Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
Reverend Ben Coopers podcast, offers an inviting space for listeners to explore Christianity and spiritual growth with wisdom, humor, and a deep commitment to biblical truth. Through Rev. Ben's engaging conversations with guests, the podcast not only explores the timeless wisdom of the Bible but also tackles the pressing issues of life, faith, and hope in a way that is accessible, thought-provoking, and enriching. Whether you’re seeking spiritual nourishment, answers to life’s big questions, or simply a place to reflect on your faith, the Rev Ben podcast is a valuable resource on your journey.
In each episode, Rev. Ben guides listeners through profound theological reflections, personal stories, and practical insights drawn from the Bible and the broader Christian tradition.
Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
Strength and Unity: Persevering in Faith Through Life's Challenges (#002 - Elim Rev)
Experience the profound transformation that faith and perseverance can bring to your life. By exploring timeless scriptures from 2 Chronicles and the book of Joshua, we uncover how the messages of hope and resilience can guide us through life's challenges. Discover how living righteously impacts not only you but your community and even nations. We urge listeners to find strength in their beliefs and encourage nations like the UK to return to faith during these pivotal times.
We dive into the concept of the "refiner's fire" as a metaphor for how life's trials can purify and strengthen our faith. Anchored in 2 Chronicles 15:6-7 and Galatians 6:9, we explore why the true reward of faith is not material wealth but the eternal promise of being called home. This discussion is a heartfelt reminder that perseverance in faith is crucial, even when the going gets tough. The idea that God prepares a place for us is a promise of hope that we should never forget.
Our final discussion focuses on the unity and strength found within the body of Christ. We emphasize the importance of mutual support, transcending denominational boundaries, and staying true to the core messages of our faith. At the Passover table, we find new beginnings and strength in prayer, and we remind ourselves to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. As we close with a blessing for our listeners, we invite you to connect with us on platforms like Buzzsprout, Spotify, and Apple Music to continue this journey of faith together.
yeah, god bless. Thank you so much to everybody that's with us at this hour. Whatever your life looks like, whatever you have been doing today, may god bless you and lead you in paths of righteousness. I think this is the day that the lord has made. I shall rejoice and be glad. We're going to encourage one another through the scriptures, through the power of the word of god. Let's be encouraged tonight. All things are possible to those who believe, wherever you are if you're with us at this moment it is Monday evening, it is the 12th of June and it is 7.34 here within the UK and to everybody that listens across the world. God bless you.
Speaker 1:Whatever your time zone is, whatever your life is reflecting at this moment in time, never give up. Never give up. God is with every one of us. And we're going to turn into the Old Testament and we're going to carry on just where we started, to accelerate a little bit yesterday. And I want to take us to 2 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, chapter 15. So that's 2 Chronicles, chapter 15, and we are going to be in verse 7. And also we're going to go to the book of Joshua, the great book of Joshua. You know, I want to encourage you tonight. I want to encourage myself tonight. Whatever your life looks like, whatever you are facing, whatever is going on at home, at work, in life, in finances, in just your relationships, in any area that you work in, that you walk in the circle of your life, you know, never give up. There is always hope. There is always hope and we serve a God of hope. You know God is hope and he is the God of love and God loves every one of you tonight and please forgive me, I've got these headphones on because I can just want to pick up the sound and make sure everything is a-okay. But welcome to those that are in um apple music this evening. Uh, buzzsprout and spotify those that are capturing this live stream service across this beautiful earth that god has created. And let's come before our lord and our savior and I pray for every one of you tonight that god will lead you in paths of righteousness for his namesake. And whatever you are facing, whatever you are going through, please never give up, never give in. Keep pushing forward, keep pressing forward and do not allow the world, do not allow situations to take you out and take you under. You know you are above and not beneath. You are the head and not the tail. You are blessed and highly favoured, wonderfully and fearfully made, and I pray that, wherever you are at this hour, that David wonderfully and fearfully made, and I pray that wherever you are at this hour, that you will follow the scriptures with me.
Speaker 1:Tonight we're turning to the Old Testament, a bit of an unusual book. We haven't turned into these scriptures, into this book for quite a number of years and we're going to go to 2 Chronicles, chapter 15. And yesterday we were looking at these scriptures. But we want to just hold our our breath. We want to hold our eyes on verse 7 of 2 chronicles, chapter 15. Verse 7, and I'll read it straight off the bat. And if you want to join me, please grab yourself a bible and let's just read it together. You know, get yourself a pen, get yourself a highlighter pen, you know, and just mark these scriptures, you know, and just read these over and over and over again. So just a bit of a background of what we are looking at.
Speaker 1:We are in 2 Chronicles, chapter 15, and it's about the spirit of the Lord came down on a prophet, he went to the king, he went to the Benjamin and he went to Israel and all of Judea, and he had a prophecy and basically he was prophesying to the nation, and what he was saying to the nation was something very clear and very profound and very prophetic. He said you've got to be very careful in the way that you live as a nation. You know. He was speaking to the rulers, he was speaking to the leaders, and let me just back up a minute. Let's just dig ourselves a bit of a more, of a deeper foundation.
Speaker 1:If you was to go to verse 2 of the text that we're in, which is 2 chronicles, chapter 15, it says if you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will be forsaken for you. It says for a long time. It says israel was without a true god, without a true god and without a preacher to teach and without a law. So this prophet, this prophet was speaking to the king, he was speaking to the tribe of benjamin and he was speaking to the land of judea. He was speaking to the audience, the mass audience before him, and what he was saying was as a nation, if you do not come before the lord, if you do not come before the Lord, if you do not come before the Lord and I really believe this is critical for the UK this evening that this nation in which we live at that we really need to come before the Lord.
Speaker 1:Yes, we might be looking at areas of political agenda. We might be looking at business and work and education and think, well, this nation is far off point of of following christ as a nation, with what's going on. But this is really important for the last days in which we live. If we or you, or wherever you live at this hour, and whatever nation you are under, if the nation that you are under isn't um following god, it's really important. How do we separate ourselves? Well, we can't migrate and disappear out of the nation. You've got family there, you've got work there, you've got your life. It's the circle of your life, it's your business, your home. So what we need to do is make sure that we are not kin to that, we are not joint with that, we are not co-heirs with that, we are not living with that, we are not dwelling in that, we are not spending our time that, we haven't sold ourselves into and into that agreement. That's what's really important that we are not in that covenant agreement with what the political agenda, what the world agenda is doing.
Speaker 1:You know, god made it really clear to the Israelites. He said when you're going to the land of Canaan, do not follow the Canaanites, do not mirror image, do not mimic, do not copy what they do, serving foreign gods. You know there's up to everything. Everything was going on. He said do not copy what they are doing. As soon as Israelites got into Cana, they was up and they were just copying everything that the Canaanites were doing.
Speaker 1:So we need to be careful as believers. Yes, the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of your glory. We get that, we understand that. But when you look at certain areas of life and what's going on, we've just got to make sure very, very clear something that's really clear that what we do is that we live in the Word of God and we trust the Word of God and we walk by the Word of God and we do the best to what our understanding is, to interpret the scripture. But then, as a believer, a John 3, Bible-believing believer, you know, blood-washed, sanctified, born-again, spirit-filled, you must be born again. You know, when we start walking in the true word of God and God starts moving in your life. Suddenly you start to realize that the nation, the nation as the driving force, as the authoritarians, as you look at the authority, as you look at the situations, as you look at different pockets of political drives, I know we have to be very careful as Christians what we talk about in the political area of it and not become too politicized and be focused on one political party. And not that We've got to be careful.
Speaker 1:It's very difficult as a believer, but when you have a government, whatever nation that you are in, that is not for jesus christ and not for the gospel, it's very difficult to to live and to follow christ in an area that is very hard and very dark in in, in a way, so to speak. So this prophet was speaking to the king, he was speaking to the tribe of Benjamin and he was also speaking to Judea and what he was saying was if you find, if you seek him, he will be found by you. You can find God in a real dark place. And what I mean is God is not, when I mean God is in the dark place. God is in the darkest of the darkest place because he's, he's rescuing people from the darkest of the darkest place.
Speaker 1:So if you find him, if you are living in a land, if you are living in a nation, if you are living in an environment, a culture, a situation that what you think around you is quite dark and and quite depraved and all the things that are going on are very worldly and very ungodly. You know, it can affect your spiritual walk when you think, hang on a minute, I've got to go to work, I've got to live, I've got to do this, I've got to do all the ABCs of life. And then suddenly I'm finding myself that I'm like a salmon swimming upstream and it's really hard. I I've got to get to the word of God, but I've got a bear on this side of the. But I've got a bear on this side of the riverbank. I've got another predator on that side. I can't afford to go to the left or the right, I've got to keep swimming.
Speaker 1:You know, when you look at a salmon, the journey of the salmon to get all the way back to that home, that place of home. And that's what our life is like when you follow Christ. You're swimming against the tide of life, you're swimming against everything that is worldly coming towards you and that can be exhausting and tiring, but I want to encourage you tonight that you never give up and you never give in and you push and you press and you stand on the living word of God. Believe for your healing, believe in a miracle, believe for the breakthrough, believe for the turnaround, believe that all things work together for good for those that love Christ. You know, believe that all things work together in every situation, every scenario, in every vibe, in every heartbeat, in every drum. All things work together for good for those that love him. Do you love him tonight? Are you a child of the living God that loves God? You know, it's something different between loving God and understanding God. We can't understand this eternal God. He says that he lives in unapproachable light, he's immortal, he's the king above all kings. He's unapproachable by the human being, but he presents himself as the living Christ, as Messiah. He comes to us.
Speaker 1:So when you look at this nation, this nation was in distress. This nation was in turmoil. It wasn't safe to travel. It says their city was turning in on city, nation on nation. Let's pick up in verse 6 in 2 Chronicles, chapter 15. It says one nation was crushed by the other. Do you see this happening at this moment in time. Do you look across the globe and you see that nation is crushing nation? Do you look across and you see city destroying city? Do you see the desolation that the scripture talks about in the end times? But there's hope in the darkness. I want to encourage you tonight that there is always hope in the darkness, because God is light. Christ is the light of the world and there is always a way forward.
Speaker 1:Your word is a lamp unto my feet, a light for my path. It is the word of God. It is the word of God and it is the wrestling in prayer. And what does prayer do? Prayer strengthens us. It doesn't always 98, let's say 99%. It doesn't take the situation away. What it does, it strengthens us in the situation. Even though I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff. They comfort me. So we need to draw comfort from the word of God, because he is our shepherd, he is our shield, he is our rampart, he is the bright morning star, he is your Jehovah Jireh, jehovah Nissi, jehovah Shalom. He is your healer, he is your peace, he is your guide. He is your guide, he is your everlasting living word, he is your eternal God. He is the great I am. The seven I am's mentioned in the Gospel of John are literally a reflection of what God said to Moses I am, that I am. Who's sending us? Who's sending us the I am.
Speaker 1:When you realize the power, the sovereignty, the glory, the presence and the love of God, the anointing that you have on you, do you realize, brother, sister, whoever you are on the other side of the lens tonight? Do you realize that you are blessed beyond human understanding? Do you realize that you are blessed beyond human control? Do you realize that you are armed and you are dangerous? Within the living word of God, you are loaded to the full measure. He who began a good work in you will bring it unto the day of completion.
Speaker 1:God is always working in his children. God is always working away. God is always refining. You know, we go through the refiner's fire and it's really, really important that we go through the refiner's fire because as we go out and go through the refiner's fire, we will come out as pure gold. All the hay, all the straw, all the balsa wood of life, all the wood will get burnt off and we will come out as gold. We'll come out as pure gold. It's important that we go through the refiner's fire and when you look at the refiner's fire that reflects life's issues, that reflects so many issues in life we go through.
Speaker 1:And when you look at this text, it's quite profound, it's very prophetic and obviously it is because the Spirit of the Lord fell upon the son of Obed and he gave a very powerful prophetic word to the nation. And when he delivered this word word, he also gave some encouragement well, not some, but a terrific amount of encouragement when he told them about the nation's destiny. If they as a nation, if you don't seek god, you're in trouble. But then he said in in verse 7 he brings it to the humanity side of things, he brings it to the human fence, he brings it to my understanding and your understanding. So when we look at verse 6 and we'll go through to verse 7 of 2 chronicles, chapter 15 it says one nation was being crushed by another. This is happening at this moment in time, one city by another, but god was troubling them with every kind of distress. That's quite a harrowing text, verse 7 of 2 Chronicles, chapter 15.
Speaker 1:But as for you. Now we are talking to the human being. Now we are talking to the Israelites. Now we are talking to the Bible-believing believer. Now we are talking to the blood-washed, the sanctified, the child of the living God. Now we are talking to the Christian. God is talking to the, to the christian god is talking to the christians tonight. He's speaking to you as as he is uh, as he is your father. He is speaking to you tonight as you are the son and you are the daughter and he loves you absolutely unconditional. This scripture, verse 7, is so powerful and so needed and so very reflective for all of our lives at this moment, for you and for me. But as for you, he directs it be strong. I want to encourage you tonight to be strong. Well, how can I be strong? I get spiritual growth, I get strength when I'm in the Word of God, when I'm resting in the Scripture, when I'm trusting in the Word.
Speaker 1:Isn't it very difficult to trust the living Word of God in certain times of your life, when it's really bad? It can be difficult sometimes to get in the Word and to pull out the Word of God when everything in the sun is out and it's all shining and everything looks polished and clean and wonderful and life is okay. It seems to be easier to follow and it's all shining and everything looks polished and clean and wonderful and life is okay. Excuse me, it seems to be easier to follow Christ. But when there's trouble at the door, sometimes fear comes in, emotions come in. Excuse me, the adrenaline comes in and it shakes us around a lot.
Speaker 1:We've got to be careful that we don't go into the adrenaline rush of just surviving. Excuse me, but what we've got to do is we've got to go into the word of faith. You know, the scripture says faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of God. So it's really important for me, as a Bible-believing believer, to be laced, to be in, to be resting in, to be walking in, to be standing in the living word of God, because it is the word of God that is my strength, it is my shield, it is my rampart, it is everything that I require to get through life. And in verse 7, it says but as for you, be strong and do not give up. I love that scripture. So if anyone has ever wondered why does Ben keep saying never give up, never give up.
Speaker 1:It comes from the book of 2 Chronicles, chapter 15, verse 7. Do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. Now we've got to be very careful of how we analyze, how we depict, how we unpack, how we look at that word rewarded. Oh, okay, hang on a minute. So God is going to reward me? Well, no, actually it's not, because the Bible says it's not by works, that no one can boast. So it's not by works what this is referring to.
Speaker 1:As that New Testament writer writes I will finish the race. I will accomplish this journey. I will get the prize. I will get the crown at the end of life. I will get the prize. I will get the crown at the end of life. I will get that.
Speaker 1:It's about an enduring walk with Christ Jesus. We keep going and we keep going and we keep going. You know, even when the lights have gone off, even when you can't see any further in front of your eyes, even when we're analyzing our lives, analyzing the past, analyzing every situation, analyze in the past, analyze in every situation, we keep going, we keep going and we never, ever give up. You know, look what Stuart's just put online Galatians 6, verse 9, let's not be weary in doing good, for we will reap in due season if we don't give up Now. What it's referring to is something very powerful, and it's not the prosperity gospel, it is not the five grand, the ten grand, it is not the Mercedes, it is not the five-bedroom house, it is not the acres of land that the prosperity gospel tries to put over to us. What it's referring to is when we get called home to glory, I'm going to prepare a place for you. Jesus says. He's gone to prepare a place for us. When we finish this race, this race of life, we want God to say to us well done, good and faithful servant, and it says in verse 7 of 2 Chronicles, chapter 15, but as for you, be strong and do not give up. So, so important. I want to encourage you tonight.
Speaker 1:Whatever you face, whatever you're looking at, however you are feeling, do you feel really tired? Are you exhausted of life? Are you giving life everything? And you're running around. You're chasing this, we're chasing that, we're trying to spin all the plates under the sun. We're trying to balance life under the sun. We're trying to balance life.
Speaker 1:Maybe it's time. Maybe it's time to look within, look around us and say do you know what, what needs to be removed, what, what can be taken away? Am I wasting my time spinning that plate when actually that's exhausting, that is draining, that situation is taking all my time. A, b and c and d of life. It's time to really seek God. It's really time to seek him and say Lord, what do you want for me? Where do you want me to be, lord, what is the plan for your life at me at this particular moment? And we don't look at age, we don't look at the culture we come from, we don't look at our ethnicity, we don't look at any criteria that the world looks at. We look at what God says to us and what does God say? And who are we? In Christ Jesus, the Bible says that you are blessed and highly favoured, you are wonderfully and you are fearfully made and you are a child of the living God, you are a son and you are a daughter. It might be tough at this moment in time, but a new season is coming. A new season is coming.
Speaker 1:Keep going through Psalm 23, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. We repeat ourselves a lot and I repeat myself a lot here. It is a shadow of, if you was to read Psalm 23,. Even though I walk through, I am walking through. It is a shadow of, it is a type of, but it can't take me out, because god is in full charge of my life and when I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff. They comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup runneth over. Do you realize this evening that your cup is running over? Do you realize that god has prepared a table, a banqueting table, right in the middle of the battlefield of life, where you will pause, where you will rest and you will get refueled, you will get replenished? Do you realize that there is a table waiting for you in the most hardest place of your life, a place of refreshing? What does it say?
Speaker 1:The Bible is very clear. It says man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. So we don't live by bread alone, we don't live by the natural element of life. We don't live by bread and steak. We don't live by McDonald's. We don't live by the food that is in front of us. We live, firstly, spiritually. That is the most critical thing If you look at fasting and prayer, if you look at those key elements and you understand how fasting and prayer works, how far you can go with fasting and prayer.
Speaker 1:But you know there are many of us when we get stressed and we get tired and we get weary, there's nothing like comfort eating. You know dropping into the fridge at night. You know putting your late night teeth in and chomping through all the chocolate, all the cakes, all the goodies that are in the fridge and then, when you've done it, you sit there all bloated out and you think I wish I'd never done that. I'm never doing that again, lord. I'm never, ever going to do that again. You know we do a lot of comfort eating. We know what we're talking about. Come on, all those that are in the world of podcasting online. We do this. You know we're binge eating.
Speaker 1:We're brought up in a culture where you can have anything when you want it. However, you want it when you want it and you can have it now. You know there's food everywhere, there's all this stuff everywhere and you know the food. It tries to mask over the stresses that are going on in life. You know the chocolate addiction, the, the sugar addiction, the sugar rush and all that sort of stuff, the spike in the bloodstream and and everything like that.
Speaker 1:But I honestly believe that god has a great plan for you. I honestly believe tonight is the breakthrough, that this is the moment, this is the hour. The promised land is is, look, is in, in our distance. You know, sometimes we get brain fog, sometimes we get confusion, sometimes we got all the plates, plates spinning in front of us and we can't see the promised land because we're not actually looking forward. Excuse me, we are looking around, looking to the left and the right, backwards to the floor. We're looking up to the sky, to the left and the right, backwards to the floor. We're looking up to the sky, to the left, to the right and we're not actually focused on what is in front of us. And I really believe in Hebrews 12, verse 2, keep your eyes on Jesus, keep your eyes on Jesus. We're going to turn.
Speaker 1:I'm just going to quickly have a glug of water, but let's turn to the book of Joshua. Tonight. Let's go to the book of Joshua. Tonight. Let's go to the book of Joshua, and we're going to go to Joshua, chapter 1. Let's quickly accelerate and get ourselves to Joshua. But before I actually get to Joshua, I just want to repeat this scripture reading that I've got in front of me.
Speaker 1:You take yourselves to Joshua, chapter 1, and we'll see what it says there. And it says but, as for you, be strong and do not give up. Let that bounce around in your heart tonight, let that bounce around in your ear gate, your eye gate, let that just flood you tonight. Whatever you are doing in life, don't give up. Don't give in and keep pressing. Let's just read it one more time.
Speaker 1:As you're in Joshua, you're ready to go, joshua, chapter 1, but as for you, it's really personal. It's really really personal. But as for you, this is the prophet giving the word of God to the children of the living God, and this is God's word speaking to me and God's word speaking to you. God's word is speaking to you and God's word is speaking to me. But, as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. Now, joshua, that beautiful book of Joshua, that encouraging book, that powerful book that is full, full of fighting language that's full of scenarios and real life situations. You'll have to excuse the rustle of pages. You know this is just completely live. This is not edited in any way, shape or form. So you'll hear me drinking, you'll hear me coughing, you'll hear me sneezing and you'll hear all the bells and whistles. This is just straight out of the barrel of truth.
Speaker 1:So when we go to Joshua, chapter one, one, a very clear commandment is given in verse six, three times, but also there's a fourth time that it's mentioned at the, at the end of chapter one. He says to joshua, chapter one, verse six be strong and courageous. I want to tell you tonight, brother and sister, wherever you are, be strong and courageous. Whatever you are looking at in life, be strong and courageous. Remember what, uh, what chronicles was saying tonight. As for you, be strong and don't give up.
Speaker 1:Whatever we face as the body of christ, as believers together, the corporate body, you know that the, the body, the real body of christ, as believers together, the corporate body. You know that the body, the real body of christ, whatever we face as christians, within the christianity and as we understand it, as the church of jesus christ, the church of acts. Chapter 2 the spirit filled, bible believing believers church, the real church of jesus christ. You know, I believe that we are locking shields of faith together. I believe that we are locking, uh the the word of god together. I believe that we are locking shields of faith together. I believe that we are locking the word of God together. I believe that we are walking the same journey. I believe that God has you and God has me. I believe that we're all.
Speaker 1:The destination that is before every one of us tonight is the cross of Calvary and I believe, if you've got people in your life that are wounded on the battlefield of life, identify those, those warriors that have taken a bullet from the world, and pick them up and carrying them and get them to the cross of calvary, because there's many people that are wounded, that are finding it difficult to walk straight. You know, on the battlefield of life, when the rain is pouring down, when the bullets are coming from the enemy, when the enemy is firing into the sky, when the enemy has got that missile focused on you, when you feel that you're on the battlefield and there is no one around and you've taken a few hits to the left and the right, you know you feel like you've collapsed in just in the mainstream of life. Brother and sister, look out for the warriors on the wasteland of life and the believers that are around you that might be wounded, and put your arm around them and carry them. And we need to carry each other to the cross of Calvary, pray for one another, carry one another. We are living in the last days. We are living in the last moments, the return of Christ. We are living in really powerful times and God is coming back for you. God is coming back for me. Your name is stamped in the Lamb's book of life.
Speaker 1:But as you look in life at this moment, the Bible says be strong and courageous. Then, if we drop down to verse 7, be strong and very courageous. If we drop down to verse 9 for the third time, it says have I not commanded you? God is commanding, god is expecting. God is saying God is telling us in the New Testament when he says mark this, when Jesus says, mark this, it is a commandment, it is a must do, it has to do, it has to happen and it should happen. So when you look at this scripture, what God is saying to Joshua? So the first time we read it is in verse 6. For the first time, verse 6, be strong and courageous. The second time is verse 7, be strong and very courageous. The two go together. Be strong and courageous, be very strong and courageous and very courageous.
Speaker 1:Sorry, then it drops down to the third point in verse 9. Have I not commanded you Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be discouraged. It says for the Lord, thy God, will be with you wherever you go, wherever you are tonight, whatever your time is in the world, that you walk in, wherever you are on this beautiful earth that God brought into being through the power of his voice. And God said let there be. And there was. Wherever you are, whatever your time zone is, I pray for every one of you tonight in the mighty name of Jesus. You never give up and you never give in and you push, and you push and you push. And it says in verse 9 have I not commanded you be strong and courageous, do not be terrified nor be discouraged, for the lord, thy god, will be with you wherever you go. And in in the back end of that text.
Speaker 1:If we look at the back end of the text of joshua, chapter 1 excuse the ruffle of the pages as we look here, and he says at the at the end, the very end of chapter one, he says only be strong and courageous. God wants you and he wants to remind you tonight be strong, be courageous and never give up really important areas, very important times that we live. And very important that we look at these scriptures and we encourage one another, we strengthen one another, we pray for one another. Denomination is irrelevant right now. Within the UK, I would even say within the West, denominations are irrelevant really. What's really needed is that we identify, excuse me, brothers and sisters that are of faith and we encourage one another and we nurture one another and we pray for one another and we bring one another along in faith.
Speaker 1:If you see someone wounded on the battlefield of life, pray for them, carry them and help them get back up on their feet. I actually don't know what's happening with my throat tonight, so you'll have to forgive me. It feels like it's actually giving out, but, lord, give me strength to keep going for a bit longer. So it's important to me that I encourage, it's important for me that I encourage you and it's important that you encourage me and we encourage the body of Christ. So where you've got brothers and sisters. Now is the moment of realizing it's where you've got brothers and sisters. Now is the moment of realizing it's not the church that I go to, it's not the denomination that I'm under. It's because I'm under the scripture, I'm under the power of God, I'm under the power of the word, I'm in the word, I'm trusting in the word. I'm not looking at the bricks and the mortar of the church, I'm actually looking to Christ. And if you was to turn, maybe Stuart could put this up. We put this up a few times before.
Speaker 1:If we look at Hebrews, chapter 12, verse 2, keep your eyes, keep your eyes on Jesus. He's the king. He's that Jehovah Jireh, he's the Jehovah Nissi. He's the king. He's that Jehovah Jireh. He's the Jehovah Nissi, he's the Jehovah Shalom. He is, he is the one and only he is the bright morning star, he is the lily of the valley, he is the one that was been and has been given the name Emmanuel. When you look at the power of that name, emmanuel, god with us, god is with you Wherever you are tonight. Never, ever give up what is going on in your life. Never give up and never give in.
Speaker 1:Seriously, we've really got to look at the scriptures like never before as believers, and come before our God and just say, father, we thank you that there is power in the living word of God and tonight, lord, I need your word in my life like never before. I need that honey on my lips. Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water, rivers. You know there is rivers living within you that are bursting. The banks of the word of God are bursting to come out. Tonight the word of God is bursting within you. You are loaded, you are filled, you are anointed, you are blessed, you are rich in Christ Jesus. You know you are a Bible believing believer. Before you was a church goer. You are a believer. You know you are blessed in every way and in every understanding. And wherever you are at this moment in time, just take a step back out of the busyness and the chaos of life and just draw a breath tonight and actually say I am a child of God, I am a Bible-believing believer, I am blood-washed. I am a Bible-believing believer, I am blood-washed. I am what the scripture is referring to. I am this person. You know. Maybe you feel like Gideon tonight If you think about Gideon, the story of Gideon as he was treading the winepress and it was all upside down inside out and he was using something that wasn't fit for purpose.
Speaker 1:But that's what he had to do because he was on the run and he was hiding from many tribes and the angel of the Lord came down to him and it was really interesting what the angel of the Lord said to him. He said, warrior, hang on a minute. Gideon's going. What are you talking about, mighty warrior? I ain't a warrior. I'm hiding from the enemy. I'm hiding from the enemy. I'm trying to keep my neck out of the way of trouble. I'm trying to keep my head down. I'm just doing this in this winepress. I'm just trying to tread these grapes. I'm just trying to sort this out and you're calling me mighty warrior. I am the weakest, I am the least in my clan. But what are you saying to me?
Speaker 1:What I'm referring to tonight is that, whatever you're looking at, that seems to be insurmountable, whatever seems to be impossible, whatever seems to be unachievable, whatever seems to be, there's no door in that concrete wall. Well, actually, let's remind ourselves who we serve. The God that we serve created the heavens and the earth. The God that we serve knitted you together in your mother's womb. The God that you serve doesn't need the ability of man to bring you into this world. God had a plan for you before your mother and father were even in existence. You are here because God brought you here. You are on this earth because God wanted you on this earth. You are walking this earth because God placed you in your culture, your surrounding, your environment. You are here because he wants you here and there is a purpose for your life. There is a purpose for why you're walking this world. There is a purpose and so often we get so inward focused, so insular.
Speaker 1:We get so inward focused and we think what is the point of living? What is the point of work? What is the point? What is the point, what is the points? What is all this about? When we look at the wires, we won't come up with any answer, because his ways are higher than our ways. But these encouraging scriptures tonight are really important for you, wherever you are across the earth. Be encouraged tonight, be strengthened tonight, be blessed tonight that the power of the word of God is within you and you are fully charged, you are fully loaded with the living word of God and out of your belly show flow rivers of living water. And wherever you are, just remember who your redeemer is, just remember who your king is, just remember who is in charge of you. You are here because of his unconditional love. You are here before the fabric of the world was was exploded into being through the power of his voice. And when we look at these scriptures so we've been in the book of joshua, chapter one god is telling joshua and god is telling you and telling me tonight be strong and courageous. Then he goes on he says be strong and very courageous. Then he goes on again for the third time. He he says be strong and courageous. Then at the back end of that chapter one, he says be strong and courageous.
Speaker 1:There's four points in the book of Joshua, chapter one, where God is encouraging Joshua. Why did he need to encourage Joshua? God was quite blunt to Joshua. At the front end of that text he says now. Then my servant Moses is dead. Now we've got to remind ourselves that the history that we walk with is finished.
Speaker 1:Why are we trying to bring up our history? It is time now to box everything up that is in history and leave it in history. Just leave it, lay it down. There are new beginnings, there are new hopes, there is a new destination for you. Tonight, there is a new beginning for everyone that is capturing my voice online tonight, because God wants you to be strong and God wants you to be encouraged. God wants to open that door of opportunity, but it's going to take so much faith for every one of us, myself included, to say Lord, I'm about to see breakthrough, lord, I'm about to see change. But let's not live our lives in the history and we are so clever, we are so used to bringing history to the present, living with the present and making the history our future.
Speaker 1:When, right now, myself and you and whoever's with us at this moment whether it's through podcasting that's listed on apple play and all them other connecting points that we've got are on this live stream broadcast, we've been coming to the cross in the in just a few moments, and I want to take us back to the book of um chronicles. I want to take us back to the book of chronicles, chapter 15, and it's really, really important that I get this scripture out again to you and to me Verse 7 of chapter 15 of 2 Chronicles. And it says to all of those in Judea and to the tribes of Benjamin. Now it becomes personal. God is speaking personal. He gave the word over. He gave the word over to the nation. He gave the word over to everyone within the nation, to the leaders and he was directing it to the leaders. This prophet, this prophet where the spirit of the Lord fell upon him and he prophesied to the nation. But then he looks at the individual and I really believe God is looking at your heart tonight. God is looking within you. Tonight God is looking to encourage you in your life, in your every area of your life. And this is for me and this is for you. This is for you and this is for me, this is for all of us tonight, under the sound of my voice, which is just repeating the word of God. This is what God says about us. But as for you, be strong and do not give up.
Speaker 1:People have often said to me why do you keep saying don't give up? Because it is scripture. It is extremely important that we don't allow the negativity of the world, of situations, to pull us back and hold us in the traps. You know, the door is open. We are about to run. You know, keep moving, keep moving, keep moving. Don't look back.
Speaker 1:The Bible says that the one that puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of the kingdom of God. So we've got to keep pressing forward. It's really important that, whatever we see that's in our lives, if it's insurmountable, don't worry about it. If it looks impossible, don't worry about it. If it looks like it's never going to come around, don't worry about it, because it's part of God's plan. But what he's doing is strengthening us as we go by faith.
Speaker 1:So in the book of Joshua, chapter one, we read that very clear in the scripture be strong and courageous, be very strong and courageous, be strong and courageous. Then in the end it says at the last part of that text chapter 1, be strong and courageous. Four times it mentions that. And this is for you and this is for me, for me and you tonight be strong and courageous, verse 7. Again, I'm going to repeat myself as we come to the table, as we come to the passover table. Last time I'll read this tonight verse 7 of chapter 15 of two chronicles within the old scripture, the old testament.
Speaker 1:But as for you, be strong and do not give up for your reward or your work will be rewarded.
Speaker 1:Father, we thank you for you, for your word. Your word is power. Your word is like dynamite, lord. Your word, father, god, is like rivers of living water. And as we come before you as children of the living God, as we stand on the edge of new beginnings, lord, I pray for those that are standing in the wasteland of life, for those, father, that have got brain fog, mind fog, those that just feel tired, that those that are just running around doing everything, lord. I pray, lord, that you'll give us energy. I pray that you'll give us the strength to keep going, lord, and we will never give up. So tonight, lord, I pray that we will be encouragers of the word of God and, lord, that we will encourage each other, never give up and never give in.
Speaker 1:And as we come to the Passover table tonight, Lord, father, we remember that Christ was given as the atoning sacrifice, the sacrifice, the son of God, the son of the living God. His life was given as a ransom for me and for you. There is redemption, there is hope, there is power, there is glory, there is anointing in the living word of God and there is hope and there are new beginnings. So there is a new door. There is a new door and we never see the door until it's almost too late. God keeps that door hidden until we go.
Speaker 1:Lord, can you help me? Suddenly, a door appears. Suddenly, as the scripture says, according to the word of God, he gives us an escape route, he makes a way where there seems to be no way. And suddenly you think how did I ever get through this situation? What in the world happened to me at that point?
Speaker 1:Because the human mind, the processing of thinking, the way that we live our lives, we look at these problems that can be insurmountable, almost impossible to deal with as the human being. And we think as a human being and rather than me not thinking as a believer, thinking, do you know what? I serve? A god that calls the things that are not as though they are. I serve a god that calls the things that are not as though they are. And that is coming from the book of genesis. And god said let there be light. And there was. There was no light. There was no definition of light, there was no molecules of light. There was. There was no light. There was no definition of light, there was no molecules of light, there was no physical answer, there was no quantum physics in the way of explaining how this came into being, because God just says let there be.
Speaker 1:And that same God that said let there be light. And there was said to Joshua and saying to you and to me tonight be strong and courageous, be strong and very courageous, don't give up and don't give in. That same God that anointed the prophet in 2 Chronicles, chapter 15, verse 6 and 7, and the prophet was saying to the children of the living god, and he's saying that to me and to you tonight be strong and don't give up, don't give up. So, father, we thank you that the, the bread of life is jesus christ and you are the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the father except through ye.
Speaker 1:So, lord, tonight, lord, as we come to the cross of Calvary, as we stand, father, on the eve of a new beginning, we believe the promised land is in touching distance. Lord, the promises are yes and amen. The promises is before us, lord, the promises are right, before our very eyes. And tonight, lord, we believe in the word of God. So tonight, lord, I say thank you for the cross of Calvary, I say thank you for the word of God. I thank you for everybody online, father, through Audible, through Visual, for, however, they're capturing this broadcast across the earth.
Speaker 1:I pray, lord, that the power of God will be like rain in their heart tonight, that they will feel your very presence, that their sleep will be sweet, that tonight, that they will feel your very presence, that their sleep will be sweet, that they will sleep so well tonight, lord, that father their rest, that they will wake in the morning. They will wake up and they will feel the power of God in their bones, they will feel the power of God in their lives. They will feel that there is change, that the situation is changing, that it's getting better, that there is breakthrough. But, lord, we understand that it takes endurance better, that there is breakthrough. But, lord, we understand that it takes endurance, it takes faith, it takes that trust. I really believe God is telling me and telling you, telling you and telling me trust him, trust him, trust God. We've got to trust him. All things work together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Speaker 1:Bless this bread right now. Lord. Thank you for this bread that symbolizes the body of Christ. Bless us from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet. Let anointing overflow. Let your word overflow. Let peace overflow. We thank you for victory.
Speaker 1:I think sometimes we need to say thank you for the victory even when we're not sure of what we're saying the victory is for. Why do you say it like that? Because it sounds a little bit odd. What I'm saying is give God the glory for what he has done, but also give God the glory for things that he hasn't done that are coming into being. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. So, lord, I thank you for the victory that is on its way. I thank you for the miracle that's on its way. I thank you for your presence that is here and now, right now.
Speaker 1:Bless this bread one more time, father. Come on, jesus. Do your great work on us In Jesus' name, amen. There is power beyond human understanding, and that power is in the word of God, and that word of God is in every one of you tonight. That word of God is sitting in your innermost being. That word of God is sitting in your heart like fire. That word of God, that word of God is sitting in your heart like fire, that word of God. That word of God is like rivers of living water, according to the word of God, that word is like dynamite. That word is so powerful that no demons can hold back. Demons run at the name of Jesus. The world moves at the name of Jesus. Situations change when we speak the glory and the power of the living word of God over, and it changes us as well.
Speaker 1:So, father, tonight we thank you for this cup that symbolizes the blood of Jesus. And, lord, we thank you that we are cleansed from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet. Lord, I thank you that you've kept my voice strong tonight, lord. I thank you, father, that you've blessed everybody on the broadcast, that, everybody on this podcast, wherever they are across this beautiful globe that you spoke into being. We thank you, lord, for the trees, we thank you for nature, we thank you for humanity, we thank you for everything in our lives. We thank you and we bless you tonight, lord.
Speaker 1:Father, we see you, father, in nature. We see you, father, in the flowers of the field. We see you, father, in the fish. We see your creation through the sun in the sky. We see the power of God through the clouds, through the rain, through the snow. We see you through the power of the Lord as we look into the universe, as we gaze into the heavens above and we look at the stars and the planets, and we look at the moon and we look at the stars and the planets, and we look at the moon and we look at the sun and we see the glory and the power and the anointing and the love of God through the heavens display of your glory. And tonight, lord, we thank you that that glory is on everyone. Tonight, lord, your power is on everyone, your love is on everyone. Spirit of the living God, will you have your way in our lives tonight? But, lord, I believe the promised land is in.
Speaker 1:As that old hymn says, there is power. In the blood of Jesus, there is life. The scripture says in Genesis there is life in the blood, life in the blood. There is hope in the blood. There are answers in the blood, there is promises in the blood. There is hope in the blood. There is redemption in the blood. You know you are blood washed, you are a child of the living god and the word of god is is living deep in your innermost being, and the god that is living in your innermost being is the god of this universe, the god of israel, the god of isaac, jacob, abraham. He's the god that said let there be and there was. And he's in your heart and he's in your life and he's walking with you. He's the God that said let there be and there was. And he's in your heart and he's in your life and he's walking with you. He's the one that sent the angels to close the mouth of the lions in Daniel's den. He's the fourth one in Meshach Shamrach and Abednego's walk of fire. He's the one that went to the cross of Calvary walk of fire. He's the one that went to the cross of Calvary.
Speaker 1:When you think theologically at the cross of Calvary, when you think through theological understandings sorry, I'm just pausing and thinking about so much at this moment in time when you think through theological understandings that christ is god, god is christ. So god sent his son that is also him to the cross of calvary. So when you look at this, this great god that we serve, and the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, coloss Colossians, chapter 1, 15. Christ is the image of the invisible God. So God gave his life, but actually God gave his son, but the son is the image of the invisible God and Christ is the image of this invisible God and Christ is the living word of God and Christ is in 1 John, chapter 1, verse 1.
Speaker 1:In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. So when you look at these scriptures, god gave his son and the son is God, the son of God and God. God has given us everything. You are blessed and highly favoured. We're out of here tonight. Let's scarper, let's get out of here. In the name of Jesus, I thank you so much for your life. I thank you for whoever you are and wherever you are, and as that scripture says in 2 Chronicles 15, roundabout, verse 7, but as for you, be strong and never give up. Never give up, keep moving, keep moving forward. Trust him, live by faith and we will see you soon. My voice has just about made it. Take care, stay in the living word of God and God bless every one of you thank you for listening to Ealing Church on this latest podcast.
Speaker 2:You can find us on Buzzsprout, spotify, apple Music, iheartradio, google Play, alexa, mixcloud, facebook, instagram and YouTube. Thank you.