christ is the Passover lamb. He is the great I am, he is the king of kings and he is the lord of lords. So when Hosea was prophesying, in chapter 11 and verse 1, when he was saying, god said out of Egypt, I call my son. What he is doing is telling us that there is going to be a sacrifice, the lamb that was slain. The king of kings and the lord of lords, he is the great I am. He is the God above all gods, he is the king above all kings.

Speaker 2:

And he prophesied and he told the world through his Bible, through his word, through his scriptures, that Jesus Christ is coming to this world A few hundred years, 700 years, 400 years, 300 years. We have clear understanding that the Bible was telling the world that Jesus Christ is coming. And just as the Bible told the world that Jesus Christ is coming, it is telling us of his second coming. And just as the Bible told the world that Jesus Christ is coming, it is telling us of his second coming. And we are getting closer to the second coming of Christ like we've never seen before. Yes, we're in the festive area, yes, we are celebrating Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ, but wherever you are at this moment in time, I would encourage you to get yourself in the Bible, because that great prophet, hosea said very clearly God said out of Egypt I call my son Now. He wasn't just calling him Jesus Christ, he was calling him as himself the Passover lamb, he was calling out the lamb of God.

Speaker 2:

As I said yesterday, and we've dissected and we've looked at many times before, when John see Christ come around the corner at the river Jordan, he said look, the lamb of God. Actually, in one translation he says behold, behold, the lamb of God. There is power in your king. Do you realize that Jesus Christ is living inside of you? So we have these Old Testament prophets prophesying of the coming king, this baby Jesus, this Christ, this savior of the world. He's going to present himself to the world.

Speaker 2:

And if you have a bible, if you turn to isaiah, chapter 7, and if we look at chapter 7 and we pick up verse 14 and it says therefore, the lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will be with child and give birth to a son, and he will be called emmanuel. This is 735 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Think about that. Pause a moment. Whether you're listening in the world of podcast, whether you're on the live stream with me at this moment in time, whether you're listening on radio, whatever channel that you may be listening to when you look at this book, the book of Isaiah, chapter 7, 14, it says therefore the lord himself will give you a sign. The lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son. Come on, you can't make this up, you can't plan this. You could never foretell this without the power of the holy spirit. So, just as the bible was prophesying the coming of christ as the savior of the world, as as an infant, as a child, as a son, and he's telling us 735 years there will be a virgin and she will will be with child and will give birth to a son, and and he will be called Emmanuel. When you look at the word Emmanuel alone, that simply means, as we're pretty well sure of at this moment in time, emmanuel means God with us. She will give birth to the God of the heavens and the earth. She will give birth to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Speaker 2:

If you have your Bible bible, I think it's really important that we turn to colossians, chapter 1, verse 15 and 20. I reference this so much, but. But it's filled with creation, it's filled with hope, it's filled with love, it's filled with power, it's filled with authority. I believe stewart's online and he will pop that up in just a few moments. But when, when you look at that scripture and that scripture alone, when you see about these scriptures that we're in at this moment in time, the book of 1 Colossians sorry, colossians chapter 1, I should say Colossians chapter 1, verse 15 to 20, it says Christ is the image of the invisible God. So if we just hold it there a moment, christ is the image of the invisible god, christ is, christ is the image of the invisible god. Come back 700 and probably from when the book of Colossians was written, come back 773 years, something like that, so 773 years. Stuart's just put that up online for those that want to have a look.

Speaker 2:

When you look at that, it says the sun is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation, for in him all things were created things in heaven, things on earth, visible, invisible, whether thrones or powers, rulers or authorities. All things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together and he is the head of the body. The church in this is at the beginning of all things. When you look at that scripture there, if you just hold your your place at this moment and you just pick up in verse 15, when you look at verse 15, it says the sun is the image of the invisible god. Now, god, bring that back to what. What does that? What does that mean? Who? Who is this god? This god is the creator of heaven and earth. This god is this untouchable god that sits in an unapproachable light, that sits that is so holy, that is so pure that no human being can see god and live. But when you look at that scripture that's just on on the timeline on the feed there that stewart has put up there, the son is the image of the invisible God. You have so much power of the Old Testament, so the Old Testament runs very fluid with the New Testament. When you look at this stuff that we are reading tonight. Verse 14 therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will be with child and she will give birth to a son. Now we have that reference there. The son is the image.

Speaker 2:

So when you look at that scripture in colossians, chapter 1, verse 15 through to 20, we have the old testament being referenced over and over and over again. Jesus christ is from genesis to revelations. Jesus christ is the living word. Jesus christ is this reason for this season that we are looking at and that we are reflecting in. Brothers and sisters. Tell the world that jesus christ is alive and he's not coming back as a baby jesus, he's coming back as the savior of the world. He's coming back as the savior. So when you look at these scriptures, let's just reference these two again. Let's just bring a parallel from the New Testament to the Old Testament.

Speaker 2:

When you have a look at these scriptures verse 14 of Isaiah, chapter 7,. Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will be with child and give birth to a son. The virgin will be with child and give birth to a son. We are just referencing what is on the screen. Verse 15 of colossians, chapter 1, a son give birth to a son and we'll call him emmanuel.

Speaker 2:

When you look at verse 15 of colossians, chapter 1, the son is the image of the invisible God. What can we say If you have a Bible? Turn to the Gospel of John. Turn to the Gospel of John, chapter 1, verse 1. You know what I'm going to say. You know exactly what I'm going to say. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.

Speaker 2:

When you look at these scriptures, you will find Jesus Christ, from Genesis to Revelation. You will find him in the prophets. You will find him in the book of the Kings. You will find him in Chronicles. You will find him in Matthew, mark, luke and John. You will find him in Revelation. You will find him in Songs of Solomon. You will find him in the Old Testament. You will find him within the New Testament.

Speaker 2:

But when you look at these prophets that we are reading about, they are prophesying this guy here, the book of Isaiah. When you look at this, 735 years before the event took place, before it happened, 735 years telling the world that there is a son on the way, there is a virgin that is going to carry child and when she gives birth to that child, you're going to call him Emmanuel. God with us. Emmanuel, when you look at these scriptures Colossians, chapter 1, verse 15 the son is the image of the invisible God. Emmanuel is with us, the king of kings and the lord of lords. I pray that, wherever you are seated across the world, I pray that wherever you are, as you read these prophets, as these prophets are prophesying, as the king is being prepared to reveal himself. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and he was with god in the beginning. He is God. Jesus is God. God is Jesus. The Holy Spirit is entwined in the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is the comforter. The Holy Spirit is your peace. The Holy Spirit is your lead. The Holy Spirit is your God. The Holy Spirit is with you. The Bible says I will not leave you as an orphan.

Speaker 2:

On the 40th day when Christ was taken up, on Ascension Day, the power of the Holy Spirit descended and we see the birth of the church of Jesus Christ, not of Pentecostalism. We see the birth of the church. We see the birth of the kingdom of God in the eyes of humanity. In the gospels, in the book of Acts, we find that beautiful text where Jesus tells him get ready and wait for a gift that I have prepared. Go and prepare a place. I want you to wait in that place and wait there until until what? Until the outpouring of the Spirit, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the outpouring of the Holy Glory of God, the outpouring of the Comforter, the beginning of the church. That is what we belong to. We belong to the kingdom of God, and God is within each and every one of you.

Speaker 2:

And just as the prophets foretold, just as the prophets told, there is a king. The king is coming and the king showed up. And the king guess what is coming back for you? The king is coming back. He's coming back on that horse, faithful and true. He's coming back as the king of kings and the Lord of lords.

Speaker 2:

So, when you look at these prophets prophesying the book of Isaiah and the book of Hosea, when you see these clear cut scriptures, jesus Christ showed up and he's going to show up, and let me tell you this, he will show up in your life. Now, when you look at Thomas doubting Thomas, thomas said look, don't talk to me anymore about this Jesus. I don't want you me anymore about this Jesus. I don't want you to discuss it anymore in my presence. I don't want to know. I need to see him. I need to touch the now marks. I need to have this physicality before my very eyes. Jesus will show up and the Bible says that he stepped through the wall, he stepped through the flint, he stepped through the masonry, he stepped through that, that impossible. He came through the impossible to do the possible to someone that was in need of help.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you about a king that turns the things that are not as though they are. If you have, have your Bible, turn with me up to the New Testament. We are going to go up to the New Testament. We're going to go up to the Gospel of Luke and we're going to turn into the Gospel of Luke and we're going to stay in chapter 1. And as we're in chapter 1, I just want to read something out that is really, really important and I want us to understand something really clear Verse 37 of luke, chapter 1.

Speaker 2:

Now, this is about the birth of christ. This is about the reason for the season. This is about the word became flesh. This is about the prophecies that were foretold 700 years, 800 years, 400 years, 500, 300. When the prophets were giving their prophecies, the gap that was left was phenomenal. But then, all of a sudden, in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1, we start to see the manifestation of the spiritual world entering into the physical realm. So suddenly we start to see these mad prophets, these crazy men that got put outside of cities, that got chased out because of the words that they delivered. We see these men that lived in hedgerows. We see these men that just completely was obscured and they looked to be crazy by the world around them, delivering these prophecies about there will be a virgin, she will carry a child and when she gives birth she will give birth to a son and the son will be called Emmanuel, god with us 735 years ago. Suddenly, accelerate up to the timeline of Luke, chapter 1, and you will find the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah very, very clear. You will find it from verse 26 and it will go all the way through, but I want to pick it up in verse 37.

Speaker 2:

For nothing is impossible with God. Out in verse 37. For nothing is impossible with god. I want to tell you tonight, sister and brother, atheist, if you're in islam, if you're in hinduism, if you are a Sikh, if you are on the fence, if you're an agnostic, if you're lost in the world of church, if you're religious, I want to tell you very clearly and very powerfully tonight that nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is impossible. Don't give up in your dreams, god is with you. The power of the Holy Spirit is inside of you, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, wherever you are. Tonight, we want to tell you that the glory of God is with you. We want to tell you that all glory of god is with you. We want to tell you that all things are possible to those who believe, for nothing is impossible with god. Anxiety will go at the name of jesus, fear will go at the name of jesus, doubt will diminish at the name of jesus.

Speaker 2:

So what we got to do is we got to remind ourselves of the prophets that I have just referenced, these prophetic languages that we are reading out, these words that are 700 years old, that are 500 years old, that are 300 years old, these prophets from Isaiah all the way through to Jeremiah, all the way to Hosea. When you read about these prophets as they prophesy about the coming of the King, the first coming of the King Jesus Christ. The Bible came to completion and the Bible brought all this to completion in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1. When you look at that, when you look at that that this angel came down, this heavenly host was given a message to deliver to Mary. He delivers the message to Mary. She carries this child for the trimester of her time. She carries this child, she carries this word and then suddenly, we start to see the fulfillment of the carrying of the word. It is still a mystery. So not only do we have 735 years of prophecy coming into being, but suddenly there is this virgin, there is this young woman, there is this person carrying a child. It wasn't uncommon, of course not. It's been around forever and a day come on reverend, we know that.

Speaker 2:

But when you take the text and you look at it, she will carry child, she will be a virgin. It will be beyond human understanding. It will be outside of the realm of natural perception. It will be outside of senses. It will be outside of physics. It will be outside of senses. It will be outside of physics. It will be outside of quantum physics. It will be outside of mathematics, it is outside of science, because nothing is impossible with God. Everything is possible. When you look at verse 37, when you look at verse 37, that is powerful. When you look at that, for nothing is impossible with God. Never give up on your dreams, never give up on the word of God. Never give up because God is moving.

Speaker 2:

When you think about the prophets, and the prophets alone, that the prophets foretold that jesus christ is coming to the world. And god already gave us an inkling right at the very beginning of time. Jesus said I am the light of the world through the seven, I ams. And if you have a bible and if you was to turn to the old testament, go to genesis, chapter 1, verse 3. And God said let there be light. He is talking about the light that we understand it. He is talking about the light that keeps the human being moving. He is talking about the light that is reflected from the moon, the light that is reflected from the stars and the sun and every area of life. Yes, he is telling us all that sort of stuff, but also he is telling us deeper than the natural and the physical realms of this earth in which we live. He is telling us that there is coming to this world, even though that I am going to create this world, even though this world is going to foul, even though this world is going to drop off the peg, even though there's going to be things happening, even though this world is going to foul, even though this world is going to drop off the peg, even though there's going to be things happening, even though this beautiful angel, this angel that I created, that I put in charge of worship in my heavenly realms, even though I knew that this angel was going to foul and pick up the mantle of pride, I still decided to choose, because I am all power, I am all God, I am all king, I am who I am. He is a jealous God. He is the coming king. God came to this earth. He came down 14 generations.

Speaker 2:

You've only got to look through the chronological scriptures. You've only got to look through it chronologically. In the gospel of matthew, chapter one, god came down the staircase and when it was time to present god to the world, jesus Christ came out and the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. So in the Gospel of Luke, we have the fulfillment of the prophecies that were foretold coming into action. We suddenly find that there is this young girl, this young virgin that is carrying this mysterious baby. Who is this child?

Speaker 2:

Suddenly, we find that these prophets that were pushed out of the cities, that were abandoned, that was called crazy. Get away from me, isaiah. You do not know what you are talking about. Go away. Hosea was called crazy. Get away from me, isaiah. You do not know what you are talking about. Go away, hosea. You are crazy. We do not believe what you are saying. What do you mean? Out of Egypt, I will call my son. What do you mean, isaiah? In 735 years, there's going to be a virgin that is going to carry a child and she is going to call him Emmanuel. What are you referring to? See, they call them crazy, they call them outcasts. They push them outside of the prophets and the prophecies. So I should say more like the pro.

Speaker 2:

The prophetic language that they spoke kept them outside of society, but then, all of a sudden, outside of the Torah, outside of the law, suddenly we find these prophets that have been prophesying speaking this crazy language, this crazy speech. Suddenly, there is someone, there is this young Mary, and now she's about to give birth. And then suddenly, when she gives birth and this child is pushed out, suddenly there is a star found in the heavens above that has never shone so bright. Suddenly we find the wise men. Suddenly we find an earthly king called Herod suddenly starting to worry. I want you to tell me where is this Messiah, because I want to worship him too.

Speaker 2:

Suddenly, we find the king in fear of a child. Suddenly we find why was this king fearful of this young child, this infant? Because he knew what the prophets foretold was suddenly in his generation, was suddenly in his backyard, that this Jesus that had been foretold and spoken about is suddenly on his watch. Suddenly, this Jesus is around. Suddenly, this king is around, suddenly this Messiah is around, and I cannot allow this to go on. So he commands and he brings the most brutal action that we've heard and that we have seen.

Speaker 2:

Isn't it interesting? It's what happened back in the book of Exodus, chapter 12 and 13. God said I will strike down. I will strike down the firstborn will strike down. I will strike down the firstborn. If the blood is not over the doorpost and over the windows of your house, the blood will be a sign. Herod said I've got to strike the firstborn. You can't work this stuff out naturally. You can't work it through science. The scripture is alive. So suddenly we're coming to the table in just a few moments. We're coming to the table. Brothers and sisters, we've got about six minutes left of this service.

Speaker 2:

I want to encourage you right now to understand that jesus christ is coming back. Jesus christ is coming back as the savior of the world, not an infant. We've got to stop lifting up advent in the way that we lift Advent up. We've got to lift up Jesus Christ and we've got to lift up the cross of Calvary. We have got to lift up the cross and we've got to lift up the saviour of the world. So suddenly we find Hosea, the prophet that we was in. Suddenly, we find Isaiah, the prophet that we was in in. Suddenly we find isaiah, the prophet that we was in.

Speaker 2:

These prophecies that they told us about have come true through the gospel of luke, chapter one. The virgin is carrying a child. Suddenly we find, from luke to the gospel of john, the fulfillment of all the Old Testament is revealed in John 1, verse 14. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have God being revealed to the physical realm. To the physical realm, we have god revealing himself through his son, through himself, jesus christ of nazareth. Because when you look at the scripture, the gospel of john, chapter 1, verse 1, in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning.

Speaker 2:

We're coming to the table. Are you prepared to come to the table with me? Are you ready to come to the table? Come on, we got to get this moving. We got to get to the table. Come on, let's break bread together. Wherever you are across the world, join with me tonight. Break bread together. Wherever you are across the world, join with me tonight. Brothers and sisters, what we're about to take is the body of christ, symbolic of the body of christ.

Speaker 2:

So when I read from the book of hosea, chapter 11, verse 1, out of egypt, I call my son. The Passover is coming out of Egypt. What are we celebrating? We're celebrating the Passover, the passing over of God, because the blood, the blood will be a sign. The blood of what? The blood of himself, the blood of his son, jesus Christ, the blood of the savior of the world. You are born again, you are spirit filled. You are blessed and highly favoured. You are chosen and God is with you. Father, as we come to the table, we break bread together right now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God bless everybody online, through the world of podcasts, through the world of the platforms that we use, through radio, through streaming, through every area. God bless every one of you. But just remember the prophecy of Isaiah came true. The prophecy of all the Old Testament prophets have come true.

Speaker 2:

The book of Hosea, out of Egypt, I call my son. He was being referred to about two years after the birth of Christ. That is very clear. They're very, very important. Father, bless this bread in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We thank you that this bread symbolizes the body of Christ. Come, holy Spirit. Bless us in Jesus' name.

Speaker 2:

Amen, name, amen, jesus Christ, we come to you right now as brothers and sisters that are covered in the blood of Jesus. And right now, lord, father, will you cleanse us from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet? Will you wash us in the crimson tide? Because, out of Egypt, I call my son. Out of Egypt, the Passover lamb is coming. Out of Egypt, the living word is coming. The glory of god is going to hit this earth.

Speaker 2:

The power of the holy spirit is with you at this season, at this advent. Advent just simply means recognizing the savior is here. J Jesus is alive. Father, we thank you for this cup that symbolises the blood of Jesus. Cleanse us from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet In Jesus' name. Amen.

Speaker 2:

God is with you. The power of the Holy Spirit is over you. Don't ever let the devil tell you anything else. You are blessed and highly favoured. The King is alive. Jesus Christ has conquered sickness, disease. God bless every one of you, wherever you are right now, and I'm so sorry that I had to fast forward so much of that, but let's just remind ourselves the prophecies have come true about the birth. The prophecies about Jesus Christ going to the cross have come true. The prophecies about him coming are about to come true. Live your life for Jesus Christ, wherever you are across the world. We thank you so much for sharing everything. God is with you. We'll see you soon. Take care. Have a blessed day wherever you are across the world. We'll see you soon. Take care, bye-bye.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to us today on Reverend Ben Cooper's podcast. We hope you found inspiration and guidance in today's audio. Remember the journey of faith is a continuous one and your questions and thoughts are important. You can send us a text or an email and we will get back to you. So, wherever you are around the world, thank you for listening to our podcasts and radio ministry. For more information about our ministry, please find us on pastorbencoopercouk. Please support us with prayer. Also, you can sow a financial seed into this ministry. You can also leave us a legacy to support and continue the work of this radio ministry. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with others who might benefit. Until next time, stay blessed.

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