Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast

#CST - Self control and self discipline - (#CST9)

April 06, 2024 Reverend Ben Cooper / Simon Pinchbeck Season 15 Episode 3
Reverend Ben Cooper's Podcast
#CST - Self control and self discipline - (#CST9)
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Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck take to the Mics for a general discussion, #Christian Straight Talk, straight out of the barrel of truth.

This weeks discussion is Self control and self discipline.

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Reverend Ben Cooper:

Good morning. The Warriors around the table. They also somewhere where are they? Good morning to everybody. You're joining Simon and myself. Bam, we're around the table this morning across the mic from you. #Christian straight talk straight out the barrel of truth. Wherever you are across the world, whatever your timezone is in the world it is. What's the day Thursday, It's Thursday today. As we record this, God is good. This is the day that the Lord has made, we shall rejoice. and be glad, I don't know if you're outside the UK or within the UK, but I would just like to say, the church within the UK, we seriously need to repent. There is some crazy things going on inside the skin of the church, what have we come to in this nation? Simon is bringing something to the table self control and self discipline? I need a lot of that Jesus.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Your morning, Ben, it's great to be across our mics again. Yeah, it's great to be here. Yeah, the biscuits are on the table. And we're trying to make system you know, control of a bit of self control, self control, but seriously been you know, these two things, self disciplined self control. If you're out there, and you get a handle on these two things, then it's gonna change your life who's going to put your life together, and you will have the power in to, to move forward in whatever you're doing. And we're going to do it. Not in a not in a self motivational type of way, not how not.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

The church is doing now wanting to do what the church is doing.

Simon Pinchbeck:

There's enough people out there doing that, but we're gonna do it in a scriptural way and put it before the Lord and see where we where we move to. Because you know, really, you know, the Bible is everything, isn't it? And you know, the word isn't? Is everything. Do you remember that?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I remember that. Yeah, I remember the good old day,

Simon Pinchbeck:

I was doing a talk recently. I said, Have you turned to your Bibles in? Everyone looked? I said, No Bibles, very few men had their Bibles. Phone now and it's all on

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the phone. Yeah, I can't, I can't get the electronic devices. I've got to be perfectly honest. If you could see my Bible, I haven't got a cover on it. It is, but it's mine. It's the word you know, it fit i It's my it's part of me, I've got it marked. I've got bits missing out of it. I've got corners cut cut off side of it is, but it feels right. I can't get you to the electronic.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And the thing is, as soon as you go onto the phone, what's going to happen? You got to look at it, there's gonna be a WhatsApp, text, something's gonna you're going to be distracted. Aren't you? Gentle? Definitely. And also, you know, been you alluded to it a little bit earlier in the preamble as we were chatting over a coffee dripping with, you know, the men and women around the world are being killed horrendously for having this book, this possession. And we should never ever take it lightly. And, and we've just been discussing then that, you know, the more that we look into this book, the more that we start reading, the more the Scripture with Revelation with the Holy Spirit that springs out to us. And speaks to us and we're seeing things you know, we've both been in this world for a number of years you a lot more than me, but we're starting to see things now. The Lord starting to reveal things to us in a way that is never done before. Am I right in thinking that but yeah, yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it's, it's quite, I feel very uncomfortable. And I'm not referring to looking into the, into the world. I'm referring to looking into what we call the church in the UK. The church in the UK has nothing to offer me across every platform or denomination. What is it doing for me?

Simon Pinchbeck:

And that's a troop and I've looked at it since the lockdowns, I've looked at it since since we've come out of that period. And I've really realized Ben that there's a lot of people within the Christian world that are really living a lie. They don't. They don't. They've got their broken inside. So everything they showing you on the outside is not really what's going on on the inside and, and really what the Lord wants to do. He wants to. He wants to hear all that stuff so that he can use you effectively for the Kingdom.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

100%. Right. Simon has mentioned a word that I didn't mention. And that word is Kingdom. The church offers me nothing. But the kingdom gives me everything. There is a clear separation of the kingdom of God. And the worldly church, this church within the UK and I would say most of it, most of it. It has nothing in that. That attracts me to Jesus. It attracts me more to the world. It attracts me to hype it attracts me more to music that is not godly. It attracts me more to what the flesh wants.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, well, you said it, but it's church churches become a feelgood factor in it. It's it's our you might or bless an early favorite, you know, what a great week. No, seriously, you're a sinner and you're a wreck. And, you know, but you come into church ain't gonna fix that. It's just gonna feel that feel good factor. And when a church you just kind of be in the same situation. Exactly. Which is sad, really. Because churches should be places where people come to get healed, and the broken come to get sorted and where you can be honest, a lot of places. You can't be honest. Because you'll be ostracized. Yeah, yeah.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It doesn't fit. It doesn't doesn't want to do. So the church within the UK, the mass percentage of it is completely away from the Bible. And um, this is not I'm not telling anyone that I'm living Correct. I'm probably struggling more than anyone we've just living in this. UK, this skip that we live in. I'm probably struggling as much as anybody. But what this lockdown has done for me, has given me revelation, that the church is not the true representation of the kingdom of God is the

Simon Pinchbeck:

truth. And you're right, and I'm with you on that. And when it's your Bible, isn't it? So we've, we've had this, we've walked this walk together and what I found, you know, even since coming out where places have opened up, and I've been invited to speak in certain places, I've just realized, Ben, that men and women in the Christian world are, for the most part, biblically illiterate you they don't know the truth of the Bible. And if you don't know the truth of the Bible, then you can be fed wrong stuff from the pulpit. So that's something that's where, where we've come to, do you think I'm you agree with that,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I agree with you. And to put it as as we always say, as the Bible says that as we live in the last days, we we are finding that the world is getting more spiritual, not for Jesus, but because of the ramping up of the Antichrist or the spiritual atmosphere is getting stronger because Lucifer and the agents and without going into all that spiritual warfare, so people are hungry, and they are trying everything, they are trying everything to get spiritual fulfillment. So what we find in the churches as the scripture says, in the last days, there'll be false prophets, there be false teachers that will be leading us away because our itching ears want to hear. So I pray right now that God helped me to keep in the Word of God, Simon, and anyone who's listening to this to be in, in the presence of Jesus, because we are under fire like never before we are under fire. It we ain't got to worry about the world. It's it's the church. I can't come under the rhetoric. I can't come under the dogma. I can't come under this. I can't even work out what it is this day and age what's going on with the church? It is it is

Simon Pinchbeck:

we've said it many times you can't become the world to win the world and the church is doing that it's Embracing the World

Reverend Ben Cooper:

to want something different when the world what can you give me church?

Simon Pinchbeck:

And do you know something? I think it was Spurgeon and a lot of people are addicted this time. And Spurgeon said that he said that time will come when it won't be shepherds leaving the sheep. It'll be clowns, leading goats. And that is where and let me also say this to anyone who's listening out there. Any church leaders who are leading people down the wrong path, they are going to be held accountable more severely than anyone else. You know, the Bible clearly tells us that you know, the blood, the blood

Reverend Ben Cooper:

is on your hands. You're on your hands. Yeah, blood is on your hands and we We are living in a time when, when when we really need as believers to be in the Word of God. And what I love is that that point where the Scripture says, All have sinned and fallen short of your glory, there is only one righteous no one can be living completely right. So this is not about pointing the finger that I am more holy than anybody. I'm starting to realize our wretched and our sinful I am. grace and His mercy and the power of redemption. There's hope for me in the kingdom of God, but there's no hope for me in the church. Because it's just like Weatherspoon, we've Church on the end of it. Church with us bones.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, yeah, yeah, there's just, you know, we could go down, we, we will do a podcast maybe next week on false prophets, you know, because there are loads of springing up all over the place. And when people don't know the word of the truth, no, they don't know the truth. When people are saying the parts of the Bible we got we can dismiss it when people are, are dismissing certain Givens like the virgin birth like the Trinity when people are saying you don't have to go along with that creation or yeah, we're in we're in a right mess. We're all over the place and if you if you don't know the Bible, then you're quite right you know, you're itching ears all go Yeah, love someone out because that doesn't sound too bad. And, and you know what? This place, they'll do lovely down at some plein air coffee, and

Reverend Ben Cooper:

they even even welcomed me with a nice t shirt on that says, We love you.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And the worship leader, don't wear any shoes and socks, and go that you know, this thing is some great, great songs

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that made me feel great. Maybe rock and roll a little bit.

Simon Pinchbeck:

It's it's Christian rock and roll in it. And

Reverend Ben Cooper:

so this is self discipline and all this stuff. This, this is really important for me as a believer, because what the church offers me is no self discipline. I can be what I want when I want to be and Jesus loves me and everything and be okay. And Grace has covered everything. But I love in the Gospel of Luke chapter five, verse eight. This is what this is what one of the disciples says, When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus's knees and said, Go away from the Lord, for I am a sinful man. That's what I want to hear. Because he reached a point in his life, realizing that this Christ before me, is so holy and so pure. I have no self discipline. I have no boundaries, anything goes. But when you come into the presence of Jesus, you suddenly realize that I can't continue to live as I'm living. It's coming into the presence of Jesus gives yourself discipline gives you self control. But when you start living for Christ, you start real, I start realizing I've What a wretched man on my self discipline. And self control is the hardest thing that I will ever face as it is the toughest thing, Ben is to say no, to walk away from things and you're right, you know, with self control and self discipline, your

Simon Pinchbeck:

life will reflect Jesus. So yeah, and, and you're right, the mantra is now you know, your, your very true. Their mantra is now Jesus is love, and the Gospel is all about love. And all I've got to do is, is believe in Jesus may come out and love you, Jesus, forgive me, Jesus, and you say, well afraid. Don't quite work like that. And the thing is, when Jesus comes back, he's not coming back. And he's not gonna say hello, Mike. Are you

Reverend Ben Cooper:

gonna take fancy carry tonight?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Who's more make breakfast and take a picture of him on Facebook? No, that's not gonna happen.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Wow, Jesus, I just got to cut me money. No, I've

Simon Pinchbeck:

just got to go and talk about me but you'll be in there somewhere you know, he's coming back to the judge of a sword in you can imagine, can't you you know, you sit in front of him with burning eyes gum strike. I can't imagine it. I don't want to do that right. Now getting away from that is their

Reverend Ben Cooper:

holy, the holy. Look at that scripture, but your holy because I am holy. Now that brings everything that Simon's talking about right into aligned in it the holy, because I am holy, self discipline, self control. Fruits of the Spirit, everything is brought into this. The more you follow Jesus, the more I'm realizing I have no self control, and I have no discipline.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, you know, in a roundabout way, we've said it before. And I think it's a great analogy is where you know, you've got Thomas the Tank Engine. Yeah. And he's on the track. And then he gets derailed. Yeah. And he's off the track line on his side. You know, can't go anywhere but he's And I'm free, I'm free, the tracks, gone a minute, you can't get out, can't get out. So, yeah, so to self, if we can get hold of these to self control, and then the self discipline, it's going to put us on track for to follow Jesus, and keep following Jesus and keep getting into the Word and self control, when is the will? To say no. And to think about the consequences and a lot of times we don't do that duly know. And self discipline is a will to continue to say no. What are we talking about? Well, the Scripture everyone goes to when we mentioned self control is in Galatians is the fruits of the Spirit. So we just worked through that

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Bible open,

Simon Pinchbeck:

you got that page just can't be managed to get up because the Bible looks a bit thin, very thin.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

ones about seeing just lift me so far. I've only got I can do all things through Christ and only got one conviction of sin. I'm not. I'm not like that. One sentence, I can do all things.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And you preached on that for years and

Reverend Ben Cooper:

our message because that's my Bible.

Simon Pinchbeck:

wonder you got 1000s in going every son,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

unbelievable. Goodness gracious. I can't take my eyes off of Luke chapter five, verse eight. I am a sinful man. For him to say that. That was so strong, wasn't it? Because this is this? Is it? Simon Peter. Satanists? Yeah, this is Simon Peter. All in favor, Jesus. Hold

Simon Pinchbeck:

on. This goes it gets a bad press study. He does, you know, people vilify him, they take the mickey out of him. I call him you know, the guy that that, that denied Christ and ran away and stuff. But you know, he's got it any,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

just cause he's realized in his flesh. I am a sinful man. And I have no discipline. I have no self control. I'm going to do what went when I want to. And when you're in when you're in the presence of Jesus, he's going to make you fall to your feet, you're gonna pick your flag up and start doing some drawings in the corner.

Simon Pinchbeck:

John on Patmos was the same one in general. Yeah, but I'll pay. You know, when, when Jesus asked him, Who am I would you say I mean, he got it right, then he got it. But But the sad thing is until we got the Holy Spirit, he just was doing things in his own strength and money. Yeah, that's the problem.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And what is so great is when he said, I am a sinful man, the Christ reject Him. did Christ say, I'm not going to upon this rock? I'm not, I'm not going to use you. Because you just said you now know, God, Christ calls the sinner and through the journey of and with Christ. It's an unbelievable journey. But when you walk with Jesus, you suddenly realize that I'm a sinful man, and I have no discipline, I have no self control. You know,

Simon Pinchbeck:

we're riches only

Reverend Ben Cooper:

a scumbag? Yeah, I'm just like, I'm just without, I'd say

Simon Pinchbeck:

the Bible tells us with wonderfully and fearfully made, which is right, and we made in the image of Christ, which is what but through our own decisions, for our own shows,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

lifestyle choices,

Simon Pinchbeck:

we become, we become wretches that have to go to do this every day to say, Jesus, forgive me, and that Jesus will go to the Father. That so that whole thing and so that,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

yeah, so that comes down to what Psalm is talking about self control, self discipline. And amongst them two words is, it's the will of the Father,

Simon Pinchbeck:

the will of the Father. Yeah. You can't you can't

Reverend Ben Cooper:

escape. You can't escape it. No. It's the hub isn't it? The will of the Father is the center point of my life. And it's the center point of Christ's life. The center is the will of the Father. Because at the will of the Father, I have, I get the I get everything and it's only because the will of the Father gives Me self control and self discipline, without me understanding what His will is and and I come back and draw away from that. And I lace myself with what the UK church is offering. I've got no discipline, I've got no self control. Because the movement of the church is telling me I can sleep with whoever want I can be any gender. I can do what I want when I want and but Jesus still loves me. Yeah, no, he still loves me

Simon Pinchbeck:

but I know one but it's not that's not a will of the Father and

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it's not the will of the Father or what the or what this offering me is not the will of you sitting outside or whatever. For over a year. So when Christ went into the garden of Gethsemane, then podcast we done about the God that Christ went in, and the three that sat on the edge, how many of us are sitting on the edge

Simon Pinchbeck:

of the garden? Outside the will of the Lord? The will of the Father

Reverend Ben Cooper:

falling asleep?

Simon Pinchbeck:


Reverend Ben Cooper:

what did he say? Come back three times. Don't fall into temptation.

Simon Pinchbeck:

My friends, this is if you may think it's deep, but it's it's not. It's we're simplifying stuff here. And we're pulling out of church teaching. We're putting out what you're being what you've what's been spoken to you. Yeah. And we're saying to you, if you feel unloved, unworthy, then you've only got a look at one place, and that's across to see redemption. Yeah, to see what the fire was done for you. Now, the Father gave his only Son, and we're very glib with that scripture there. So you know, the Father gave his only Son, it gave His Son to the world foot, so everyone in the world will be retained. We've done a podcast on it. And so, if you think you're in love, the father said, The Son for you, you are loved unconditionally. And he gives you everything you need to get control of your life, and continue to take control of your life in self control and self discipline. Paul edit right. So Paul was talking about walking in the Spirit in Galatians, five, and he will read the whole thing, and we'll we'll cut in, we'll have a chat about it. He says it from 516. He said, I say then walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Yeah, so the the flesh and the spirit. It's a battle and there's a conflict, there's a conflict or conflict. So for the flesh lusts, they're going to spirit. And he talks about the conflict there, and the Spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary to one another. So when you're doing fleshly things, the spirit is really not happy. And you can feel eager for it. You can feel it, you can get convicted, that you are kind of I am convicted so that you do not do the things you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Wow. So if you're led by the Spirit, you're not under the law, because if you lead by the Spirit, you are a citizen of the kingdom of God. And yeah, and what

Reverend Ben Cooper:

a difference. Massive, different masters massive if you're led

Simon Pinchbeck:

by the Spirit, you're in the will of the Father. He said, Now the works of the flesh are evident and he goes on to list a few adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, drunkenness, revelries, and they're like a witch I tell you before and just as I told you, the time in the past that those who practices such things will not inherit the kingdom of God now so you might say if he's listening out there we'll you know, there's a list there and I've done one or most of them things you know yet but I'm a Christian I'm so will not inherit the kingdom of God. Well, if you look what he says he says, he says those who practice those things in it, but if you're continually doing that stuff, then you're in trouble you're in trouble Yeah. But if you you know, slip up, confess repent, you can move on again.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

The power of redemption is beyond human words. But what Simon was reading out was this like, I'm looking into the world of religion their religion is doing all what God is Christ is saying about the world. Where's where's Where's, where's the line? Where's the line? Where's the god line? Where's the where do we draw the line? Where do we draw the line? Where's the line has been drawn as you've got well as explore his blood. Actually, it probably been rubbed out because if you think of Christ, when He drew that line in the sand, and he and he said, any one of you, that is without sin crossed this line, everyone walked away. There's an interesting scripture, Simon was written. I just really feel God has taken me to this as well because it ties up exactly what he said. Matthew chapter 26, verse 41, and verse 14, it says, And Jesus returned to his disciples found him asleep. And he said, Well, you're not able to keep watch with me for one hour. This character comes in there again, as Peter, watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation, for the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. So there's two there's two bends is two bends. Yeah has two bends. I slight that old I have what Ben and I live in.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah. And it's like that. It's like that old Indian thing in Native American. Where, where the other you know, he dreams about two dogs fighting one good and one yeah and and he says which one's gonna win and the old, wise old man said the one that you feed the most and that is the truth and it's so true to

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that we are the flesh and the spirit. So what am I feeding myself?

Simon Pinchbeck:

I think is a big if you're listening out there what what are you feeding yourself

Reverend Ben Cooper:

straight away we go food. No, it's what goes in from my gate and my ear gate. What I look at what I focused on Hebrews chapter 12 Verse two says Keep your eyes on Jesus the author and perfect have so far keep my eyes on interest in at the scripture says eyes because eyes are the gateway eyes are the window of our soul. If I keep my eyes on Jesus, but then I've got this battle. I got why about the devil. He's defeated. It's me.

Simon Pinchbeck:

It's about the flesh. Yeah, the dog. Yeah. And yeah. So. So we self discipline, yeah, self discipline, self self trial.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It is impossible to have that was in the church or the UK. Whatever you can go, I could I could divorce my wife. Now. I could move to Scotland or Wales and live with someone I could live with a bloke. And the church would marry me. Is that the Bible or Jesus Christ?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Not my Bible.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Think about that for a minute. This I could do exactly as I said, and still be under the bracket of the church and live with a man and get blessed by the church.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Where women's clothes

Reverend Ben Cooper:

order anyway. Yeah, no fact of the matter. So the church is endorsing. The church is allowing me to live by. I'm not I'm not gay, by the way. I'm just making an analogy. You know, I mean, it's just, but your church is going along with what the world is doing. Where's the line? where's the where's the liars? If I can go and do that. There is no limit to what I can do in the worldly church, because everything's on the table.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And the thing, the thing is, if we don't know the word, if we're not biblically literate, yes, then we're just going to accept what leaders say and what leaders say that their doctrine and doctrine matters. Doctrine matters. It matters an awful amount. And so what will happen is, I mean, we feed our bodies, don't we? Maybe I don't know, two or three times a day. Some of us a little bit more.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

But yeah, so what what you feed yourself spiritually is more important than what you feed yourself.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And if you're just going even once a week, once every two weeks to sit in church and listen to what someone says, Let me tell you, you're not feeding your spirit. I'm I've got a Wetherspoons you're not feeding your spirit,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

not feeding your spirit. You know, that's what the church is not doing in the UK, I'd say the church and I Please, someone put me right. Show me where the preachers are. Show me where the, the solid teaching is coming straight out of the Word of God, where's this? Where's this firm teaching Jesus Christ? Where is where is this? I want to feel convicted. I want to feel conviction when I go and listen to a preacher, I want to feel that my life is not right. I want to come under that crippling feeling of I am a sinner

Simon Pinchbeck:

so so the crazy thing is been absolutely crazy thing is, you know, this passage here. Me means nothing, nothing in a lot of churches, so you can be doing all that stuff that I've just mentioned. Yeah. And you're okay, fine. And God winks at sin. No, he doesn't neither. Because of Paul, this is Paul right in this this is the most amazing writer on the on the New Testament and he goes on to say, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, against search, there is no law, and those who are Christ, how crucified the flesh, with its passions and desires will desire live in the spirit that has also walk in the spirit that has not become conceited, provoking one another. The Envy in one another. So, you know, here we are, we have the fruits of the spirit here, the fruits of the Spirit are amazing self control, love peace. The fruits of the Spirit is not lying on the floor barking like a dog

Reverend Ben Cooper:

dog biscuit.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Bonilla it's not it's not laughing uncontrollably as these are not. It's not weird. It's gentle, it's, it's beautiful. And it's self control. So if you don't have self control, then then we're slaves to whoever, whatever controls us, namely,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I'm a slave to righteousness. That's what we got to remember.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And you got to lust you could be a slave to money, you could be a slave to food, you know, you could be what? So it becomes idolatry. So

Reverend Ben Cooper:

at the moment, I would say, a mass percentage of every home in the UK mass percentage of most homes in the UK are a slave to the government. Because the government have got us wrapped up in mortgages got us wrapped up in finance got us wrapped up in so much less a world system. So we've wrapped up in the world system.

Simon Pinchbeck:

What is the world system?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I thought it through washing everything. It's

Simon Pinchbeck:

the beast systems, the systems The Beast system, Lucifer. Yeah, it's the Luciferian system. Yeah, and you've only got a look in our without getting too contentious. You've only got along and the the the was it the the night world and nations that the what they call it? What do they call it that the nation in the states where wherever all the nations come together?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Oh, gosh. Yeah, God, let's escape my thinking actually. Yeah. The World Economic Forum and all that

Simon Pinchbeck:

form which is sitting firmly within the group of nations and the United Nations. Yeah, the United Nations sitting under that all sitting under that and what does that partner with IT partners with the Luciferian trust that that which is now called the Lucis trust Yeah. Which as its home in Catholicism stuff and it's you know, nothing about God nothing about God nothing about Jesus, everything about men and everything about you know, the enemy so so we're we're in a state now really? So we've got a really

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it can only be the way of Jesus which is the way of the fires

Simon Pinchbeck:

because if we don't say no to this stuff, yeah. And we get overwhelmed with it and we get more involved with it comes in lack of flight comes in and what does do we get we get addicted to it. So we can get addicted. What's

Reverend Ben Cooper:

a driver? What a driver addiction,

Simon Pinchbeck:

when wherever, at some point, you could say no, yeah, some point. You have the power as the Bible says in the spirit to say no. And to say no. And that will stop that addiction. Done, done. And then you have to have the self discipline to continue to say no,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

no, no, no.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And you know

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that's the biggest battle any believer will have oh, that's the Garden of Gethsemane all day long. Oh, my will not my work

Simon Pinchbeck:

and and we when we think about addictions when we think about you know drugs gambling, alcohol gambling, which you know, the three big ones that we think about but yeah, but to be honest with you, you know, during the lockdown one of the biggest biggest addictions that that has come up is online shopping Ben of course yeah

Reverend Ben Cooper:

cuz he on the way forward

Simon Pinchbeck:

you know, I've got on my to say you know, just because of all the stuff his wife is buying, you know, he's got very friendly with the Amazon driver Do you know you again you back again, back again, because his bar is piling up. But there's there's a fact in it, you know, save the planet. So easy one click one click Amazon Prime. So the next day when God bless you can you know that needs to leave the front row you don't. And then this all these things came Swamy through until you look at the credit card bill and go oh, I bought it didn't bought it. It was over 1000 pen i

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Wow. Got to work harder. And then we become a slave slave, a slave to the system of the beast.

Simon Pinchbeck:

But you're you know, I've been you you. You were to the nail on the head as we were coming into the spend. I mean, if we get self control, if we can control ourselves and our selfishness, then it does reflect Jesus and brings glory to the father.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That the hardest thing that any believer I will ever do is admit that I'm a sinful man. And then say God, not my will, Your will be done. Your purpose, not my purpose, your plan, not my plan. Father, it's all about you. It's not about me living for Christ, seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Everything else then shall be added unto thee. But you know, I'm finding freedom and going, You know what, Lord, I can't do this without you, Lord, without you, if the church is endorsing certain aspects of life, the church is allowing me to do certain things, but the kingdom of God is bringing me under conviction, because the king's domain will bring you under conviction. I don't know if the church has any more strength within the UK to bring conviction to anyone,

Simon Pinchbeck:

does it? Because conviction is a frightening thing in it, you know, if you're telling someone you know that you're a sinner, yeah, you're a sinner,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you're a sinner down. When do we hear a sermon across the airwaves within the UK and say, then you are sinner. You are a wretched man, if you continue to live the way that you're living. There's trouble

Simon Pinchbeck:

if you admit you're a sinner, which we have this freedom and you have this freedom, because you now what you're doing when you're quite right, you're not coming under the authority of the government or the beast system, we come in under the authority

Reverend Ben Cooper:

of the kingdom of the kingdom, the word of God would come in under under the Father's will, Lord without you, I can't do it, Lord, with you, all things are possible. But Lord, I've got remit to them to me, and to you, Lord, I am a sinful man, Lord, the flesh pole, the draw of the world, the draw of the system of the base. Now one can say that it's not drawing them because the Bible says each man is drawn away by his own lusts.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I'm gonna ask you this question, but

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I'll just turn it just turned off.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I'm going to ask you on I already know the answer. But I'm going to ask you for that for the benefit of the mites. Can you be addicted to ministry?

Reverend Ben Cooper:


Simon Pinchbeck:

kosher can be addicted to ministry can't be addicted. I am I am I am doing things in your own strength thinking is through Jesus for Jesus. Yeah.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. Yeah. And that's the issue, isn't it? I think that's a serious, serious issue. And I would put that higher and above any other what the world is offering me.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, yeah. Because we think we're up there with running around doing this, that and the other jumping out

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and Jesus, God is calling to the Prophet, what you're doing over there, what you're doing over there. What's interesting about when he said to the Prophet, you can't see my face, you can't you can see the back part of me and when he hit him in the rock over there, he said, What are you doing over there? 40 days you've been running. But what I love is that God did not take his anointing away. God won't take the anointing away. You know, but we all make wrong decisions while I make wrong decisions in ministry, because of religious zeal, because of, of, of character, maybe because of God, I love it so much. I love you so much. And then suddenly, I'm find myself 40 days in the wrong direction.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So that's an interesting point you make you make an really interesting point that, that we can digress a little bit. We've been this podcast, the anointing and the gifted. So are they doing the same? Or are they different? Different? Yeah. So he doesn't take the note in a way. But could he take the gift in Hawaii? If you continually to run in the wrong direction?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

What's interesting, as the scripture says, He gives it gives the gifts dinnae without repentance. So there's a whole area

Simon Pinchbeck:

also, could he take? You've still got a gift

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and still got salvation, nothing can separate from the love of God,

Simon Pinchbeck:

could he take the anointing away? Anything so you continue to, to, to go in the wrong direction, give you many chances to come in

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and chances might not now there's people think that it's not about losing your salvation. It's about losing the colon, could I lose the colon? Could you lose a colon? God, that is a subject that is so deep, that is a subject. So look at David, look at King David anointed by that holy man. And where did he go after that? He went back in the wilderness. After he was anointed he was he was then suddenly we see David started to rise up through the ranks. And after that, it comes up years later, and suddenly you see that he was anointed and then he went off track is a massive sub. Maybe for a normal podcast, in that though, science. Yeah, but in that way, too. Talking about it's still the same subject in itself does self control self control? Yeah. Because you might be anointed. You might be the gifted preacher on the earth, but you still have to deal with the lust of the flesh. No, I don't. Well, the Bible says each man, man, each man, each man is drawn away.

Simon Pinchbeck:

pride comes at a painful scripture. So when the site we've talked about before, so very quickly, if you're going off and the signpost is that suddenly sort of fallen into Jesus starts talking to you.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, pride, arrogance, pride,

Simon Pinchbeck:

arrogance, I think I think that you've probably still got a gifted to speak or whatever. But maybe the anointing, the Lord will give you plenty of chances. But if you persist, can't anoint you, Kenny. So do you actually come back to your senses so that when repentance comes when repentance comes in, that's when laying yourself down?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Concerning control, self control, self discipline, self discipline, you say, all goes around in a continuum, then it all goes together, you can't separate it.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Now, listen to this scripture, Ben, it's one Corinthians nine ran about 2425 It says, Do you not know that those who run in a race or run but one receives the price Run in such a way that you may obtain it, and everyone who competes for the price is temporary in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown. Love it, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run this not with the uncertainty this I fight not as one who beats the air, but I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest when I preach to others, I myself should become disqualified.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Oh, God, I've read that no more is bang on me. He's on the bus.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Absolutely. Bank on it. They're striving for that crown.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Driving for the ministry crown. Yeah, I want a throne. And how many how many leaders do we see sitting on thrones, how many leaders we see. And church leaders, ministry leaders, whether they're, that there's something that is drawn to it to the throne, to the throne, you know, there's only certain you know, you, you can you can go flick on the social media and you will find leaders sitting on thrones you You will find behind pulpits, you will find there are big grand chairs, you will find big thrones because man wants to be king over his own kingdom, when actually there is no kingdom, but the Kings domain, man cannot own a kingdom. man built his building builds his own kingdom and He makes his own throne and he makes himself a king. When the scripture says there is only one king, there is only one Lord, there is only one righteous and I am a slave. I'm a slave. I cannot allow myself to be sitting on a throne behind the pulpit.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Ben the Bible is really clear on on self control and self discipline. I mean, you look at you dip into Titus 212. Because it teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Paul knew then he knew all

Reverend Ben Cooper:

know very clearly. He's the greatest writer that walk the earth, the greatest writer, and I love the way that he says, A wretched man, am I the greatest preacher? Apart from Jesus, obviously, but you know, we know what we're saying. You know, he is so on point. And the reason he's on point is because he's being led and, and, and, and the writings are being revealed because he makes that clear. He says I don't know what I'm writing about. But as I write it, it is coming to me through revelation or knowledge. So everything is given through the Father through Christ. The anointing is given that the gifts are given the the everything is given and we are given to Jesus so much in this

Simon Pinchbeck:

and you know what? The Bible also talks about training,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

training is the training where is the endurance in the

Simon Pinchbeck:

insurance whereas the training so what we've got we've got a girl looseness

Reverend Ben Cooper:

we know in the church, we are wishy washy likes we

Simon Pinchbeck:

have people jumping on a pulpit without proper training.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

What is the training I'll go to Bible college for now. In the wilderness fighting the bear on the lion when no one can see you where The secret places just between you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit sit at the

Simon Pinchbeck:

back. For must be quiet for years if necessary. Yeah. Until the Lord invites you. To train is self control has to be self control, self discipline. Look

Reverend Ben Cooper:

at the moment what we got. This is what I see. Maybe I'm just not reading this right but within the church within the UK, we got many babies behind pulpits, we've got many baby Moses, we've got you got to lay lay, you got to lay in the Moses basket until you are rescued a

Simon Pinchbeck:

problem has been, you know, the majority of men are little boys and men's bodies. So all of a sudden, they're trying to these people that have got no experience of the world are trying to tell us Yeah, this is the way it should be. This is the dangerous and they've been brought up in this sort of woke type environment

Reverend Ben Cooper:

to youth pastor will play an extortion amount of money for a youth pastor when he should be lying, or they should be laying in the Moses basket. You're not ready for ministry yet. Stay amongst the reeds, and wait until you get rescued. You get fed, you get looked after and God will raise you up in his time. We have too many ministry that have got nappies on.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I'll remember. I remember down at Holy Trinity, Brompton did the Alpha course. And then I was a helper on the next Alpha course, you know, Saturday, you know, and eventually let me be a leader, whatever, which was, which was great. And I remember listening to one of the talks, which was a talk on evil, right. So I went up to the lovely lady, they're lovely down there. You know, the people went up to the lovely lady, dude. And I was and I said, afterwards said, Dude, I said, you know, coming from a cop and a bit of a criminal, Bob, I think I could do that talk on evil. Do you know, in my head, I thought I could do you know? Yeah. She said, Oh, yeah. So she told me to Nicky Gumbel. And she says, Simon Says he could do the talk on on evil, you know? And Nikki is Oh, that's great. So what we're going to do, we're going to start you off in a small group, and then see how it goes. I didn't want to wear that did I know I didn't want to wear that training. I don't want to do I wanted to

Reverend Ben Cooper:

go straight to the top of the tree.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Oh, yes. Everyone stop, get on the stage bang. Now, there's, there's training training in

Reverend Ben Cooper:

endurance endurance, of even asking yourself is, Am I doing this in my own strength? Or my doing it in the strength for the fall?

Simon Pinchbeck:

And I think Ben, you I think you've that is massive. And I think before, if you see if it's all connected, it's all connected. So connect. So before you can say that you've got to have a connection with a father. And the only way to have that connection with the father is through Jesus through the Bible for the word and through prayer and gardener get 70 Yeah, so through self discipline, you've got the father connection. So to be able to go to the Father and say, for our residual will. And, you know, and to, to listen and take what he says because, you know, we're we're all that we're part of one of the things in Isaiah says, We're all like sharpened arrows in the quiver. Way to be Yeah, and the you know, the father might say no, and this is not the time it's not the time this is a few people in the Bible bent inward you know, self control, totally cool. Look at look at David in the cave, which saw when he self control he wanted to go to the toilet. He could have topped him right then and there. Can they Yeah, he just took a little bit of his cloak in the self control. Imagine this is the guy who's wants me gone, wants to be gone. It could have killed him. Somebody said have gone out of the cave and gone you know, your King is dead aren't gentle self control, self control. Nehemiah had self controlled anyone who was on the wall. He's an interesting

Reverend Ben Cooper:

man. churches don't really talk about Nehemiah do they?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Know but he he was the one who built the walls up again. Did they do you know?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I thought that Oh, well that Trump. Oh, no, no, my we're getting close. But Crocky we are we're not quite there. The time has gone self control.

Simon Pinchbeck:

The last one very quickly is obviously Jesus in the wilderness. Control it that, that that

Reverend Ben Cooper:

self control and the discipline to come under the word. He is the word for each come under His own authority, but actually it's the oil 40 of the fall that because he's come as the sun

Simon Pinchbeck:

If at any of those times, they will

Reverend Ben Cooper:

just looked at him and burn in two pieces,

Simon Pinchbeck:

or in the flesh as a human being, it could have gone off fancy bit something to eat. And then that will be finished it will be his destiny, it was been on his own for everything would have been finished. So we had that self control that self discipline, the main, please get the

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, I think that's important to remember the Scripture mentions that once once only the man, Christ Jesus. So just to

Simon Pinchbeck:

quickly to end on this is we have disciplines in our in ourselves, but we need spiritual discipline as well. Which means getting into the Bible, it means looking at some verses that we can use and maybe even memorizing them. Yeah, to know it. It means spiritual discipline in prayer and spiritual discipline, in fast take some serious takes some serious doing. And you know, in this day and age, what I've found is, you know, young men and women don't want to hear that word discipline that they want to hear that word. You know, I speak to young man who watch what you send me about your day, or get out when I get up and all that sort of stuff. And there's no and when I try and tell them put some discipline in your life now is I don't know I will discipline can we use another word maybe scheduling or something like that? might just use some discipline in your life get up?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Because it comes to obedience, and linens obedience

Simon Pinchbeck:

and, and, and have respect for yourself and respect. You know, make your bed to clean your room, all that sort of stuff. And it all falls into place. And then when you get spiritual discipline, you get self control the power to say no, the will to look at the consequences beyond the action. You're going to be unstoppable for the kingdom, my friend. Yeah, yeah. No come a warrior. Move out as Yeah, at the moment. And most of us are just sort of wandering around. And we but yeah, so we need zombified

Reverend Ben Cooper:

by church. Madness. There we are. We've reached it. We've reached that place already. God bless you. You've been listening to Simon Pinchbeck and myself, and wherever you are across the earth today, we will see you very very soon, sir. What an interesting title we had down, you know, always laced with the Word of God. It's always about the word self control, self discipline. May God strengthen you and bless you. You can find us on Buzzsprout, Spotify, I Heart Radio, Amazon music and so many other social networks. You can contact Simon through his email address.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah. And what I say that Ben very quickly is, is that if anyone out there who's listened to this, it's got a subject that they want us to speak about. We're quite happy to go down that route and touch differently. So my email address is Simon at CES Simon at CES Get in touch with me and we'll we'll look at all those angles. havent we ben.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

we certainly will God bless you wherever you are across the world. Thank you so much for sharing everything that we do here. Have a wonderful day. Remember, you're saved you're blessed. You are a child of the living God. Have a great day in Jesus name, Amen.