Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

Simon Pinchbeck - Taking back your half acre

June 22, 2024 Reverend Ben Cooper / Simon Pinchbeck Season 8 Episode 6
Simon Pinchbeck - Taking back your half acre
Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
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Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
Simon Pinchbeck - Taking back your half acre
Jun 22, 2024 Season 8 Episode 6
Reverend Ben Cooper / Simon Pinchbeck

Reverend Ben Cooper & Simon Pinchbeck talk about taking back that half acre, about Jonathan - That is a very spiritual and a very powerful word to take back what the enemy is trying to steal. How the church is so laid back because of false teachings and false prophets. We don't know how to take anything back

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Show Notes Transcript

Reverend Ben Cooper & Simon Pinchbeck talk about taking back that half acre, about Jonathan - That is a very spiritual and a very powerful word to take back what the enemy is trying to steal. How the church is so laid back because of false teachings and false prophets. We don't know how to take anything back

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Reverend Ben Cooper:

Thank you for listening to Eliim church on this latest podcast. You can find us on buzzsprout Spotify, Apple Music iHeartRadio Google Play Alexa mixcloud, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Good afternoon and welcome. Thank you for joining us here at Elim church as the intro just said, we are going to be talking with our good friend and our brother Simon Pinchbeck has come all the way from wherever he's come from this afternoon. And we thank God for His life, we praise God for him and his family. You know, I'm just trying to get this out sensible. And the Lord is with you wherever you are. And we are in a really interesting subject. But let's just say hello to our friend.

Simon Pinchbeck:

It's currently back Ben and I feel like you know, a summer Swami really

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you are you got a citizenship. You own a trolley that cost me much, nothing a pound a pound, cuz that's all they cost in it, put your pound in your shopping trolley, when you become a citizen, a swanley that you get a shopping trolley, and a 60 inch screen TV.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, we got the back door, out the back door. Everything's under the table is every example.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Everything is under the table, you combine discussing, you can buy anything, anyone want a little under the table can help you out sound at the table. It's under the title, how the devil works, see past events under the table. It's good to have you, brother,

Simon Pinchbeck:

we're gonna be back and you know, #Christian Straight Talk. That's where that's where we're about. That's what we're about. And that's what we're gonna be talking about today. We're just going to be straight talking. It's going to be today is going to be a real encouragement to some people. If you've got ears to hear, then then you know, hear this because it's going to be this is a great encouraging message. Yeah, but for every believer out there, you know, even if you're just on the edge isn't encouraging. Yeah, it's been you know, we've been entitled who you are in Christ and, and a secondary title is taking back your half acre, which we'll explain as we go go through them. But today, we're speaking to everyone out there but especially those people who feel they're been up against it, but you know, feel they've been really in the arena in the room

Reverend Ben Cooper:

waking up tired, waking up exhausted, as you just so rightly said,#Christian straight talk, we have to speak straight and clear, not glossing anything up because of what one of the denominations has done yesterday, what they've agreed to what they've partnered with is a lie. There is false teachings. And now we need to hear biblical truths.

Simon Pinchbeck:

We just need to hear him Bennett and you know,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

tell me tell me the truth. Because we are spun a yarn all day long. Our friend, Mr. cupboard, Hancock, very clearly delivers a lovely message to us. You can't go and see your family. You can't go and say goodbye to your mom who's dying in hospital, but I'll be in the cupboard with my friend, the role have gone out the window. umbrella, we shouldn't be surprised because the code is the moral code so wet for the floor. And so what we need government what we need Well, what actually what we need church, what we need pastors and bishops is the truth.

Simon Pinchbeck:

When they the Word of God, we stand on the Bible,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

we need the word we need truth, we need fundamental truth from the Word of God when he pastors and leaders, and we need these denominational leaders to stand up for what the Word of God is about. So when you talk about taking back that halfacre, about Jonathan, and what we're gonna dive into in a moment, that is a very spiritual and a very powerful word to take back what the enemy is trying to steal. But the church is so laid back because of not sound doctrine because of false teachings and false prophets. We don't know how to take anything back.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Oh, that there's so there's so mixed in with the world, the majority of the church. Yeah, and, and, and people will go into church and, and they'll, they'll be depressed and they'll be addicts. And they'll be and they'll feel like anyone can get out of their seats, they feel that the city has sucked him in and are watching the TV all day long, and all that sort of stuff. And I won't find any help now,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

because there's no been no spiritual push of the Word of God is not how can we say that the church is the Church of Jesus Christ in this nation? Yes, I know that many people listen to this and going well I know our church is doing this and that but it's no good doing a social justice is it preaching the Word of God? The blood of Jesus repentant preaching,

Simon Pinchbeck:

is it preaching the word and and and here's the thing you know, we're talking here a little bit of tough love because we could we can talk about your situation. Yeah. And you know, really is broken us all out by We could talk and talk and talk, all we do is circle around and you'd end up being in the same place. We today, we got to let people know who they are in Christ.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Exactly. And we got to let people know that there is a consequence for living against the Word of God. But with repentance and a garden of Gethsemane, and you've said something at the beginning of this, Simon, who you are in Christ, people don't know who they are, because the word hasn't been preached, as it should have done. So. They just, they're just falling into what the world is doing. So we got to, we have got to get the message out as the body of Christ as the preachers and the teachers, the men or the women, whoever we are, that are Bible believers week, the truth has to come through, you will know the truth and it's true for sex for you

Simon Pinchbeck:

out there, you know, you might think, and it becomes your identity, if you if you believe that you're an addict, if you believe that, yeah, that you're in depression, if you believe that, that God is not going to do anything for you, if you believe you're not good enough, you know, and you keep circling around this. But we can say this, we can say God says Your mighty warrior for his kingdom, a man is a deal. And I asked this question to a group of men on Friday night, you know, I've, I'm speaking to anyone out there is listening to this. wherever you are. Have you ever taken time to ask God what he thinks of you?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

What do you think of me?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah. Have you ever taken time? To say that? Have you ever taken time? Just to spend a couple of minutes? sight early spirit? What does God think? I mean, who am I? What is what do you think law? and Excel is? What do you call me? Because I will absolutely bet any fee you want on this. I'll help her pay your mortgage on expense. Anything you want. God's not going to turn around and go, Oh, you're my useless piece of rubbish. Yeah, whenever for anything was gonna become a view when we made, it's not gonna say that, if you hear in that is from the devil is from the enemy.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Or it's from religious people, or from your family, or from the school teachers, or it's from the politicians, or it's from the system, or it's from someone that is not of Christ, because even if you are walking with a brother or sister that is really spirit filled. They're not going to call you that. But a lot of people in the context of church and religion just look at you. And the way they look at you, they put you down. Yes, exactly. So they look tells you a lot. The system, the way it looks at you tells you a lot. But when Christ looks at us, he says that's my daughter, and that's my son. That's my son. That's my son.

Simon Pinchbeck:

My son may say this, he may say, but you need to trust me a bit more. Yeah, you need to give me more control. You know, you need to drop that stuff you're getting involved with Yeah, but you're my son, you my daughter, you know your mom, your mama a lot worse. Yeah, he's gonna say that,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

because when we look at it, it says, For God so loved the world. For God so loved the world. His love is unconditional. While I was sinning while I was a sinner, the scripture says he still chose to save us. That is the love that is undescribable as far as I can. And now we understand Agha pay love and the different meanings of love in the Word of God, but for a human being tried to explain how God looks at us, and he doesn't see what the world sees. Doesn't say what the world sees. He doesn't see that. Look at the protocol. Son story. Yeah. When the sun was coming back dripping in pig stuff, drip it in. You know, I mean, the father's arms are open. That's my son.

Simon Pinchbeck:

See, whatever you you're in whatever you think of yourself. Yeah, that's your circumstances. And that's your situation, but it's not what God sees. Not the future for you. No, no, that's right. And believe me, we can choose either. Yeah. To sit in our situation. Sit in our circumstances, have a pity party. Or we can go No, no, no, I'm gonna get up. I'm gonna have a go. I've had enough of this. I have had enough.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I'm a child, a living God. I'm a charter living God. God says I'm a warrior. I'm getting up. I don't know how I'm gonna do it. But I'm getting up. I'm not gonna ever go. I don't know how I'm gonna do it. But he's gonna do it. Yeah.

Simon Pinchbeck:

You said it there. When you come to the end, do yourself. God's got to me,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

but I am a son or I'm a daughter. I don't know how I'm going to get out of this. But he will get me out of the will get me out of this in Acts. In the book of Acts we read about we read Peter that was locked down in prison, locked down for squads for soldiers. A mass amount of people have locked him down. But an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared Got these moving suddenly now he's always has but what I'm referring to is that we might be chained down, we might be locked down. You talk about Paul and Silas as well in the book of Acts, they was locked down there was chained down. You know what, when they started singing Paul and Silas, when you start singing and worshiping the God of Israel, what happens is that I may just for an instance, as I lift up his name, I start to worship Him. And as I worship Him, the chains of everything else fall off.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And it's a great point. It's a great point you might because because here's the deal, you know, we are now in that our Ben, we're in the our praise, and we're in an hour and if you choose to rise out, you're going to get God's attention.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

The only way you can rise up is by adoring him and worshiping and praising

Simon Pinchbeck:

you made a great another great point there because you're going to bring his name the glory, not yours. No, not yours. Not Not this ministry, not anything. You're going to bring God's name across.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. And off the top of my head. I'm pretty sure that Paul and Silas it says that they they prayed and they sang hymns to God, and they praised his holiness. When you praise His holiness and you realize who he is, and who you are in Christ Jesus, you take your focus off of your chains, you take your focus on your off your lockdown, you take your focus off your enemy around you. And what's interesting, they was in lockdown. Okay, so they can lift their hands. So what am I gonna lift? I'm gonna lift my heart. Yeah, when you lift your heart, see the church, the religious viewpoint, the religious organization is doing what it's lifting its hands. So you can do an external move out there lifting the hands, I love Jesus. But what God says is what no one else sees is, are you lifting your heart?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Are you truly you truly lifted me up? Are you truly putting me first? You know, and Are you truly taking back your half acre? Which we're gonna come on to? Yeah, quickly. But ladies and gentlemen out there, you know, the battle may seem impossible. Yeah. And you may think, well, what difference can you know? Can my life Mike, you know, that's right, Simon, but but when it be sad, yeah, you know, when you eventually get to heaven, and the Lord goes, gives you a vision of what your life could have been if you'd adjusted and stood up. That could have been

Reverend Ben Cooper:

give him a shout at the name of Jesus, I'm not going to have it anymore. at the name of Jesus, I'm going to praise you for the lockdown for this pressure for this trouble. I'm not going to look at my enemy. I'm going to praise you. And as I praise you, I will start to take back everything that the enemy has stolen. Amen. Amen to that, you know, it's not because I have the physical strength to do that. But my praises my praises as King josephat said to those in two Chronicles, I believe two Chronicles where he said, we're going to salt the Lord, we're going to we're going to seek Him we're going to find him through prayer and fasting. And then in the morning, it says King josephat said send the praises out. Before the army. There's power in praise, power and praise. And you'll take back your territory or take back that half an acre when you go I've had enough I've had enough I've had enough I've had enough

Simon Pinchbeck:

and what what does was he say in I've been in the you know, for this for the for the government of foot. Yeah.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

For the garment of heaviness. Put on a garment of praise. Is that what your garment price? Yeah, yes, that's so it works. So the heavier it gets, what do I do? I live in as the heavier it gets, the more Boris tightens the family screw, I lift my heart, the more the pressure comes on from peer groups, from social groups from strange ABC and dg groups that are doing what they want to do. What do I do is I don't look at the group, I look at the king, I lift my heart and I say, Come on, Lord. This does not line up with what my belief is. This denomination is not lining up with Scripture, but I'm going to produce my circumstance. I'm going to Frazier

Simon Pinchbeck:

because God's got amazing fans for you. Yeah. And you shine His glory through you and you'll get glory through you if you let it that way. That's right. I remember a story of a guy that went to heaven and the son Peter was given a tour and he went down a corridors with doors and, and one of the doors it was this fellow's name, he said, that's my that's got my name on it, Peter. And Peter said, yeah, it's got your name on it and sort of dismissed it a little bit. You said now I want to go in so peter out in the door and and there was rows and rows of brightly colored presence, you know, all wrapped up in the paper. And he said, Vanessa de so got my name on. These are for me, Peter. And Peter said, he said no, he said they weren't for you. They were they weren't for you. They were if you got yourself right with God praised him and let him work his glory for you. So there's no end is there. What now? I'm going to do with you.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So the world will lock me down. But the kingdom of God cannot be locked. So what do I do? And how do I go about taking back this territory? This half an acre that Jonathan exploit? What do I do? What a first spring? What do I do?

Simon Pinchbeck:

First? We you said it a minute ago and the first thing you got it often enough, yeah, you're not gonna you know, enemy, you know, dead, we're not gonna get them up by anymore. I've added with this depression, I've added with this addiction, I've owned it with is sitting around doing nothing. But enough,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and I think within that saying, I've had enough, the spiritual drive as well as Lord, I'm tired of me. I'm tired of me. I'm going to repent, because I'm not going to have this garment of heaviness, Lord, I'm not gonna, I'm not going to allow this addiction, I'm not going to allow this temptation to roll me because when it rolls me, it ruins my flesh, and it takes me away. But Lord, the Holy Spirit is bringing me conviction. So I've had enough. I'm taking back that territory that the enemy keeps trying to hold me away from and I'm going to go into glory because I want to be holy, as you are holy

Simon Pinchbeck:

right now. But so we just say a little prayer for the people across the world who may be listening to this, we just want to lift anyone in the sound of our voices or listen to this, wherever they're listening to it. On the rear, with earphones, where they're listening to it in the park bench or in their car, or wherever you're listening to, if your circumstances are holding you down. You just pray now that you know your praise the Lord and they'll give you the courage to say no, I've had enough and you you will raise yourself up you raise yourself up. Yeah, as David did. He encouraged himself in the Lord. He's got a raised himself up. And you watch out. And you'll take that off acre that we're gonna talk. I'm taking back territory. Take it back. I'm taking it back. You're back. You know, because we are the entire army. There's nothing there's no no one else. But it's all for us here. Or Yeah. Oh, everything. Everything's just gonna go, isn't it? No. So we, we have to stand out. So to stand out.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

In the in the way of state Let me think about is slowly standing up for Jesus will mean that I will go against a lot of denominations standing up for Jesus means I will go against the system standing up for Jesus, I might even go against members of my family standing up and might go against friends and people that I thought that were for me. So when someone stands up for Jesus, you become a target even more, even more so even more. So how do I strengthen myself Simon's already made the biblical reference about when David said, and God said, overtake your enemy. Yeah, overtake and take it back. But he's got a I've got a string for myself in a word of God,

Simon Pinchbeck:

you've got to strip yourself on a word of God but is the great deal that if you stand out, you don't have to do too much because it's gonna do it all for you know for you, if you put it for His glory. That's right. If your motivation is for you that you want me lines and all that nonsense, then I'm afraid ain't gonna go anywhere. It's gonna just gonna be like a damn squid firework. But if you gonna raise the name of the Lord and go, Lord, just let me fit into your plan. It will get God's attention and God will say, as my son says, Faith, as my daughter used, yes, God,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

about time someone is reacting to my word. Someone is willing to stand up for the biblical truth, someone is willing to stand up for sound doctrine. So when you stand up for sound doctrine, and put on a Garmin appraise and we're not talking about the name it and claim it and get your flag out and dance and do cartwheels and backflips. We're talking about here of pure repentance. Understanding that He is the God of Israel and say, Lord, I have fallen, I've made a mistake. But Lord, I'm going to praise you in my lockdown. And as I praise you, I'm going to stand up, and I'm not going to let the enemy keep trampling over me. I'm going to take back I'm going to take it back all the years that the locusts have eaten a bender.

Simon Pinchbeck:

We said in the last podcast in May when we were talking about blind bartimaeus Yeah, when he stood up and he dropped that garment and that sad smelly coat that garment fell off that garment fell stand up, come on, come on, hashtag Christian Straight Talk. Stand up, stand now. Yeah, stand up with a garment of praise. And if you want there's plenty of examples in the Bible. But you know, we've, we pick one today, which is, Jonathan who was Saul's son and soul was so in touch with a world he wasn't going anywhere. Things weren't happening for me. He just lost all the love of God even. And the Bible says in one, one Samuel 14, he said he was sitting under a Palmer grant was 600 men just yet you know what they were doing? But Jonathan said, Now I've had enough

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I can't do it no more tattoos anymore. And he didn't even speak to it. I didn't tell anybody. He was going on gone.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And he just said, he just said to his armor bearer, let's go. Let's go. Let's have a go. Let's see what we can do.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So this is really interesting. Because when you look at the amount of people that was around, King saw hundreds of men, hundreds, there's a man of warriors, fighters, they were sitting around, and then it takes one. It only takes one to change their own. Yeah, it just needs to go, yeah, I sit around with this no more. I ain't stand with a religious crowd. I'm not listening to this, I'm not gonna let that enemy over their brave over me and tell me at a live what, I'm not going to allow number 10 to lock me down. I'm not going to allow this world to tell me that I can't serve Jesus. I'm not going to allow the enemy that's telling me that I'm in lockdown your parochial movement. I'm taking back my ground

Simon Pinchbeck:

talking about my ground and solid he really become a coward at this stage because he wasn't believing in the Lord. And you know, he might he was just on a downhill. It was just in he was headed towards the witchcraft where he was, you know, that's that's where it's gone. But Jonathan got went. No. And he went, and he found that there was 20 Philistines. Yes. You know, up up in in like a rock face up high. up high. Yeah. So yet again, search him out. Yeah, to go and search him out. Yeah. And not only so he went out there with the armor bearer, and an engine or something, Ben. We've all need an arm of bearer. Yeah. We all need someone who's going to support us. Yeah. Because believe me, when you stand up, you're going to get the mockers,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you're going to get the mockers, you're going to get the backstabbers you're going to get them you're gonna get the religious guy get the nice, you're gonna get the nice say, you're gonna get those that you thought that you might be in your armor bearer. Yeah. But when the arrows start flying, hang on a minute, I'm going back on Netflix,

Simon Pinchbeck:

I try and dissuade you from what you're doing, you know. And I have to say, You are now across the mice that, that you really are an armor bearer for me and proscar. You know, and you've Simon, you say, you know, and it's really is iron sharpens iron is exactly right. And so we're, we're bringing the reality of this scripture, across the microphones, it's alive, it's real. It's here in front of us. We reverse each other. Yeah, we're lifting each other up to

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the power of agreement with God's Word with God's word yet, when two or three agree when when, when there's agreement of two that's lining up with the Heavenly Father's word. That powerful and is the thing without,

Simon Pinchbeck:

I don't want to digress from where we're going but slightly to move out off the track a little bit. But when you get, you know, we're all on social media, you know, and then all of a sudden you get a notice, or this is this. Some someone's aren't his brothers, uncles, nephews, is it all Can you program it don't need under so people praying for me last needs to earn is people coming together? that agreement is in agreement, the power of agreement,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the spiritual agreement with God's word, because when God's word is put into flight, oh, my goodness, devils run at the name of Jesus when when God's word is put out, and we're talking about the God of Israel, we're not talking about these these forts. We're talking, we know what we're talking about today. We're talking about the ones and the twos that are spirit filled. And I want to tell you this bent as well. If the Holy Spirit put something on your heart generic don't tell non praying people because they will come out. Yeah, they will. Come on. Jonathan did he didn't tell his dad because he knew his dad wouldn't eat his soul ago. He put a stop to it. Yeah, leave it at some. Yeah, no, King. Oh, no, no, I'll tell you when you go. Yeah. Now, he just went in and did try. Yeah, if you've got good praying people around you yet, you know, Joshua's and Caleb's. Totally up that's what you want. That's what you want. We lifted our head above the parapet we went and spied out the land we see the Giants but I caught his eye because people will try and talk us.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Our God is able to say, you know, so Jonathan, his armor bearer, you know, they were vastly outnumbered when they were out numerically that was done for our downfall. And it's funny that when he says in the in this but they went past two rocky cracks. I mean, one was called Moses, which means white linen, and the other one was called Santa which which means Thorn so so they went through this and and the white linen. When a reason in the commentary says, You've got to be completely clean all day, all day, ma. Obviously the forms is the struggles but you've done have to be completely clean to go to the Lord, do you don't have to leave the blood? Because here's the deal. You'll never be right. If you want to be right, you'll never be right. Well, yeah, aka like filthy rags, or friends, if you're sitting there thinking, I'm not right for the Lord. And you know, there's never a time when he will be right there

Reverend Ben Cooper:

to actually reach a point of sign on not right. Is that a great start? This is the right, realize that I'm not right. But by His grace, by sovereignty, by his power, by His mercy, by His goodness, and by his unconditional love. He can take my filthy rags, he can take my everything is now to the cross already at Calvary. So I'm a Son of the living God, I'm a daughter of the living God, and I'm going to take back the territory. But as I start to move, Lord, keep me clean. Keep me clean. Repentance, keep me clean.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And you get past the disqualification you get past that all the struggles straight away and the Lord or goats see what I'm going to do with you. Yeah, see what I'm gonna do for you to bring my neighbor glory. Yeah. I'm going that. And the thing is, it's we know that we've been it's not in, it's not in our strength. I can't Oh, nice. I could see God's strength that that he glories you know, you. Yeah, I said, and you are right. When you reach the end of yourself,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

when you've reached the end of of that springboard, and you've got to take a leap of faith that God takes over a lot. I'm going to jump, I'm going to jump straight into your presence. Lord, I'm going to put my whole life in your hands. I cannot clean up this 360 degree of my life. But with the blood, you can wipe it I'm going to share this Be careful, we're on

Simon Pinchbeck:

how many times you look back and say how many times have you looked back and said, this has to be God? More times than not can actually count your circumstances a couple of weeks ago last time when both Joyce and said this has to be God. They can't it's not in the natural. It's not in the actual this never this couldn't happen in the now

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I've got too many Philistines against me. This is not normal. I should be slaughtered and taken out.

Simon Pinchbeck:

In the circumstance we're talking about we obviously weren't going to date us but but there he was surrounded by surrounded by by people going this is not gonna

Reverend Ben Cooper:

give up. Finish. Now you're going down? You're gonna make it It's impossible. Of course. come through. You can't do it. Really? Yeah, hang on a minute. Hang on a minute. What's wrong? I think what we need to draw from this is that anyone that is facing the Goliath, anyone that is facing the Philistines, anyone that is facing a Jericho, anyone is facing a bad report from the church goers. Getting the Word of God, getting the word of God, getting the word of God, we like the lady with the issue of blood, okay, she was determined to touch Jesus, I gotta touch Jesus. Cuz when I touched the hem, all will be well, when I get in his presence all the Well, when I get through the crowd, when I get through the educators when I get through the system, when I get through the so called disciples, when I get to Jesus, I'll be well.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Ben, got come he needs one man, one woman of faith. Yeah. And the enemy knows. Yeah. What that man or woman of faith? The the knows the threat that they pose don't mean Most definitely. So, you know. And Jonathan, when you when we read as it goes on, Jonathan actually told the enemy, they said, Oh, yeah, I'm out. Samia. Oh, yeah. and invite them to do battle and they might deny what they do. They mocked him like they, they abused him. And people will do that to you. They'll mock you and they'll abuse or something, you've got no chance. No chance, don't they'll fret they'll give you 30 they go back. Yeah, this is what this is what these fellows started doing, go back you know, you go back to your religion. Grab, glad to go back to you. Go back back to, to, to whatever whatever it is. Stay on the set to you know, keep TV keep you know, it's more comfortable for you. There you know you keep your head down.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Is the time is time now. For whether you're a man or woman in Christ to actually get in a word like never before because there is a window that will close. And you will be on the tick tock so far. One way or the other one way or the other way. We're hearing so much about so many denominations that are shouting and beaten and waving the flag of certain colors of God is love. Wycherley God is love but God is is also a judging God. And he's a jealous God. And he's got a rough and judgment is coming. And I am not going to have blood on my hands for not preaching the Word of God. I can't overturn or retreat in oratory.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And Jonathan It was not an easy jet flight very, very humble wanting and so we've got to be we've got to come with humility. You know, it looked a joke in India least Yeah, Jonathan climbing out with his armor bearer. Yeah. He got to say that that my friends you're you're no joke. Not a joke. Joke. Not in God's eyes.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

But if you're in a denomination, you're in a church or you're sitting somewhere in you've been in there for a long time. You're thinking, this isn't doing it for me. This religion ain't doing it.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well. Let's, if you. Let's call that you've been in a season. He says I'm gonna get out. Let's see. Yeah, it's time to crawl under a rock face. He's starting to shout, Jeremy. I'm on my way. Mo Hawaii. Lord, this is a switch round. Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

this is this is a turn around, because I am not gonna sit on the force doctrine. Because it's making me depressed. No, it makes me feel heavy.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And it's bringing a conflict. Yeah, in my mind. person, because I'm reading what should be going on in the Bible. aren't being preached at summit completely different and completely different?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Don't Go back. Go forward.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, you may have been you think you've been forgotten, but you can stand up for the Lord. Now you could stand up. And you can let God use you in your weakness in your weakness,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

because when I am weak, then you're strong. You're strong.

Simon Pinchbeck:

He said to the Caribbean. You use God use the foolish things of the world to confine the wise and the uses and furnishings to the world. Yeah, that's right.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It's an upside down kingdom. But it's not upside down. The world sees it. And look, it's not it's the right way up. It's the right way up because everything. The ones that God calls, the ones that God chooses, the one that God moves through, is the one that says I can't. And Jesus said in the garden of Gethsemane, I can't, I can't, he said that I can't. But if it's your will, help. And we understand through another part of the gospel is made very, very clear that that Christ was sustained and he was ministered to by angels, were they they helped him. God will God will feed us, God will strengthen us. What do you mean fears? I'm not talking about physical food. I'm talking about spiritual. Because when God feeds you, Man does not live on bob bread, but upon bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out in the mouth of God, spiritual food

Simon Pinchbeck:

spiritual, because if you step out of the Holy Spirit, or sustain you, yes, right. You're the only spirit will sustain you. And God will get his glory for you. Because, you know, yours is closed. And that's what he's looking for. Yeah, people. He's looking for a vessel for a vessel that says, I can't, he's not looking for a vessel that goes, What about me? What about me is all about me, you know, it's all about my ministry. Now. He's looking for a vessel that goes farther, just just just not looking for someone to go.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Let's get another selfie. And then we'll go, Lord, I've got dirty rags. I can't put my real life on social media. Because if the world really knew who I was, yeah, wouldn't get me likes for that widget. We'll get many lights for that. What you're watching, you won't get any more like fat. What you're smoking. What you're, you're in the spotlight. Give me like, the real me. The real me. I mean, on the table, the real me won't get many likes, but the real me Only Jesus knows, only Jesus knows. But the church the Tiktok church is lifting its hands. Praising God externally, the Pharisees and the Sadducees lovely love when there's there's casualties in the congregation's

Simon Pinchbeck:

lovely little stories and dances about God is love and all that sort of thing. When a battle is dirty, that you know Jonathan and Naomi, they can reach the top and I stripped down 20 says, of the fitness times, and I'll forget there was a man Jonathan, but but they stripped down 20 of them the king son and it says they took about half an acre. Yeah. What did that do? What did it say that the What did that action? Do? They killed 20 of them? I mean, there was like 1000s of them camped out

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and we got remember the ones that they were killed. They were trained animals. Oh, like they were bred for war. Yeah, they were. They were killers. And you got Jonathan, a king son. When you realize your son of the king. The enemy will fall when you pick up the sword of the Spirit.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Amen. Amen. Then we'll come in with that ca you come in, Ben, you're you're on your boy today. My Brilliant. Yeah, yeah. Awesome. Great. Well, you know, you're a son of the king. That's the truth. That's right. It's fact. But he stripped down 20 took back the off acre. And then he says that all the rest of the camp started trembling. Some audit, all the others Hang on a minute was kind of from and even even the most powerful worries, which were the raiding parties even they started trying. Yeah, it says, In the Bible, so. So God's throw them into confusion. Yeah. And the Israelites through to men photo, not the crowd. Were not the denominations, at least not to the mega church, just to men, to the faithful distiller call me. They put fear for to camp, someone of faith, rose up. Yeah.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

But what we have, we have a very strong jezza Bell spirit that is pushing a lie out, that sent the same message to the Prophet that he's sending, or she send him rather, to us today. I'm going to get you back. I'm gonna get you back. You're not good enough. You ain't gonna make it, you're gonna die, you ain't gonna do this. That's the message that's coming out the enemy's message. But the message a Christian should be shouting to the enemy's territory is you better start running, you better start running. Because I've had enough. There's two of us. There's two of us and actually, I'm just gonna look over my shoulder. I've got Father Son, Holy Spirit. And if you were to look into the heavens above, I've got some serious angels serious some serious backup. Yeah. I'm just gonna move out in a way and I'm gonna let God do what he's gonna do. obedience and praise and worship is such a powerful weapon that the enemy doesn't understand. We have an enemy all around us, right?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, we have an enemy coming. Yeah, in all sorts of ways. And yes, Ben so we're going to pray for the that we're going to pray for the nation to go with a confusion that confused against all their object. Yes. Love all their worldly sinful objectives. We're gonna we're gonna pray for that. And we're gonna say to the people out there, Ben that what's your half acre? You're gonna take what are you going to take back? What you're going to take back?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

What the What is the enemy garden in the Craighead rock face? What is the enemy got? That is yours, that you need to take no idea what can be achieved if you just stand. Yeah, well, you're gonna take back take back territory. And that is and that starts back with that start sorry with speech the power of speech. I'm, I'm on my way. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I haven't got my physical strength. But I know the word of God will not found me. I know God will not leave me in the arena. On my own that God will fight for me. When Moses said to God, when I go back down the mountain. Who who send him me? Just tell him I am just tell him I am Yeah, I got to remind myself You got to remind yourself sisters and brothers, with carrion and we got the Iam we've got the iron we have faith in Jesus we asked full of the Iam the word the spirit the power of God we have so much authority not as little Gods but as sons and daughters of the most hi isn't

Simon Pinchbeck:

Ben I don't know about you my but I'm gonna take that one off acre. Yeah. Something I'm going to take it back something in your spirit listen to what your spirit saying, you know and otherwise, what's going to happen you're always gonna be you're always going to be lying in a corner and looking for sympathy trying to get a pity party will look at me I'm so you know, nothing's going right for me. Nothing's going wrong for me. Now. You've had enough that sit down now. I've had enough faith. Jesus, follow Jesus. You're not evident anymore. Got everything.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I'm not sitting under this denomination that he's sitting unwavering. ticking in about let me get out and I'm gonna, I'm gonna make a statement. I'm repenting. I'm saying sorry, Lord, and I'm ready. I'm ready. But I'm not ready. Because I can't go in me, but I can go in here. I said,

Simon Pinchbeck:

I'm ready. But I'm ready to do it for you and be your warrior. But you know, you might be scared or whatever.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

We don't need money. We don't need notoriety. We don't need fame. We don't need a word of a pastor or a leader or a deacon or a bishop. We don't need a word or for denomination. God has already spoken. Yeah.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And we're speaking to people out there. We don't know what your Faker is. We don't know what it is, but believe If you stand up like a movement, you will see all of a sudden Yeah, like Jonathan Did you see people coming from the sidelines? And there was no see because the Lord or point you, them to you, they will see that you know this person is standing out there

Reverend Ben Cooper:

standing up yeah they believe in the Word of God. They believe that God has given territory that the enemy is sitting on that's that's really important to understand that the enemy is sitting on your territory. And this is not a name and climate teaching. This is talking about this is spiritual warfare, where I've had enough

Simon Pinchbeck:

this is spiritual warfare that's the that's coming out yet that wants to take you out of the game that wants to destroy you completely in your favor. And it's time just to go and you know, just a couple of words I've had enough I'm done I'm coming father I've had enough Yeah, Father use me back that addiction I want to take back that that depression I want to take back my family I want to fight for for for you, Father, I want to fight for the truth. And you see, because God is raising an army remnant, we have a choice to do that. Or not. Right. And if it's not, then it's okay. But, but if, if you want to be part of something, stand up, stand up and lead an exciting Christian life blind by my last stand on order my stand up

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Jonathan's for stand up. Yeah, Joseph, stand up, stand up as to stand up, stand up. Stand up. Stand up for Jesus depend on the word under Word of God will guide you and see what he can do for you. And what is that rock face that you're looking at? Where the enemies hidden in the rock face, because that rock face is yours. as yours every place at the sole of your foot shall tread upon is is your territory,

Simon Pinchbeck:

it's gonna be tough. We're not saying it's gonna be easy. It's gonna take effort, but but to achieve victory, push, and then and let go get glory fruity. Amen. And it ain't anything exciting. That's more exciting than Yeah.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It really is. You know what, today this this chat that we're having is, is really been quite a deep one in it. It has really taken us off or not acid, God has guided us and God has opened this door of take back your territory, not in the name it and claim it, the true evangelical Pentecostal shutting up and down. Now Hang on a minute, no, one and two. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm on my way. I'm not going we're just me. I've got the sort of the Spirit. I've got the helmet of salvation. I've got the breastplate of righteousness. I am dressed ready for anything. But the battle belongs to the Lord. But I'm making an advancement towards bnm. I'm stepping out towards the enemy's territory. I'm blessed and highly favored burners

Simon Pinchbeck:

as we come into line with Dan, will you just say a prayer for Yeah. For anyone out there that this this message is? is touching people? Yeah, this Christian Straight talk. This is a talk that's coming and it's touching a bill Can you say to those people that you know need a bit of encouragement to get out here and get out and take my

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Father in the name of Jesus? The simple prayer is Lord, I can't go in my flesh. I can't go in my understanding. I'm going to go in a word. I'm going to rise up for Jesus. today. I'm going to take back that territory. I'm going to climb that rock face. I'm going to walk with you, Laura. I'm going to step out in faith and right now in the name of Jesus, all those listening to this podcast, we pray right now that they will feel the fire of God, that they will feel the encouragement of the Holy Spirit and the drive of the Word of God. Father, come strengthen the sisters and the brothers through dear god this this simple podcast of just straight talk Christian straight talk but father right now I thank you for the Jonathan's are thank you for the Joshua's and the Caleb's the esters, Thank you dear God for the Mary's and the Martha's, I thank you for those that are hungry for Jesus. So Lord, I pray that you will keep us hungry, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Bless them all. In the mighty name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. God bless Thank you so much, Simon. Have a great afternoon. Stay safe, and stay in the water God is powerful. In the name of Jesus. God bless.


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